Sunday, March 30, 2025

Appointment of Esau Chulu as Electoral Commission of Zambia chairperson receives overwhelming support



PRESIDENT Lungu’s appointment of Justice Esau Chulu as Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) chairperson has received overwhelming support from the civil society and opposition political parties.

On Tuesday, President Lungu promoted Mr Justice Chulu to replace Mrs Justice Irene Mambilima, who was recently appointed as Chief Justice.

The President has also appointed former Women for Change executive director Emily Sikazwe and former Pemba member of Parliament (MP) David Matongo as ECZ commissioners.

MMD president Nevers Mumba said in an interview yesterday that he is inspired by President Lungu’s choice in Mr Justice Chulu for the position of ECZ chairperson.

Dr Mumba said Mr Justice Chulu is qualified because he has acted in the position after Mrs Justice Mambilima’s appointment as Chief Justice.

“We have no objections to the appointment as MMD and we hope parliament will ratify him because the country will be going to the polls next year,” Dr Mumba said.
He also described Ms Sikazwe and Mr Matongo as a colourful combination because they have both greatly contributed to national development.

And Ms Sikazwe said it is a big responsibility on behalf of the people of Zambia and an opportunity for her to contribute towards the making of the electoral process accountable, transparent, and inclusive.

She said in a separate interview that she will diligently discharge her responsibility to the people of Zambia.

She said Zambia has a lot of capable people and it is an honour for President Lungu to appoint her.

“Women in Zambia have always asked for participation in the democratic process and this is one of the ways the women movement can contribute,” Ms Sikazwe said.

Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) executive director McDonald Chipenzi said the appointment of Mr Justice Chulu as ECZ chairperson, Ms Sikazwe and Mr Matongo as ECZ commissioners is a challenge to them to guide the nation towards next year’s general elections.

“We are in support of the filling of vacancies because the commission was put in a very awkward position. The expectations on the trio are high because elections require level-headedness and fairness,” he said.

And United Party for National Development (UPND) spokesperson Charles Kakoma said it is good that President Lungu has filled the vacancies at ECZ to enable it to start preparations for next year’s tripartite elections.

Mr Kakoma said UPND members of Parliament will support the ratification of Mr Justice Chulu’s appointment and the two commissioners because they are credible people.

Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) executive director Boniface Cheembe said: “In view of Ms Sikazwe’s track record as a civil activist who understands the issues and concerns of the Zambian people, the President has made a right decision, and as SACCORD, we welcome and believe that she will add value to the conduct of elections, especially as this relates to the holding of free, fair credible and peaceful elections.”


    • This may be a good appointment. My only worry is the perception of the following
      1-President Edgar Lungu- From Eastern Province
      2-Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima- From Eastern Province
      3-Chief Civil Servant Roland Msiska-From Eastern Province
      4-Chairman ECZ , Esau Chulu-From Eastern Province
      There seems to be a trend. Just saying.

    • Sorry to be obtuse. This beings me back to questioning what is in a name? Is Obama Kenyan or American? Obama carries a Kenyan surname through the dad but we all accept that he is American. Lungu was born, bred and raised in the Copperbelt. Is he truly Easterner just because he carries the Lungu name? What language flows naturally from Edgar’s mouth?
      Furthermore, the names floated are not purely Edgar’s creation. Edgar inherited Msiska from Sata, just like all others. Remember, Justice Mambilima was Deputy Chief Justice when seconded to head ECZ. Lets not see tribes in everything and link them to Lungu. I come from the East but have never considered Lungu as Eastern although RB used the Lungu moniker to convince easterners to vote on tribal lines.

    • The cousinship between eastern & northern provinces will NOT broken in 2016.

      This coalition to be is a cement that HH will not break.

      RB & EL have got a powerful game plane. GBM is not a factor in PF anymore.

    • I agree with those that do not want to tribalize everything! Just because someone’s name is associated with a certain region, it does not mean that that person is from the said region. I work with someone who is also a Chulu but is not from Eastern Province, he is from North Western!!! So don’t be cheated by names!!!!

