Friday, March 7, 2025

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema tours North-Western Province


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema greets Solwezi residents
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema greets Solwezi residents

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema today concluded his his first tour of North western province.Mr Hichilema was greeted by scores of Solwezi residents.He said Solwezi is a startk reminder of how previous governments have failed the people.He promised equitable distribution in the North-Western Province.

Press release

The Zambia United tour to launch my campaign for President concludes its first visit to North-Western Province today and now moves on to Western Province. Over the next week I will travel to every one of our 10 provinces to reinforce my commitment to an inclusive Government for all Zambians.

In the markets of Chingola and in the crowds in Solwezi I took the message to the people that I am running for President in January. I also took the message that I plan to oversee equitable development and distribution.

Solwezi is always a stark reminder of how successive governments have failed the people. Despite the rich resources there is still so much poverty. The reason to me is clear – poor leadership and waste. It is the responsibility of Government to oversee development, it is the responsibility of Government to make sure regions do not get left behind, particularly when they have such valuable resources that we can all, as a nation, benefit from.

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema in solwezi
UPND President Hakainde Hichilema in solwezi
Solwezi resident wave at UPND president Hakainde Hichilema's convoy
Solwezi resident wave at UPND president Hakainde Hichilema’s convoy

The rains came in, but that did not stop us campaigning and I shared with those I met some details of what I am promising: more jobs, support for farmers and investment in agriculture, reduced cost of living, better education and healthcare and improved governance. This includes my pledge to introduce the new constitution before the 2016 election.

I also took the opportunity to address the fuel price, which is still far far too high. The PF Government has lowered it a small amount now by K 0.25 for petrol, K0.28 for diesel and K0.27 for kerosene. I have called for a reduction for a very long time, the Zambian people have called for this reduction for a very long time.
However, it is still not nearly enough. It is a drop in the ocean for a people for which the cost of living has grown far far too high.

If we want to lower prices then we need a Government who can better manage our economy and cut down on waste. We cannot just take on more and more debt and we must support local businesses to grow and hire.

We can achieve great things but to do that we must unite, we must remain peaceful and we must focus on the issues. I am ready to unite the country and move us forward to a better Zambia.

Hakainde Hichilema
UPND – President


  1. Forward Forward and thanks for visiting for us in Chingola.
    Cant wait to see PF also here and what lie do they have for us this time.HH HH HH HH HH HH for Chingola this time

    • Obsession with an untested contender or madness to see one’s wishful thinking to happening is not good for any society. Reality on the ground, striking a balance between needs of the masses and availability of resources is a big challenge for the next president. RB is an experienced statesman, he steered Zambian economy during difficult times of world wide recession. HH on the contrary is promising heaven on earth, on similar lines an egg a day for Zambians by KK, where did KK take Zambian economy to, and where can we expect Zambia to be if God forbidden HH becomes president of Zambia. He has promised, if one translates all promises into Kwacha, next 20 years National Budget to freebies, free education, subsidised mealie meal, subsidized fuel, free health (Obama failed in the richest…

    • (Obama failed in the riches country on earth). Freebies kill the initiative of the recipients (it has happened with Zambia as a nation where we became perpetual beggars and national budget became dependent upon donors), people lose their self-esteem and become parasites. Instead of promising subsidies, freebies, keeping street vending and vendors, reinstating essential workers who let patients die (nurses), 90% empowerment gimmicks (if HH was for Zambian empowerment why did he not refuse to work for ZPA/Chiluba on privatisation to foreigners?). HH, I pray the Lord, shall become next president and I promise all HH supporters that he will be an utter failure on the promises he has made and will consequently be the shortest serving president of Zambia.

    • You people stop deceiving yourself just look at the small crowd to make matters worse he claims this is his stronghold.

  2. H.H, H. H, H.H how many times have I called you. don’t go where u want to see good things. Go to places like mwansabombwe, luwingu, chadiza and nakonde. tell pipo the good news. et there be three pipo but make sure u put ur points across. its not about personal satisfaction interms of number. We know north western is yours already. Camon get up en go.

    • Sata’s spirit has entered HH’s body. He is possessed and promising Heaven on Earth like Sata did and made Zambia a near hell. HH will make it hell on earth. As one of the commentators mentioned he is going to places where he sees ululating cadres, he wants to say what they want to hear. He is raising the bar of expectations and when it is not met, crash of Flight HH2015 will be worse than Malaysian Airline MH370

    • Sata could have managed to provide what he promised if he improved governance and management of financial resources. Sata did the opposite by putting in place a bloated government (over 70 ministers and their deputies). HH will have 15 ministers, cant you see where the money will come from? Unless your brain is in the neck like Kambwili

  3. This is a wrong move by HH, he should go to the north immediately and stop preaching to the converted. Go and camp in Luapula and Northern Zambia. Learning from MCS’s game changer – he moved to Western Province and promised to deliver Barotse Agreement but don’t go to Northern Zambia with unrealistic promises

  4. Forward Forward for sure and the next station is Western province.
    Enjoying flight HH_2015 and come 20.01.2015 its landing at the state house chapwa.

