Thursday, February 20, 2025

President Edgar Lungu Congratulates Nigerian Leaders, urges peaceful transition


President Edgar Lungu
President Edgar Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has congratulated the newly elected President of Nigeria Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and has pledged Zambia’s full support to the Nigerian democratic dispensation and the attendant quest for peace upon which the development of every nation is premised.

This is contained in a statement released in Shanghai by his Amos Chanda, his special assistant for press.

In letters to the outgoing President, Mr. Goodluck Jonathan, and President-elect Buhari, President Lungu commended the two leaders for the magnanimous spirit of respecting the will of the people unconditionally.

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous and largest economy and therefore its leaders have a responsibility not just to their own country but Africa at large. “It is Zambia’s sincere hope that under President’s Buhari’s tried leadership, Nigeria’s fate and destiny will be in safe and competent hands and that President Buhari will provide the necessary leadership for the resourceful and great Nigerian people to overcome the daunting challenges the country faces,” President Lungu said.

“In order to ensure that Nigeria remains Africa’s greatest hope for the continent to take its rightful place amongst the nations of the world, the new leadership in Nigeria must work together with all legitimate stakeholders to unite the country and ensure a peaceful transition takes place.”

In the final analysis, democracy entails that those who offer themselves before a people’s verdict, should always invariably be prepared to accept the results of an election.

“It in this respect that as Zambia congratulates President Buhari for his resounding victory, we correspondingly commend the magnanimous act by President Jonathan of graciously accepting the will of the people. This will indeed go a long way in consolidating democracy in Nigeria and help to heal the nation,” the President said.

The Head of State assured President Buhari that Zambia stands ready to help Nigeria at both bilateral and multilateral platforms. Zambia has had a good experience of successfully managing power transitions in the last 20 years.

“My Dear Brother, count of me and my Government as you undertake this onerous task of leading your great nation at a time of mammoth challenges that attend Nigeria at the moment. I am convinced your victory affirms the viability of the Nigerian democratic enterprise. The collective will of the people who have entrusted you with the mandate will energise your resolve to move Nigeria to greater heights.”


    • President Lungu,

      Please just go back to Zambia, the rotting Kwacha and deteriorated economy are waiting for you.

      Save the day, Nigeria is economically feasible & doing great, whilst one visionless is a show case moving museum.

      The economy & kwacha are waiting till you get back, please don’t hesitate to leave Hon Chikwanda, we need solutions b’coz a mobile network company won’t make the melting kwacha or economy to gain.

      Please go back now, will you!

      The Skeleton Key

    • I think State House from Lusaka to Shanghai now! Running the country using an I-pad…Albert Einstein predicted this!

    • As UPND , we are gingered by our Nigerian brothers. VIVA AFRICAN DEMOCRACY VIVA UPND. We will kick Lungu out too.

      Time for squirming is over now.

    • Edgar is scared … what about that money which was coming from Nigeria, dubiously? don’t worry, they will go after RB.

    • I hope Lungu learns from Nigerians that when it is time to go, you have to go. Lungu’s time to go is 2016, although he should not have come in the first place. Rigging has limits.

  1. Mr President that is the spirit. Congratulate where it is due. This is Team spirit and magnanimous act for the Nation, Zambia and indeed Africa as a whole.

  2. May commend EL for recognizing Buhari very fast, because he may avoid to be exposed together with Lupiya Banda for illegal Money they received from questionable entities in Nigeria. Zambians should learn something from Nigeria. The people of the north have been Marginalized for a very long time by the so called majority in the south who are predominantly Christians. This time for second time the people of the North(Hausa) have spoken loud and clear that enough is enough. This case scenario is bound to take place here in Zambia next year. This is a trend every were in the world. Marginalized people are re asserting themselves on the world center stage. This will certainly occur in Zambia. Mark my words this will come to pass in Zambia in 2016.

    • Who are you saying are marginalised in Zambia. If you are talking about the Tongas you completely offside. They themselves have marginalised themselves by their tribal tendencies. In 2016 EL is still winning the elections

    • Buhari did not win because of the North v South claims you make.

      He won because the whole of Nigeria was fed up with Jonathan’s ineffective government.

      Buhari had strong support in the south and the rest of the country .

