Sunday, January 26, 2025

UPND Kalabo and Lukulu Campaign in Pictures


HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
HH addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane at Kaunda Square, Kalabo.
H addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane in Lukulu
H addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane in Lukulu
H addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane in Lukulu
H addressed the crowd alongside Hon. Milupi and Hon. Dr Musokotwane in Lukulu


    We now have 10 provinces in Zambia,
    Let us give all votes in Southern, Western and Northwestern Provinces to Hakainde
    Hichilema and Give all the votes in Northern, Muchinga and Luapula to Edgar Lungu.
    That means we are remaining with 4 provinces namely;- Central, Copper belt, Lusaka
    and Eastern provinces.
    Now let Central province be 50:50 between Edgar and HH.
    Give Edgar 60% and HH 40% in Lusaka
    And we are remaining with Copperbelt and Eastern province.
    Les us regard the 2 remaining provinces as deciding factor,
    Now the question is; if today the elections where held in Copperbelt and Eastern
    provinces, who between HH and Edgar would emerge victorious?

    • man its not rocket science lungu would win in both CB and Eastern.

      This elections Lungu has won there is no doubt about it.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • The Graveyard ticket of HH’s political burial at the kantolomba cementary has just been purchased by all toka leya chiefs. This is when they officially endorsed the tonga only for Presidency doctrine against a united Zambia. To man North, East, Lusaka, Central, Copperbelt, Muchinga, Luapula and parts of North West these Bantustan chiefs have just put a final nail in the bantustan president coffin. They will have to artificially inseminate voters between now and election day and hopefully use them as bantustan project voters. Otherwise, the project and doctrine is dead in

    • @Impako we both know its Edgar C. Lungu the PF candidate and the people’s President that takes the day.. Good analysis there though expect it to be close in Western as PF will win a considerable percentage, same applies to NW province expect us to pull in a considerable number of votes there..PF IS WINNING NO DOUBT AND JUST LOOK AT THAT PALTRY CROWD IN WHAT HIS SUPPORTERS CALL A STRONGHOLD???..HH HAS BEGUN TO SOIL HIS DIPER KA UNDER 5!!!!

      ***VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015 AND 2016***

    • @Impako, this a very use.less analysis way of determining who wins between President HH and Lungu.

    • @Impako with fake WISHFUL analysis. Dont WISH go on the ground to hear what people are saying, if u cant go , FUND SOMEONE TO DO an Opinion poll for you. PF is abhored in EVERY CORNER OF THE COUNTRY starting frm Farmers, Street traders etc……Lungu will be luck to even get a 2 digit score of above 10%.

      For your INFO UPND has built strongholds in ALMOST ALL the PROVINCES OF ZAMBIA only remaining with Eastern,Muchinga and Northern. Even in NORTHERN we are almost CONSOLIDATING the party.
      But with FOLLOWING I am sure:
      1. Central
      2. Western
      3. Southern
      4. NorthWestern
      5. Copperbelt -( though NOT FULLY CONSOLIDATE )
      6. Lusaka- (Partial as VOTERS are still standing on their fences)

    • HH will get Central, Northwestern, Southern and Western Provinces.
      EL will get Northern, Muchinga and luapula, Eastern Provinces .
      Lusaka HH 60% EL 50%
      Copperbelt HH 50% EL 50%

      Northern 659,534
      Eastern 644,725
      Luapula 408,937
      Lusaka EL 40% 308,983
      Copperbelt EL 50% 422,785
      PF areas registered voters 2,444,964

      Western 394,660
      N/Western 625,670
      Southern 643,588
      Central 452,013
      Lusaka HH 60% 463,475
      Copperbelt HH 50% 422,785
      HH areas registred voter 3,002,190

      Total registred voters in Zambia from last elections …



    • Zambia – Forward!!
      Zambia- One People !!

      Lungu is under-pressure.
      Remember Nawakwi is doing great in Eastern Province & Muchinga Province.
      GBM is in Nothern Province
      Luapula is manned by Katele Kalumba.
      Its HH’s month.

