Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Zone Fam member, Thugga, to leave the group


Tim Chisenga

After over five wonderful years with the group – Tim ‘Thugga’ Chisenga has decided to leave Zone Fam. Dope G, Jay Rox and Yung Verbal will continue to carry the Zone Fam name as a three member crew. Zone Fam’s album ‘Bar Code’ is still scheduled for release later this year, major collaborations and more performances locally in Zambia and outside are also scheduled.

Thugga says: “I found brothers in the members of the group and we are a family. Even though I have decided to embark a more Christian path and take up Gospel music; the guys and I will be as close as we have always been…it’s deeper than just music. I am thankful for all the support they have given to me during the few months I was going through my transformation. You will still hear more music from me as an artist but on a more Christian note.”

Zone Fam say: “Thugga has been a significant part of our group and will sorely be missed. We respect his decision to pursue other endeavors and wish him the very best. Thugga is irreplaceable hence we have chosen not to bring on board a new member at the moment. We cherish all the good times we shared including making a mark for Zambian music worldwide. There are too many highlights to mention…we hope the world is ready for our brother!”

Duncan Sodala( Zone Fam’s manager)  says: “Over the years we have grown to be more than just friends in Zone Fam, we are indeed a family. Thugga will always be considered a Zone Fam member despite his pursuing other avenues in his life. I am personally very sad to see him go but there comes at time in anyone’s life when you have to make certain decisions that are important for your personal growth. I can guarantee you all this is not the last time you will hear from this young man – look out for what his has in store for everyone!”






  1. It cant be true , there is no money in gospel music . are you telling me he is going to leave all the money he was making from those international shows? LIES!!

  2. Where God leads, he surely provides. Christ stands at the door of our hearts knocking, blessed are those that HEAR and ANSWER the CALL….Revelations 3 vs 20..
    Wishing the very best on this road. Remember, GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!!….

  3. True success in all endeavors to human life is achieved alongside the Gospel. Thugger has just discovered one of the most best kept secrets to success and happiness.

    May God bless Thugger on his new found path to salvation

    • Hello he has got salvation, now he begins his education in being Christ like. Hopefully less singing and more working. Christianity is not only about singing and prayer meetings six times a week. Do not get me started on that topic.

  4. Prayers that the all seek Jesus. Get the schooling done and help develop Zambia. HipHop died in the 90s. Ecclesiastes states there is a time for every thing. For myself it is a time to praise the LORD and dance NDENDEULE!

    Viva Jesus, the Lord of presidents Nawakwi, Edgar Lungu, General Miyanda and even stubborn HH.

  5. God bless you young man I wished it was my son making such an important decision in life. Its not all about money.

  6. congratulations welcome to the new family , you have made a very wise decison, more over seek the kingdom of God first and his rightious ness and all things shall be added unto you………………am super excited for your decison to follow christ

  7. Thugga’s decission reminds me of my vavourite artist POMPI who nener had regreats no matter how people talked,he is a true example of change.Thugga’s decission is very wise for this life we live is a race,those that run must do so with wisdom.LIFE IS SHORT.

  8. Comment: wht ever direction u take my brother I will always be behind u ad hey this is the best decision u hv made coz he’s the way, the truth ad the light

  9. Tim(fka Thugga) Blessed Alot On “People Just Like Us” With @TeamLotaHouse Guys ;
    Pompi ,Tio , Mag44, Abel Chungu And Tasha

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