Friday, February 21, 2025

The Late President Sata never wanted any Zambian to die on Zambian Roads


Trusts Chairman Daniel Mwamba led Trust's Members at Mulungushi after body viewing of the Late President
Trusts Chairman Daniel Mwamba led Trust’s Members at Mulungushi after body viewing of the Late President

The Zambian Road Safety Trust (ZRST) on Sunday 09th November 2014, joined the rest of the nation in paying their last respect to the late President, His Excellency Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata whom ZRST Chairman, Mr. Daniel Mwamba, described as a Champion of Road Safety.

Mr. Mwamba led ZRST Board members, staff and volunteers in paying their last respect to President Sata who played a major role in launching the TRUST by directing the Minister of Transport, Works, Supply & Communication, Honourable Yamfwa Mukanga, MP, to spearhead the launch on April 26, 2014.Mr. Mwamba said the late President, upon knowing of the Trust played a major role behind the scenes. President Sata was personally involved in launching the Trust. He understood its vision and realised that the Zambian government alone cannot manage to reduce the current road trauma. President Sata knew that road safety is a shared responsibility and all concerned sectors need to work together to ensure safety and minimise accidents.

He said in the past 6 months after the Trust’s launch, the Trust has grown in numbers to over a 1000 volunteers in Lusaka , Copperbelt and recently Northern province. The trust has trained 500 volunteers in Road Traffic Management who are equipped with skills to help police traffic regulate traffic as traffic wardens at anytime and also educate road users.In partnership with the Zambia Red Cross Society have trained 50 volunteers in first-aid to support our post-crash initiative. Further, the Trust has also partnered with the largest hospital
in Zambia, University Teaching Hospital -Surgical department, to support victims to traffic accidents. A vital project currently managed by a team of highly dedicated volunteers.

Under the Trust’ research objective, in July 2014, the Trust carried out successfully a seatbelt survey of 200 vehicles and 300 vehicle occupants during a morning rush hour. The survey unveiled an alarming low seat-belt wearing rates of less than 54% in Lusaka. Following these gloomy findings, the Trust carried out a seatbelt education campaign to 900 vehicle passengers and drivers at Lusaka Intercity Bus Station. And in August, 2014 the Trust undertook a pedestrian survey on Mumbwa Road which was recently expanded into a dual-carriage way.

The Trust’s finding was of poor road safety awareness among pedestrians which has resulted in an increase in fatalities on this road.Mr. Mwamba said The Trust actions have not stopped there. In October 2014, the Trust partnered with the PUMA Energy Foundation and the international road safety NGO – Amend, to launch a Child Road Safety programme which PUMA Energy Zambia actively supports. The Trust has also undertaken primary school education campaign to 9000 school children in the past 3 months.

The global rate of deaths and injuries resulting from road traffic crashes is increasing at an alarming rate. The WHO estimates that, each year, almost 1.24 million people die in road crashes worldwide and as many as 50 million are injured or disabled. Every month a silent tsunami wave of road traffic accidents sweeps away 100,000 lives. In Zambia, road traffic deaths and injuries represent a serious and rapidly worsening public health crisis. Last year, 1,853 people were killed on the country’s roads. Among these were vulnerable children who face grave risks as they walk to and from school every day.
Mr. Mwamba said His Excellency, the Late President Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata did not want anyone to die from preventable road crashes. The Zambian Road Safety Trust will miss the leadership,inspiration, passion and energy that the president possessed on issues of Road Safety


  1. If he didn’t want people to die on the roads, he shouldn’t have removed petrol subsidy, as people started driving un-road-worth vehicles, because all the money went into buying petrol and little left to maintain vehicles.

  2. What an incoherenr statement!! Has someone spoken to the contrary …… I think they did months, years ago. Why didn’t you say it then. Or has your statement been taken out of context?

  3. Joking. No one wants people to die on road stop praising Sata. He failed the nation his 90days ‘bucket list’ promise not done. A few roads? Any leader will do a few things like Obama but fails on key points. Education, public order act, messed up the city, constitution and agriculture, Blotted expensive cabinet just a few.

  4. You may be jobless mudala next year. U r a waste of tax payer’s monies and oxygen. Zambia has wasted billions on such draining trusts and boards to keep cadres happy. We need to keep changing leaders like the state new, young and educated.

    yes we can Zambia.

  5. If you don’t anything to say just shut up.Please benchmark from the Motor Vehicle Accident fund in Botswana.They have equipped hospitals with high tech ambulances and also bought booze trucks for the Botswana police to monitor and prosecute drunken drivers.In addition they support and help rehabilitate accident victims.

    Then you can say Khama does not want Batswana to die on Botswana roads.As for Zambia,mmm…..I have serious doubts

  6. Of course nobody wants anybody dying on the roads, but it us what you do to prevent that from happening. You don’t want it seems, so what are you doing about it? Sata did something to prove he didn’t want to see those road carnages. This has nothing to do with hero worshipping!

  7. Such a worthy initiative.

    You deserve accolades for volunteering to supplement the overwhelmed efforts offered by the police in charge of road safety.

    It was good the late President Sata recognised your service to the city of Lusaka.

  8. So when a group of Tansintha escapees go to give their message they will say somebody never wanted anyone to without ntweno for a long time. It appears everyone says something about their services.

  9. Dont listen to these foolish comments from *****s mudala all i can say is this is a good initiative continue with the hard work road safety is of vital importance.

  10. Ichipuba. If he did not want people to die on roads. why did he go to a 7 star hospital leaving us wallowing at UTH without beds and sheets.
    Lame indeed.which NORMAL HUMAN would want people to perish on road?

  11. Great most Bloggers are educated, what a shame we don’t vote, talk to voters ku zed point them in the right direction. ” Yes we can” do it for Zambia
    kick start the yes campaign.
    Do it the American way vote em in, if fail vote a different party if fail bring back the old until they do better.

  12. Hakainde Hichilema

    Zambian citizen born in 1962

    Married to Mutinta with three (3) children

    A Christian who believes that all faiths should be accommodated.

    -BA Economics & Business Administration (University of Zambia)
    -MBA Finance & Business Strategy (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
    -Trained Business Negotiator
    -Qualified Change Management Practitioner
    Member – Institute of Directors

    -Chief Executive, Coopers & Lybrand Zambia 1994 – 1998
    -Chief Executive, Grant Thornton Zambia 1998 – 2006

    -HH served as Chief Executive Officer of Coopers & Lybrand and later Grant Thornton for 12 years, companies he formerly co-owned. Coopers & Lybrand and Grant…

  13. In their attempts to outdo each other in hero worshipping a dead Sata, these muppets are running out of what exactly to praise him for. Next time you will hear them praise him for dying in London and not in Zambia seeing he was such a great leader.

  14. Hypocritical Zambia, so Sata didn’t want Zambian to die in road accidents. I never heard him condemn deaths inflicted by his own panga wielding cadres.

  15. Rubbish! More people died on his roads than during the time of any other presidents despite that he only served for 3 yrs

  16. But it was under his rein that Zambia recorded the worst number of road accidents as though he was just sacrificing the people.

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