Friday, January 31, 2025

Edgar Lungu writes to Acting Chief Justice asking her to ignore Guy Scott’s letter


Edgar Lungu
Edgar Lungu

Patritic Front (PF) presidential candidate Edgar Lungu has written to the Acting Chief Justice Madam Lombe Chibesakunda asking her to ignore in totality the letter written by Acting President Guy Scott as it has no authority or blessing of the party President, or the Central Committee.

In a letter made available to the media, PF President Edgar Lungu charged that the letter by his Vice President, Dr. Guy Scott to the Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda is an act of indiscipline.

Mr. Lungu also charged that by this action alone, Dr Scott can be cited for contempt of court save for the Article 43 that gives him legal immunity.

Mr. Lungu stated that he was duly elected as PF President by a legally called General Conference and that this position was affirmed by a Consent Judgment issued by the Lusaka High Court on 3rd December 2014.

Dr. Scott earlier in the day wrote to Justice Chibesakunda advising her not to accept nominations until legal wrangles were resolved.

Below is the full contents of the letter


Madam Lombe Chibesakunda
Acting Chief Justice
Supreme Court of Zambia

Dear Madam


We refer to a letter written by Dr. Guy Lindsay Scott, dated 16th December 2014 purporting to give directives that PF presidential nominations should be deferred or suspended until a purported legal processes are resolved.

First of all, pursuant to Article 76 of the Zambian Constitution which establishes the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), the Commission is independent and autonomous.

Your Office as Returning Officer of this Independent Electoral Commission of Zambia, can not, will not and must not be receiving instructions or directives from anyone else other than the Electoral Commission.

As a party, the Patriotic Front conducted democratic elections pursuant to our the party constitution under Article 46,47 and 52 and elected Hon. Edgar Chagwa Lungu as Party President and consequently Presidential Candidate for the forthcoming presidential by-election to be held on the 20th January 2015.

As Party President neither, the Central Committee nor myself were consulted by my Vice-President, Dr. Guy Scott before this letter could be written to yourself.

Therefore the letter written to yourself must be ignored in totality as it has no authority or blessing of the President, or the Central Committee and can best be described as an act of gross indiscipline.

As far as we are concerned, the Lusaka High Court has got before it, a Consent Judgment dated 3rd of December 2014 which remains, still valid and subsisting.
The Consent Judgment declared that:

  1. That the Election of Hon. Edgar Lungu as Party President at the Extra-Ordinary General Conference held on 30th November 2014 and was confirmed that Hon. Lungu was declared President of the PF Party and sole presidential Candidate of the Patriotic Front.
  2. The purported General Conference held on the 1st December 2014 at which Miles Sampa was purportedly elected as another Party President was declared illegal, null and void and all decisions made therefrom were quashed.
  3. That the said General Conference was barred by an Order of Injunction that was granted on 1st December 2014 and barred themselves, agents, candidates, superiors, or subordinates were restrained in perpetuity from purporting to have elected a party president.

This Consent Judgment has not been set aside, and has not been appealed against and therefore remains valid and binding.

Clearly by this action alone, Dr. Scott would have been cited for contempt of court save for Article 43 which provides him with legal immunity during the time he is acting as President of the Republic of Zambia.

We wish to state that there is no court process and no court order to bar the Patriotic Front Presidential Candidate from filing its nominations before your good self as agreed by the Electoral Commission of Zambia.

Yours Faithfully

Hon. Edgar C. Lungu

CC; Justice Irene Mambilima
Electoral Commission of Zambia


    • There is a serious shortage of popcorns due to the numerous drama PF acrobats continue to generate.I think we are tired of PF and it’s never ending drama.We need someone serious.Even Poor Peoples Party President Alex Muliokela has shown more seriousness!

    • People just love our PF…..we are the real news makers. …and we are on our way to the state house. ..just like that

      2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

      I thank you

    • I have said it a hundred fold that Scot is a dangerous collaborator of inimical interest to our national security and the democratic order. A blackmailed leader is a clear and present danger to a national state. It is therefore upto the Judiciary, the state security outfits and the patriotic Zambians as Guardians of national peace to deal with a highly compromized acting leader. This kind of impunity driven by incorrigible hatred is unprecedented

    • And just like that HH is buried. ..and watch the crowd on nominations day….It will be Lungu all over Lusaka and all over Zambia. …

      2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

      I thank you

    • So in the Scottish world any surrogate key can wake up and order the country’s Chief Justice to do whatever dream pops up their head?

    • What did the PF Cabinet hope to achieve by giving the Republican presidency to Guy? You have noone to blame but Mwenye who bulldozed his way in your cabinet meeting. What a sorry bunch you PF guys are!

    • I just dont understand what some of you see in this Ka Lungu guy. I mean what his he going to do for the country going forward? Anyone know? He seems like a very shady character like most people mu PF and yet some one is going to vote for him? What a shame

    • I just can’t believe the arrogance Lungu is exhibiting! You thought Kabimba was bad; Lungu is worse and will do anything to be President.

