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President Edgar Lungu talking to Former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa during the Celebration of the one million membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia at Heroes Stadium on April 25,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Lungu talking to Former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa during the Celebration of the one million membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia at Heroes Stadium on April 25,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edger Lungu today joined hundreds of Seventh Day Adventist members in celebrating 1 million church membership in Zambia at the heroes stadium.
The President was accompanied by First Lady Esther, Agriculture and Livestock Minister Given Lubinda, his political advisor Kaizer Zulu, his Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda and other senior government officials.
Others who attended the celebrations included FDD President Edith Nawakwi, UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa.
Upon his arrival the president was lead to the parade mounted by the SDA path finder youths who were clad in white and green uniform.
After singing the pathfinder and national anthem the President was invited to inspect the guard of honour mounted in his respect.
President later proceeded to take his seat as a match past comprising Adventist youths, Adventist Men who wore black suites , and Dorcas mothers who were in blue uniforms accompanied by a youth brace band matched past by the President.
The colourful event attracted Adventist members country wide who turned up to celebrate the 1 million membership of the church.
The celebration was characterized with songs and bible readings.
At the same event 100 Adventist church members were baptized into the fold of Christ.
President Lungu First Lady Esther Lungu, Agriculture minister Given Lubinda and deputy Agriculture minister Monde with Seventh Day Adventist Pastorsduring the Celebration of the one million membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia at Heroes Stadium on April 25,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMAAgriculture minister Given Lubinda introduces Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia president Dr Harrington Akombwa during the Celebration of the one million membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia at Heroes Stadium on April 25,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMAPresident Edgar Lungu receives a gift from Vice President at General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Pardon Mwansa during the Celebration of the one million membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia at Heroes Stadium on April 25,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMAPresident Edgar Lungu inspects a guard of honour mounted by Seventh Day Youths during the Celebration of the one million membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia at Heroes Stadium on April 25,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMAPresident Edgar Lungu inspects a guard of honour mounted by Seventh Day Youths during the Celebration of the one million membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Zambia at Heroes Stadium on April 25,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
at the same event about 700 pipo defected from sda to pf
@ ?Hakainde Hakalusa Again
Has the God also endorsed Kaizer Zulu and rampant corruption ?
To call you 5tupid it will be compliment to your !mbecility.
When are Afrikans going to wake up from their docility and silliness…surely do you know the damage you do to our children when you hang a picture of a fictitious blond blue eyed white man in your living rooms? This is the selfsame thing happening in RSA where they are attacking fellow black men because of this selfsame indoctrination of the highest degree.
Wake up!!
1 million shirkers on Saturday. Let all Zambians be SDAs and nobody works on Saturdays. Thieves will have good time, shops will be closed, electricity closed, hospitals closed. SDA’s little god, will be resting as well and anybody having heart attack, snake bite or labour pain will have to wait for god’s getting back to work on Sunday before attended to. Weird people and equally weird politicians who eulogize such backward mindset and cult.
Where is President Elder HH in the pictures??????????
I’m really trying to understand the president’s job, please help
The president’s job is to serve in a number of capacities to fulfill a number of duties. Some of these roles are specified in the Constitution, but most of them are not.
As Head of state, he serves as the symbolic leader and represents the nation in public events of national and international magnitude.
In Zambia, the president both leads the government and acts as both chief of state and head of government, which explains his “omnipresence” at numerous functions.
As head of state, he presides over commemorations, attends funerals of world leaders but can also kick off the first ball at soccer games (remember KK?).
So don’t be surprised if he pops up as a special guest on your graduation ceremony.
Does that help?
Nine Chale good one my man! Some people just want to find faults in people. I’m sure this guy who wants to know the roles of the President now has an idea
@Chale, boyi I think you are going back to the days you taught Civics. Ine aba abaiche are troubling the way they ask questions, futi wa fenta.
I just took over a course/ workshop for “Sociobiology”, I will just read these LT comments as usual, and present to my followers. Already 65 signed-up for summer training.
The president’s job is everything fker!!!!
Ba Lungu, that is HH’s territory. You are an intruder.
You hv made my moment!
RTD is short for retard.
Unfortunately u5 has defected to S.A.tanisim.
Good God fearing people. Church needs to do more to ensure standardization in doctrine and practice so as to avoid the periodic emergence of superstitious and misleading myths among the flock. Congratulations brethren!
