MMD President Dr Nevers Mumba says he will not persecute people that suspended him from the party following yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling that reinstated him.
Dr Mumba told Journalists that he will carry out his work as MMD President in line with the constitutional provisions.
He said he still considers people that suspended him as part of the MMD family.
The MMD leader said he will not go after those that sidelined him in preference for Rupiah Banda as the official presidential candidate for the MMD in the January 20 election.
Dr Mumba said, “My initial comment is that I made a declaration at the beginning of this case that whatever happens, I am going to stay within the provisions of our constitution and this would be advice to everybody. If we cannot respect our party constitutions, we will not be able to respect the Republican constitution when the Zambian people give us an opportunity to govern,” Dr Mumba said.
He continued, “As a result of this ruling, my call to all our members across the country is to remain united. There will be no vindictiveness, no revenge, we are one family. We had a dispute and we brought it to the right forum and the right forum judged rightly be making sure that they bring back stability in our party.”
Dr Mumba said the way forward is for all of MMD members to hold together.
“We are going to nomination on Saturday and we are ready to mount a campaign. The ruling is clear as what needs to happen from this point. The only thing am calling for is that there is no more I am for Mumba, I am for Rupiah Banda, we are all for the political party, MMD and the court has reminded us. I have won the court case base on the constitution provision and am very humbled at the decision of the court.”
And MMD National Secretary Muhabi Lungu said he will consult his lawyers on the next course of action.
Asked whether he will support Dr Mumba’s candidature, Mr Lungu said it is too early to tell.
Our God is faithful indeed. That’s it Dr Nevers Mumba, that’s a mouth of a true Christian. We walk in love and not hate. This Zambia is our Christian nation, love is what makes us different from other nations. Lets work now and inform every Zambian on what we stand for, may the Lord cause them to hear as you campaign. Am so happy
I wonder what is going through Muhabi’s head,
well he better join another party.
It is really him to blame and anyone that misled the old man.
A welcome decision.
Next ECZ extend the nomination for filings because PF will block another Lungu, until justice is done with regards to Sampa.
Look what I fund on HH’s videos
Sata was a man of
Flight HH 2015 will deifintely land at plot 1 this time around if God says so.
MMD and PF are both parties of confusion and are not to be trusted with power. Unless Zambians want more confusions, corruption, violence, theft, nepotism and tribalism.
Vote HH for a better Zambia.
But who is left now in MMD, Mutati is leading a group MMD MPs supporting HH, Rupia wont support you. Its like Mumba is fighting to get control of a doomed ship MMD. There you go have the party, its yours.
Nevers Mumba please consider forming an alliance with UPND because you are going to split votes and PF will then definately win! Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.Zambia has been down this road before.
Here is HH ‘s inspiring statement at the mammoth rallies in Chilanga and Kafue.
“I have told the nation that I will unconditionally reinstate all the fired nurses, and today the PF government have recalled the nurses. I told them that I will recognise Chitimukulu, the PF now are also saying they have started the process. I have said that I will reverse the retirement age from 65 to 55, and now the PF are also saying they will reconsider the decision.
Indeed he has started providing leadership before he is elected to state house.
What more will he do when he gets their, now that some of his promises are being fulfilled before he even gets to state house.
OMG! PF is feeling the heat HH is piling on them.
Vote HH for for a better Zambia.
Strange! Muhabi and friend have been fired after promises that they wouldn’t be persecuted. Nevers Mumba is speaking like a true politician! Say something and mean the opposite. Nevers you are a man of God, be careful!
Chibesa kunda + Nevers Mumba = Chinsali.
Chibesa Kunda + Lungu +Nevers Mumba – Nsampa =PF Bemba clique.
were is justice?
What is the next move for RB ,well things fall apart lets wait and see, has he gone to the achieves , now go Nevers if I was in Zambia I could have voted for you
This is a very trick situation for both Mumba and Banda.
Scenario 1:Nevers Mumba will have won the court case owing to her sister Lombe Chibesa Kunda,but he lost the political battle.Why do I say so,Mumba will be very lonely in a once big party.2.All his Mps will leave him alone.The MMD’s strong hold is eastern province and Now nevers will sale eastern to Lungu ,PF needs to come out top in eastern if they are to win these election.It is for this reason why the supreme court under the influence of Chibesakunda took this decision. Morally Nevers Mumba deserves to be the candidate for MMD,but reality shows that Banda was the right candidate to take them some were.
Scenario 3.Banda may have lost the court battle on grounds not well explained by supreme court.because the MMD constitution allows any one to stand as presidential candidate as long as is indosed by NEC,Banda will have a better agument that He could have won the election and that Mumba blocked him and look MMD is now dead.Banda and most Mps from eastern will not support Mumba.There support my shift either to PF or UPND.The net beneficially in Eastern province will be Lungu and PF.As long as PF benefit Mumba may also benefit from being appointed in PF and the end looser is MMD as it will be history.