      Unfortunately, Zambians are like sheep. For all of you who were born yesterday, what you are seeing now is a repeat of the run up to Zambia being a one-party state under Kaunda.

      No difference between Lungu and Laurent Gbagbo.

    • From what I have observed Guy Scott can not just see himself reporting to Prez Lungu, reasons are:

      1. His Old White Ego wont let him.
      2.He could have benefited from the DBZ loan how else can he shielding the cartel like this.?
      3. Sata’s words – Scott doesn’t have a proper brain.

      HH you were 100% right, Sikote ni muzungu opusa…for this I will arrange with my brother to give you one vote…but the rest are for Edgar Lungu.

    • “Mr. Lungu stated that he was duly elected as PF President by a legally called General Conference”- elected by a show of hands, and he’s proud of this.

      Edgar Lungu has now been forced to form his own political party called the Democcratic Chibuku-kachasu Drinking Party (D.C.K.D.P). This follows the happens in PF that are not in his favour.

      His vice president will be Professor Nkandu Chibesakunda Luo. And Chishimba Kambwili will be the Secretary General of the Drunkards’ Party.

      The symbol of the new party shall be shall be a bottle of Kachasu and Chibuku. Long Live Lungu, Long Live Kachasu.

      The Motto shall be “Putting more Beer in People’s Bellies” for Staggering and for Lung and Liver Diseases.

      He will file his nominations on 20th December, 2014.
      Vote for Edgar Chibuku Lungu, Vote for the Man of Kachasu.


    • This is why Lungu is the people’s President..the determination is unparallelled Lungu is a fighter AND A BORN LEADER..I would like to echo the following from his letter..

      “Clearly by this action alone, Dr. Scott would have been cited for contempt of court save for Article 43 which provides him with legal immunity during the time he is acting as President of the Republic of Zambia.”

      Well said Mr PresideNt..this Scott lied to Zambians when he said he would deliver us a peaceful and trouble free transition..what a joke Scott is!

      Guy Scott=Cartel=HH

      As for us we are for Lungu!!!

      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015****

    • message from the Hon C Kambwili
      Dear Friends and Patriots.

      I take this opportunity to invite you all to the Nomination Ceremony of our party President, Honourable Edgar Chagwa Lungu at the Supreme Court in Lusaka, on Saturday the 20th December, 2014. Arrival is 08.00hrs.

      We need all of you with voters cards to carry them with your NRC as a requirement so that we can out-number the required 200 supporters. Come in thousands and let us send a clear message to Zambia and the World that we are THE PATRIOTIC FRONT, united more than ever.

      The next time we meet at the Supreme Court will be on 21st or 22nd January, 2015 for the swearing in ceremony of Hon. CHAGWA.

      I will be answering your comments on Facebook after attending Parliament, I just took few minutes to come and share this…

    • SOS if Zambians as we claim to be Christian read the Bible and Knew what you just said they would be celebrating as of now. God blessed David as he has blessed Edgar Lungu. Saul fought God tooth and nail to prevent David from becoming king. Remember what the multitudes sung praises for David, ain’t no one singing anything for the acting president.

    • @Mwanawakwithu

      With all due respect, this post does not befit you. You are usually more credible (and logical) in your posts 🙂

    • Did anybody notice how poorly written the letter is???

      It starts with “we”, switches to “I”, then “we” and closes with one name, ECL.

      Now, I thought the guy was only speech impaired, apparently he can’t even write? Oh G!

    • When HH said Muzungu Opusa all of you were up in arms against him. Calling HH all sorts of names, that he lacks respect for older people.

      Now its you taking turns to call your leader Muzungu Opusa. What else is HH right about and you guys are busy opposing and insulting him for. Just wondering.

      Those of you who follow HH, he has said a lot of things for which he was insulted for but turned out right anyway!!! and you are still looking for another leader. Zambians dont cease to amaze

    • CJ never mentioned what you have indicated, otherwise she could have set the consent judgement aside. The court has court files for the cases, they interpret law, so Guy Scott is offside to interpret law for them. Sampa has only applied to be joined to a case he was not part to, now he wishes to be part of the case. Please understand the role of the judiciary.

    • Scott thought the case in Supreme court would go Miles way, then boom it didn’t but referred back to the same people Miles did not acknowledge and respect now what does scott do,.? write a letter…

      This also will pass and scott will lose. VIVA EL

  1. I haven’t laughed so much in a while. No really, I refreshed my link and laughed and laughed. Then I laughed some more.

    Then I read it seriously. All I can say is my brain hurts.

    • @Mwanawakwithu

      Doesn’t it floor you? Now I see the need for ‘ROFL’ in text speak. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone is actually rolling on the floor laughing.

    • I have literally cleaned my whole living Room ROTFLOL! PF has taught us humor and opened up the court system to ones that didn’t know what a Chamber was. Most thought a “chamber” is something to wee wee in.