    • @Katondoboy…..It’s you who is a pathetic liar. Could you prove some of the pathetic lies that HH had promised but failed to deliver. It is PF that tied themselves to a lot if promises and yet never achieved a single promise, i need just one promise that they managed to fulfil. Wake up boy and face reality, things have changed………..

    • Katondo boys yo have posted the same comments 3 times.Sometimes I lough how desperate PF cadres are.HH tiye nabo Zonda uzaleme.Zambia forward .One Zambia one nation.2015 its HH chabe no matter the lies.Zambians know what they want.We tired of PF and violence.

  5. copper belt has changed we want HH He is the only man who can turn the economy of this country for the better . God is watching

  6. @7 Henry , For sure I am also wondering why he is going to the already converted.

    God is SO GRACIOUS to give us ths guy called HH.

    Sata cheated the Lozis of the BA…..hahahaha SATA was a crook.

    Its UPND chabbbe……

    • God cannot give a freemason and SDA who does not work on saturday and will cost millions by appointing an acting president on every saturday. Tuesdays he will be busy with freemasionists conspiring while having blue labels.

  7. Free advice to Mr HH

    As you go round campaigning, you should also be telling people about companies you privatized and pocketed the money and the ones you are going to privatize once you get into power.

    In that way you will win trust from the people.

    • Ha ha, companies privatised and pocketed money; and now he will nationalise them to give to Kaponyas. Make a kill by selling, buying and selling. Confusion is the commodity wheeler dealers deal in.

    • @Distant Cousin – Privatisation is not a crime and consultancy is expensive business! How thick can you be? Let me break it down to you… there is a cost attached to most things and you of all people should know better – of course, going by the flag depicted on your pseudonym. Government had their asking price for all that was going under the hammer and HH was the broker. If government wanted 100 million dollars for Bwana-Mkubwa mine, HH would broker the deal usually for more than what government had valued the mines at with some of the windfall profits going to the broker and government. Think of it as being a high powered salesman or deal negotiator of multi million dollar leads. Education, education, education. Die of jealousy haters! in true African style, we hate the successful!

  8. HH’s formula of campaigning heavily and exhaustively in areas already under his belt boggles the mind. I thought he would camp in Luapula, North, CB and Muchinga. Why does he keep doing the same thing year in year out? If he wins this election after employing the insanity test of doing the same thing and expecting different results he will have proved he isn’t insane after all.

    • First he is doing a quick round to assure his faithful supporters and just dusting and polishing the existing structures to make sure the machinery is in place and working properly. Thereafter go and camp in the battle field in the east and north.

      Moral of the story: “As you rush for new clients, do not neglect the old ones”

    • HH is a genius .If you want to pass an examination you start answering the easy questions you Know better and end with hard ones.You are likely to score.Infact do you know under the current electoral law first pass the post,when can win by simply getting 90% of the total votes in two province finite you are president.All you require is 1300,000 votes making 23% of the total votes country wide.Watch the space wina a zanya oil.Its HH people want.

  9. I don’t believe HH will give Zambians their much cherished constitution. Reason is that he is an interested party in the 2016 elections. He will try to delay and play tricks. RB will be doing his second and final term if he wins this one. In RB, Zambia has the rare chance to finally enact a people driven constitution. Such a chance has never presented itself and it is up to Zambians to be rational enough and make the correct choice. Let’s use this transition wisely

    • You are poorly informed sir.whichever president wins Jan 2014 elections, will be eligible to stand in 2016 and 2021 according to the provisions in the draft constitution.

    • Sorry charlie. Not everyone thinks like you or the Panga Family.

      That is the problem of living with liars for too long in Zambia. There are still people who genuinely mean what they say.

  10. @Katondo boys
    We dont need politics of character assassination ,hh is addressing failures of previous regimes but all you do is personal attack and politics you tell people what you intend to do ,there is nothing like overpromising because every promise seeks to address an issue which affect people.please lets focus on issues not personality hatred,mostly based on tribal hate

    • Ba Sara naimwe. ..HH is just playing on poor people’s mind. …but hey, that’s politics
      Lies..lies…lies till they lie no more
      Just don’t vote for HH but I doubt if you even have a voters card

  11. I think the campaign strategy is perfect.

    He should visit all those UPND strongholds first, woo as many in those areas and finally conclude with those places where he is likely not popular i.e. Northern, Luapula,Muchinga and Eastern.

    He has more work there than in other provinces therefore let him face them at the last hour….

  12. Iwe ‘Katondo boys’, this is not a platform for boys who cannot even reason properly. We need people who are rational here, not immature minded chaps like you who cannot think. Don’t mislead us with your tribal fixated attitude, please! If you don’t like HH, well and good; but don’t intimidate us.

