President Edgar Lungu says the process of re-organising government has never been an easy task.
President Lungu said he took time to ensure that the outlook of government is as representative as possible so as to reflect the broad national character.
He said he had to make a careful balancing to blend the old and young because his government believes youth empowerment is very critical in rejuvenating the very idea of government.
President Lungu said this in Lusaka today at State House shortly before announcing and swearing in his Cabinet.
President Lungu said during the selection process he had to call in colleagues from the opposition to ensure some regions of the country where the PF did not do well in the elections are assured of representation.
He said in order to make a clear statement on where his government stands on gender equity he had to ensure that women representation was improved.
Meanwhile President Lungu has called for support from Zambians as he works towards making this country a better place.
He noted that elections are now over and as a democratic people there is need to move forward for the sake Zambians.
President Lungu urged all Zambians to compete freely in a marketplace of ideas by tolerating one another in diversity.
He said the nation must ensure that each one is given chance to contribute to national building.
The head of state demanded for excellence, highest level of integrity, performance, discipline and unity of purpose from his Minister.
President Lungu said he would allow his Ministers sufficient leeway to discharge their functions and would give them all the support they need in pushing the agenda for development aimed at reducing poverty in the country.

You have tried Sir. Avoid undue influence from ‘outside’ entities though.
Lungu is both long and tall.
Which inclusive Government you people. A government full of Bembas and People from Eastern Province.
I challenge the President to count all cabinet ministers and the regions they come from. Your findings are as shocking as mine. No Tonga has been appointed in the cabinet apart from Fackson Shamenda who was equally nearly left out; thanks to the advice from Rupia the remote button holder.
From my view though I am not Tonga, Edgar Lungu hates Tongas very much and its like he does not even want to see them.
Evidence; if he really cared for the Tongas, he would have appointed Brian Hapunda as Information or Education Minister and not the Hell of two useless hippos he has appointed. Surely what can Kaingu and ci Kambwili offer in govt apart from frustrating workers and govt itself?
Its the deeds that make “One Zambia, One Nation” and not a mere slogan. If Lungu wants to be taken serious on his inclusive government, let him do the following; dismantle all the tribal appointments that Sata made, let him release a list of all major appointments and positions in Government, Government contracts should be offered based on competencies and capability, and should begin to apportion development projects equally across all the provinces.
Unless he does that, no serious minded person like me will take Lungu serious.
Also remember the Kariba Dam Please in the National Progs.
The only “bad appointment” is Kambwili as Minister of Information and Broadcasting.
But with M’membe and ZWD all determined to decampaign the Govt, one can see why Lungu has taken this position.
Already I hear that Kambwili has vowed to close down ZWD. I am not a big fan of ZWD anymore and disagree with the tone and lack of ethics in their reporting but I equally despise Govt interference in the media.
Simply educate the population and deliver on your promises and you will render the ZWD and HH useless in their campaign.
Take the route of targetting the media and you are bound to fail and loose popularity along the way.
President Lungu it is on your watch and the buck stops with you and not Kambwili
Now PF the circus is over & show us how you are going to fix the economy as well as affordable life to the poor majority Zambians.
We can see some remainders’ of “useless ministers” according to Sata. But here again PF is given a spare rope to chock out what’s left in them.
Others nchito zasila, elo zoona, nachito imasila for sure. Iza nyokola njala lelo bamambala!
Lets see how “nuts, cats & rats” can live in one room together. Slightly unbalanced cabinet, the state is divided by tribal inclinations, unless for those who fear reality and following the visionless one.
As for Kambwili I pity the media institutions, for his rantings & yapping have just started. Kambwili said that; it’s not govt responsibility to educate citizens” is illogical.
Skeleton Key
These are temporal appointments
Chikwanda, Shamenda offer nothing anymore and Lungu should have bedded his own people.
Vincent Mwale is hot! Too bad am married.
Iwe @Jane Mulenga
You never cease to amaze me. Would you have been happy if he had assembled the cabinet the way the Late MCS did? Its very clear to me that you just never see good in anything. Stop with this ‘tonga thing’, its robbing you of all the respect people have for you and it makes people think that all your tribesmen are the same. I know you are not Bemba so quit frontin’ dear.