    • God has not chosen anyone. People voted for Lungu. Stop brining God in these political debates. That is why we never hold our politicians to account..why because in our African wisdom we think God chose them. And yet they continue to plunder the country. We must wake up and be responsible for our own actions instead of blaming God all the time

    • Leave God out of this. Sata already said it that his ministers were useless. Now what do you expect? Not a single day did Sata let Scot act because he knew that he was incapable. Fyakuifwaila but you can stop the nonsense using you vote. We are not stranded with PF. There is nothing there anymore, even the Green Party is better.

  2. This Guy Scott you illiterates keep abusing day and night, you will remember him one day – but by then it will be too late. That is the problem with you illiterates, you can’t see further than your eyelashes – if at all you even know what an eyelash is.

    • A fo–ol always speaks the loudest and spouts insults to be heard. We are Zambians, we are literate my friend reason why we know your words and thoughts are frivolous in an uncouth sort of way. We shall pray for you and prescribe a psychiatrist.

    • @judge masipa, the biggest illiterate in this case is Scott and those agreeing with what he is saying! The Guy has circumvented procedures by writing to the Chief Justice instead of the Electoral Commission and has been abrogating his party procedures from the time he was appointed as Acting Republican and Party President! Get it my compatriot,whether Lungu is right or wrong we want an independent Judiciary not one being ordered by a “president” . Nothing stops Lungu from filing in the nominations as Lungu’s letter says till they get a court order which they may never get because they are facing contempt and accused of abusing court processes. When an MP or President is petitioned,they do not cease to carry out their duties until the potential concludes they were not duly elected!

    • You are right Judge! What is wrong with saying because the case is before the courts, none of the candidate’s nominations should be accepted? What is wrong with this?

    • please wake up these whites have their own goals which dont involve you,you will be foolish to think this gay man has a heart for Zambi.The earlier he is kicked out the better…Viva ba eddie every thing is clear but why ma issues iwe chimuzungu na ba post bako…?

    • With due respect you seem to exhibit serious inferiority complex. Please “get up and stand up for your rights – bob marley”

    • Sorry Judge Masipha, can you please help me understand why you believe that Dr. G. Scott’s letter means well and that it is for the good of our country?
      If Dr. Scott really meant well, he should have written the chief justice not to instruct but request her to insure that the matters before the courts are concluded in time for nominations. Note that i said matters before the courts, meaning all cases including that of Dr. Mumba and Mr. R. B. Banda.
      Personally i find it difficult to believe that he meant well.

  3. Can Catherine Phiri be the ref in this war. The circus continues with an impending parliamentary by election of Lusaka central.

  4. I think this is now childishness.Anyway,they say that those that the gods want to destroy,they first make mad.May both of you factions failing to sit down and taking Zambians for granted looosssseee.

    • It is a good thing that for us as Zambians or one and only God is the Lord God Jehovah. As for me and my people we shall always worship him.

    • 11.1 Mwanawakwanu,

      When you think of your one and only Lord God Jehovah, what comes up on the screen of your mind? I am curious.

      I remember during UNIP era, the word Jehovah was a bad word. One used at one’s own risk. The Jehovah’s witnesses got beaten up for using the term. Now it seems to have become widely accepted as part of everyday voc in Zed.

      What do you know, right?

    • mind your language scote is scottish thats why he does not care what happens to the PF.Please Mr President Lungu make up your mind and kick that white old man out of our way,justice delayed can be fatal.Viva Lungu

  5. Without necessarily supporting the PF in any way, I am beginning to admire this Edgar Lungu, kalemoneka fye akanono and harmless but kaume, he is a man.
    Coming to Guy Scott, the disgraced acting president of Zambia, in what capacity is he writing the Acting Chief Justice of Zambia? He has signed as Vice President of PF and Acting President of the Republic of Zambia. Which is which? He has used the PF letterhead so then he is writing as Vice President of PF, he is not even claiming to be Acting President of PF therefore he recognises Edgar Lungu as the PF President at least for now until the matter is overturned in court. But Guy Lindsay Scott seems to have realised that writing as Veep of PF will not carry weight as he has a superior in Edgar Lungu as President of PF…… cont’d

  6. The 2 honourable have been fighting just at the announcement of the death of Sata. In their fight they involved cabinet for Republican acting Presidency. In their internal Party war they used party and non party members since the party has no card holders and failed to hold a credible general conference. Now they are dragging the courts in their war. I think this is unacceptable. The law of the will not this fight by going ahead with nominations for the other parties that are ready. Maturity should be seen in PF and MMD ( sorry to mention MMD) but the issues are the same.

  7. hmm!you people we are now tired of your in fights, please wind up with your nonsense so that HH wins fair and square.We dont want pf to make excuses.

  8. Are there two camps in the same canoe dislodging each other?bt so far EL seems to be the captain of the ship.He needs to steer the ship to avoid hitting the iceberg before 19th Dec.