Some people amaze me, how can you call a Church HH’S territory sure.
The fact that HH goes to SDA does not make it his territory. So just accept that E.L is the republican President, infact he was invited to be the Guest of Honour why didnt the church invite HH to be the guest of honour. VIVA SDA VIVA MR. PRESIDENT.
Call me retarded if you like but the fact is that I have a degree, a post graduate degree and two post graduate diplomas and if that makes me retarded so be it. I would have said the same if HH had gone to a Roman Catholic gathering it being Sata’s territory. It is not my fault if you can not see the connection between HH and SDA.
@ Senior Engineer – I think you collection of theoretical qualifications has indeed retarded you. I pity you. You are a good example of people with qualifications but with lack of knowledge.
Religion has no boundaries. Let them interact once for a while.
Well done ECL – your predecessor failed to attend SDA events — for whatever reasons (even when the SDA President visited Zambia). Embrace all Zambians in the name of the Lord – that is what has built our country – thank you!!!
Listen to illiterates in the matter of God! Everything to them is politics. God choose leaders! God’s hand is in every ruler! Dont be sure of Edga in 2016 or HH!
Why can’t the likes of HH and Nawakwi use that rare “heaven bound” moment and tell EL face to face and in a proper analysis what they otherwise blow out of proportion in print and electronic media in the name of opposition. I don’t think he is the kind of person to ignore them,
God bless the SDA and it’s flock of devoted Christians. I’m roman catholic but I’ve alot of respect for Seventh Day Adventists who really know how to pray and interpret the Holy Bible.
The church has time and again attempted to show politicians that love should prevail
The senior Engineer, RTD.
After seeing what you say that you have done in terms of education, we congratulate you. The un fortunate thing is that though you may have all that superfluous knowledge, you know very little about how human beings should co-exist. Do something about it. Perfect your engineering knowledge. Not only the president but every leader in the society should have no boundaries.
I agree with you but you do not call other people retarded if you do not agree with them. A retarded person is incapable of being educated. My generation enjoyed music from the Beatles, Jim Reeves, etc with no insults unlike Rap Music of today. Even Beyoncé’s song “Drunk in Love” has some swearing words. Like Jeremy Clarkson formerly of Top Gear said I guess I am a dinosaur-extinct.
Africans when are you going to wake up; why don’t you celebrate things that truly matter to you…look at that portrait being handed to the president of a white Jesus..really laughable.
Wake up people from your stupor!!
Edgar Lungu had nothing to do at Heroe’s stadium. He just went their for image building hoping to win next year’s elections, but God will deliver Zambia from his evil deeds.
God is great. HH is the next president of Zambia, if you don’t want him you are free to commit suicide.
And you can keep w@nking until you make your hand pregnant! Go figure
Well done S D A.Keep on bringing more flock to the Church
Dreams,Dreams.every election,HH will be the next president,blaa,blaa.How many next will this U5 be president
But you pipo with your comments sometimes. ..Awe sure. This invitation was simply an honour, he is the president and that has nothing to do with your negativity. Some of you are still hurt about elections.As always said if HH is the next leader so be it. I know you will still find faults in him and continue swearing like you on EL. It’s a shame that we do not appreciate the freedom of worship while other people are being killed because of the word of God. For once please, try and move on in life…
HH over shadowed. I like the fact that there are no pictures of HH. He would have, as usual, tried to steal the limelight. But good they kept him in his OBLIVION PLACE!
So SDA has a president already and it isn’t HH? How sad is that?
I wander if mzinda as u are called is a human being or a ghost. Don’t redicule other pipos faith. And y shud reasonable pipo politicise everything sure? Surely this z serious moral decadence among men. God help us…
This story has convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt that the Zambian Watchdog carries only stories that portray ECL in a negative light. On its website, this story is only referred to indirectly through a caption, “Photo of the day: Baptism” where it talks about the SDA way of baptizing people. I am left to conclude that ZWD could not bring itself to admit that ECL was invited to this august gathering. If ECL was invited by virtue of being head of state as some people seem to suggest then he merits a mention on its website.
Iwe chi rtd zoona ndiwe chipuba ….so u have neva seen HH attending catholic gathering even in bauleni compound.unfortunately your accademic qualifications do not match your reasoning dear.