  3. Avery good analysis on the Nation Nigeria ,will show that Nigeria is supposed to be the richest and strongest country in Africa.Why do I say so?Nigeria like China has the largest population in Africa offering a large market to the investors and Business men in general. The mining of oil is another huge benefit to the people of Nigeria. This means that Nigeria can rise a lot of tax to improve service delivery country wide. This is not the case. The current scenario is that Kenya with a population of 51million people has higher military budget than Nigeria even its economic growth rate is higher than that of Nigeria and yet Nigeria has the richest black man on earth(Aliko Dangote).This is a clear case of what corruption and Tribalism can do a country. Zambians have a lot to learn from Nigeri

  4. The happenings’ in Nigeria are similar to Zambia, follow my analysis critically then you will understand. The people of the north are the indigenous people of Nigeria, while those in the south come much latter. The People of the north(Hausas)are predominantly pastoral famers and were earlier converted to Islam, because there was no Christianity then. When the colonial masters come they favored the people of the south who were converted to Christianity and positioned them to rule Nigeria. However because the people of the north practiced polygamy under Islam they grew in number hence this change in the political arena.In Zambia the people of the south are the indigenous people of Zambia they practice both pastoral and Arable farming. Though they are Christians they practice Polygamy .

    • Even though the colonial masters divided this ethnic group in four groups(Tongas of Zambia,Zimbabwe,Malawi and Mozambique) The population of these people has been increasing due to polygamy. The difference is with Nigeria is that the Tongas were lack because the colonial masters built more schools in the south of Zambia. This has helped this ethnic group together with others like the Lozis and Kaondes to realize that Zambia can be developed if we put wright people in power.Their contribution to politics will continue to grow until they will certainly be a force to reckon with. There is resistance to this move by the ruling ethnics groups but their resolve is too strong to be stopped.They will soon realize that there divide and rule tactics will not help them and this will mark the new orde

    • You are just a myopic tribalist who is likening two different situations. The people of Northern Nigeria have never been marginalized just like the people of Southern Zambia have never been. Democracy is about numbers, convince the majority to vote for you and you carry the day. Buhari won because people were fed up of things remaining the same despite changing presidents in the same party. Corruption was not being tackled and services were not improving. Even here in Zambia people got fed up with Kaunda who is a Northerner and unanimously kicked him out.
      Where as Zambia may not have had a president from southern Zambia, it is not by design its just that no one is available to convince voters at the time of voting to vote for him. Nigeria has had presidents from the North. Ya’ radua!!!!

  5. Am just listing to Radio France International (RFI) the spkoesperson in Goodluck Jonathan´s party he is just from saying that they are going to challenge the results despite the their president conceding defeat.

    T.B Joshua is good at predicting what is happeining in other parts of the world. But this time he remained mute for what was taking place in his own land. The witchdoctor.

    • Christian as a fellow Christian, I am rebuking you. DO not follow TB Joshua. Follow Jesus and work hard for our land to develop.

      Viva Jesus, Viva president Nawakwi, Viva President Lungu.

  6. This is a good election result for Nigeria. General Buhari does not brook nonsense when it comes to corruption. He is certainly going to sweep Nigeria clean of corruption. Corrupt people danced “Pelete” when he ruled Nigeria from 1984 to August 1985. During the same period he spearheaded an anti-indiscipline crusade which he called War Against Indiscipline (WAI). I hope all Nigerians will support General Buhari’s effort so that at the end of his term(s) Nigeria will have a very good story to tell. Can’t wait to see the man sworn-in as President on 29th May.

    • Congrats Gen Buhari, real democratic elections, president already on world map, interviewed by BBC, NOT your kangaroo election EL. You should be ashamed of yourself, see how long the transition process takes in Nigeria NOT your trash in Zambia, the devil knows what you rush for. A real Nigerian President with a vision NOT you who claimed to have none. Always on the go for what??…God knows!


  8. Edgar chagwa Pansi Lungu has congratulated the newly elected President (Muhammad Buhari) because both are Muslims.

  9. I would like to echo what EL has said about the principles of democracy which politicians should adhere to in an election and I quote,”In the final analysis, democracy entails that those who offer themselves before a people’s verdict, should always invariably be prepared to accept the results of an election” off quote.

    Every politician should know this principle if we are to avoid unnecessary bloodshed in our country in particular and in Africa and the world at large.

  10. @ lapken family

    That principle edgar said is enshrined on hh heart because he knows he will be losing elections forever and be accepting defeat always.