    • Imwe naimwe ba Jessie you can’t see that it is Scott de-campaigning PF. He is determined not to have Lungu file in his nomination. He would rather see HH or RB be president than Lungu. And of course that is not his wish but that of Mmembe and friends.

  9. Give me a vote if you are enjoying this PF show, it keeps getting better everyday. Just when you think you have seen the final act, the plot twist and turns.

    This is really great for Zambia and I like the fact that they have kept their fights clean and doing it using their flawed constitutions. This is a great learning experience for Zambians on the significancy of a functional constitution that many people have trivialised for years. I can see going forward any organisation will treat drafting a constition as a key cornerstone , just like businesses treat busines plans. This is good for the country.

    Great time to be alive in Zambia I must say. I can’t wait for the mother of all saturdays to come.

    Yes MMD is another mess and frankly speaking a disaster, let’s not even go there

    • MMD Bootlicker everyone is enjoying the PF show, do not forget your MMD is also having a display of a well groomed circus. UPND have their leader for entertainment, for all those outlandish promises he has been making are amusing. Reducing the countries dept in a record set time lol. I really miss Mwanawasa, that man is the greatest theoretical to practical president Zambia ever had. Sata comes second because he implemented and got things done too.

  10. cont’d….so he adds the title of Acting President of the Republic of Zambia. Now is it in order for the Republican President to write under a party letterhead? The desperation of the cartel is an embarrassment to the esteemed Office of the President of Zambia, and a shame on us the people of Zambia. This Guy has lowered the esteem of that office to its lowest ever in the history of Zambia, all because one Michael Sata succumbed to pressure from the cartel in return for the office, how I hate this cartel!!!! I hope that Madam Acting Chief Justice will treat Guy Scott’s shameless letter with the contempt that it deserves.
    I repeat that I have no sympathies for the PF but I am writing as a proud citizen of Zambia, a nationalist, Cha Cha Cha.

    • You have penned a beauty. A true patriot like most of us and the other aptly named ” The Patriot Abroad”. We are standing up for mother Zambia, for our highest office has been dragged through the mud. Though down trodden we shall clean up that wonderful office and keep vegabonds from ever using it to shame us.

    • Read the letter from the acting, acting Guy scott. He is acting vice president until 20th January, then acting acting as our president. Chiluba unknowingly saved us from Guy scott. We thank Jesus.

  11. I neither support Lungu nor Sampa. But Scott is right. Rule of law must be applied. This Judge facilitating shortcuts for EL is the real problem here. She should have sent back two warring parties (much earlier) to the GC than try to play dangerous gymnastics or at the very least allowed Sampa’s team to be part of the so called “consent judgement”. How does a close relative continue to hear cases she rescued herself from earlier? Scott is merely carring out his duty: PROTECTING BOTH THE PF CONSTITUTION & THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION. What use is the court if the nomination can be done before the court rules anyway? Scott’s request applies to both Sampa & Lungu.

    • Please shut up, you are not even Zambian. Let our people vote for their preferred choice. Guy Scott erred in sending a letter to our highest judge, who hahahahahaha is also acting; he used a PF letter head. Zambia is only governed by PF not owned by it. The people want One edgar, but King “Saul” scott does not realize that his is a rule of King ” harod” not even saul, for at least Saul had Samuel to advise him.

    • @Quest, there is no Constitution Scott is protecting he has flouted his Party constitution by writing letters which are supposed to be written by SG. Further, he has confused his Party position with that of Acting Republican President by putting those titles on his letter! This is a Guy who refused to obey the court order to discontinue his convention and has landed Atanga and Masebo in a contempt case! So he is the one flouted the rule of law and for his own future well being we just wish that his action are agreeable with the majority otherwise he will be so irrelevant after the end of his Acting capacity.

    • @Mwanawakwitu & Zambia is ours: I am indigenous Zambian but I think with my brain not ” the heart”/emotions . As if that is not enough I campaigned and voted for PF since 2006. But something is SERIOUSLY wrong beyond flawed constitutions. The PF has been hijacked by criminals (whose reach)/tentacles suck/feed blood into the compromised Judiciary! Yes the National constititution maybe flawed but can we please allow the courts to RULE. Put yourself in the female judge’s shoes; would you agree to hear these cases even after you rescued yourself after declaring relationship with EL? Is it merely relationships or its blackmail? Something VERY BIG is amiss! Read about tenets natural justice. The judge is literally “hanging” herself, if u have a brain THINK!

    • @ Quest

      It is pointless trying to explain to senseless and brainwashed that terror always starts with ignorance and misplaced euphoria which leads to bloodletting.

      It is mentality of the mob.

  12. Lungu is busy fighting Scott in Lusaka whilst HH and his team are traversing the countryside. Lungu is playing in the hands of his enemies. The way things stand lungu is headed for defeat.

  13. Edgar does not deserve this.I think that it’s too much people.May the lord lift him up.
    Watch over him lord.We the people will give him all the support he needs

  14. Desperation.for sure only fools will vote for Edgar lungu.

    Sure, he is very convinced that he won at the PF convention by declaring himself?