Show me a story online where hh is attending a Catholic gathering and my comments will be the same. How can I comment on a story I have not seen? It is you who lacks logic.
Senior Engineer RTD, HH attended a catholic gathering together with GBM in Kasama. Here is a picture of them in Kasama
Is it 1 million membership in Zambia or worldwide?
Nice to see Nine Chale
@ 21 Chapwa
Per statistics on their website, Worldwide Church Membership stood at 17,479,890 in 2011. Must be close to 20 million, baptized members now, worldwide.
Did HH great his head of state…
Brainwashed & ignorant, blindfools. Keep burying your heads in the sand you id!ots!!
Thats why I like lusakatimes not ZWD when u post anything negative about this chap called HH and Upnd they wont show it,but with lusakatimes every jim n jack can post anythin.if thats how HH will rule this country when he comes into power if by chance in 2021 then we are in for it in terms of freedom of expression.
ZWD is trash……they threw me out 3 yrs ago.I can not comment on ZWD…..Kambwili should shut them down indeed.
Head line should read 1 million brainwashed zombies,
Most countries keep separate -church and state (government)
Zambia should follow that neutral path. All these churches are bank rolled from the USA for their own interests.
@ 24 Ken
Whatever your rationale here, by numbers alone, their membership translates into one Zambian out of every 20 Adventists worldwide; and one Adventist out of every 15 Zambians nationally. They operate a university, besides numerous schools, within Zambia – the first church to have ever done so. They also operate a formidable healthcare system, presumably comparable only to that of the Catholics and the Salvation Army nationwide. Must you call such a group “zombies” and fail to recognize their positive contribution to Zambia’s economy, social well-being and spiritual enhancement?
Zambia is a Christian nation rules, inhabited and strolled by the most unchristians I have ever come across. Hypocrites of the first order. The most promiscuous people on earth.
Thank you HE Edgar Lungu for recognizing different faiths..This is true leadership which shows maturity and humility.You will receive god’s blessings some of your predecessors the likes of kk, late ftj, late levy and RB used to embrace people from different religions indeed this is true statesmanship. I now appeal to the ever growing sda church to always pray to god for the good health and wise leadership in EL. Remember the sda commands largest membership in Southern Province and if you appreciate this kind of leadership let it be reflected in the 2016 Presidential Elections. Truth is a bitter pill to swallow
Surprisingly, some i.m.b.e.c.i.l.e Zambians have continued to exhibit their folly even on the site, very shameful indeed. The major question is ”what is it that they have bennefited from ECL ever since he came into power ‘cos they are still wallowing in severe poverty and starvation ? It’ s not wrong to deduct that Zambia is one of the countries which is blessed with people who are good at hauling insults and use of vulgar language.
Mr Danny Haig,love this country or get out!
at Nine Chale @2.1
you obviously miss the point of my question. The Guy Lungu has been galavanting since taking office. surely, there is more work that needs to be done than roaming up and down. how can you be so blinded to reality.
Zambia and Zambians have a lot of issues that need to be addressed and certainly some of these events can be attended by other than the president – no wonder Zambians are in perpetual poverty
fyi: I am no fun of HH but e might just get my vote
Who cares really? You can give him as many votes as you want!
at the same event about 700 pipo defected from sda to pf
@ ?Hakainde Hakalusa Again
Has the God also endorsed Kaizer Zulu and rampant corruption ?
To call you 5tupid it will be compliment to your !mbecility.
When are Afrikans going to wake up from their docility and silliness…surely do you know the damage you do to our children when you hang a picture of a fictitious blond blue eyed white man in your living rooms? This is the selfsame thing happening in RSA where they are attacking fellow black men because of this selfsame indoctrination of the highest degree.
Wake up!!
1 million shirkers on Saturday. Let all Zambians be SDAs and nobody works on Saturdays. Thieves will have good time, shops will be closed, electricity closed, hospitals closed. SDA’s little god, will be resting as well and anybody having heart attack, snake bite or labour pain will have to wait for god’s getting back to work on Sunday before attended to. Weird people and equally weird politicians who eulogize such backward mindset and cult.
Where is President Elder HH in the pictures??????????
I’m really trying to understand the president’s job, please help
The president’s job is to serve in a number of capacities to fulfill a number of duties. Some of these roles are specified in the Constitution, but most of them are not.