Scenario 4.If Banda puts his weight on HH ,Then Mumba will be the net looser.If HH wins Banda can have a new breath of life and may receive his benefits early,However the MMD will be History.
Asumption number one
1.MMD + PF = Win
Lungu+Mumba =PFwin.
Assumption number two.
2.UPND + 30 MMD,MPs = Win
HH + Banda + 30 MMD ,Mps =win.
probability for PF wining wining is 6 out of 10.
Probality for UPND winning is 8 out of 10.
Conclusion HH wining with 48.7%.
Banda will still stand under direct democratic Movement of Edwin Sakala.This will be a useless move.Better support HH.
I ask and beg all those who are running parties to be very conversant of their party constitutions. This is the more reason we are ahving raggles in MMD and PF because people have never taken time to read the contents of their own constitutions. It applie even when it come to implementing programmes when a party gets into power, you find that within the same party the way programmea are implemented from area to area or province to province is at variance. This is all because some members of these parties never take time to read their Manifestos. It is really emberassing to see OLD MAN BANDA clinging on to the resolutions made by a few individuals when he knew the constitution very well and was a republican president at one time. NEVER TAKE POLITIC AS A WAY OF ENRICHING YOURSELVES.
All is done and i would like to congratulate his excellency for the court judgement, but be stead for the winning team, EL of course!
Ba landa ba shimapepo….Zambia shall be saved
What is this I hear about Zambia,guys?
Zambian people are eating crocodile meat,Zambian people are drinking elephant milk.Moreover,a chap who drinks kachasu from Chawama compound wants to be the president of Zambia.
The ways of you poor Zambians are a dark mystery!
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Justice has prevailed. Morally it was wrong for RB to have gone that route. He was greatly deceived but God fights battles. Pick up Nevers , democracy has to be exercised constitutionally.
this is testimony to the efficiency and impartiality of our courts. thumps up to the judiciary
I know that it is important to forgive and hats OFF to Nevers Mumba, How ever GOD HAS CLEARLY IDENTIFIED the ROTTEN EGGS that need to be removed from MMD leadership for now. This will be a test for maturity for them. THE VOICE OF GOD COULDN’T BE LOUDER!
Including this bunch at this stage will be a BAD start for MMD…They should be left as MP’s until they are kicked out by their employers- ZAMBIAN PEOPLE
This is great news, we will now see which party is run on tribal lines, since there will be northerner, easterner and southerner among the top three parties.
Agony is being Muhabi Lungu.
I don’t envy Muhabi Lungu shortlived fame.
He is party president for now but if he loses the presidential elections then he must do the honourable thing which is to resign as party leader to give way for fresh blood and ideas. Leading a party should not become a lifestyle but a duty of service. MMD risks being extinct if it takes the route of personalisation. Party Members should put pressure on leaders to perform and encourage under performing leaders to give way so that we stop this personal to holder mentality. We hope we’ll not see another twist to the story, by the way things are going in Zambia, anything is possible.
In our culture we are taught to respect elders and elders should respect themselves. What RB did was not good for himself and for MMD and for the Nation. Justice has prevailed here, thanks be to God.
Nevers never gave up, I admire his spirit. Continue to work hard Nevers, God works in ways we cannot see and he makes a way.
Victory for rule of Laws and Democracy. We need fresh ideas and young blood in the political arena.
Well done Nevers, I liked your maturity before and after the court case. Please be organized and don’t be like PF who are fighting Guy Scott for Guy Scott insisting on doing the right thing in line with the constitution
Ka Muhabi very cheeky but very ignorant too. As a party we need cheeky chaps so let us keep Muhabi please
Congrats Man of God,don’t play with what God has established you people,God help us
I dont understand why MMD supporters are supporting Nevers Mumba and this decision by the PF court. ‘Old Man’ RB has better chances of winning against HH and Edgar than Mumba…Fact!
For those who dont know the Edgar Lungu faction has been looking for a way to manipulate the odds to their favor after the event of the past2 months where today we see HH gaining alot of ground.
-attempt to remove guy scott, use GRZ machinery to win= failed
so now undermine the MMD ticket by awarding mumba the MMD presidency (supreme court = chibesakunda = Lungu)and in turn securing more votes for PF in the North and East.
Today i can with no doubt unless we have an ‘October surprise’, Edgar Lungu will be heading to Plot one and we will have PF for another 7 years.
a Nail in the coffin For the MMD
you are so so so right but again people fail to see beyond what they are fed. Nervous Mumba is the hired gun this is why he has been stubborn even when statistics are presented before him.
