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UPND to kick off first Rally in Lusaka on Sunday, launches first TV ad campaign



21st November 2014

HH & UPND Ready to Lead Zambia

The announcement this morning that Acting President Guy Scott has been suspended from the PF is just the latest episode in a drama that is distracting Government from the important issues. Meanwhile, thousands of farmers and students are yet to receive money owed to them by Government, whilst the rest of the nation struggles to find work and put food on the table.

The UPND is organized and united. We are ready for a busy campaign schedule. We are ready to tell you what we will deliver if you vote for us on January 20th. We are ready to lead Zambia to a better future.

To kick-off our campaign we are holding a rally at Twashuka Ground in Kanyama, Lusaka on Sunday 23 November at 1:30 pm. All are welcome to attend and I will update you of more rallies to follow across the country shortly.

There will be a press conference preceding the rally at 10:00am at the Golden Bridge Hotel, opposite ZESCO on Great East Road, Lusaka.

I am also excited to announce the launch of my campaign website at, and the launch video which has started playing on TV and is also on the website.

I hope that the PF are by now near the end of their squabbles and we can start debating the important issues: creating jobs, improving education, reducing the cost of living, providing cheaper healthcare, supporting farmers and delivering the constitution.

Once the PF has resolved their difficulties I am ready to debate the issues with them so that come January 20th, when you the Zambian people must decide who has the best policies and who you trust to deliver them, you can have confidence in your choice.


    • This time there will be no Police to stop HH from holding a rally! Hopefully no panga wielding PF cadres since they are fighting among themselves! GO UPND

    • Ladies and Gentlemen, let us support HH. TAZARA Workers have today gone on strike due to non payment of their salaries for 5 moths. May the govt come to their aid. Children are dying with hunger. HH will rebarate all you workers and students.

    • UPND needs a fresh candidate. HH is dented by claims of tribalism, inexperience and corruption. Even worse, is luck of democracy in UPND as seen from how they chose their candidate. So this race is really between the PF candidate (Kaseba) and RB.

    • Why do you people always use God’s name? I suppose God said yes to Chiluba, yes to Rupiah Banda and yes to Sata. If that’s the case, may be we can blame God for the lack of substantial development. Pure nonsense. It’s the voters who decide, not God. HH needs to sell himself to the public in order to stand a chance to lead.

    • UPND ‘s message should be simple.

      Slogan: We are one in one Zambia. Together we shall fight poverty, injustice and crime to make Zambia a peaceful nation.

      Employment and job creation.
      – create conducive environment for local
      manufacturing to cut down on imports and boost
      the kwacha by lowering demand on foreign
      – revamp the service industry to boost job creation
      and lower employment rates.

      Health and hospitals:
      -More well paid and well trained Doctors and
      -More modern hospitals and clinics
      – Free at the point delivery.

    • Education and training.
      – Free primary and secondary education.
      – Properly managed and guaranteed bursaries for
      tertiary education(universities and colleges)
      – Student bursaries to paid to them monthly with
      out delay.
      – Well trained and well paid teachers and lecturers.
      Infrastructure and construction.
      – Build more affordable high rise flats to replace
      poor houses in shanty towns for the poor to solve
      housing and rental crisis.
      – build more affordable middle income houses to
      accommodate most government workers ,
      soldiers and police officers .
      – aim to build more houses to lower rentals so that
      workers spend less than 20% of their income of

    • Agriculture and land ownership.
      – give lease hold title deeds to all small scale
      farmers to use their land as collateral for
      borrowing money from banks to buy farming
      equipment and inputs.This is the best way to win
      them off government subsidies.
      – FRA to be overhauled to make it more efficient
      and transparent.
      – Farmers to be paid within two weeks of delivering
      their produce to FRA.
      Equitable pay for all workers.
      – lowest paid workers to get 0.085 of the CEO ‘s
      pay where applicable.
      – enforce the minimum wage.
      – Wages to be increased in line with inflation and –
      cost of living.