As Head of state, he serves as the symbolic leader and represents the nation in public events of national and international magnitude.
In Zambia, the president both leads the government and acts as both chief of state and head of government, which explains his “omnipresence” at numerous functions.
As head of state, he presides over commemorations, attends funerals of world leaders but can also kick off the first ball at soccer games (remember KK?).
So don’t be surprised if he pops up as a special guest on your graduation ceremony.
Does that help?
Nine Chale good one my man! Some people just want to find faults in people. I’m sure this guy who wants to know the roles of the President now has an idea
@Chale, boyi I think you are going back to the days you taught Civics. Ine aba abaiche are troubling the way they ask questions, futi wa fenta.
I just took over a course/ workshop for “Sociobiology”, I will just read these LT comments as usual, and present to my followers. Already 65 signed-up for summer training.
The president’s job is everything fker!!!!
Ba Lungu, that is HH’s territory. You are an intruder.
You hv made my moment!
RTD is short for retard.
Unfortunately u5 has defected to S.A.tanisim.
Good God fearing people. Church needs to do more to ensure standardization in doctrine and practice so as to avoid the periodic emergence of superstitious and misleading myths among the flock. Congratulations brethren!
Some people amaze me, how can you call a Church HH’S territory sure.
The fact that HH goes to SDA does not make it his territory. So just accept that E.L is the republican President, infact he was invited to be the Guest of Honour why didnt the church invite HH to be the guest of honour. VIVA SDA VIVA MR. PRESIDENT.
Call me retarded if you like but the fact is that I have a degree, a post graduate degree and two post graduate diplomas and if that makes me retarded so be it. I would have said the same if HH had gone to a Roman Catholic gathering it being Sata’s territory. It is not my fault if you can not see the connection between HH and SDA.
@ Senior Engineer – I think you collection of theoretical qualifications has indeed retarded you. I pity you. You are a good example of people with qualifications but with lack of knowledge.
Religion has no boundaries. Let them interact once for a while.
Well done ECL – your predecessor failed to attend SDA events — for whatever reasons (even when the SDA President visited Zambia). Embrace all Zambians in the name of the Lord – that is what has built our country – thank you!!!
Listen to illiterates in the matter of God! Everything to them is politics. God choose leaders! God’s hand is in every ruler! Dont be sure of Edga in 2016 or HH!
Why can’t the likes of HH and Nawakwi use that rare “heaven bound” moment and tell EL face to face and in a proper analysis what they otherwise blow out of proportion in print and electronic media in the name of opposition. I don’t think he is the kind of person to ignore them,
God bless the SDA and it’s flock of devoted Christians. I’m roman catholic but I’ve alot of respect for Seventh Day Adventists who really know how to pray and interpret the Holy Bible.
The church has time and again attempted to show politicians that love should prevail
The senior Engineer, RTD.
After seeing what you say that you have done in terms of education, we congratulate you. The un fortunate thing is that though you may have all that superfluous knowledge, you know very little about how human beings should co-exist. Do something about it. Perfect your engineering knowledge. Not only the president but every leader in the society should have no boundaries.
I agree with you but you do not call other people retarded if you do not agree with them. A retarded person is incapable of being educated. My generation enjoyed music from the Beatles, Jim Reeves, etc with no insults unlike Rap Music of today. Even Beyoncé’s song “Drunk in Love” has some swearing words. Like Jeremy Clarkson formerly of Top Gear said I guess I am a dinosaur-extinct.
Africans when are you going to wake up; why don’t you celebrate things that truly matter to you…look at that portrait being handed to the president of a white Jesus..really laughable.
Wake up people from your stupor!!
Edgar Lungu had nothing to do at Heroe’s stadium. He just went their for image building hoping to win next year’s elections, but God will deliver Zambia from his evil deeds.
God is great. HH is the next president of Zambia, if you don’t want him you are free to commit suicide.
And you can keep w@nking until you make your hand pregnant! Go figure
Well done S D A.Keep on bringing more flock to the Church
Dreams,Dreams.every election,HH will be the next president,blaa,blaa.How many next will this U5 be president
But you pipo with your comments sometimes. ..Awe sure. This invitation was simply an honour, he is the president and that has nothing to do with your negativity. Some of you are still hurt about elections.As always said if HH is the next leader so be it. I know you will still find faults in him and continue swearing like you on EL. It’s a shame that we do not appreciate the freedom of worship while other people are being killed because of the word of God. For once please, try and move on in life…
HH over shadowed. I like the fact that there are no pictures of HH. He would have, as usual, tried to steal the limelight. But good they kept him in his OBLIVION PLACE!
