Sunday, January 5, 2025

Muslims in Zambia warn of ISIS recruitments in Zambia


file:Men form the Muslim community going to pay their last respect to the late president Michael Sata
File:Men from the Zambian Muslim community going to pay their last respect to the late president Michael Sata

The Islamic Supreme Council of Zambia says young Zambians should be cautious of attempts by some people who may try to persuade them to join Islamic state militants.

A 15 year old South African girl from Cape Town was arrested at the city’s airport after receiving information that she was leaving the country to join ISIS.The girl was taken off a flight at Cape Town International Airport after her relatives contacted authorities reporting her disappearance on Sunday.

Council President said in an interview that Muslims in Zambia are peace loving and should report any persons attempting to radicalize them into joining Islamic militants.He has since advised the Zambian government to screen people coming into the country as might be linked to Islamic militants.

‘Our word of caution as Muslims in Zambia is that we should be wary of these bad elements that use violence and hate in the name of Islam,’ Mr Zimba said.Mr Zimba said the influx of foreigners seeking asylum in Zambia should be a wake up for authorities to step up the screening processing.

‘I would like to advise the young people in Zambia to immediately report to the police anyone attempting to recruit them to join groups such as ISIS because it does not pay to join these groups terrorising innocent people,’ he said.

He added, ‘Young Muslims should follow true teachings of Islam which does not encourage violence. In Zambia, we have lived peacefully and we should safeguard this peace jealously.’
Mr Zimba said, ‘the fear is that these asylum seekers and many foreigners that are flocking here it means Zambia could be at risk and become a platform for them to start recruiting young Muslims.’


  1. ISIS should be stopped at all costs. A special taskforce based at provincial level should be created to deal with this threat.

    • The information available indicate that Edgar Lungu has already been recruited by Islamic militants.

    • Please, even the violent PF cadres should be warned especially that their charlatan & hooliganism seems to have escalated into ANARCHY.

      Only PF cadres are capable of such, they love bloody hell money.

      Remembering Edgar Lungu promising that he will “crash opposition like bricks” symbolizes the eager for PF cadres to be recruited into ISIS.

      The Skeleton Key

    • Can the Zambian Government update us on the steps they have taken to make sure Zambia is safe following the recent terrorist attacks that killed and targeted 148 Kenyan University Christian Students a few days ago since Zambia was on high alert following the Westgate attack in Kenya in 2013. Uganda and Ethiopia seem to be protecting their citizens well. Zambia needs a well trained rapid response counter terrorist Police and Army unit in every Province and city/town and all immigrants need to be screened thoroughly. A hotline needs to be established for the public to report suspicious individuals and activities, know your neighbor and their activities initiatives need to be developed. Survival Skills training needs to be provided to the public. We are a Christian nation and we are praying…

    • We are a Christian nation and we are praying and we also love and welcome immigrants however we need to take preventive measures. What is the African Union doing to ensure safety from terrorists attacks in Africa, we need action and not just meetings. Declaring Psalm 91 and the blood of Jesus Christ over Zambia.

  2. this religion has been the main tool used to infiltrate zambia by illegal immigrants. The corrupt immigration dept seems to only be catching black Africans while the number of Indians and other Muslims with Zambian papers who cant speak English let alone a zambian language grows exponentially

    • lol seriously? ISIS like to get their recruits from countries with high international standing. psychological warfare you see. its not man power they seek, it’s a show of power. a couple of recruits from a country thats not very well known or has a lot of global influence is not gonna do them any good. so yeah, I think we’re safe.

    • Kiara my friend
      is it your contention that in this International standing Somalia beats Zambian, hands down? Is that the argument you are trying to manufacture? Be candid with me, my friend.

    • And the net result of a proliferation of indians, lebanese, somalis is high poverty levels, high corruption, poaching, ritual killings, monopolies, tax evasion, scarcity of resources land and others, exploitation of locals, corruption of govt, depletion of resources, theft of national resources, political disenfranchisement of the locals, the list is endless! Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda are evidence of the ills brought about by these people!

  3. Indeed we have lived in Peace with freedom of worship: this must continue. Zambians of ALL Religion must support the CALL by our Muslims brothers to be on Guard against these foreigners especially SOMALIS – who wrecking havoc in Kenya. We also need to watch Muslims from Nigeria.

    My warning is to the SECURITY WINGS not to take BRIBES and look the other way to these foreign elements who are flooding Zambia. We need to scrutinize the corrupt elements in the security wings: the media in Zambia has important role in this regard.

    • xenophobia is dengerous. the majority of al shababs victims are somalis and the majority of boko harams victims are Nigerian muslims. ever realise that? the last thing they need is further victimisation. we are a diverse group of people living peacefully without incident since ’64. I dont know why you think profiling people is necessary at all.

    • xenophobia is dangerous. the majority of al shababs victims are somalis and the majority of boko harams victims are Nigerian muslims. ever realise that? the last thing they need is further victimisation. we are a diverse group of people living peacefully without incident since ’64. I dont know why you think profiling people is necessary at all.