    • Law and Order
      – Enact the people driven constitution with out
      – Criminalise any form of wife beating and abuse.
      – strengthen the justice system to avoid selective
      – rule of law to be strictly enforced without fear or
      – Forensic labs to be established to solve numerous
      – Zero tolerance on crime of any sort irrespective of
      the status of the offender.
      – Zero tolerance on corruption matter who is
      – Breaches of the constitution to taken seriously.

    • Government revenue sourcing.
      – strengthen the tax collection and deal with tax
      avoidance and tax evasion.
      – Introduce mining windfall tax to fund crucial
      government programs.

      Finance and Banking.
      -make cheap loans available to eligible borrowers
      and workers.
      – banks to lend money to workers upto 5 times their
      monthly salary for personal loans repayable
      within 3 – 5 years..
      – kaloba and small scale lenders to be regulated
      and interest rates capped so that debtors do no
      one pays more than 4 times they money borrowed

    • Above all ensure that CERTAINTY is guaranteed for all government engagements and contracts for the investors and citizens to gain confidence in the government and the economy . Students , workers, Farmers and contractors should be paid their due on time as promised and agreed.

      HH and UPND the only way forward for Zambia.

      HH is the man of the moment. He is the only one that restore sanity and order in Zambia. He is the only one who can guarantee CERTAINTY in our ailing economy.

      HH simply the best for Zambia.

    • I have a problem with HH. He does not know what he stands for. He always has to read which means he does not believe in the things he says, but just researches what he thinks from a scholar’s point of view is a good essay. More like producing a presentation. Even his live debates if you see, he always comes with lots of papers. And when caught off guard by reporters, he just waffles. Then he claims that he received unfavourable coverage. Now I’m surprised that even when he has arranged this presentation himself and approved it for issue it still leaves us blank about him. Why invite people to a rally when you can address them online. Those who have no access to the Internet will come to the rally and those who can’t come capture them online.

    • Can someone please answer me about those people for presidency in PF got any ideas about the economy . Zambia is the poorest on earth and kwacha is the weakest even Sudan currency got value

    • HH man you making me jealous. But let me forward you my campaign video. You love it bro, you will love it.
      You need speed-up your clip man HH.
      What you beat me was that “Greatest assets it is you, Zambians..” Hands down on that man.

    • Not HH my dear. abo patali let go to his tongas to vote for him.

      20th is just around the corner you will prove me right. He is just too tribolistic. I can not vote for a person who will come and divide the into two.

  1. This is where you go wrong you UPand Down. We thought u have gone in the remote of kaputa with your chibwe and other people to canvass for vote. unfortunately u are waitng for PF to choose a learder so that you debate. Who wants to hear your debate badala. I will be very open to you. I have always voted for P.F, but this confusion is making me to try you after all we jst looking a leader who can fufill our promise. instead of you jumping on the opportunity, you want to talk abt Guy scot being suspended, want to hold a rally in kanyama where people know you already. Go out there remove the tag of being regional leader pliz. can someone tell this man to be serious for once

    • We aready have a leader who is going to sccop the seat. It dont Kubeba. You have people with no voters who are misleading you. Ifwe tefyo. we all have voters cards.

  2. Very dull advert, no charisma, very flat, poor images like that school blackboard. Is that were you are promising to take Zambians to. This is shoddy advert, even the smile at the end is very fake and forced, and does not involve all facial muscles. HH has no charisma at at all. Even the adverts made for FTJ over 25 years ago would make this advert look amateurish. In fact this advert looks like it was made 25 years ago.

    If I were HH, I would fire the whole team behind this production is is cheapy , lousy and shoddy and doesn not inspire confidence or bring out the best in HH, maybe there is just nothing best to bring out of HH.

    • The late Sata had all the charisma and look where that landed us.The Late Frederick Chiluba had charisma and look where it landed us.Zambia is sick of charisma,talk is cheap,we want brains this time round.