    • The high court and the returning officer of elections declared him a winner. So you are insulting our courts of Law.

    • @ Mwanawakwitu

      No body is insulting Courts of Law.
      Do you know difference between Rule of Law and Lawless Society?
      Do you REALLY think that in 21st Century you can size power without serious consequences? Think again jerk.
      Nights tend to be very long and scary when you live by the sword.

  15. I have laughed my lungs to pain, so let me relax by saying something sober. Just thinking loudly, now I wonder what would happen if the PF expelled Guy Scott from its membership. Would that remove him from Acting President of Zambia too? What does the Constitution say, can a person who does not belong to any party continue to act as President of Zambia? What is known is that if the acting Presido was removed like this, then cabinet can elect one among themselves to take over. Would it be Edgar himself?
    Please tell us, Honourable Edgar.
    The plot is thickening, the Guy Lindsay Scott comedy is becoming exciting. Please Mr Bean, move aside. More popcorn please!

    • Can EL call for Central Committe, this time, expell the guy. Out of PF, with his candidacy to act withdrawn by sponsoring Party, PF, it will be time to move a motion in Parliament to remove him, then the Cabinet can choose madam Wina to act till 20th. Jan. 2015

      Guy is abusing his position to interfer with the Judiciary, contrary to our Constitution, just to please Fred M’membe cartel.

      He is a danger to our democracy, our future.

      He has out lived his usefulness. He is there to protect Fred’s Cartel.

  16. Can Lungu let the nation know his position on Lombe Chibesakunda continuing to be chief justice. HH has commented on this before. We all know where LAZ stands on this issue. What does Lungu intend to do? Since he intends to continue Satas legacy will he also let us know if he will keep Libongani as IG? I will go off on a limb and say Musa Mwenye is probably out regardless of who wins. Will Lungu keep Chibesakunda and Libongani? Edgar Lungu CHECK!

    • I answered the same exact blog under a different pseudonym. Let me summarize: Whilst HH has the luxury of mentioning names of people he will remove, EL as a member of a sitting government does not have the same luxury. This is simple logic and I expect you to understand.

  17. “I will go off on a limb and say Musa Mwenye is probably out regardless of who wins.”

    That is one beautiful sound to my soul. Musa mwenye is a non Patriot, a demagogue of the fallacious law of usurping.

  18. Guy Scott is the most foolish person I have ever seen. Even those supporting his shallow actions are equally retards. I do not support any party, but following the unfolding events its very clear that on a personal level Scott hates Edgar very much. Fortunately for Edgar there is nothing to worry about as this is water under the bridge.

  19. There we go again. Remember, we kept on talking about new constitution but what we were getting were just insults. U were saying we were just “yapping” or we shud produce ‘animal driven constitution’ before we could talk about people driven constitution. Here we are now; we are not only fighting amongst ourselves but we are also yet to spend collossal sums of money on this by-election that we could easily have avoided if we were given constitution in 90 days. Oh sorry let me update my President: HH, son of the soil, servant of all servants, labourer of all labourers, son of my motherland, son of Africa-whilst u were away Scott and Lungu were fighting over our country. Zambia Fwd, Zambia Unite, One nation one Zambia. HH2015 unless u want to continue with poverty. Wake up Zambians.

  20. Guy Lindsay Scott. “Lindsay” our acting acting presidents name is “LINDAY” is girls name, that explains the imbalance of hormones. Only a woman has strength enough to handle female biology. A man should never be name Lindsay, Joyce, prudence or Majorie.

    • How about Mulenga, Chanda, Chilufya, chibwe, Nyambe? All male and female names in Zambia. So where Guy Scott comes from (originally), it could be that Lindsay is a male or female name. We will not hold that against him. He did not call himself Lindsay, but was named so by his parents. Job done.

  21. This Guy Scott has really campaigned hard for Edgar Lungu, unknowingly of course. If Edgar wins this election, which is looking more and more likely even though others are 100% on the campaign trail, he has no other than Guy Scott to thank as Chief Campaign Manager.

  22. in literary works, including our Bible, it is people who go through trtials and tribulations who emerge victorious. Those are last kicks of a dying horse and ECL has endured most of the blows, Its time to reap the benefits as others wait for their pie in the sky!

  23. Scott must from now onwards be treated as pariah by all true PF members , supporters, and all those in sympathy of the big Zambian cause.

  24. for those who followed pf confusion from the time they fired wynter kabimba then you wouldnt find it difficult to realise that pf was gone before even sata died. when sata died it became worse because these same guys were not mourning sata but wanted just to replace him using any means. the general conferance is what they should have followed but they chose to use central committee wrong. and now guy scott says lets follow the lied down rules and that earnes him names and threats no guy is very much right.they chose to take themselves to courts so let the courts sort them out. remember its count down. how many days left no extension.

  25. We need all the Media coverage we can get at this moment. …keep them comments coming….people started complaining….too much boredom. here you have it…twamiletelako another action packed drama and meanwhile we are on our way to the state house. ..

