Tuesday, March 25, 2025

UPND complains of attacks on their cadres and defacing of posters


Defaced UPND Poster
Defaced UPND Poster

We have continued receiving disturbing reports of our members being attacked especially in bus stops, markets, and other places as we continue our peaceful campaigns.

We are further receiving reports of our campaign materials such as posters, billboards and campaign materials being torn down and defaced.

As a peaceful party, we have urged our members to refrain themselves from any form of retaliation or violence.

Our party president Hakainde Hichilema has so far been well received in all parts of the country spreading messages of peace, unite, and we are conducting an issue-based campaign.

From our campaign tours, it is clear Zambians detest violence. Zambians want to know who will bring the price of mealie meal and fuel down.

Zambian, especially farmers want to know how they will be quickly paid their money for their produce. Youths and women, want to know who will create decent jobs, as well as affordable and quality education and health care, and not who is more violent.

Our people want to hear who has better policies on water and sanitation, as well as solutions for the erratic electricity supply problems.

We call on the police to quickly discipline these known hooligans engaging in electoral malpractice by attacking our members and defacing our campaign materials.

Richard Kapita
UPND Vice-President


  1. Hahahahaha

    we understand your meetings in liverpool were a flop , you have no party structures , you can only win in southern province . Cattle rustler . Akabepesho LOL

    • Robin,

      What happened yesterday at the intercity bus station is sad and should not be condoned by all meaning Zambians. The pictures of poor Zambians who well seriously beaten and injured should not be encouraged. We need to live in harmony irrespective of our political affiliation.

    • @Robin

      The caliber of you PF supporters is so low that you lack reason and judgment. You condone violence against your fellow Zambian just because they have chosen a better route.
      Cadre mentality that is why it is time for a change

      VIVA HH 2015

    • The truth is the ones that are defacing these posters and billboards are infact UPND cadres..what a shame it is to have your own supporters as your own worst enemies..this is why UPND will never win..they are a disorganised bunch of mercenaries held together by the promise of riches at the end of the rainbow…what scoundrels they are..abena mapatizya ..nothing but thugs, they are cattle rustlers, thieves, murderers and die hard tribalists.

      God forbid HH and UPND ever coming close to State house..

      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015****

    • I have always wondered how *****s like you can be permitted to live longer than a day after birth when much more worthwhile people die at birth.

    • UPND has hit back because the police are inactive when dealing with PF cadres.

      Today UPND got together and effected a citizens’s arrest of all ring leaders at intercity Bus terminus and took the culprits to central police where they are detained. If they are then released with out charge, UPND will change their strategy . Wha strategy, I will not tell you.

      Viva UPND. Just like UNIP vigilantes were silenced in 1990. so will these PF thugs.

    • Politicking is just a game of different opinions, if I differ in my opinion on whom should govern our country, do I deserve a beating? PF guys please lets teach and preach peace, civil unrest should be the last thing on our minds, lets search our souls and ask ourselves if really this is what politics is all it is about.. we Zambia is a democratic country, is this really what we call democracy? PF lets manage our desire for power, it not worth losing souls just because we want EL to be in statehouse..
      I call up EL to condemn the violence being perpetrated…where is his conscious, why is EL quiet over all this violence…

    • Thank you UPND for the humble and peaceful appeal. My desire is to see Zambia where people live better lives in peace and with respect for each other. For 50 years we have not set ourselves, as a nation, very high targets and the shameful poverty has produced poor citizens that disgruntled politicians hire to commit barbaric acts. I believe in Zambia’s potential because we have the natural resources, peace and human capital that requires capacity building for a better transformation of Zambia. HH and your team you have my vote. Peace!

    • Living in denial –like a cancer patient shouting that he is fine and working hard even when he is dead on bed!, you will wake to a rude shock of your life

    • What do don’t is u people being beaten just because they belong 2 UPND,I have a question 4 you”would you be happy still when one of family member just 4 being UPND?”

    • What i don’t is u people being happy when someone is beaten just because they belong 2 UPND,I have a question 4 you”would you be happy still when one of your family member is beaten just 4 being UPND?”

  2. May i sincerely and solemnly request none other than Edgar ”Vodka” Lungu himself to condemn this act in the strongest possible terms. It is beginning to strike me that Edgar is the sort of guy who appears ”cool and wise” when quiet, but give him space to talk and then you realise why he was quiet; the guy is simply is blank, NOT that he is any wiser at all. Edgar condemn this and disown such hopeless cadres NOW…!!!

    • It will help our politics to stop calling others names, insulting and beating others with different views from our own. Calling others names and insulting them is violent behaviour just as beating others. Inflammatory language can only lead to physical violence. We are all Zambian, whether UPND, PF MMD or otherwise. We should feel free to identify with a party of our choice without feeling intimidated. Am a PF sympathiser but was shocked to see pictures of that Mr. Mwala who was beaten up by suspected PF cadres for wearing a UPND T-shirt. Are we saying that PF cadres found wearing PF T-shirts in UPND strongholds should also be beaten up? My answer is an emphatic NO. Violence only begets violence and we should all learn to respect others with views different from our own.

    • The tempers for party cadres are likely to go hay-wire when their preferred candidates make go-come trips to Harare while their opponents candidates are in Muyombe, Chama, Mpulungu, Mbala interacting with voters etc. Edgar, find a way to pacify your cadres as they have serious frustrations with your campaign approach. Go to Muyombe NOT Harare baba…!!!

    • I agree, EL should step-up to be a real leader and condemn this in the strongest terms!

      Having promised to be “just like” Mr. Sata, however, he obviously will not. Vote for more of the same indeed.

      …..go on, prove me wrong. Please!