    • Why only easterners. EL don’t be too selfish with yo corrupt RB if he is the one influencing yu. Why can’t yu do some balancing a little. Remember yu were put there by voters so don’t be too smart. After all yu were not even presido material people just wanted continuity and also it was believed that you were the appointed one by HE MCS, so be careful

    • @OBATALA, I think we should all make a CONSCIOUS affort to move away from trivializing things so that we can easily discuss them in our own perceptive bias. It is unfair that 50 years after independence we cannot look beyond a CV and capability but continuously continue to harp on the same tired point. It really is time we moved on. Eastern or not, the question is, are these men and women capable of rising to the task before them?

  1. Smart appointments are only done by smart people and no doubt that HEEL is the smart leader. U5 is now panicking trying to outsmart Edgar but hes way too behind. All the best justice chuulu and don’t forget that U5 will blame you next year because he is going to lose.

    • It can never be ‘Chuulu’ but Chulu. Chuulu most likely would be Tonga and you know what I am talking about.

    • It is Bembas who must be panicking because they have lost most of the senior positions, they are being replaced by Easterners. Stop bringing HH in these tribal appointments

  2. If you have recommended the referee and the linesmen, then i don’t expect any complain after the last whistle, the scores notwithstanding.

  3. You seem to be a nut case from your choice of words @sponge bob, you are not able to play it cool even when you see blood leting incidents in SOUTH AFRICA. Those previllged to know english, let them use the language to accommodate even the opposition. We can not have such people like @sponge bob run the show because they are bent on bringing rift between tribes. It is naivity for someone to be untying when LUNGU himself is trying to tie Zambians together. Sometimes you wonder why some people went to school, they never mature. What a waste of resources on such individuals who are just empty vessels who will continue to make unnecessary noise in Zambia.

    • Certainly uniting a lot of Easterners. Lungu should be careful with that shameless self confessed tribalist RB. People voted RB out just after less than 3 yrs coz of his bad conduct e.g corrupt, bad language, his greedy sons and wife (grand daughter Thandiwe). For RB and family, it was navionela nji. Those court cases should go through, if EL will drop the charges against RB, that will be the beginning of his end.

      RB was the worst presdo this Country has ever seen and how ECL can get counsel from a failure whom the Zambians rejected in the shortest possible time is hard to understand. Honestly he even wants to copy from RB the endless travels shame

      Anyway Zambians just want the developments initiated by MCS (may his soul rest in eternal peace) to continue that’s all.

  4. Whatever the case will be, in the 2016 elections, Lungu will win in Lusaka Province, CB, Luapula, Northern, Muchinga, Eastern. HH will win in NW, Southern, Western. Lungu and HH will share Central. HH will make ‘some’ inroads in the PF strongholds but they will be countered by the PF gains in Western.

    All in all, Lungu’s PF is destineed for another victory in 2016. Mark this posting and refer to after the 2016 elections.

    • Dteaming as usual. Have u included ballot papers flown by Gen Muma and remarked in northern, luapula and muchinga?

  5. It’s like ALL key positions will now be going to Lawyers…S..H..I..T. I should have taken law when I had the chance.



    for sure RB is kolopaling you in PF all structures hes making sure is FERTILE FOR RB
    simbao and katambo MMD and the losers go to PF who supported LUNGU
    RB is your president .He played very good maths knew Lungu is a walk over he controls everything .

  7. Could we have a definitive statement on the demarcation of those constituencies that have been targeted for that. Come 2016 we do not want a repeat of what has happened to the Digital Migration of TV. Being told at the last minute that the government has no money after a lot of assurances.

  8. the problemo that is going to hunt Zambia for many years to come is that elections and by-elections seem to have replaced development agendas. The first year in office they pay lip service to promises, the second year is spent stealing, the next years are for campaigning.
    This democracy is a double edged sward for Zambia. We are spending large amounts of manee and time electioneering instead of developing.

  9. Its only you UPND cadres who see tribe here. Us PF lovers and Bembas never look at that. Justice Esau Chulu is a very experienced Lawyer and he is a right man for this job, so you tribal HH followers stop dragging bembas into tribalism!!! FOR YOU IN UPND TRIBE COMES FIRST BEFORE ANYTHING THATS WHY YOUR PARTY UNDER A TONGA WILL NEVER RULE ZAMBIA!!! Congrats Judge Chulu!!!!!!!!!

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