    • This is why you UPND people will remain with your educated credentials in the losers column for ever. You say charisma is cheap and not needed? Sorry guys you are wrong. Charisma is like a CV. No matter how talented you are if your CV doesn’t grab the attention of a dull HR person who has no clue about your great skills, you wont be shortlisted for the real guys to interview you. You need to get past the dull HR person by standing out. It is the same with elections. Voters are dull and don’t make them think. Good luck with your dull messages to impress your intellectual gymnastics, but that wont get you the interview my friend. You need to get past the dull gatekeepers first. As PF am not worried by HH. This guy is flat, he might be great like Miyanda, but he wont get the Interview

    • @ Maharaji

      You are missing the point. Charisma propelled both Chiluba and Sata to land at State House. Charisma is an asset to any politician. It helps them to get to where they want to go. What they do when they get to State House is another matter. The concern right is how to get HH to State House. What he does after he gets there is another matter.

    • Exactly for a pf supporter, what do you expect? For us who support sanity, what a breath of fresh air! HH, love even even incorrigible haters like this blogger.

    • What carisma? You want to have Daddy crazy to be in front of adverts and not school childrean, farmers and doctors? lol. You want kaponya style…. No this is the new Zambia and Kaponya style. That´s why we have all these cofusions. Its the take off of HH2015! Prepare to Land our president we´ll all be proud of!

    • You people in UPND you are full of jokes tell us which provinces is going to vote HH? who want to sell this country to Boers he will only be voted in Southern,part of north west & part of western the rest of provinces kuwayawayafye.

    • Stop evening wasting your time by encouraging him to go on. A man who doesn’t know how to appreciate others. A self centered man. to hell with your HH.

  3. The ad is okay!

    My advice to the UPND is that they should focus more on creating catchy slogans and catchy phrases that resonate with communities in each region/province of Zambia. UPND has the leadership credentials, what they need is to spin-it and use it to build the emotional and passion for change in communities.

    Its good to hear that majority of Zambians have realized that Mr. Hakainde Hichilema is the best guy for Zambia.

    • Agreed, but this is a start atleast while the other camps are still squabbling.

      Let him include one of his well attended rallies as well in his adverts so that people can see that he has support.

  4. @pf supporter we have no time for you and your PF party zambians have seen bad you are .We are i a hurry to inform serious citizens who are ready to listen to us and ask as questions on how they want to governed best.UPND means business Zambians needs cheap food,Better and affordable Education,Healthcare ,Youths with qualification need jobs and above all give zambia a good constitution .Abena Zambia twachula pafula kunsala we need real change .Tule fwaya umwaiche,Uwakwata amaano.HH chabe ndiye alina Nzelu.

  5. Authentic and Zambian and later move on to more profound complex developmental issues. No superficial adverts of deception as this is new decent politics of authenticity.

  6. When God says yes its yes,watch the space please follow Zambian this time around lets vote wisely not 90 days when we all knew it was not possible to do anything in that time space.

  7. ok! the ad isnt so good, the pipo used seem to be forced to act the way they are doing it. however HH is the best man this time even during the life of Sata.

  8. HH shouldn’t expect PF to come to their senses and start debating issues like reasonable humans. Hasn’t HH seen that PF is beyond redemption? Forget about them.

    • @Wantanshi, you err.

      HH needs the whole country. He needs to be in Muchinga, Northern and Luapula assuring them that his Presidency will be totally inclusive and without retribution for imagined or real wrongs of Sata and cartel.

      Don’t mislead him. There is a chance that Zambia could perhaps this time have a person who could take it forward without leaving it in debt, dispondency and diatribe.

      HH, now is the time for you to prove yourself that you are worthy of the top job. You do not win a woman permanently and dearly by spewing mad on your rival. Show us your programmes. Show us that a Bemba will be as important in your govt as a Chokwe, Lunda and of course Ila/Tonga.

      Make no mistake you need the Bemba vote!! We are in One Zambia, One Nation.

  9. HH my vote you & the Upnd sober team. HH is a transformational leader & exactly what Zambia needs. Many of the pf lost cadres thinks charisma is the only quality for a good leader, Mwanawasa wasn’t a charismatic but he transformed the Zambian economic to the level where he has no match but HH will do greater things for Zambia. Go HH!go Mutale Nalumango go! go Dr Banda go!go Zambia go!

