Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Zambezi river fish stocks dwindling


Zambezi sun set
Zambezi sun set

Fisheries experts from Zambia and Malawi have bemoaned the poor fish harvests coupled with increasing mismanagement of stocks in the Zambezi river in Mongu district.

The experts from the Fisheries Department, the University of Zambia and Malawi have further bemoaned the post-poor harvests and mismanagement of fish stocks in the Zambezi River in Mongu District of Western Province.

ZANIS reports that this came to light yesterday when delegates from both the University of Zambia and Malawi analysed the ingredients leading to losses occurring in fish volume, nutrient content and economical value in Mongu District.

This was during a one-day workshop held in Mongu.

Provincial Agriculture Coordinator (PACO) Alex Chilala said fish production was high from 2002 to 2009 with 8000 metric tonnes production but reduced drastically to below 5000 tonnes in 2010.

Mr. Chilala revealed that the increased number of fishermen and mismanagement of fish stocks coupled by the illegal use of fishing gears such as Sefa Sefa has negatively impacted the fish population in both Lake Chilwa of Malawi and the Zambezi River.

Mr. Chilala stated that climatic change and environmental degradation have greatly contributed to the reduction of fish and called for co-management efforts in the conservation of fish.

And Acting Principal Fisheries Officer Gething Chisule disclosed that the fight against fish mismanagement was not only a battle for the Fisheries Department but also for all stakeholders and the traditional leaderships.

Meanwhile, World Fish Senior Scientist Kate Longley observed that the supplies of fish in the Sub-Sahara Region were reducing.

Dr Longley predicted a further down-fall in the next two decades hence the need to quickly put in place measures to intervene.


    • Kekekekeke that Mongu, the new capital city of Zambia. No fish, what will they do??? The best option is just to be “Bakachema”, all those plains would be good for cows!!
      We told them to keep the traditional ceremony of Kuomboka, unfortunately they skipped 2 years in a row under the PF. Aba Lozi ine annoys me mwee…. so much educated ones, but all for nothing.

  1. This is as we call in development the tragedy of the commons. There is no way you expect to have sustainable management of commonly administered resources. The solution is to own and run fishing as farming at individual level

  2. Ba mileage @ no 1. You people never cease to amaze me. Everything is about regionalism. If fish stocks dwindle in WP, all of us are affected not the eating sand you talk about. There are Bembas and all other tribes who are in one way or another eking out a living from the barotse fish. Please grow up and suggest solutions. There is so much negativity in this country which affects your general disposition in life.

  3. They just don’t know how to find out more about utilisation of that natural resources. Imagine, WP without Zambezi. Lozis are kind of lazy, just look at how they keep their yards and houses in the cities, very horrible to my test.

  4. One day will have good fishing on the mighty Zambezi river.My cousins kwa Mabumbu, Apajeke, Namapa, Namuyowa, fa Katoya mane ni ba Mawawa, Sesheke kwa Sabelo…. muyoyange wino wino, take care of our fish guys we trust you lots.

  5. This is alarming. Zambia needs the fish. Let’s manage it properly or Zambezi’s bound to become the dead sea

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