You don’t understand because you have already decided who you will support, no matter what. When MMD decided to have Mumba as their president, it’s because normal people trusted this honourable man. In a national election, people vote for who they trust first. It’s not a political game or a TV Reality Show. People will vote, and too bad for Banda, he cheated Mumba last time (he was not supposed to be Vice-President). Dr Mumba just taught him a lesson.
This is testimony that “when God is on your side who can be against you? I am humbled by your statement Dr. Mumba. This is what separates true Christians and those who pretend to be in order to win votes.
Muhabi Lungu can even go and ask KK to stand. I think his brain is not well cordinated. When something is dying he is there when it is starting he is out of there. Chipuba in Bemba
good jugment, i see mr bwezani indozing lungu. truth of matter is nevers will perfom very badly. mr banda would have tried. and i fell to understand why upnd is so scared to have lungu in the race. hh would rather have miles and not edgar in the race. go lungu lets go!!!!!!! zambia is with you.
@Kabova you are very wise.Ths courts are fighting battles for PF and Lungu.Looking at the two Judgments all they seem to favor one person Lungu.For PF to win they need to come up top in eastern.HH can out play the |Judiciary by ensuring that Banda and the most of the MMD MPs indose him and work with HH.I must agree that HH is way a head ,its like he knew Mumbas motives to support PF.Most of the Mps in MMD are now working with HH. Banda can help to assemble a strong team of MPs for Eastern to help get at least 20 or 30% of the votes to help him consolidate the lead.This race will be very tight because Government have already started to rig through the courts,ZNBC and Miritary.HH will win if he works hard till the end.Akuna kulalla.My arrow points to HH wining as the people in his campaign
Team are too powerfull.The courts can help Lungu but Lungu is surrounded by weak people.Lungu himselve is weak despite being liked by people.He can not sustain the campaigns like HH is doing.HH is a hard worker than Lungu.Even in state house HH may spend many hours than Lungu so out problems and finding solutions.The Nevers judgement will help to a certain extend but HH will prevail.Un less rigging ,I don’t see Lungu winning.
you have said lungu is liked by the people????? great observation coz that what will make lungu win.
Hallucinations !!!!! rigging / military /// wat else ??
Ni PF eilewina . You even know this fact
Dear Dr. Nevers Mumba,
I am not an MMD supporter, but I am glad that the rule of law prevailed and you won.
Moving on, I am aware that MMD’s central theme in its vision is “Ushering in multi-Party into zambia”.
So, question:- How do you sell this vision to Zambians when it is already a multi-party Country?? You vision is in the past, is it not?
hh, and upnd, are you still going to re-estate fired nurses?????? its number one in upnd manifestal. thats why i keep on telling any one i meet that hh has nothing to offer to this country. hh does not understand the diffrence between being a boss and being a leader. yebo hh, u are a boss and you dont have what it takes to be leader.
Iwe Nevers, ULUSE LWALILE INKWALE. Keep Muhabi and such scum at arms length. They cud poison you if they could.
The JUDGE asked Nyama Soya…… Bushe MMD ni party ya nyoko?
I say it now, like I have always said before, Muhabi Lungu as a TOTAL FAILURE in life. If you associate yourself with this nonentity, you are bound to fail. Look at the other full Banda, failure begets him wherever he goes. Viva Nevers!
Good judgement indeed. Its a landmark judgement. Things as they stand there is no clear winner yet. Leaders of political parties should not begin to celebrate. The battle will be between MMD Upnd and PF and not single party will marshal more than 32%.
It is unlikely that MMD will win with Nevers at the helm. Good move that he intends to embrace all MMD members.
Nevers also needs RB if he needs hopes to stand a chance.
In all fairness, it seems HH will take the cup this election.
Sadly, MMD is no longer a cohesive Party. Mumba destroyed it when, without thinking, he openly attacked prominent leaders of the party such as Dora Siliya, Mr. Kaingu, Mulusa and Dr. Chituwo who are a force to reckon with in their own natural constituencies.
It is not surprising that Mutati, VJ and other prominent MMD MPs are supporting UPND’s HH. Munabi Lungu, Chembe Nyangu and RB will simply enjoy their X-mas and New Year’s days in peace and watch events unfold from the fence.
The Presidential contest is really between HH and Edgar Lungu.
As for Scott, Mahtani, Mmembe, Nchito, Sampa, Kaseba etc, days after Jan 20th will be full of nightmares after which the looters of national resources will account for their evils. Scott will walk through James Skinner’s pathway.
“There will be no vindictiveness”
Truer words I have not heard from my boy Nevers. Of course there will be no vindictiveness because there will be no presidency for his clergy áss. How can you exact vengeance without the power to do so?