    • one Zambia one nation yes but with HH it is the opposite side of it. He hates the bemba like no mans business but now that he is seeking for a vote, He go to the kneeling for them to vote for him. My friends let us not be cheated by him.

  10. Pf should be stopped all well meaningful Zambians from bringing their confusions & disunit to the whole Zambia. HH is the way forward.

  11. Can we start talking about HH who sold our companies and pocketed our money, made our relatives suffer from cancer becoz of embelmed meat he sold thru ZAMBEEF. Who knows what he shall do to Bembas if became president. lets protect Bembas by saying no to HH

    • @ Monde, We say no to f00ls who reason like you & want to divide Zambia on tribal lines for personal greedy & selfishness. Give us an answer now, in what capacity did HH sale the named firms? Where was the Zambian government to allow HH pocket the national assets? Be real & keep that confusion in your headless Pf party.

    • Let us unit as one Zambia one nation. Refuse to be used by dull politicians. Zambia should now for quality leadership. Go HH go! Am in the copperlt & voting for HH!

    • Iwe Monde be sensible. Firstly Bembas don’t need protection from your anyone. They can always find their space. Plus if your name is anything to go by you are Lozi, protect yours we mbwa we. We can look after ourselves and HH is no threat. Why should he be ??? Don’t creat what is not there.

    • Monde, the sales were above board. Why wasn’t he arrested and prosecuted? Last week, I sold a company as instructed by the owners, am I criminal? Bring forth any evidence you may have against HH rather than make unfounded allegations against him.

    • Yes you have just reminded me of this, how can we trust a thief to be our prsident. He will just come and sell the whole country, Like what the MMD did sold some things which our late President Micheal Sata grabed them back to us as Zambians, of which every one is benefiting even the ones who are saying HH can agree with me.

  12. Pf should be stopped by all well meaningful Zambians from bringing their confusions & disunit to the whole Zambia. HH is the way forward.

  13. A rally in kanyama! Another blank bullet by dabo h, the elections are just around the corner n you busy making noise in lusaka, go far corners of the country…don’t forget the public media is campaigning for them through documentaries…..come elections you will cry they rigged the elections

    • There is always the starting point & plz be invited to attend so that together we labor for the good cause of our mother Zambia. One Zambia one nation. HH for a better Zambia for all Zambians. Viva Dr Banda! Viva Mr Kapita true sons of our Zambian soils.

  14. Well done HH. 50% of PF supporters will vote for you on January 20th. But remember the heavy rains will be their to disrupt your rallies. But God will make you President. PF and MMD are finished parties.

    • out of 10 PF may be one will support HH. The one who is even calling Pastors and Bishops so that they can be compaining for him when they are on their Pulpits, instead of speaking the word of God and Unit among people. Shame for you people

  15. It looks pf was buried with with its founder Sata. The boat is sinking. But Zambia will go on in the hands of the capable Zambians. Let’s all team HH & the Upnd for a batter Zambia. Pf should be stopped before the take away our greatest asset we have as a country that is peace & unity. HH we love you.

  16. HH you must listen since you want to serve us
    1. Ok you start the game in Lusaka BUT please immediately after that rally, SaME day start off for Muchinga, Northen, Luapula in that direction. Please DONT you dare look south, for a change.
    2. Stop surrounding yourself majority with Bantu botatwe. Get as many ‘northerners’ as possible in your entourage
    3. Forget this nonsense ati ‘best man for zambia’, God has decided bla bla bla crap. Stick to reality man
    4 Campaign to win and don’t mince no words. Sata minced none exe, and lousy as he was he made it. Divulging your opponents weaknesses is not slander exe. Learn to hammer.
    5. I worked for/with late Mazoka and voted for him but have NEVER voted for you due to your past lack of strategy. I want to vote for you NOW. Don’t…

  17. Has Hakainde ever mentioned the name of Jesus? Anyone can mention God, but which God is he referring too? May God bless Zambia even more.