    • Good analysis. I don’t support UPND neither PF. But the facts you’ve put up are very informative and practical. Now this is what we call analysis. You good my friend.

    • You already have the answer to that question. And I must say I like the easy way of looking at things. HH supporters will insult you for this…but not to worry 20 Jan is slowly but surely approaching and Edgar C. Lungu on this day will be the 6th Republican Prez.

      Viva EL Viva PF

    • but remember we don’t count the number of provinces to decide a vote.. someone may win 5 of the 10 provinces but still come out number 2 because provinces with highest registered voters didn’t vote for him. so your analysis is abit vague I must say.. I would have been comfortable if you were using the actual numbers. Here is a breakdown of groups who MAY not vote for Edgar:

      1. The Elite (educated) along the line of rail, that is those who are in high learning institutions and jobs etc.. they understand HH policies
      2. The Nurses
      3. University students (Busary)
      4. Farmers (farmers are almost everyone in rural areas, non payment)
      5. Those with cars (fuel)
      6. Fathers (mealie meal)
      7. Business men (high exchange rate)
      8. Govt workers (wage freeze)
      9. NGO’s/Politicians…

    • @ Impako. If by your analysis Vodka wins, it’s Zambians who will lose. Your hatred of HH is because of his origins, otherwise even children know he is the only presidential candidate who has a passion to change Zambia for the better. Your EL will go to state house and together with the useless ministers continue swimming in alcohol and plundering Zambian’s tax payers money.

    • man its your right to pacify yourself with hallucinations of HH-UPND win. If you cant perceive this one then just wait for the night of 20 January you will die coz EL is winning. Any way we will sooth you at the funeral of your HH-UPND loss.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • Winning with votes from artificially inseminated cows breeded between now and voting day? Where will HH get human voters to endorse a tonga only bantustan doctrine when everyone is for a united Zambia? His chiefs have plugged in a final nail in his political coffin. God has a way of exposing the weaked ones with their narrow anti unity agenda.

    • It is shocking that someone can say “breeded” meaning “bred” and “weaked” meaning “wicked”. You can take someone to America but you cannot remove the monkey-hunting traits and the effects of Zambian basic education from his head. You simply cannot clean him. HH would be a better president than EL. Obviously sane Zambians will vote for HH. Viva HH.

    • Ati wantashi nachi Chisala i can see even at school you were not all that intelligent,simple analysis you can’t sense that PF is winning ,yes your party UPND will gain about 5% votes improvement from the previous elections ,because RB who was a threat both in western & north western is not participating.

    • @Kashiji – and on top of that this Mwenyo retard is refusing free education being offered by UPND for his own benefit and that of his family not HH’s. How cursed can one be?

  2. Wherever people’s choice Edgar Lungu holds a rally,he is able to attract huge crowds than tribal HH!look at HH’s crowds in his bantustan areas?too sad!VOTES WHICH WILL BE COMING FROM PF STRONGHOLDS WILL BE MASSIVE AND SHALL SHALLOW MUCH OF HH’S VOTES FROM BANTUSTAN AREAS! I CANT SEE HH DEFEATING EDGAR LUNGU! So its 14 days more before EL enters state house as zambia’s 6th president!GO PF GO AND VIVA EL!

    • Unlike Lungu, HH is not using trucks to bring people in one place to form a crowds, people genuinely attend UPND rallies.

      On the other hand, Lungu hire trucks to bring people in one place to form fake crowd, i call that “self deception” and PF will regret that!

    • @4 Eddy my friendeeeee!!

      Dont compare charismatic Sata with Kachasu man. Lungu is a VERY DOCILE guy ma voters ba musula he cant SPEAK CONVINCINGLY and there is nothing he has to offer. He is in a panic mood but ‘chikwepe chayenda’ and it is at its last floor i.e UPND for you my FRIEND.
      We ve demolished PF

    • January 21, it will be announced…Edgar Lungu is leading in the elections
      January 23/24 it will be announced…Edgar Lungu has won the elections
      By the first week of February it will be announced…HH has resigned as UPND president..
      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015 AND 2016****

  3. HH-UPND must concede defeat so that they preserve their money for 2016 which also they will lose. The writing is on the wall in black and white that Lungu has won this election. Come 20 January Lungu is in state house.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  4. @eddy, do not tell me that you were admitted in intensive care ward when HH was touring the northern circuit. He equally attracted huge crowds there. He campaigned convincingly. even now, people are still there campaigning for him although PF have declared the northern territories as no go areas. He will get decent votes from there, believe me. The wind of change has not spared the north.

