Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government pledges to construct more schools and teachers’ houses



Education Minister John Phiri says government through his ministry is committed to improving school infrastructure and teachers houses.

Dr, Phiri says that it is for this reason that funds have been set aside for construction of various schools and teachers’ houses across the country.

He disclosed that construction of classroom blocks at Mboza Secondary School in Chipata District was nearing completion and poles for electricity were almost reaching under the Rural Electrification Unit.

He furthermore stated that about 117 schools in the country were under construction and that it is government intention to clear all projects by next year.

Education and Skills Development sector plays a critical role in the socio-economic development. It provides opportunities for growth, poverty reduction, employment, productivity and human development.

Government through its sixth national development plan says that through the education sector it will provide: “innovative and productive life-long education and training for all by 2030”.

Its goal is to “increase equitable access to quality education and skills training to enhance human capacity for sustainable national development”.

During the SNDP period, the strategic focus of the sector will be on expanding access to high school and tertiary education.


  1. Continue upholding Sata’s legacy!we are all seeing what PF has done and still doing!be assured of our votes!we cant kill Sata’s PF after his death!PF is here to stay!Go Edgar Lungu Go! “IFINTU NI LUNGU”!

    • Nabakanya ba upnd copying their promises coz they have exclusive right to make promises and have already made them.

      Akainde will sue you for copying…….LOL!!

    • What legacy? borrowing USD 8 billion in 3 years is bad legacy.
      Appointment of Foreign Service Staff, Perm Secs, Cabinet Ministers, Contracts from one region is bad legacy. The people of Zambia are aware of this fact and will show it through their vote on 20th Jan.2014.

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