    • He is going no where my dear stop boring your, because on 21 January 2015 you will be shocked. I fee pit for you because you will develop heart attack and die leaving him enjoying the money he store from the privatization in the chiluba resume.

  18. Good points guiseppe. HH should immediately proceed to Muchinga, Luapula, Northern and Eastern where the real work is. If he gets even 30% in these provinces, then we can say bye bye to Zambia’s era of confusion, lies and violence.

    As for the video, a better job could have been done. He should have been looking straight into the camera. This should have been outside, with the background of Zambia’s beautiful landscape or indeed a field of farm produce to signify the importance of agric. Fire your advisors, sir. The stakes are too high for mediocrity.

  19. The man smiled. Yessss!
    Am I gullible or does the man seem really sincere? What about his lieutenants, where are they and do they have clean records?

    • Incredible! Most of the time, he laughs when talking to me. In any case, when did laughing become equals good governance and development?

    • @Kamwale
      yes, you have a personal relationship with him so you are privy to his personality, ergo you see him smiling often

      I am talking about me, who only sees him in the media.
      Lack of comprehension much? Governance and development are not parlayed by a smile – likeability is.

  20. It is called a “GRABBER’ It is used in scientific writing. A well skilled person can lose it out if his CV is not structure to catch attention if the HR in 5 seconds at a glance.
    The production team need to do their home work, Look at other peoples moving opening speeches. Take a few minutes to adopt the strategy like the One used by Obama on Mandelas remembered find it on Youtube.
    The point is;
    1. Create a stage like one of those rallies held in the past to boost the picture
    2. First thank the Zambian people for the adhering to peace during the trying moment, thank the police, the army and security wings
    3.Give thanks to the fore fathers for the independence we cerebrate
    4. The old generation have run their race nd we thank them
    5 Time for the new generation leaders in UPND…

  21. Here is the reasons why HH can’t be voted in power ,copper/belt miners always vote someone who can stand on there side incase there is threat with there jobs,marketers & street vendors PF promised them they will continue doing there trading ,so they will think twice to vote against PF.secondly Eastern province since rupiah is contesting ,the province will give him 55% votes,northern,luapula,muchinga,Lusaka those are strong hold for PF,so a reasonable person cannot become excited to day HH this ur chance.

    • You’re right there! But work to change these attitudes for the sake of your children. With what we are going through, we have no choice but to vote correctly this time round.

  22. USE THAT WHICH YOUR OPPONENT THROWS AT YOU TO IMPROVE YOUR ARSENAL- so every comment here is useful, assess where your opponent sees weakness in you.

  23. Just watched. message ok. Improve the shade colouring of the party “flag” , what is displayed looks old- can do with newer one. President needs to have a more relaxed posture, needs pre-filming practice (everyone does it including David Cameron). Use digital maps to illustrate points about the country. The communications team needs to start thinking outside the box.

  24. HH is the only really candidate who can lead Zambia to the next level of change. We had MMD which I can say did well under Levy not under Chiluba, Banda fail, I wish he had common we sense not even to mention his return. We choose Sata based on his past performance without thing that if someone performance well in leading a ministry it doesn’t mean he can lead a nation. Sorry to say Sata fail to bring that change we expected from him. At the money people are very judgemental over HH but they to talk about other people who have robbed the nation, put nation resources into their on pockets.

  25. Iwe pungwa patriot as a UPND cadre you are still nursing from 2011 general election defeat,this is a reason you are showing frustration here,wait another heavy defeat is coming & you say that elections were rigged.

  26. pliz work on your ability to respect others. tell us what you are going to do for us. HH oposed every thing PF did including salary increase for workers and minimum wage. if you say change it means reduce salaries, resell ZR, reverse created districts. stop roads and schools. you call this zambia forward? which zambian can vote for your untrained president leaving lungu who has acted before?