    • Saimbwende,

      Man I recommend you for your bravery to come out like that. Really HH-UPND can not match with the greatness of the mighty PF and Lungu. The whole Zambia now knows that Lungu is in state house come 20 January. There are 14 days remaining to see HH-UPND mourning uncontrollably . Catastrophic will be their loss but EL and PF will be celebrating. Amen.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • @Saimbwende

      Not only did he attract huge crowds , unlike Lungu, he did not hire trucks and pay people K25-K50 to attend the rally to keep up appearances.

      Lungu and his PF team are dead worried, more especially the northerners, they confused as to RB ‘s motives in funding PF with dirt money.

      Confusion is now growing within PF as a result of the “Tower of Babel effect”

      HH is winning and all PF minions know that.

      I have warned Lungu, that if He forces his way to plot 1 his reign will be painfull and he will be got rid of by Nsanda and chungu for allowing RB within a year before 2016 elections.

  5. These pictures are cut so that the ends of the crowd is not in sight . What we want is to give us pictures which the ends of the crowd as EL-PF are doing. Not cutting the picture where a little concentration of people are, give us the whole picture with its end.

    But still even if you cut pictures you are just deceiving yourselves coz the truth will come out on 20 January when HH-UPND shall mourn uncontrollably.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • J.J
      Look at you, you are even feeling shy of saying what you have said. My dear be strong as a man caught in adultery for the pending catastrophic loss of HH-UPND will enter history. I recommend you for pacifying yourself for that’s your human right dear but I will not help you to mourn your HH-UPND loss on 20 January night. Amen.

  6. @Impako1.0 with fake WISHFUL analysis. Dont WISH go on the ground to hear what people are saying, if u cant go , FUND SOMEONE TO DO an Opinion poll for you. PF is abhored in EVERY CORNER OF THE COUNTRY starting frm Farmers, Street traders etc……Lungu will be luck to even get a 2 digit score of above 10%.

    For your INFO UPND has built strongholds in ALMOST ALL the PROVINCES OF ZAMBIA only remaining with Eastern,Muchinga and Northern. Even in NORTHERN we are almost CONSOLIDATING the party.
    But with FOLLOWING I am sure:
    1. Central
    2. Western
    3. Southern
    4. NorthWestern
    5. Copperbelt -( though NOT FULLY CONSOLIDATE )
    6. Lusaka- (Partial as VOTERS are still standing on their fences)

    • @Anderson Chisala

      You are absolutely right with your realistic analysis. The ground has shifted for PF and its Lungu.

      Where ever PF is addressing rallies, MPs and Lungu are being boooed even after paying people and hiring trucks and using government trucks to ferry people to the rallies. One suffered BP in Nakonde and the rally had to be cut short to avoid more abuse from the people at the rally.

    • January 21, it will be announced…Edgar Lungu is leading in the elections
      January 23/24 it will be announced…Edgar Lungu has won the elections
      By the first week of February it will be announced…HH has resigned as UPND president..
      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015 AND 2016****

  7. …@Impako with fake WISHFUL analysis. Dont WISH go on the ground to hear what people are saying, if u cant go , FUND SOMEONE TO DO an Opinion poll for you. PF is abhored in EVERY CORNER OF THE COUNTRY starting frm Farmers, Street traders etc……Lungu will be luck to even get a 2 digit score of above 10%.

