Recently re-elected Kasenengwa MMD Member of Parliament Victoria Kalima has been disowned by almost the entire contingent of counselors in her constituency for campaigning for the UPND in this year’s presidential by-election and have threatened that should she dare stand on the MMD ticket in 2016 and the party adopts her, they will make sure that she loses the seat.
Speaking angrily during a grassroots meeting held by Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba at M’chacha village, one of the largest polling stations in the constituency, the counselors informed Dr. Mumba that they had reminded Mrs. Kalima that she won the recent Kasenengwa by-election on the MMD party ticket in which she had been heavily supported by Dr. Mumba in her campaigns and wondered how she could have suddenly turned against the President and the party to support the UPND.
The counselors went on to express their deep disappointment with former President Rupiah Banda on the confusion he has caused in the party by his ill-conceived comeback to active politics which has greatly destabilized the party in the province. They wondered at the wisdom of the former Republican President in supporting the PF Government which had destroyed the good MMD agricultural policies, causing small-scale farmers to suffer in Eastern province and resulting in the staggering increase in food prices.
Earlier on, as Dr. Mumba’s entourage passed through a filling station in Petauke enroute to Chipata, it was reported that cadres were organized to stone Dr. Mumba’s entourage but they refused.
Dr. Mumba, who held a successful rally in Chipata on Saturday the 17th of January 2015 and later was guest on Radio Breeze, received many callers who encouraged him to soldier on and not let the MMD down because they were solidly behind him. Many appealed to him to reconcile with Mr Banda to which he responded that he had attempted to do that on the very next morning following the Supreme Court ruling when he tried to make peace with him.
The Mumba entourage later heard that upon hearing about Dr. Mumba’s successful appearance on the radio station, Mr Banda returned from Petauke and made urgent arrangements to also appear on the same station to try and refute some of the comments made by Dr. Mumba.
The new Hope MMD Presidential team returned to Lusaka in the early hours of Sunday morning and flew to Livingstone later and held a very successful rally. Dr. Mumba returned to Lusaka Sunday evening and will proceed on a last mopping up operation out of Lusaka on Monday morning.

Ba LT nafilwa ukushipikisha. MMD Chipata crowd or sorry rally ?? lol.
This is a final boarding call for Zambia United Flight HH2015 to Statehouse. May those will sound minds proceed to Gate 200115 and board the flight. Passengers from the sunk PF boat ECL “me too” are welcome to join, including BELLY POLITICIAN MUNKOMBWE terms and conditions apply.
I have always asked LT to report on facts. There is no rally to talk about in this article!
Single engine (HH) propeller 14 seater aircraft about to crash land in Zambezi river. Passengers are advised to jump out of HH2015 before it crashlands. The wiser ones are boarding EL2015 to take them to prosperity, fly by rules, equality and fairness for all. No First class, Business class passengers. All one class. Viva EL. We are all made in God’s own image, equal and one. Patriotic Zambians. EL is our president.
Victoria was given $15000 by HH sunny chintombwa to destabilise MMD ,these politicians are really cheap.
So you’ve now abandoned the titanic and joined “me too” #FlightHH2015.
Learn to be original
Kikikikikiki ati MMD Mammoth rally.
Victoria Kalima is a smart girl she is simply following where there is honey to be had.
Nevers Mumba is in sh**t can this be called a political rally or a PTA meeting. Mumba should answer this question why does MMD membership continuously reject him?.
…. maybe they are thieves and are scared with level of morality of the man of God.
Naimwe can’t you see that the photos were deliberately taken from deceiving angles?
cant hold my laughter
Chipata Rally kikikikikikiki
naine na filwa…am zeto
Forget about MMD!!thats a gone party and it will never rule Zambia.we cant vote for them.just let PF continue in power.this party has done really well and only those tribal people in UPND fail to appreciate PF bcoz all they need is their tribal leader HH to rule Zambia despite the party in power doing very well!!UPND CADRES READ TODAY’S POST EDITORIAL!!!IFINTU NI LUNGU!!!
PF is about to join UNIP and MMD.
Pretty is a rejected ugly tonga prostitute from Choma Farm of a named dictator, white collar criminal.
@nevers, mbuli iwe.
Your mum and I were in the same brothel. How about that? She liked ukujandilila.
Ifintu ni lungu!!!!
Ask RB, Eastern Province has moved on. The heat is on and Mdala RB is evn developed hyper BP. Even father Bwalya is trying to board flight HH 2015 from Mpika but unfortunately for him, the airport is not operating.
Edgar is now asking to be a guard for HH at his home but has been advised to re apply when he is sober because he failed to impress during the interview.
People in these pictures look so dispirited. Nervers, you ran a good campaign but sorry, this is not your time. I dont have any problems with you at all, in fact you, Chipimo and Nawakwi are the best. It’s a pity Zambia has never had a good leader and will continue producing the worst till the economy is no more.
Iyeee Mayo awe!!! Ba Nevers bakalamba, I think ifintu fyashupa. Kindly retire from politics and just concentrate on either being a pastor or a business man. It is ok…
Where’s MMD Chief Bootlicker? He hasn’t graced LT in a while. He was one of the good ones
All of you who seem to have written off MMD will be surprised if it emerges the winner. It seems to me there is a fight between light and darkness- those who want to continue with wrong things they are accustomed to in the partywant to make sure (at all cost ) that Dr Mumba fails in his quest of bringing morality and integrity to the party. It is obvious from human point of view, he has lost the elections, but…
Does that look like a really about to usher in a new president for Zambia?I doubt.
Dr.Nevers Mumba,if you recall I made an appeal for the two of you with Gen.Miyanda to join Zambia united.
Now it has come to this?
Listen to what the lord is saying.Please just humble yourself and the lord will lift you up.Give this game of politics and get back to the pulpit on Wednesday.
It is a well known fact that RB and all mmd mps supporting PF have no principles true leadership. Just imagine MMD the second largest party and lost by 200 000 votes only meaning that if they remained united this time around could have taken the day. But now they decided them mmd leaders to divide it at the expense of the unsuspecting membership. These unprincipled leaders sold off and betrayed their dully elected president and the party an act which is very immoral. However the new mmd will be very different and come 2016 will do far much better. As for 2015 we are yet to see. We will still give our vote to Dr. Nevers Mumba.
Iam not sure if, iam wrong, all I can see is a number of kids, victoria, she is a factor in kasenengwa.