Tuesday, March 25, 2025

President Edgar Lungu to commission Kitwe’s Mukuba mall


mukuba mall

President Edgar Lungu is expected to commission Mukuba Shopping Mall in Kitwe.

Heriot Properties Investment Limited, a South African company, spent US$50 million on the construction of the Mukuba shopping mall.

The mall was built at the former Kitwe Zoo on Chiwala Road. The mall will host major South African retailers such as Shoprite, Pick ‘n’ Pay, Mr Price, Jets, Spar Truworth and Edgars, among others.

The Mall is set to create one thousand local jobs.Mukuba mall, becomes the second mega shopping facility in Kitwe.


  1. ECL should have left the opening/commissioning of this ka mall to a lesser mortal.The WHOLE President on such an errand with all Kitwe ndola streets littered with ba kanyangu! Waste of resources

    • Edgar Lungu is right to official at this important event. He has to show other investors who would want to Zambia is worth to invest in.

    • @Careless Whisper, you are right some of the things should be delegated to the provincial ministers. Ba president should dedicate his time to important issues affecting the majority of Zambians.

    • Amazing, just $50 million for a mall. And that is its half the money we discussing that went past Chikwanda’s son, friend. Then Kaizer Zulu can also build a mall, if indeed get so much money to connect contractors to State house.

    • true that. our presidents open malls!!

      I would rather he goes to open some manufacturing plant. This is sponsored by South African companies…. I presume. It is not an achievement by government. Government actually struggles to build markets. how can they build a mall?

  2. Good. Well done. You can’t go wrong with infrastructure. We need more of these. Now create jobs and put money in people’s pockets so they can do shopping.

  3. The president should find better things to do copper belt deputy minister should have opened that nonsense. Wasting tax payers money flying to kitwe what’s wrong with that chap?

  4. Excellent comments from most blogger. What about the mayor of Kitwe, cant he open or even the area MP?

    The President should be addressing unemployment levels, grappling poverty, wage freeze etc…Why does he not sit on his desk and do the work?

    Very bad indeed!!!

  5. I dream of a day when these investments will be done by zambians. God what wrong have we done that we cannot support our own to invest their money in our country instead of hiding it in offshore accounts?

  6. Xenophobic invetsments ……Zambians where are we? Let us build our country with our own hands. Stand and sing of Zambia proud and free!

  7. It’s only in Zambia where the office of the president can be reduced to an extent of opening a shopping mall

    • Dombwa I have never seen the South African President opening any mall here. Ukulwisha ukumonekela ba ntamba lukuta

    • This is like back to the KK days when he used to open everything and anything. Wanted control over everything. There is Monistry of Commerce with Minister, deputy minister and they can’t open this. I just don’t know! To save money how about Copperbelt Minister?

  8. Wrong picture LT. The place and the buildings are looking far much better than this. Give us another one. I am just coming from there.

  9. Thanks for a thousand local jobs.

    But we will not forget your xenophobic attacks on fellow black African people.

    Africa mourns because of the cruelty of black South Africans.

  10. Please Mr. President learn to delegate. Your office is too important to open a Mall, we know you are campaigning for 2016 but consider the costs of your travels, flying alone is K500,000 , Government officials that follow you. Please We beg you, feel for the Zambians. what’s wrong with our Zambia. Or we a cursed nation.

  11. ….tho the mall shall offload afew of CB loafers off the streets….I’m looking forward to more of a productive institutions being commissioned than consumption entities….most of the items if not all shall be imported…..its high time we started commissioning …food processing factory….ceramic floor tiles industries…..we have all the raw material to support such industries….importing things like toothpicks sure meanwhile some Chinese characters are busy smuggling Mukula trees out of our country…its very shameful….

  12. I would equally and strongly advise the president to rescind the decision and leave that to a lesser portfolio holder in gov’t. It’s a good development , but for someone his status it’s outright no !

  13. these malls that some are applauding are just conduits for SA goods into our country at the expense of local goods. What is 1000 tu ma cleaner and cashier jobs ? when they are at the expense of local industries ?
    You are truly dull pipo, applauding such midiocracy, open industrial parks and factories fools

  14. Its so shameful and foolish that the entire presidency can be paraded to commission a foreign investment where all the proceeds of such an investement shall be externalised.95% of the items which shall be sold there are SA hence creating more meaningful Jobs for our Xenopbobic counter parts while 1000 meaningless jobs are created for us.Its a shame that we cannot invest in our economy as a country.

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