So SDA has a president already and it isn’t HH? How sad is that?
I wander if mzinda as u are called is a human being or a ghost. Don’t redicule other pipos faith. And y shud reasonable pipo politicise everything sure? Surely this z serious moral decadence among men. God help us…
This story has convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt that the Zambian Watchdog carries only stories that portray ECL in a negative light. On its website, this story is only referred to indirectly through a caption, “Photo of the day: Baptism” where it talks about the SDA way of baptizing people. I am left to conclude that ZWD could not bring itself to admit that ECL was invited to this august gathering. If ECL was invited by virtue of being head of state as some people seem to suggest then he merits a mention on its website.
Iwe chi rtd zoona ndiwe chipuba ….so u have neva seen HH attending catholic gathering even in bauleni compound.unfortunately your accademic qualifications do not match your reasoning dear.
Show me a story online where hh is attending a Catholic gathering and my comments will be the same. How can I comment on a story I have not seen? It is you who lacks logic.
Senior Engineer RTD, HH attended a catholic gathering together with GBM in Kasama. Here is a picture of them in Kasama
Is it 1 million membership in Zambia or worldwide?
Nice to see Nine Chale
@ 21 Chapwa
Per statistics on their website, Worldwide Church Membership stood at 17,479,890 in 2011. Must be close to 20 million, baptized members now, worldwide.
Did HH great his head of state…
Brainwashed & ignorant, blindfools. Keep burying your heads in the sand you id!ots!!
Thats why I like lusakatimes not ZWD when u post anything negative about this chap called HH and Upnd they wont show it,but with lusakatimes every jim n jack can post anythin.if thats how HH will rule this country when he comes into power if by chance in 2021 then we are in for it in terms of freedom of expression.
ZWD is trash……they threw me out 3 yrs ago.I can not comment on ZWD…..Kambwili should shut them down indeed.
Head line should read 1 million brainwashed zombies,
Most countries keep separate -church and state (government)
Zambia should follow that neutral path. All these churches are bank rolled from the USA for their own interests.
@ 24 Ken
Whatever your rationale here, by numbers alone, their membership translates into one Zambian out of every 20 Adventists worldwide; and one Adventist out of every 15 Zambians nationally. They operate a university, besides numerous schools, within Zambia – the first church to have ever done so. They also operate a formidable healthcare system, presumably comparable only to that of the Catholics and the Salvation Army nationwide. Must you call such a group “zombies” and fail to recognize their positive contribution to Zambia’s economy, social well-being and spiritual enhancement?
Zambia is a Christian nation rules, inhabited and strolled by the most unchristians I have ever come across. Hypocrites of the first order. The most promiscuous people on earth.
Thank you HE Edgar Lungu for recognizing different faiths..This is true leadership which shows maturity and humility.You will receive god’s blessings some of your predecessors the likes of kk, late ftj, late levy and RB used to embrace people from different religions indeed this is true statesmanship. I now appeal to the ever growing sda church to always pray to god for the good health and wise leadership in EL. Remember the sda commands largest membership in Southern Province and if you appreciate this kind of leadership let it be reflected in the 2016 Presidential Elections. Truth is a bitter pill to swallow
Surprisingly, some i.m.b.e.c.i.l.e Zambians have continued to exhibit their folly even on the site, very shameful indeed. The major question is ”what is it that they have bennefited from ECL ever since he came into power ‘cos they are still wallowing in severe poverty and starvation ? It’ s not wrong to deduct that Zambia is one of the countries which is blessed with people who are good at hauling insults and use of vulgar language.
Mr Danny Haig,love this country or get out!
at Nine Chale @2.1
you obviously miss the point of my question. The Guy Lungu has been galavanting since taking office. surely, there is more work that needs to be done than roaming up and down. how can you be so blinded to reality.
Zambia and Zambians have a lot of issues that need to be addressed and certainly some of these events can be attended by other than the president – no wonder Zambians are in perpetual poverty
fyi: I am no fun of HH but e might just get my vote
Who cares really? You can give him as many votes as you want!
What a display of half-demented zeal.