Tuesday, February 11, 2025

PAZA asks PF to stop attacking journalists and questions inaction by Zambia Police


File picture:PF-militia...a-PF-youth-wielding a dangerous-weapon goes for UPND-cadres during the Kabwata violence
File picture:PF-militia…a-PF-youth-wielding a dangerous-weapon goes for UPND-cadres during the Kabwata violence

The Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) strongly condemns the repeated attacks on Journalists by political party youths and calls on the political leadership to stop their operatives from harassing journalists.

PAZA also notes with the concern the inertia by Zambia police to bring the perpetrators of violence to face the law even when the violence is being done in their presence.

PAZA notes with alarm there is an emerging pattern of cadres attacking journalists who are merely performing their duties of informing the nation on the electioneering by political parties.

Particular reports and attacks have happened during rallies held by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) whose cadres have targeted journalists whom they wrongly accuse of working against their candidate.

We call on the PF leadership to stop these attacks and provide a safe environment for journalists during their public events. The leadership should also take disciplinary action against the culprits as a sign of commitment to zero tolerance to violence.

Lack of action against the perpetrators of violence against journalists has tacitly encouraged these over zealous youths to attack journalists.

It must be clear that without media coverage, the rallies and other public events will have very little impact on the intended audience as the party will not be able to deliver its campaign messages to a wider audience.

The Zambia Police have also failed to protect journalists as they just watch helplessly even the media practitioners are being attacked right in front of them.

There are many incidents where journalists have been attacked and reports made to the police but very little or no action has been taken except the usual promise of launching investigations

We call on the police command to take action and protect journalists from attacks regardless of who is involved.

Lastly we wish to reiterate that a free and independent media is key to free, fair and peaceful elections.

Andrew Sakala


  1. It is only when you see a mosquito landing on your testicles, that you realize that there is always a way to solve problems without violence! (Lao-Tzu)

  2. Don’t vote for Edgar Lungu and PF. The party only for drunkards and smokers. It is without peace and unity, it is with confusions. VIVA HH for President in 2015 and re- elect him in 2016.

  3. imwe naimwe, being beaten in journalism is part of the job. it is a well recognized occupational hazard. In places like like Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, etc, journalists are even killed and kidnapped- a few slaps from cadres are nothing. I call upon their employers to increase risk allowances, get the journalists good insurance coverage and give honours at the the end of every year to those covering political/dangerous events.

    • @ Analyser

      Please post your address and let see how you will enjoy “blogging hazards”. What a absolute moron!!!

    • Let analyser express his views. @once beaten twice shy, your name tells, typical mbuli , that’s why Zambians are described as docile, you mind is too rigid and thick to accommodate diversity of ideas. @masauso Mwale niwe chimbwi sana.

  4. This image always kills me each time you show it. The look of intent on the guy in front. He has serious plans to use that chain. As for the overdressed guy running in the back… he looks like he’s late for his flight to Siberia but wants to look cool in his shades and stomp-on -your-face boots. Chuckle.

    Whassamatter LT. Can’t find a relevant image? To be fair it’s hard to take a photo of a smashing camera lens.

  5. Now is the time for the police to follow up these PF thugs. The police shud put up an advert with pictures of these thugs so that whoever knows where these criminals are, can come forward & provide the police with information.

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