    • Calling His Excellency E Lungu ati ”Vodka ” — u just invite a well earned beating. Period. Go ahead if you want ukuponokwa. none negotiable

    • You are even saying ‘ Vodgar’ . You are just inviting severe beatings on self. Lobe. Cos beatings u shall receive until you become respectful.



  4. Who is doing that defaccing. I blame hh for not using electronic bill boards and yet he has k 350m in the bank. Hh caadres defaced that face in order to justify their lose next month

  5. Where’s the UPND official spokesperson (the man who surrendered a constituency to PF), or/and Mweetwa, the deputy? Has Kapita been assigned more roles then? And now there’s a de facto first vice-president Felix Mutati, formerly masquerading as MMD, but now firmly cuddling with, and at the beck and call of, Icilema!

    • These PF guys can only understand a beating. Why buy time? Just raid the Inter City terminal and give them the treatment so that they know how to behave.

    • @comrade chitutuma well observed… Mutati is indeed a known plunderer in league with his fellow crook HH…these UPND and HH followers must open their eyes as most of the people whom HH is aligning himself with are known crooks that have swindled this country..shame on these UPND and HH followers..shame..

      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015****

  6. UPND cadres just use yo real names not those bemba names.why do u like hiding in pipo’s names ba mambala?Nowonder balemiponwena coz of hiding.Always u try to speak nyanja or bemba even if u can’t speak.have confidence! it’s yo language.Viva EL.UPND are just beating themselves in order to condem PF.Pabwato.Lusaka-PF,CB-PF-LP-PF,NP-PF-CP-PF,WP-30%-NW-20%,Sp-5%.Viva Lungu.
    UPND wins on radio and online by blocking comments of pro PF on Zambianwatchdog.kikiki selfish chaps and tribal party.We can’t vote for U period.U’ll cry again and again.Tuleteka again.Pabwatooooooooooooooooooooooo

    • was shocked when in i travelled to Livingstone ,all Tongas speak nyanja instead of Tonga ,are they ashamed of their moooooooooo language ?

    • who says a tonga would wish to be bemba? ***** just comment on politics and not the tribe you congolese. kabwalala wapamaliketi.

    • It seems upnd are the most learned party ,okay watch this space come .20 ba upnd u will cry like ichoni nacho ichikwekwe.

  7. Hi LT Bloggers, am too forgetful sometimes. kindly could someone remind me, if HH fails on 20th January, will it be his 5th time or 6th??? can’t remember since it’s now getting out of hand.

  8. Mwakulaponokwa ba UPND.Namutupa saana ukutuma ama phone everyday ku ma radio.ukuteka kwena mulafwaya sana but we won’t allow tribalism ku state house.Viva EL.Infact abalemiponona teba PF.U’re just lying imwe.Ifwe ku kopala ni PF, UPND alatina saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana

    • If its a fight you want, UPNP can beat PF cadres hands down.

      How many has the police tried to arrest HH at his home and failed?

      The fact that UPND does not like fights should not be construed as weakness. Instead UPND well wishers should be revered by upholding the peace in the country.

      Let PF try to rig the elections, they will see a show down unprecedented before.

  9. if upnd meetings/rallies are a flop why do you get worried because that is to your advantage. but we know truth is that is the opposite .time for one party state is long gone, therefore people must be allowed to make their independent choice on where to belong or who to associate with . i would like to appeal to our zambia police to be professional cos this country belongs to each and every zambian dont allow violence to rule. change of government will affect you [zp] we go for progressive ideas which can move the country forward. mine is upnd for hh viva come 20 january 2015

  10. If the police are afraid of the PF thugs then the army must move in and protect the citizens. Why should these uneducated foul-mouthed PF kaponyas be allowed to run roughshod over normal law-abiding people. I urge the army to take control of the situation since the police are impotent.

  11. Government, if you do not arrest this lawlessness in this country, this country will burn. This is the first party in Zambia to have violence to such proportions. This is the first country to witness such levels of barbarism. The reason why we have never ending violence in the middle east is because violence begets violence. Cant the Defence forces assist since it is very clear that the Police have lamentably failed to contain the situation. Look at the amount of blood spelt at Lusaka intercity. Zambians, this must not be taken as business as usual until yourself, your wife, your child or your relative is seriously beaten for having done completely nothing wrong

  12. What Police? A complete failed project under the lady. Lawlessness is the order of the day in Zambia now. We need a man in that position

  13. Read on ZWD that UPND cadres have organised themselves and have effected citizens arrest on PF thugs terrorizing travellers at Inter-City Bus terminal.
    Even Guy Scott is concerned “Just the other day, a busload of delegates to Mulungushi, where I organised a PF general conference, was ambushed at a flyover in Lusaka by cadres from Intercity but nothing has been done about it,” he said. “Those cadres (delegates) were ordinary and of average age like myself who wanted to go and exercise their democratic right, but they were attacked, and nothing has been done. As I stand here as the so-called Head of State, nothing has been done because of political interference and people get embarrassed when we want to sort out such wrongs.” – ****

  14. I have observed that even bloggers, PF supporters are insulting the most and sound to be more tribal….check the comments above. Violence is what they know best..Sadists and shameless..pipo who don’t care how many pipo are killed as long as they have power…

    • Continue bad language against PF. We wont hesitate ukumiponona, chapwa. Behave or beatings = kaili efyo mucita ne ng’ombe. We need good behaviour not insults , or else.

  15. I fear that tolerance on political diversity will be thrown out of the window as elections draw nearer! The cadres being the ones closer to what is happening on the ground, it is the most fearful of things going awry against who they support that will be the most likely to resort to intimidation and violence! Mark my words and observe! See you all after January 20, 2015.

  16. Why are UPND cadres beaten cause I understand their leader is a freemason. He should just use his satanic powers to beat PF cadres.

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