    HH out of the picture. ..all eyes on PF and it’s working.

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

  26. I see bloggers are overwhelmed….now this tells you how Powerful the PF is !
    Comments coming in from all over the world. ..WOW. ….
    It’s boostele time again….twalya again

    Meanwhile we are on our way to the state house

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

    • KB. Your boys are going to knock each other out of contention Boss. And that’s before we even share a beer. 4 days is a long time. Chuckle.

  27. If it wasn’t happening in real life but a fictitious comedy on TV it would be extremely funny. What kind of people are we portraying our selves before the world’s eyes? You guessed correctly, stup!id. Yes, unbelievably childish!

  28. These guys are putting their party at risk. As an independent, i believe these two guys stepped on each others toes somewhere just like it was between MRS (MHSRIP) and sosala where it is believed the lady from boz created the problem.

    For the sake of the office of the Republican president, GS should try and behave better. His approach makes one wonder whether he has some academic PHD or it is the pull him down. As an outsider, all is see is one stopping the wishes of majority PF members. Chances are that he may be In the tank for winter or sampa.

    Also, EL should try and restrain himself from any fights with GS. It’s clear that GS is fighting EL for something. Actually, their current problem is coming from GS’s poor decision making of going from a GC

  29. A Phiri anabwera

    Let’s all take time and say a little prayer for our dear friends Changwe Kalale and Nyambe Mulenga plus all those that were involved in the Kabwe road accident. . PF..UPND. .MMD. .FDD..NAREP. .or whatever party you belong to

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you

  30. From his utterances and confrontational approach Edgar Lungu has a dark side which will make him a potential dictator once he is in control of the limitless powers of a Zambian president. Time will tell.

    • I agree. He is a dictator in the making. It rankles that he does not stop his thugs from being violent. He does have a dark side which we are yet to see.

    • London Eye and Professional, you are entitled to your opinions but what makes EL bad in this. He is simply responding to what Guy Scott has done. For a long time, EL has restrained himself from reacting to Scotts actions. What do you see in EL that will make him a dictator? You say that because that is what you want him to be in the case he become president so that you can say, “aha, I said it. He is a dictator” Good luck with your wishes.


  32. Impeach Scott. Act now PF to erase from memory the worst Acting President in Zambia’s history.

    Well done sir.

    Concur 1.6 Senior citizen.
    This kind of impunity driven by incorrigible hatred is unprecedented

  33. “Dr Scott can be cited for contempt of court save for the Article 43”

    Gotta love lawyers. In English it means he cannot be cited for contempt. Period.

    Why is it impossible for you lads and ladies of PF to sit down in a locked room for 3 days and come out talking with one voice by nomination day?

    Kids are watching you behave like kids. Keep your dirty laundry to yourselves and move off the stage until you resolve matters. You’re not scoring any points with the legal shenanigans but one thing is for certain… after this… no Zambian should ever allow this to happen again.




  35. Real PF supporters are having fun right this moment. …..

    HH supporters are having sleepless nights scared of The Hon Edgar Lungu

    Mwailasha….Edgar is the candidate you are about to come face to face with….January 20

    UPND. can have GBM if you want to….

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you


    Hon Edgar Lungu has shown leadership in the way he has handled Dr. Scott from the time the Scott threw himself in the mud to the time he is now muddled up in the mess.

    Now it is clear the nation has realized that we have had a very wrong person in the party. Guy Scott. He is heartless, ruthless, careless, mindless, fruitless, and all unknown useless terms in the world. Simply hopeless!

    We should not just dream about expelling Scott from the PF. He own should be the next flight at the airport, before he causes war and turmoil in Zambia.

    If Scott were a shoe I would not wear it again, a meal not eat it, a movie not watch it, a wife divorce it, a ball kick it…out of Zambia!

  37. Nothing sensible can come from Zambian courts. They`re so corrupt and incompetent. Only in Zambia can you`ve a judge who admits being related to Lungu but she is still handling the case.

  38. Scott has made yet another wrong decision on this one. Everyone knows he’s up to no good. People are running out of patience.

    This is what we say “UKUFILILA MUNSENGA” in Bemba (If I do not win, then we both lose).

    I’m very disappointed with Scotts failure to start an infernal of fire he could not put out. He has failed to manage the country and coordinate his party.

    Time is running out, and this is where he’s going to see what Zambians are made of. My dear Scott, do not take the people we have in Zambia for granted!!!


  39. Lungu will carry the day at the judgement Its only correct that ECZ allows political parties and the courts to settle all electoral issues before nominations That is the norm always

    But then why should a person with forged certificates and questionable activities known be a Presidential hopeful even misleading the Guy Has the guy done serious background check on the corn artist kilometre kamwendo 10 miles

    Let him ask his body guards at matero stadium or his servant treatment and workers at labour office and see what character

    He fails to pay his workers all he could does to point guns and use unauthorised access to police to lock up labourers at labour office there what…

  40. If Guy scot has to learn character 10 miles kilometre sampa let me Go at Labour Office opposite OP Divisional Offices or central Police or Local Court I am sure he will be shocked to see and here what he will find out on miles behind the seen or simply ask his mistresses and body guards

  41. Uko Fumbikobo!

    The Proprietor of PF is gone, no wonder he treated his Minister’s like kids.