Where is Miles. Sampa in all of this?
iwe Miles, after Lungu convinced you to bury the hatchet to get Matero to support him now you are left with nothing.
Dribbled again. Ka Lungu ni ka mambala sana
This is not all inclusive! We needed at least two representatives from each province.
Thats the way to go Mr President. Now is the time to work.
Mmmm ! It appears like Edgar has given the Information Ministry to Kambwili so that he ( Kambwii ) can go and cage himself, with his loose mouth, street conduct and extreme vibes.
It won’t be long before he utters some outrageous comments at large.
It’s time to go to work and clear the mess Sata left behind, with his countless re-appointments and the unsettling of ministries.
Given Lubinda studied Agriculture, so good for him with the Agriculture Portfolio
This Vincent Mwale is a ka serious musepela eh? Very handsome and youthful, quite fitting nomba he needs to produce results. I am told that he is only 32 years old. Impressive.
You nailed it there my dear. This one is a fine musepela! I have watched him speak on the Public Accounts Committee, he talks like crazy but for a good cause of course.
This ka Vincent, yes I have heard him speak on the parliamentary committee. Talks sense and he is dynamite, but couldn’t they give him something more serious and more befitting his energy and nzelu? Say swapping with Yamfwa Munkanga, Yaluma or even Shamenda?
Zambian women, to you, any coloured/white man is hot -just be proud with your black mambas men…………..!!
#3/3.1, ooh forgot, your, blackmamba men like Kabwili Leopard…….
@ Jombi
Let me put it up there for you to read again. Its not that Vincent is coloured, HE IS FINE AS HELL and he is doing something constructive with his life that’s why we said he is a fine musepela. You are an insecure, stup!d, ignorant moron. This has nothing to do with race.
This cabinet has no Tonga or southerner.This strengthens the people of southern province that they should continue to press hard to liberate themselves from these hardcore tribalists.Our brothers and sisters in western ,Central and Northwestern,true liberation has not yet downed those few positions you have been given should not blind you.The haters and tribalists have and will for ever look down on you as second class citizens.
Why should one appoint people you CAN NOT trust? Mr president please avoid that old cow MUKOMBWE at all costs. He wants to eat with both hands.
I agree with u totally. This is ethnic cleansing of the Tongas. And call this one Zambia one nation. Something must be done to achieve self determination.
No Tonga Vote, No Tonga in Cabinet. HH will form his own Cabinet
@ ?Pure bread Tonga
Stup1d f00l! Tukamichena nakabili. Everyone knows that 2015 was the closest that you chaps an your Under Five will ever come close to the corridors of power. Leadership is not round robin game and if you want to practice it, earn it and let those to be led acknowledge you instead of just crying.
In the first place, why do you Tongas marry more than one wife? You cant be trusted because when you are with this wife, you despise the other and vice versa. So you cant be trusted with national matters period!
Lungu so far so good but don’t surround yourself with yes mbwana type of people and then you start thinking you are the best since they will always tell you what you want to hear a lot of Presidents in Africa start like this but as soon as power goes to your head you start changing because everyone close to you makes you think you are a small God,but in Zambia now there is no place for that you will go quicker than you came remain humble and be a servant of the people as you promised,good lucky
This president has vision after all!
I don’t think so.
You cant please everyone in life…well done a Chagwa!
Its just an reprica of Sata’s cabinet .Nothing has changed.3/4 the cabinet ministers are from Luapula Northern and Muchinga.two from NW,four from western,one from central and no one from southern.The voting pattern will be the same in 2016,with HH getting in this time.
Barotse activist, go dreaming my Lozi boy! HH had his time on 20 January 2015 but he was not the annointed one, now in 2016 we have been told that those who did not vote for President Lungu because either they mistakenly thought that he had already won or was just taking over from Sata will come out in large numbers. If I was UPND, this is the time to find a more sellable leader. Someone God will feel more comfortable to consider annointing for 2021 for 2015 and 2016 are out of the question.
How do we give you a cabinet minister if you dont give us the MP? You want the president to nominate a Tonga? Vamahala vinata kale achimwene. You need to include yourselves in national governance but alas with your HH, you will be just in opposition.
@7 Baroste activist – I don’t know how you identify who is from Luapula, Northern or Muchinga but I can only identify 8 out of 22 i.e. 36% .The other 64% are from other provinces so stop being a sensationalist.
