Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Today’s Message: Flourish Like a Palm Tree




“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree…”

(Psalm 92:12, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Have you ever seen a palm tree in the midst of a great storm? That tree may be bent so far over that it’s almost touching the ground, but when the wind finally stops, that palm tree bounces right back up. What’s interesting is that while that palm tree is hunched over under the pressure of the storm, it is actually becoming stronger.

See, the reason God said we’d flourish like a palm tree is because He knew there would be difficult times. He knew things would come against us to try to steal our joy and victory. But God said, “You’re going to be like a palm tree because when the storms of life blow, you are going to come right back up stronger than before.”

As you reflect on the events of your life, remember, the storms you have encountered have only made you stronger. You are wiser, you are more alive, and you are headed for victory. Your brightest days are right out in front of you! Always remember that with God on your side, you will flourish like a palm tree!


Father, thank You for making me strong in You. I trust that You are working in my life, even in the midst of the storms. Thank You for a new season of blessing as I keep my heart and mind focused on You in Jesus’ name! Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen


    • Religion is like a cancer of the brain to mankind. To treat it, this blood sucking vampire religion should be banned on earth.

    • Religion is a sort of disease that deeply affects mind, and unfortunately it is almost incurable. So far the only way to start a treatment that eventually may lead the believer to get rid of it, it’s not to give up questioning. Science can be questioned anytime and perhaps found wrong, that is not really a weakness but a strength. The greatest scientific achievements of all times are precisely due to this characteristic. Since religion followers consider that their belief cannot be questioned, there we face a big problem, because the believer is really giving up the human trait that makes intelligence evolve. Without questioning, we would be still accepting that the earth is flat, that earth is the core of the universe and the sun and stars are whirling around it. ….

    • @eissssssssh, Be truthful to yourself. You my friend are free to question the existence of God.
      “Seek and you shall find” Matthew 7:7 and Jeremiah 29:13 so the scripture says. Or talk to some wise elders in your family with a wealth of experience in life.
      And I don’t know which era of science you have in mind. Little knowledge is dangerous because you can mislead yourself. Currently science recognises the existence of a supernatural existence – ( i.e. a Creator whom I call the Almighty God).
      So, whether you are trying to understand where ‘m’ comes from in E=mc2, Or why the spiral line on a snail’s shell is identical mathematically to the spiral in the Milky way of our Galaxy, Or what caused ‘The Big Bang’, Or How big is the universe, etc.etc. the supernatural existence comes in.

  1. I knew of a friend who had been to a pastor. He told her to stop taking her medication – that God is a healer and has healed her This lady believed it. She stopped taking her medication. She passed away!

  2. My friend Namasiku MHSRIP died because her church refused her to get blood transfusion.. this is back in 1980’s.

    I have been sending money to my Mum to help her in her old age since 1980’s… just to find out she has been giving her pastor 10% of that money to secure a place in heaven. If ever meet that pastor i would personally put a bullet through is skull.

    • Religion class SHOULD be mandatory, but not just one religion. The class should teach about the 100’s of religions and 1000’s of gods created in the past so they can discern myth from fact, and magical thinking from reality. Don’t worry, the jesus myth would be covered in there somewhere, maybe between the Mithra and Dionysus myths since they are incredibly similar right down to the virgin birth, crucifixion and rising from the dead 3 days later. Only then can children really understand religion, it’s dogma and brainwashing techniques, and antiquated bronze aged views of the world and cosmos.
      And next the students should proceed to science class to learn about the reality of our world and cosmos.

  3. Zambia should ban labia elongation or labia pulling, is the act of elongating the labia minora through manual manipulation (pulling)
    It is shameful for Zambian women living abroad!!

    • You don’t need to fight it as per say. only need to encourage people to study more about self…the truth will reveal itself.

    • Yes you can fight but you will never win. There is something greater than human power there. If you have never experienced it then it means you have not lived long enough.

  4. A former church member has alleged that a pastor told his congregation that “God told him that he was supposed to sleep with seven virgins,” including the churh member’s own daughters who were only 14 and 15 years old.

  5. Very good message. Its very empowering in many different situations in ones life. e.g. In times of difficulties like death of loved ones, In times of growing up as a teenager and avoiding bad behavior due to bad peer pressure and mob psychology. In times of developing a good attitude towards life and getting a good education. In times of sustaining a good marriage and remaining true to your spouse. In times of raising children to be responsible and successful people. In times of managing finances and setting priorities in the midst of temptations.

    • @Gay, Since you are specifically responding to my comment, I will say this much:- Either you are inadvertently saying the Palm tree is religious, or your lack of capacity to stay on topic and argue with credible points to oppose my points speaks volumes about you. To help you, let me simplify the topic for you as follows:-

      Have you ever seen a Palm tree in the midst of a storm and how it survives and thrives when other types of trees around it are uprooted and blown away by the same storm? Now, using that as an analogy and applying it to your life, what lessons can you learn from that, if any? Or would you prefer the topic had multiple choice answers for you to engage in?

  6. All you frustrated chaps can say the negative what you want about God and religeon , but I will not listen to you. I tried everything, riches, education,etc, but ne ET got satisfied until I knew him-the Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. Although I am educated and get a fat salary, I will not abandon him.

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