    The calibre is now exposed, I used to think MCS (MHSRIP) was extremely harsh with his Minister’s but it is now evidently clear that he faced challenges and total frustrations with these characters. Lord Have Mercy how did we end up this low!

    Just hand the party back to Mama Kaseba as caretaker if you have no idea what to do with it.

    I don’t believe EL can win the Election amidst this confusion, but you never know; only in Zambia.

  42. Zambia cannot sink so low Edgars is much better that 10 kilometre and if all fells we cannot also put HH as president.HH will not yield anything and the people will need to reconsider and vote for Nawakwi not all these good for nothing or miyanda not HH he will divide the nation and bring us back to square one as he will have to reinvent the wheel and structures

    • @ Kasuni

      It is to late for HH to claim distinguished honor in fragmenting the nation.

      That achievement belongs solely to PF. This is REAL legacy for which PF will be remembered.

      As our Chinese friends will say: “wish you to live interesting times”

  43. What letter is Mr. Lungu responding and referring to? Is it the on the basis of what is in the press or did he get a copy? Has he written to the Acting Chief Justice on the basis of the on-line media reports out of desperation? If that is the case next time he says he won’t respond based on media reports I will pass out.

    • Ba Dr. (Dokota) Eustace Wabo, you are also not sure whether Edgar really authored that letter. So just as you are condemning Edgar for respsonding to media reports, you are also doing the same. Have you seen a copy of the letter Edgar is said to have authored for you to say what you are saying? What if someone wrote that and forged his signature? Let’s take it easy and relax. These are just politics.

  44. Guy Scott has gone too far …who does he think he is to direct the chief justice? Let us show him that now Zambians have lost even the smallest respect they had for him. He is bent on setting this great nation on fire. let us now put Guy Scott where he belongs. He has gone too far really. Let him get it in his head that come 20 December 2014 Lungu is filing in the papers. Then again come 20 January 2015, Lungu will be in state house. let Guy Scott know it that Lungu has support of all PF supporters, so he should be careful what he does…we will not let him set this great nation on fire…no no twakana inkondo ba Guy Scott.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • When Sata (RIP) was appointing and directing Acting Chief Justice you did not complain and did not ask “… who does he think he is to direct the chief justice…”

      Why are you asking now? Because of “legacy” or “vision”?

      Or because your loyalty to party or leader in lieu of Mother Zambia?

  45. How can you trust a Presidential material in 10 kilometre miles who does not treat and pay his workers a meagre below wage casual wage and ends up threatening lives even when asked A President who is selectively associates with the rich around the table and mocks the people of matero as living in his pocket after donating yellow cabs as loans whose amortisation in 60 m loans is not commensurate to the useful-life and forcing defenceless materoians to mortgage to him titles in small houses as collateral typical of Finance Bank

    Ill treated most workers at Labour office amongst them Sinkala Sydney ,Peter Brick layer,Makukula and other elderly distressed workers

    We at Labour Office Say…

  46. If EL is the president of PF why does he not write the important letter on the official letterHead of PF like Dr Scott did? Maybe he does not have access to the proper office ——

  47. We say no to immature leadership which thinks matero constituency is a CAB constituency without consideration for all key skills and sectors in labour in matero

    We Say no to child Molesters who take delight molesting beautiful venerable matero small girls under the armpit of leadership or cadre ship

    Integrity is much better than slave tude from ill stolen money from Finance back money which we know has build him flats and other properties in Kabulonga its same money shared with others at Finance Money that is supposed to save the Government and peoples lives

    We feel Guy Scot has been insensitive even when we know the judges know even mama chibesakunda cannot shrewdness to prevail

  48. UPND cadres you can lough at Edgar Lungu today at your own peril because what Guy Scott is doing today can be done to your HH in January if he wins(God forbid)!this muzungu may refuse to hand over power if Miles Sampa(on PF-also God forbid) lose those elections!Guy Scott has made it very clear that a man to take over from late Sata must be the one he loves!but political life is never like democracy a candidate supported by majority voters wins and its not Scott to decide!any objective zambian can tell that Edgar Lungu is far more popular than Miles Sampa!why Guy Scott hates EL,only him(Scott) can answer!but i can see Guy Scott causing civil war if he wont change his stance on EL!Scott will fail to control chaos which he is causing!