  27. UPND we dont climb a tree from leaves or branches it is from down going up. instead of grade one or preschool you want to start straight from UNZA. You insult becoz you lack xperience. politics is not a small children’s play ground

  28. Amateurish video everything about it is just no no no no from the clothing down to the dark background, actors in the video, the voice over…the year is 2014 and you are still producing videos as if you have a camcorder. ..fet serious there are agencies and companies that do this type of work for living.
    Don’t these people know why western politicians wear blue ties or shirts on live public interviews. conveys trust.
    Dont underestimate the power of images. ..get brand image professionals on the job not former ZNBC camera men.
    Dont you remember MMD’s FTJ’s the hour has come campaign video in 1991…yes…that’s left an impression of the voters.

    Please wake up!!

    • Jay Jay spot on. I am disappointed with this advert. This HH is a let down. With the confusion in both MMD and PF then he comes up with this mediocre advert sure? People in it look so helpless and no professional touch in the background like someone is in the bush as a rebel surely. Add change and create a mirage of hope at least for people to look forward to your possible presidency. HH if this time you lose this presidency please do the humble thing, step down. Bring in the pros sure, entice the womenfolk, strategise on your campaign and heat the road to areas you failed last time. You must’ve known Sata was running on low fuel anyhow, and if you didn’t do your homework, hell man you doomed.

    • *….that’s left an impression on the voters.

      Exactly very appalling video. …HH needs to work on his image everything from his wardrobe to his voice!!

  29. Honestly, that advert passed an editorial team???? Shocking. I know HH is not acting but he really needs to do better. There are much better scenes to project on an advert for a President to be. I have never heard him speak, but he is more Tonga than anyone I know in his voice – but that is not a bad thing. That voice needs to be accompanied by far better scenes to make up for his pronunciations.

  30. It`s funny that the people are talking about Carisma…what Carisma?! Like having Dandy Krazy and the donch kubeba?! lol. Its new Zambia you empty tins. We need to serious this time. Flight HH2015 is ready to land.

  31. Every thing that happens do that for a purpose so says the( BIBLE) if God`s plans to take sata was to bring HH, Then let it happen on 20 jan



  34. Sorry kafue based I don’t support UPND, MMD or …… All am interested in is us choosing a good leader with morals and integrity to lead a government. I did like the video it was very poorly presented and the people included took this as a joke. I thing in Zambia we have good editors?

  35. Sorry, I didn’t like the ad it’s wasn’t done by a professional and HH was just too serious in the video. I guess we have good editors in Zambia who can create good adverts. We need presidential debts. Hope this will happen one day.

  36. first time I have heard HH speak! Imagine someone who has been a leader of a political party for years and I am only hearing his voice now. He lacks any connection, no vibe, no oomph – a monotonous speaker. He has to read such a short presentation? And this is what you call smart? if this is the best there is in Zambia, I really shudder for my nation – really do! UPND forget it, just forget it, it won’t happen.

  37. UPND you will not get enough national votes, to form government.
    reason for not voting for upnd

    failure to explain his role in the privatization of mines

    HH failure to address the Only tonga will rule in UPND

    His Hate for others tribes especially us the bembas,

    Lack of charisma by HH,




  39. It was an excellent video on tvz. HH is Zambia’s hope to liberate us from pf thuggery, the man of the pipo will serve as a servant and not as dictator,HH will unite all the pipo of Zambia regardless of their ethnicity. HH the only hope to govern zambia better than the crude pf’s donchi kubeba?

  40. We need to kick out of office these PF vultures and hyenas that are working tirelessly to protect their jobs and are causing confusion. Its one thing for HH to promise us this and that but he needs to tell us and its our job to quiz him about how he hopes to fulfill his election promises and that applies to any presidential aspirant. A promise of loans will sound good to anybody but giving loans to people with no means of ever paying back the loans does not make sense and we’ll be bankrupt before we know it. I don’t want another “Donchi Kubeba”.

  41. HH is trying to use of strategy of over promise Zambians.i can’t be moved by the rally in kanyama those people were ferried from all corners of the county. I was there myself.

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