How do you get in with 1.5 provinces. Dreams
Surely Lungu is too kind! Appointing MPs from the opposition to full cabinet minister positions? People keep blaming him for more pro North ministers but He has actually not done enough for Northern, Luapula and Muchinga provinces. How many of those ministers you are calling bemba are MPs from the three provinces. These ministers are largely MPs in Lusaka, C/belt and Central Provinces. If Lungu was to appoint ministers on the basis of Provinces there should not have been less than 14 Bemba speaking Ministers.
Look at the number of Bemba MPs in PF and seeing that this is still a PF government, is it not unfair to balance all the tribes at the expense of those that put Lungu in power.
Yes we need Tongas in the Cabinet but most of them are scared of HH and other Tongas,
Inclusive govt? What a joke. You appoint a 3 people from WP and 1 from NWP and 0 from SP and you call that impressive. What a useless leader. You had a great opportunity to unite this country and you failed. You don’t unite the country by just directing ZNBC to sing One Zambia One Nation. You unite it by showing the voters to be tolerate of other people with different skin colors, different religions, different tribes or different political affiliations. My nephew this morning was almost killed in Kamwala for speaking Tonga. Where are Tongas going to go in our own land? Why should we be tortured for being Tonga? Can you please unite this country?
Tongas are now considered as foreigners and yet they are the owners of the land. THIS IS ETHNIC CLEANSING.
Reconciliation starts with Tongas recognizing the qualities of candidates from other tribes in the elections. As long as they keep to themselves, they will vote for themselves
Edgar Lungu will end up like Mwanawasa or even better!!this president means business for mother Zambia!!!The opposition will have it very tough in 2016,mark my words!!!GO PF GO!!!
Your mathematics of puting few lozis and one Luvale wont change anything.We are more than determined to register in big numbers in western and north western and this time HH will get it.We know want we want and will not dull.
@8.1 Baroste activist – I don’t know how you identify who is from Luapula, Northern or Muchinga but I can only identify 8 out of 22 i.e. 36% .The other 64% are from other provinces so stop being a sensationalist
Sense,. You nailed it my dear,.Let’s provide His Exlnce wth our full support,.
Group E judgement. Dalo, dalo, dalo!
He has grabbed 2016 already. I don’t see him losing next year.
That’s nonsense.
@ 11.1 Jamakudi
You may want to look at it as “NEW SENSE” instead of nonsense!
Its laughable for EL to claim that he took time to balance his cabinet.its the same ministers except for 5 new faces.Any serious president can assemble this team within a day.EL is meek.
Is the Justice minister Tonga or whuch tribe. I thought he is Tongarise. The cabinet not include provincial minsters? I am not a politician or a civics teacher
No Tonga minister,,ati inclusive government, how, when the people of southern province will have no representative in cabinet meetings?, Simuusa campaigned for chagwa but becos he is tonga he has been left out.Next election you wonder why tongas vote for their own.The excuse that PF has no MP in SP is silly because Lungu could have nominated one Tonga and appoint him/her as minister,if he means well. We tongas are watching and will never be intimidated by those who label us as tribalist, when necked tribalism is being practiced against us.Atleast sata had nominated Munkombwe but lungu is worser. Ignoring the entire province…its sad.
you see thats tribalism you want him to nominate some one just because he is Tonga not because of the quality… mind you you dint give PF any Tonga MP, and when they try to get from UPND you insult them what do you really want …
Thanks Mr. dear President for the appointment of Given Lubinda
I want to state that I welcome the appointment of Given Lubinda 100%. This is because the man is one of the founder members of the Patriotic Front; the party I cherished so much during HE Micheal C Sata (MHSRIP). I was one of the thousands of people that ushered the late president into the office.
Despite the appointment of Given Lubinda getting well with me, I should state that the apponitment of Chimba Kambwili the Frog and Micheal Kaiingu the poligamist is a complete miss and lacks logical culculation on the part of our president. Alot of people have been left wondering wether the president was extremely drunk with kataka/kachasu when making these two appointments or not.Surely wre on earth can the likes of Kambwili be t
Lubinda is not a founder member of PF unless my retired memory has failed me. He is from UPND.