    For your INFO UPND has built strongholds in ALMOST ALL the PROVINCES OF ZAMBIA only remaining with Eastern,Muchinga and Northern. Even in NORTHERN we are almost CONSOLIDATING the party.
    But with FOLLOWING I am sure:
    1. Central
    2. Western
    3. Southern
    4. NorthWestern
    5. Copperbelt -( though NOT FULLY CONSOLIDATE )
    6. Lusaka- (Partial as VOTERS are still standing on their fences)

    • January 21, it will be announced…Edgar Lungu is leading in the elections
      January 23/24 it will be announced…Edgar Lungu has won the elections
      By the first week of February it will be announced…HH has resigned as UPND president..
      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015 AND 2016****

    • @Vision2020! 13.1
      Kachasu man always fumbles. WHERE IS HIS STRONGHOLD? Those where strongholds of Sata. Do you know tht the people who ARE MAKING HIM LOOSE popularity r THOSE HE INSULTED and ‘belittled’, the likes of GBM.

      GBM is well respected in Northern Province(Since Muchinga is still Northern) the reason SATA could NOT push for nullification of his seat.

      As UPND we ve already put a PLAN how will work with NORTHERN PROVINCE and other provinces of Zambia. A well co-ordinated program.



    • Drink more mabisi on 20th dear….nga taukosele ukapolomya… and on 21st you will be mistaken to be a cholera patient..

  8. @Impako; just join the winning team.

    In all PROVINCES Lungu is feeling shy to sell himself he has become a fugitive in his on land. Even in Muchinga YOUNG BOYS who attending his rallies are booing him.

    He is reminding me of how we booed Sony Mulenga whn he came to Munali School as Munali MP. PF ‘nikaloba’ Party…..!!even getting 12% ba limbe.


  9. EL is losing clearly. it does not require you to buy spectacles to see that. the man (EL) is an empty tin. Even his team that is coordinating the rigging are giving up. the battle is unbearable. lero ni lero wina azalira na ndalama yakongole.

  10. @Anderson Chisala lets sing together 1, 2 , 3…

    January 21, it will be announced…Edgar Lungu is leading in the elections
    January 23/24 it will be announced…Edgar Lungu has won the elections
    By the first week of February it will be announced…HH has resigned as UPND president..


    ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015 AND 2016****

  11. FOOLS live in fantasy and denial. Tekanyeni, or else mukaikulika when the Chief Justice announces HH as Zambia’s 6th President on 21st January. You are just here talking too much on Lusaka Times; some of us are on the ground. All this myth about EL taking luapula, northern, muchinga and Eastern is for you to believe in – us we know what is actually happening on the ground. Edgar Lungu, YES, will receive votes across the country; BUT for HH it will be a landslide and from my observations so far, and even OP have warned EL already, HH might be the first President to genuinely win elections by more than 50% (current OP estimates are at 60%) since Chiluba in 1991.
    But of course you can continue hallucinating about EL winning, because hallucinating is a basic human right.

  12. Bloggers here is a new slogan to use:

    “Ifintu ni Lungu. Umuntu in HH”

    Umuntu means well. Vote for Umuntu HH.

    Ifintu means no vision. I don’t know if PF really knew what where up to when coming up with their slogan. That’s what happens when Gods time comes. There is confusion in the camp of PF. The prophecy is that soon other PF members will stop campaigning for Edgar Lungu. Total confusion.

    God’s time is the best. God has heard the prayers from faithful Christians to liberate this country from abject poverty and restore it where it is supposed to be.

    HH is the chosen one to lead this country.

  13. Come the 23rd January 2015, some people will have heart attacks. Ask people on the ground. This is election can go either way between UPND and PF. All these huge predictions with big margins, people will be shocked. Zambian voters are very fluid. We are not like ZIM.

  14. I feel it for UPND. Insulting EL will not salvage the situation. For these election forget and think about something else

  15. People hold your fire! The mistake EL has made is to bring RB on board, RB we rejected him in the last elections why would we love him again, EL is just wasting his time he is not a politician but a drunkard who can not even express himself to his hired crowds. Every sane Zambian cannot vote for EL today and believe me he is losing this election whether you like it or not. About a few weeks ago it was the same RB who was laughing at EL with his walking stick now what makes him to endorse him today. Open your eyes people and face reality and dont be used by EL and group of minions.

    Zambia Forward, Forwad.

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