  49. The problem of Guy scott and Sampa is not Lungu but instructions from the Freemason that support gay rights.They have forgotten that they are in a christian nation. They are also forgetting about the newton third law of motion which is making Lungu popular every day

  50. Dr. Guy Scott is right and Mr. Edgar Lungu is wrong in this particular case. Mr. Lungu is supposed to be a lawyer and therefore he should know better. The consent judgement Mr. Lungu is referring to was sent back by the Supreme Court as being flawed. So as it is there are two people claiming to be PF Presidents i.e. Mr. Lungu and Mr. Sampa! You PF chaps put your emotions aside, let the High Court decide. Mr. Sampa must be heard in full! Dr. Scott is right! Mr. Sampa don’t accept to be cheated by anyone! Stand for your rights!

    • @P Kazhila.
      If you don’t understand something, it’s best not to talk about it. Like in this case for you P. Kazhila. The problem of not reading thouroughly. If you read the Supreme court judgement, the did not quash the consent judgement neither was the Supreme court deliberating on the consent judgement. The case was about Miles Sampa being joined to the case (Consent judgement). I rest my case. I hope I have helped you a little bit.

  51. There is nothing wrong with the procedural but to allow a corn man to Marshall the highest of the learned and blind the Guy not to see through the tuxedo its really amazing

    It was a slap in the face to him or a shit short to have the case referred back to show him contempt of the highest order by the most learned

    Its time for Guy to put an end to this lumpen and sit him down before he ruins peoples lives and cause irreparable damage to the countries fundamentals in the name of cheap democracy

    Democracy is seen in humility and self remittation of the highest orders as seen from the political discourse of Americans

    So all this nonsense should end for we know…

  52. This letter doesn’t help Mr Lungu. It seems to suggest that he is incapable of recognising the controversy surrounding a conference in which opposing groups were forcibly excluded. The issue is not in the legality of the call and scheduling of the conference but the modus operandi on the day. Put it simply, it was not free and fair. You could not threaten opponents with violence, which made them stay away for fear of the violence, and then go ahead to proclaim that there were no opponents. What school of law did he go to? Democracy is about fairness and the correct interpretation of the constitution enabling such fairness. It is not about being canning and using machiavellian tactics. All this will come to haunt Mr Lungu. He has to have some conscience, if he has to become President.

    • Mulundu, like I said to some above. It’s best not comment if you don’t understand some things. Guy Scott called for the conference and when he noticed that most of the people were for Lungu, he decided to frustrate them by refusing to officiate at a conference he convened. Lungu and team did not exclude anyone. Guy is the culprit in all this.
      However, you have a right to hold your opion

  53. Its a secrete and known fact that President Michael Sata was not to appoint Miles

    Its also a secrete and known fact that President Sata was courting Dr Rowland Msiska, Head of Civil Service at Cabinet to Take over from him as President and was seriously grooming given his understanding of governance and civil service.

    It was never known in miles or ED as it was clearly seen there was a vacuum

    But Edgar was better placed and miles never in the Kashimi

    Rowland was the one the Presdo secretly discussed to us the close ones especially in his near illness never miles or EL Its was Msiska Rowland never cheat people

    For now we can do with EL

  54. Completely out of tune. No president has powers to appoint, anoint or select the person to take over from him. Neither the PF manifesto nor the Republican constitution gives him such powers. The drunkard cant be President because he has been part of the 3 years PF failed project to get people out of poverty.

  55. Zambia will NEVER develop because most of the people the government educated are useless. They never want the truth and honesty. They support political parties for personal interests not the masses. They are good at TALKING but no being practical. They are a bunch of useless KNOW IT ALLS. Shame!!

    • Goes on to show why perceived academic excellence doesn’t equate to intelligence. Professor Nkandu Luo for starters is a good example. She exhibits lack of simple logic and intellectual aptitude that individuals of her kind of academic status she holds are expected of.
      Maybe the question is “What is her expertise ??”. someone educate me please. Utter selfish, irresponsible and overall nonsense cadre mentality of the backward kind. We are watching you morons!!! Be warned.

  56. Studying civics in Zambia at elementary level taught us that Government has three branches namely Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary. The executive cannot be seen to be directing the Judiciary. Telling the Chief justice what to do is really thinking she is dull. This is a recipe for anarchy. Dr Scott is taking people of Zambia for granted because he knows they are docile and have memories of jelly fish that forget after two seconds. Why is he is bent on imposing a candidate on Zambia?

  57. Concerned Zambians need to realise that when our late President(MCS) found himself in Europe, he earned a living by working jobs whose titles only God knows. When he(MCS) came back home, and when God gave him the rare opportunity of being the President of this land he elevated Europeans to higher job titles of our land. But what benefit is Patriotic Front Party – the Party he(MCS) established in tears – getting in return?

  58. The main issue is that the courts of law does not want to embarrass the boss of the judiciary and do not forget that EL is the Minister of Justice, so justice delayed is justified too……………..Viva EL we are there for you your Excellency!

  59. @ P Kazhila
    You are being an embarrasment to your tribesmen. Learn to read and read thoroughly for better comprehension! I have always said this: ”Id!ots say ”anything” for the sake of it, but intelligent people say ”something”!
    @ RB Disciple
    Thanks you have helped P Kazhila.

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