Its the deeds that make “One Zambia, One Nation” and not a mere slogan. If Lungu wants to be taken serious on his inclusive government, let him do the following; dismantle all the tribal appointments that Sata made, let him release a list of all major appointments and positions in Government, Government contracts should be offered based on competencies and capability, and should begin to apportion development projects equally across all the provinces.
Unless he does that, no serious minded person like me will take Lungu serious.
Representative cabinet my foot! Even for window dressing he should have appointed one Southern to show his campaign message of embracing everyone. Yes they voted for opposition but what about the few who voted for him from the same region- so they mean nothing? If EL is serious about uniting this country, let him rule by christian values where you do good to your enemy so they burn with shame, this action will only resolve the southerners to continue the same since they feel marginalized. Remember the Jews and Mandela, a belief makes people resilient to all odds.
What about Hon. Shamenda is he not from southern? Or does he hail from central province?
Bitter pill i concur with you.They are making as strong.Soon all tribes will start finding out why the Tonga are treated the way they are treated.The Lozis are being a peased but they know what to do.Zambia will never heal untill will separate.
Lets give credit where it is due.
The President has done a commendable job by being very inclusive in his cabinet composition.
Well done Sir.
That’s rubbishhh and nonsense.
No way on earth this collection of individuals can handle the impending economic implosion. We are headed for hard times and these have no knowledge academic or practical for what it takes to carry us through what is coming our way. They say mediocrity creates its own comfort zone. This is very true for Zambian governments. Come December w e will remind you of this. The kwacha will be at 7.5. Lol what a joke.
I Sido mark has written off this cabinet.I have data on all these ministers and they are by far to handle the Economic situation prevailing now.Example Ngimbu =ministry of lands was surrendered back to Zambia from foreign service by Italian Government for incompentency.Kambwili =Information with his temperament and calibre will mess up big time.Dr Kaingu a former student of Manicosa college for his cheap MBA tourism run away from MBA Finance and got his Dr online from a cheap University ,he can never manage ministry ofEducation.John phiri =Local government he is misplaced,he will fail.Lubinda a diploma holder in Agri business from NRDC ,good at talking bad at implementation like BOB sichinga ,he will fail in ministry of Agriculture.Chikwanda is already failed old Dinosour.
This is beautiful! God bless Zambia! As at now these are the leaders God has given us, you do well to pray for them so they can deliver in their respective positions for the betterment of this great nation. May God grant them grace to rule and wisdom to lead the blessed people of Zambia.
No need to shut the ZWD. A lot of people have lost interest in together with Post. Closing it would marty it.
I hear Chongwe Police have captured a dangerous criminal, 3rd on Zambia Police wanted list? Currently he’s detained at Chongwe Prison amid tight tight security. Ya, these dangerous criminals should be isolated from us, the law abiding citizens or worse still shot on sight. I hear another dangerous criminal is hiding in a building along Bwingimfumu Road in town? This is a gang responsible for over K14 Billion which went missing from DBZ,ZRA amongest other institutions.Shoot on sight you stupid police!!!. shoot shoot shoot!!!. What are you trained to do at Lilayi and Kamfinsa? These are dangerous thieves, Liato pansi!!!
only you alone is headed for disaster. God is great than humans, he saw the potential in Lungu even before we humans could notice him, thats why God gives what is best for us, we are too short sighted but he sees things beyond. thankyou jesus for giving us Lungu for president, yo are the one who gives authority. 2016 HH wont see it easily, coz Lungu is coming on fire.
Go to the toilet
@Dos leave HH out.He does not belong to LUNGU class by behaviour and his style of doing things.He by far superior to this drunkard.HH will never look back and we shall for ever look forward.IT took 150 yrs for a black to be president of America.In Zambia its just a round the corner for marginalized people to produce a president who will make a big difference.
Who is HH iwe,if no a blind ambitious leader???, He z nd wll never be more than a so called successful business who has stolen the poor Zambian pipo’s resources..We are suffering at his expense…HH must go to hell…
Taking 4 weeks to decide on appointing people he already knows? Lungu is an indecisive president and if this is his style and speed of handling serious national issues then Zambia is in trouble. Now I wonder how Lungu will hide PF secrets when he has two opposition MPs sitting in his cabinet. Interesting indeed.