  11. President ECL next time should concede defeat honourably & in time if he loses like Jonathan has done. Nigeria is a much bigger country both by physical size and population with 170million people. They voted on saturday & extended only by one day (sunday) & by early Wednesday a winner was declared? Meaning counting only took two days (Monday & Tuesday), why should a small country 13 times smaller take 6 days to declare a winner? No excuses of rainy season should be given in the case of Zambia because nigeria like Congo are ‘rainier’ than Zambia. Military helicopters in Zambia were used to ferry ballots so accessibility of areas should not be an excuse. How did the candidates reach those areas using light helicopters? continued

    • We need to be ashamed as a country that we could not count in 4-5 days the less than 2million votes cast compared to nigeria where almost 30million votes were cast , counted and tallied just within 2 days amidst the Boko Harem insurgency? What a shame. It is also raining there, in fact heavily.
      Remember Nigeria comes from a history of military governance and Civil War (Biafra) for a long part of their independence but can achieve that democratic feat! Why not Zambia where the only disturbance was a small uprising by Mushala long ago? No wonder despite military rule, they could easily shift the capital from congested Lagos to Abuja and build a much beautiful city in comparison to Zambian so called cities. Shifting a capital and building a new one is no mean achievement. continued

    • Continued from @ 13.2 Neutral above:

      Lest you start arguing from without, how far has Zambia gone in shifting provincial Hq from Livingstone to Choma, upgrading of Chinsali to Provincial HQ? Still very far. But in Nigeria it was done by military men, No wonder Gen Buhari has won democratically. More action-oriented than the civilian Jonnathan. Next time may be let us democratically try Gen Miyanda = More Action! Even Sata was said to be man of action probably because of his police force experience and he could command & implement projects unilaterally. Are you surprised?

  12. Ba muselela kwakaba
    tamwakatashe kano nga fili mumatobo. teimwe mwaleiumfwa naka helicopter ka kuchita hire.. Kabili kwashele kwempe na ba mukamfwilwa nga balifwile ku mataki ati hh the richest presidential candidate. When will you learn to keep quiet if you do not have anything to offer? upnd ma labishi yeka yeka.
    Just to let you know that the 2016 elections will make hh purge to nothing coz I see that even the campaign akafilwa. 2016 ni EL nafuti nafuti..mukalila owee… oweee… kwati bamifina ifipute.

  13. @SIDO MARK: I am kenyan living in Nairobi city and an adherent follower of Zambia’s politics since KK’s days. Let me set two records straight from you. We have a population of 45 million and not 51 M. Kenya’s security budget is high due to terrorism. A global Islamic group, Al shabab, (elsewhere calling itself Al qaeuda, Boko Haram, ISIS etc) is a threat. Since we entered neighbouring somalia, their base, they reciprocate regularly. Hence we need more money. For example today they attacked a university in Northern Kenya killing many people. Zambia has no terrorist threat only that your tribal references are a war threat. Enjoy your peace unprovocatively. These hooligans have killed thousands countrywide through bombs, beheadings, kidnappings etc. Thank you and God bless Zambia.

    • Man Kenya
      my condolences for your loss. I just read about the al shabab idióts who attacked a school and butchered some 15 students and wounded many more. It’s even said they specifically targeted Christians.

      It’s a shame that Kenyan politicians are no different from so many other African politicians. Self-centered and greedy, not really interested in the national good. If there weren’t so greedy they would have allocated enough resources to rout the al shabab búggers

  14. Buhari at 72 years he has been voted by Nigerians because they know he is capable of defeating BOKO HARAMS but here in Zambia u have very petty politics we told HH that RB is the only person who can beat PF on Presidential by-election HH and NEVERS MUMBA gangned up started using UNZA STUDENTS to denounce RB on his age saying he is very old to come back. These backwards and greedy politics is killing this country politicians should weigh themselves before running for presidency. So if they allowed RB to run this time PF was not going to be there and Pastor NEVERS MUMBA was going to get easy to mobilize MMD for 2016 NOW GREEDNESS of this pastor it has killed MMD completely that is why he wants to sale it to PF, but even if he sale it which pipo is he going to with?

  15. Nigeria just simply have that special swag of reigning in Africa…With all troubles imposed on them with likes of ebola,terrorism they tend to defeat @ d end and still stay ontop above peaceful undisturbed African nations..They rule in d music,movie,economy e.t.c…I give it to them

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