Thursday, January 30, 2025

President Edgar Lungu outlines his foreign policy


President Edgar Lungu during the Annual greetings ceremony by the President for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Lungu during the Annual greetings ceremony by the President for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

PRESIDENT Lungu says Zambia will continue to aggressively pursue a foreign policy that will enhance economic co-operation and promote trade and investment.

Mr Lungu also said Zambia is “gravely” concerned by continued conflicts not only in Africa but world over because wars lead to loss of lives and resources meant for socio-economic development.

The President said this at State House in Lusaka yesterday when he met diplomats accredited to Zambia.

He said that his Government’s vision is based on the revised 2014 foreign policy which seeks values and principles that safeguard security and promote socio-economic and cultural interests.

“In this regard, Zambia will pursue strategic partnerships that will be in line with the country’s national interests, including attracting foreign direct investment in key economic areas,” he said.

President Lungu said Zambia will continue to play an active role in strengthening regional economic communities to encourage intra-Africa trade and promote fair multilateral economic agreements at global level.

Mr Lungu also said that Zambia bemoans the suffering experienced by citizens in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Syria and Ukraine.

He said matters of regional and continental integration are important and Zambia anticipates that significant progress will be made towards the integration of regional economic communities.

The President also said Zambia will continue to co-operate with the international community to tackle topical issues such as the United Nations reforms, climate change, human rights, terrorism, international peace and security, and piracy.

Dean of the diplomatic corps and Palestine ambassador to Zambia Attala Qubia said foreign missions accredited to Zambia will support President Lungu’s administration and help to achieve the aspirations of Zambians.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina and foreign Affairs minister Harry Kalaba arrives at State House for the Annual greetings ceremony for members of the Diplomatic Corps on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina and foreign Affairs minister Harry Kalaba arrives at State House for the Annual greetings ceremony for members of the Diplomatic Corps on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina  arrives at State House for the Annual greetings ceremony for members of the Diplomatic Corps on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina arrives at State House for the Annual greetings ceremony for members of the Diplomatic Corps on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina during the Annual greetings ceremony for members of the Diplomatic Corps at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina during the Annual greetings ceremony for members of the Diplomatic Corps at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Foreign Affairs minister during the Annual greetings ceremony by President Edgar Lungu for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Foreign Affairs minister during the Annual greetings ceremony by President Edgar Lungu for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Justice Minister
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Justice Minister
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Justice Minister
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Justice Minister
President Edgar Lungu  with British High Commissioner
President Edgar Lungu with British High Commissioner

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu

World Bank Country Director Kundhavi Kadiresan talks to President Edgar Lungu during the Annual greetings ceremony by the President for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
World Bank Country Director Kundhavi Kadiresan talks to President Edgar Lungu during the Annual greetings ceremony by the President for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Lungu during the Annual greetings ceremony by the President for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Lungu during the Annual greetings ceremony by the President for members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Zambia at State House on February 11,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


  1. mwe bantu! is Lungu standing behind in that group photo????? who is the boss here…this guy needs to have a firm hand..maybe i’m mistaken, is this the way its supposed to be?

    • Lungu should be careful with Kalaba. Kalaba is a big snake in the grass.

      I would advice Lungu to drop Kalaba and send him into foreign service.

      I will be disappointed to see Luo and Kambwili back in cabinet. If this happens, then any little respect I had for Lungu will evaporate.

  2. Good, Bwana Edgar that is the way to go. Its time to also establish a yearly Zambian foreign mission evaluation mechanism (economic, political and socio benefits) against cost. This should be based on empirical data (CSO). Non viable missions need to merged or closed to reduced government expenditure.

  3. Kalaba is the Foreign Affairs minister, there is nothing wrong in him being at the forefront at this meeting/ceremony. My worry is what the heck is Nsanda doing in this picture. EL must distance himself from Nsanda, better still post him to foreign services as an under-secretary or some junior position.

  4. I@ windhoek if you know dressing you wouldn’t have asked whether el is wearing a belt. Just to give you a clue look at the kind of trousers is wearing.

    • Well said Spongebob square pants! It’ s a designer suit and that’s the way he has chosen to dress. Does one really need binoculars to notice ba Windhoek chakuti?

  5. #10 Imwe ba windhoek Observer, ni bwanji kansi? These are trousers with fasteners on the sides. No need for a belt. Kulibe ku windhoek?

    Lungu is overflowing with confidence, nobility, humbleness, and looks to have superior interpersonal communication skills. He reminds me of Uhuru Kenyatta.

  6. Why is His Excellency in the back row and the big western diplomat hogging the red carpet front and center? The President is not even able to picked out. THIS IS A BREACH OF PROTOCAL and may I add, the diplomat who is standing on the red carpet as large as he is is in violation of diplomatic protocal. He is standing where President Lungu should be standing. Could someone at State House immediately discipline the person in charge or instructing people where to stand for this picture. Let me advice you: NEVER POSITION THE PRESIDENT BEHIND A CROWD WHEN HE IS THE HOST. HE ALWAYS, ALWAYS IS FRONT AND CENTER. This is an embarassment. The dude who set this photo op should be fired immediately Mr. President. You are lost in the crowd and not distinguishable. What a shame.

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