Lungu’s Cabinet Representation by Region
Bemba is not a region
Stop the nonsense of regionalism, please!
That adds up to more than 100% plus Bemba aint a region. I suggest you go back to school
EL has done a great job in selecting his cabinet and has proved to many that he will only give a job on merit. Why should people complain that there is no tonga in cabinet when HH vowed not to allow any of his MPs to take up positions in government? The problem is that most of the law makers in UPND though intelligent and know that they can offer a lot to the zambian people by accepting ministerial positions they are too scared of their ka small god called HH
What about Tonga-type Shamenda, is he being denied?
I will reserve judgement of how well ka Lungu has performed until I see money in my pocket.
If this is what inclusiveness means, then it has lost meaning! Keep it away!
Everything of God is good. Very good indeed. No one gifts as God does. For He is Perfect in Gifting His Children.
His Excellency is our blessing. Let every Zambian work for the good of Zambia. Love one another and support Our Central Core…which is OUR gov’t, for all things to be built and to be of benefit to ALL in Zambia.
I think as Zambia is a Christian Nation, we should try to read the book of Jeremiah in the Bible; to learn of a city and people who built a strong city under good governance and especially, Co-ordinated, corporation of the citizenry against the enemy. We need to build our city walls to keep out divisive enemies among us, just as bravely as they did by following good Leadership.
Let us now together with our President wake up to a new Dawn and…
Let us now together with our President wake up to a new Dawn and Beginning.
The appointments are well thought out and support a strong gov’t. I think Prof. Luo should be very happy with her new role. It is one that needs great Leadership to ensure the role of Women in Zambian gov’t and all levels of society. I think she will rejuvenate it and give it the Gravitas it requires. The Traditions role had become somewhat of a hothouse and she has, timely, been released from ruining her political profile.
God Bless His Excellency
God Bless Zambia
God Bless ALL Zambians
Peace Love and Shalom to the World
Zambia is NOT a Christian nation. If it were, the electoral deception wud not happen. Is stealing votes Christian?
Zambia is not a christian nation. The country is still in the grip of masonic overlords. Lungu is just their latest pawn. You maybe deluded but please remove your head from the sand and realise that the devicive elements stem from Lungu and his handlers.
@30.2 jamakudi
Zambia is a Christian Nation. The elections were declared Free, Fair and above board by all international election monitors.
Multiple foreign Leaders of European countrieS AND USA have declared the elections transparent and corruption free. So did SADC and all NGO Groups.
Yours is a lone voice in the wilderness. You are not among Right Thinking People.
This text was for Christians not for people like you who are bitter and wish to cause disarray. You are the enemies we have to build walls to keep out.
So far the cabinet is not balancing No Luvale or Tonga representation.
It should be Gavin Lubinda not Given Lubinda. I am pretty sure his mum meant Gavin not Given. Saves the confusion like “Given was given a car”. Best of luck.
@ 31 Ngambela
“Given” has meaning. What does “Gavin” mean?
Iwe ka @Ngambela, Gavin is a name given to male children with roots from the Welsh. Now go outside and play. If your mother allows you again, check out how to use ‘Given’
Ladies & Gentleman, let us for once applaud & give HE the chance to at least take off & see where he leads us. We can’t keep on with the negative rant, mostly tribal. What worries me most is the number of private citizens who went to see HE while in Mfuwe, at what cost to the general public, more importantly the voters as some of these businessmen don’t even vote, we saw them & were wondering why HE was meeting with them, maybe 20:06:41 can get a list of visitors???
Is This what he understands as inclusive? Is 65% Bemba and 0% Southern!!
Southerners should call ECL out for exclusion. Not only did he not really campaign in southern, but also excludes southern on governance.
This is ethnic cleansing. They want to wipe out tongas but it won’t happen.
He was in Livingstone, please stop fabricating information like the post newspaper.
Lungu stands a better chance to make a good and a likable president. His appears to be a clear departure from the obnoxious RB and Sata legacies.
@Mei Matungu 31.1 – Gavin is an English name just like Edgar and given is the past participle of “give”.
Maybe he should just be called Kefilwe in Sotho meaning Iam Given
@Mei Matungu 31.1 – Gavin is a male given name. It is the late medieval form of the name Gawain, which in turn is believed to have originated from the Welsh name Gwalchgwn, meaning “White Hawk.”