    • Please Mr Mwansa Bombwe…who is being tribal here…..when things get worse under UPND don’t say I didn’t warn you guys. …..but anyway you don’t have to worry about things getting worse coz HH2020 will never rule Zambia. …that much I can guarantee you….

      Ok let me just put it this way…
      whoever stands on PF ticket wins the elections. …..we don’t support individuals. …it’s the whole organization. .
      if HH wants to stand on PF ticket..he is more than welcome. ..remember HH was at one time part of PF…..most of you guys are just using Bemba names just to cover up your tribalism. …we know what time it is Mr Mwansa. …let’s just all unite as Zambians and move our country forward….

      HH over-promising
      HH false hope
      HH is a pathetic Liar
      Don’t vote for HH


  13. North-Western, Western and Southern Provinces are already in the bag for HH. He should be advised to spend time in Central,Copperbelt and Eastern provinces. He should not spend much time in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern provinces because those provinces are likely to give a sympathy vote to PF and of course for the other well known reason. Rural areas of Lusaka Province also need serious attention.

    • @Kashiji. Its okey.

      First he must do a quick round to assure his faithful supporters and just dusting and polishing the existing structures to make sure the machinery is in place and working properly. Thereafter go and camp in the battle field in the east and north.

      Moral of the story: “As you rush for new clients, do not neglect the old ones”

  14. Time for Rupiah Banda is now. He was doing fine, had an economic agenda of development that was bringing good results, huge forex reserves, jobs, bumper crops and so on. He shall takeover to bring the growth agenda forward, grow anybody who is willing to join hands with him to take over from him 2 years time. RB for development. RB for growth. RB for jobs. RB for law and order. RB for sanity. RB for rule of law. RB for vision.

  15. It’s actually a relief to know there is at least one person bothering with touring the nation and not embroiled in internal coups…

    Campaign 01 still on the move. Campaign 02 still in the West. Campaign 03/04 still in the doldrums. Awaiting results of Panga Fest and hoping to hear another little party like NAREP make a solid start or join forces with the campaign of choice.

  16. Flight HH2020 is about to lose contact with the control towers……will soon vanish without a trace. ……
    HH is big on Facebook. ..but will that help him get to the state house. …the answer is NO

  17. Unless you tell me that you Katondo boys are very dull;
    Is kanyama Facebook?
    Is Kabwe Facebook?
    Is northwestern Facebook?
    Is chingola Facebook?
    Is Copperbelt Facebook?

    Haleisa Haleisa.

    If you don’t like it you stop!

    • Mau Mau do you even have a voters card……just like 99 percent of the bloggers. ….hiding in the Diaspora and they think they can influence people back in Zambia…
      HH over-promising
      HH false hope
      HH pathetic liar

  18. pipo want HH which pipo?leav your laptop and hear what pipo are saying about Your HH. if you are not giving us lungu we shall vote HH. North western province if you want lungu to balance appointments support him.HH sold our companies

  19. HH thanks for vising us in Kitwe. Those who can’t see that HH means well for Zambia at least vote for Chipimo instead of Pf to prove that u r not an Idi0ty! Because I don’t think normal people will vote for Pf.

  20. Question Who are HH’s parents, guy never talks about his family, does he have siblings, especially the father. could be his father is Zimbabwean, just asking.

    • Good observation. ..
      But don’t worry about who his parents are…he is not a factor…HH will be President on Facebook and watchdog

  21. Am not stopping anyone from voting for the losing candidate..HH….you guys are just getting too excited for nothing. ….wait for January 21 evening….you will be shocked when results start coming in. ..and this could be the end of HH political career. ……..

  22. HH claims that he will form a cabinet of 15 ministers. Bufi. How is he going to push issues in parliament. Dont believe him.

  23. …why waste time on ‘mangoes you already have….let him go for Oranges, Apples, pineapples…luapula, kasama, chipata…..

  24. Hey katondo boys, we have heard you. Its irritating to read the same thing over and over. You are not the only one on this site. Or may be you are a kaponya who is used to hearing the words, ‘maphone yachipa pano, bwelani mugule. Maphone yachipa pano, bwelani mugule. Maphone yachipa pano, bwelani mugule……..’

    • But zoona Mr Saimbwende mwanionelamo…ati nenzogulisa ma phone yaku China. ….
      There is nothing wrong being a kaponya. … friend started selling stuff on the street near Northmead complex by then you guys used to call us ati ba eagle eagle…but guess he has a company and he employs 3 accountants and has a total workforce of 21 employees. .I won’t mention his name. …so don’t make fun of us when we are hustling on the streets trying to feed our families. ..

      Please vote PF

      I thank you
      Katondo Boys

    • Mau Mau. …please… I know you are a very smart person….not all that glitters is Gold. …….
      Just saying

      Please vote for PF

      I thank you

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