  4. that is why the vast majority of zambians wallow in abject poverty while illegal immigrants get rich. Of course we need profiling to stop the exploitation of Zambians. You cant expect an illiterate Zambian to compete with an Indian. The indian will make a slave out of him if he is not protected in his own country. Malawi, tanzania and Zambia have been overran by Indians and other muslims and their god given wealth is taken out of the country at will while the indigenous populace gets poorer. The Immigration do not touch Indians and you find all jobs that Zambians can do being done by indians at their premises.

    • its kind of ironic you speak of immigrants this way, meanwhile in south africa, our fellow hardworking zambians and zimbabweans get burnt to death by xenophobic locals who blame them for their poverty. i always thought we zambians were above that. that we recognised the value of hard work. we need to empower each other instead of making scapegoats of others who worked hard to be where they are. is it the indians fault that our people are illiterate? no, thats why we have a government. assign blame to the people who are responsible for our well being. villify the people who WE VOTED in to office. these governments who would rather spend a hundred thousand dollars per land cruiser than invest in education and employment creation. money that came from our hard earned taxes by the way.

    • dont be naive, racism exists every where even in Europe you have marches and protests against immigrants flooding the west. Only in Africa it is taken primitively a step further.
      It Is the corrupt GRZ that does not protect Zambians from ravenous illegals who outsmart Zambians any time. No country can survive with open boarders and only hope education and hard work of its pipo will stop xenophobia.

  5. God forbid! This is the worst disaster that can hit a country.They are radicalizing school boys sneaking from Kenya to Somali feeding them with deadly ideologies. They kidnap kenyans demanding ransom or exchange for their captives, hijack buses sorting xtians from muslims and beheading the former openly, suicide bombers in churches,malls, hotels, police stations,social functions etc. Last week they attacked a campus killing 147 students. Thousands have died. In short they are disastrous. Better your regular political EL and HH hiccups than external interverance. Curb it by all means.

    • Why are Zambian tolerating muslims in a”Christian country” when Muslims countrys does not accept christians in theirs!?

  6. One thing I have liked about my country is the declaration itself(ZAMBIA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION).These cults have tried to defeat it but it has remained standing.We shall continue being a Christian Nation to close of some of these belligents.If we tolerate them to have freedom,they will start destabilising our national peace.They are used to be in war.

    They don’t value human lives.To them,life is valueless.We need to hinder them from having unnecessary freedom.Zambia should remain a Christian Nation.

  7. Islam Is not a peaceful religion as some would like you to believe. The difference between “radical Muslims” and “moderate Muslims” is radical Muslims want to kill you and Moderate Muslims want radical Muslims to kill you. wake up people before it is too late.


  9. I think this issue is very serious. If you go to makeni area near blue nile we have a world of warehouses being raised like no man’s business by these muslim lebanese. They are so many you d wonder what they keep in there.police should raid them from time to time very suspicious. I would not be shocked one day to hear they may be hiding arms there
    …God help us.

  10. Zambia should limit the connections to elements of this religion and stress growth of it among Zambians.

    We are a declared Christian Nation.

  11. One thing I know for sure is that is is a mistake to underestimate stupidity. At the same token I’m of the opinion that we Zambians are generally to much of cowards to go die for a cause in some desolate far away land. We don’t have the genetic make-up of those jihadists. That’s just my opinion.

    But as I said, stupidity is infinite. You can never be too sure what it’s capable of and what it’s not.

  12. Zambians, don’t mix Islam with this hooliganism. It is an International network of cliques murdering even fellow muslims. In Kenya both muslims and christians are condemning it alike. It is operating worldwide with the latest 21st century weapons. Lets not interprete it the best way we know how, There is no islamic versus christian war. It is pure terrorism and should be treated as such and condemned in the strongest terms possble.

  13. The government should hurry creating employment for youths because IsIs promises good living to unemployed youths. Poverty can drive the youths to join Isis.

  14. @Man Kenya’s comments are well thought out and we should take them seriously. GRZ should immediately:

    (a) commence awareness campaigns about Islamic radicalism and partner with Muslim leaders in this effort.
    (b) Plant informers in Islamic places of worship.
    (b) Create safety and security committees comprising security personnel and local muslim and leaders of other religions.
    (c) let all immigrants originating from countries of Islamic domination report to the nearest police station periodically for screening.
    (d) hold a symposium for all religions to agree on responsibilities to keep out ISIS et al.
    (e) Invite senior Kenyan, Ugandan and Tanzanian security personnel to share experiences at symposium and in-house..

  15. This Mwaza must give more information to the authorities, it seems he knows more than an eye meets. It is difficult to trust these people.

  16. How many Zambians are being converted by Indian muslims to Islam. There are a lot of them. They are brainwashing the Zambians and converting them. For muslims, it is a fact that, religion comes before the country. They are muslim first and the allegiance to the country is the last thing. This is true in Zambia as well. Keep your eyes wide open and be aware.

    I do not see the good or moderate muslims condemn the acts of the enormous number of terrorists in their religion. Do not trust a muslim – no matter how good he is. In the end, the main thing on their mind is to convert an infidel. Their Madrassa and mosques are very good breeding ground for these things.

    I totally agree with Debo #11 above . Please read his comments

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