Please give us a brake to do our work ,wen r u going to accept that hh lost,we told u that ,u wil neve stop crying babies ,change the voting parten & weshal apoint from yo region,kwasila ,sela tubombeko.
Am happy with your selection, more especially the inclusion of Hon. Kambwili and Given Lubinda in your cabinet. The inclusion of young Vincent Mwale in your cabinet is also a well thought move. Keep it up and wish you and the entire cabinet God’s guidance as you work for our mother, Zambia.
But doesn’t ECL know that the ones he has appointed from the opposition will lick information to their parties. Where is their loyalty. He should not complain when information starts flying everywhere
They’re in the government, not the party. Note the difference.
“Lick information”
Yes the will lick all those envelopes to parliament about meetings. This is a working government, even without my President Nawakwi and honourable General Miyanda.
Before these appointments one Tonga mp from Siavonga was approached to be in this cabinet what did he say he and any one from upnd were not interested to work with PF moreover their allergiance is to one hh and not the zambians, furthermore hh does not recognise ECL as the Presido of Zed so guyz its very hard to work with pipo you can’t trust. Moreover someone stole the draft constitution it ended up with hh, ECL medical report is with hh, all the leaks are with hh, so let EL do his work
Suddenly, the people who did not want ECL, now want to be in his cabinet. How can ECL include people who vehemently told him he was a drunk they would never accept. Cabinet is not a group of disinterested people with no loyalties, it is the President’s group of TRUSTED stewards. Trusted by whom? THE PRESIDENT. I doubt if Tongas would be as magnanimous as ECL has been in these appointments. In any case, there are 73 tribes in Zambia or 75 if you include ma kaladi and ba Mwenye. Do you expect him to appoint 73 people to cabinet or should a person be JUST Tonga to be considered a Southerner. There are other tribes in Southern province and I suspect Shamenda is from one of those. A president finds himself in a delicate balancing act as he has his diehard loyalist to reward as well.
Panji Kaunda for Defence?????
Kenneth Kaunda for defence kikikiki. Kapena Joshua Nkomo
At least a cabinet! Viva Castle (the Fortress!)
Zambia seems headed for a new chapter.
Where’s one of our own? Kabila yetu hakuna waziri hata moja sababu Zambia ni inchi ya PF tribalists.
well balanced with RACE included i can see 2 coloured Bastards Lubinda and Vincent Mwale, i wish he also appointed a muzungu, mwenye and A chinese
Glad for Given Lubinda, good choice 🙂
Where is the news???
Vincent Mwale is the only one looking like a real Zambian. Walking tall and happy definitely he cannot be Tonga!
Tongas please let’s wake up we will never get anything out of this,we are contributing a lot to this so called Zambia,let’s start strategizing on how we can be determining our own destine please let’s not auction our resources to foreigners our generation will blame us.it is hard but we have enough numbers and resources to fight.
Keep it up whinging bloggers! Whinging your way everywhere, at home and in diaspora.
leave the Tonga’s ALONE ,YOU FOOLS.Discuss and advise those in power how to reduce misery.Tonga’s are not …. .leave the Tonga’s ALONE.WHO EVER IS GOING TO WRITE ABOUT TONGA’S IS A FOOL.A FOOL, A FOOL.
Who advises HH mwebantu kanshi? The likes of Maureen , Mutati, Mwaanga, Masebo, GBM, Suresh, Saunders, Mucheleka, Munkombwe and Dipak have no place in our politics. At one time, HH used to boast that he was young, but time has really caught up with him and the man is not only old but become completely irrelevant in modern politics. He thought the Anglo American money could buy him wisdom and make Zambians slaves again, NO!
Pa ZED this time, one has to be more than smart to be President and one so far is Chagwa Lungu. Maybe ba Chipimo mu 2031 will try but also he will be garbage. If money cant buy love, surely it cant buy souls. Let HH keep his money and we shall keep our motherland Zambia forever.
Ifintu ni Lungu epela.
I think the president has a huge mistake when it comes to Kambwili. He is a threat and a liability to the nation. With all the talks about how one carries himself this is not a candidate fit for this position. It’s only a matter of time before his diarrhea mouth explodes. Then he will start dishing out secrets and things about the government.