Tuesday, January 7, 2025

ZRA is underperforming, Zambia lost K 7 billion in uncollected revenue-CTPD


Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)Commissioner General Berlin Msiska during the official opening of Chipata domestic taxes offices
Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)Commissioner General Berlin Msiska
during the official opening of Chipata domestic taxes offices

The Centre for Trade Policy and Development has called for the enhanced monitoring of the Zambia Revenue Authority.

CTPD Executive Director Isabel Mukelabai has observed that ZRA has continued to underperform in revenue collection as shown in the latest Auditor General’s report on Parastatals.

‘If you look at the Auditor General’s report, it clearly shows that there is a lot of laxity on the part of ZRA to collect taxes including mineral royalty taxes and trade taxes and this is costing us billions in revenue losses,’ Mrs Mukelabai said.

She added, ‘We lost over K 7 billion in 2013 in uncollected revenue and 85 percent of this was on account that ZRA just failed to do its job. We cannot continue going on this path if we are to develop as a nation.’

Mrs Mukelabai has recommended that subjecting the Commissioner General to a performance based contract would help tackle the management failure highlighted in the Auditor General’s report.

She also recommended that ZRA be subjected to annual revenue audits before the main audit is undertaken to ensure that it collects all due taxes on behalf of the Zambian people.

‘We need to have a Commissioner General who will be working purely based on performance and clear revenue collection targets. We cannot have a Commissioner who continues to under collect the revenue continue on the job,’ he said.


    • When such issues are reported, all PF minions go into hiding.

      @senior man, Peter, @Gen, @chinyama, including all their small bloggers are no where to be seen.

      I am not surprised. They are cowards.


    • You do not know what youa re talking about. This man is an ex con. Bringing back the old guys is what has made ZRA staginate. Please let ZRA as an Institution move on. There is nothing speacial about these guys who have been recircled. Some of them are not perfromers and not even qualified for the job.

    • I agree with your suggestion. The guy (siame) is a tax expert and is very qualified for the job. He has an MBA in taxation from Rhodes university. This guy who is say siame is not qualified is confused and scared of something. What Ex con? Did you make him an ex con? Research before you show your ignorance.

  2. Is there any relationship between this Msiska and Roland Msiska. If so, could this explain why B. Msiska is not subjected to any scrutiny? The spotlight is always deflected.

  3. What type of pipo are these in government? Today went to town to order some goods from Dubai but the Dollar is killing the kwacha & yet no one is something stabilize it… Ati ifintu lungu what a joke of pipo…. U wanted power now there it is…..

  4. To collect taxes from the mines, we shall need someone like Kambwili at the top of ZRA; else they will not just pay

  5. thats too much money in uncollected revenue, 7 billion kwacha?? govt must do something about this the is that we Zambians are way too lazy, and are too corrupt, Zambians think working is all about sitting in an office,instead of going around and monitor how and if revenue is collected. with this atitude we will never develop

  6. We need to know what the mining sector owes.
    They operate on a cash budget, so there is never a paucity of cash!

  7. Thats what it means if ifitu ni LUNGU, what do you expect.

    You want to borrow and yet you fail to collect the taxes due to GRZ from your own people who are the consumers of services and goods.
    Pa zed, popo like the status core

    VIVA-HH-new clean-up………….iyo ba tina………..I hope it can happen—in 2016.

  8. Enhance away!

    To be fair ZRA has been prevented by gov’t shilly shalling Taxing Laws. Specifically Mines and the VAT debacle where politicians meddle. In the Post matter, they were defeated by legal changes, seemingly.

    I think performance related salaries could be unfair in this matter. Politicians should stop meddling with ZRA and leave them to do their job.

  9. Govnt should think twice over the Asycuda world thing,this new system has brought more setbacks to the Citizen of this country. It has brought more harm than good,why should the citizens be treated like foreigners? People are paying more than what they are required as duty. Let Govnt find a solution on how to handle with ZRA otherwise,it ill continue loosing

  10. While ZRA is failing to collect k7 billion in taxes, next you read Auditor Generals report that KCM owes ZCCM-IH over USD59 million Under a settlement agreement signed in 2013. The question why is this KCM going scot free? It owes ZESCO large sums of money and when MD reports the matter to EL, he gets fired. In the meantime, it’s arm twisting GRZ to refund it in the VAT saga and further threatens with downsizing? Someone somewhere in GRZ is paying a blind eye to this revelation. I have not even seen a single blog report this huge monies owed by KCM to ZCCM-IH. Something is very wrong in this government of vindictiveness and revenge. I suspect Pipo are benefiting from corrupt activities.

    • Nothing gud ill come out as everyone wants to have a cut.Right now at Zra Nakonde there z one man new surveyor,he z failing to work accordingly. He does work after being given something as for Airtime. We never had problems since he was moved to other places but his coming back has also brought more issues to Us as Importers. Our agents are doing everything to help Us but him keeps on delaying Us at the border.Something has to be done as early as possible. That K7 billion its becoz Nakonde did not meet the target due to the same behavour of Pipo like him. Something has to be done. Last time he was frastreting us in order for him to direct us to his friends nd also to his personal company. Now if all does things like that,where do we go ? how do we kip our families with this had life in…

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