Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Levy’s Son Patrick Mwanawasa appointed Deputy PS for Eastern Province by President Lungu


Patrick Mwanawasa
Patrick Mwanawasa

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has appointed Patrick Mwanawasa as new Eastern Province Deputy Permanent Secretary.

Eastern Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo confirmed in Chipata yesterday that Mr Mwanawasa was the new deputy permanent secretary for the province taking over from Zechariah Luhanga who has been transferred to Public Service Management Division (PSMD) in the same capacity.

Mr Kasolo said Mr Mwanawasa who is expected to start work in the province immediately.

He said Mr Mwanawasa and him had a mammoth task to ensure that Government projects were undertaken in the province.

“While he is still studying, Mr Patrick Mwanawasa he is going to work with me to ensure that developmental projects are accelerated in Eastern Province,” Mr Kasolo said.

He said Mr Mwanawasa was a brilliant young person who will render the good services to the people in the province.

Mr Kasolo has appealed to civil servants to give Mr Mwanawasa support
during his work.


  1. Congratulation Patrick, I hope you will be your own man, just like your dad was. My only problem with your appointment is that president Lungu has neglected the hundreds of civil servants whose natural progression would have been Deputy PS and brought in someone without Civil Service experience

    • Exactly Obatala…deputy PS is as good as general manager right under the CEO, this is a very senior position for a student with no experience!!

    • RB .. Thank you.

      Though this man ( Patrick ) went around insulting your wife when PF used him during the 2011 election season.

      Patrick humble yourself, grow up and learn something about life.

      You have been a Prat for a long while.

    • Being a civil servant does not mean you take precedence over other deserving Zambians to positions of governance. Conglats young man and prove the critics wrong.

    • Obatala, a very good observation indeed! Without experience in the civil service and only to be given such a position, I wonder what hope is for the long serving civil servants. I know there is someone with great qualifications and experience more deserving. But regardless, congrats Patrick and I hope to see the president appointing more people with experience.

    • Mwe Bafyashi nji-ipusheko, Is he studying the Province or he is still a student at Zambian Open University were he was doing his degree?

      If he is still a student, then he does not deserve the position because there are other Graduates who are not employed.
      If it is just studying the province and how work is done its ok, because personally I don’t believe in that crap of 20 years work experience. As long as the character has the necessary manila papers and ability to perform, its ok for me.

      I hope teshina liabawiso babomfyeshe?

    • Mwanawasa Jr. I really thought you were like your Dad. I respected Mwanawasa Sr. because he stood for what he thought was right even if it meant losing friends and opportunity for ill-wealth. To be honest, I would never join a group of kaponyas and thieves that are only interested in looting from the poor and even have the nerve say “we can’t tell about all the loans we are borrowing on your behalf” but we expect you to pay them in full with interest. I hope Madam Maureen will talk to her son about this appointment. Additionally, from being a potential MP to deputy PS??not sure here what you are thinking. You could followed what George Kunda Jr. (Howard has done). He actually has shown more Mwanawasa caliber than you have. Please reflect on this and think about your father’s legacy.

    • I do agree with this. I think it bypasses qualified people who can actually add more value to the job.

    • Maureen is swimming in money already. She stays in govt paid for home, receives a huge salary and is reaping a lot of money from investments left by Levy Mwanawasa without supporting his children such as Patrick.

    • Maureen is learned and currently enjoying the proceeds from late husband’s estate. I doubt if she would sink so low to join the kaponya party

  2. Yes ba Maureen will die na njala, she thought ba HH was going to win and appoint her Minister. Please appoint her, we need such women ba ziba ku cita cita maningi.

    • Cadres in the civil services,even here in COPPERBELT,former kitwe DC Elias Kamanga is the new deputy permanent Secretary. ALL higher positions now in the civil service are for cadres. President Lungu is destroying the civil service in this country.

  3. …..politics of appeasements… a dangerous culture…Office of PS is suppose to be professional…. and not ‘cadreism’……there are other ‘areas’ the young man could have suited for his political career…like that of a DC or deputy ambassador somewhere….
    ….I have listened to his interviews and the younger man proved to be brilliant for his age….

  4. Except the first three presidents,the last three were just in office to make appointments that’s economic plans for the nation.

    • FTJ’s children, to my knowledge, are not educated ‘enough’ and too quite ! So they will not add value to ECL politically. It will be difficult to defend their appointments when questioned.

    • FTJ’s children, to my knowledge, are not educated ‘enough’ and too quite ! So they will not add value to ECL politically. It will be difficult to defend their appointments when questioned.
      At least for Patrick he campaigned for Sata and stood as an MP for Kafulafuta & lost to MMD. He was even responsible for loss of Mayoral post for the talkative Elias Kamanga as Kitwe Mayor. Kamanga in his stubbornness issued Council fuel (Full tank) to Patrick to use for PF campaigns & Town Clerk David Kabanda withdraw the mayoral vehicle from Kamanga. Now its time for rewards, after all Kamanga was long rewarded as DC Kitwe for the same incidence & the beatings he received in Solwezi (When Tetamanshimba died in 2009) & Ndola (Susan Kawandami was elected in 2010) parliamentary Bye elections.

  5. Just wondering — you mean these jobs , senior as they are dont have educational requirements, experience etc ???No wonder we seem not to move progressively in Africa. @’so that those who liked Mwanawasa can also like me!!! Please better appoint him your personal doctor , then you will see the mistakes you are making. Very sad for mother Zambia though

    •’ve made my day.
      I like it- unqualified personal Doctor so that he kills him instead of killing the civil service in eastern province.

  6. I have nothing against Patrick but surely on what basis is this appointment made? From the article I gather he is even still studying. Can we assume this is part time…and relevant to the position he has been appointed to? Permanent secretary unlike Minister is a professional job in the civil service. Appointment should be made from within the civil service or externally advertised and position filled based on competence. Another issue is what the hell is the president doing appointing the deputy the PS?

    • This Patrick has been studying indefinitely! If you keep insisting on graduation first you cud be ‘nyokaling’ somebody with hunger as RB puts it. Surely should we always wait to graduate in order to work? Their students who cud be in final year at UNZa if given a chance may perform better than graduates. Bill Gates never graduated.
      Haven’t u heard of students being employed even b4 their graduation? After all Patrick is a mature student, he cud already have minimum qualification like a diploma & work experience. Let him also ‘eat with them’, he is a mature orphan. These PF chaps if you want it just pretent to join them, else you’ ll starve & achieve nothing. Personally I’m principled, I wudn’t do that. But why let another person starve cos of my principles unless I’m gonna feed…

  7. Are there any specific qualifications (academic and professional) for the position of deputy permanent secretary?

    • If you want to know the qualifications of such a position look to the colonial master Britain where we borrowed some practices before hollowing them out. Zambia is now a fusion of Soviet-era behaviors and post-dictatorship paranoid political practice. It is no longer funny actually.

    • Yes, these are senior civil servants, technocrats who should not be appointed by a president but by civil service commission. They should not be party cadres. They should be able to run government affairs when they is change in government. Obviously you do not appointment students or interns to run government. Rubbish!

    • The guidelines for serving or being engaged in the civil service are well laid out, and this youngman doesn’t qualify but he wont be the first. We had Sylvia Masebos retard in foreign service and VJ’s in Nairobi both ill qualified for their functions!

  8. Very dangerous move where the potential opposion members are beng scooped into the ruling party. I feel very strongly that Zambia should remain a multiparty state, if the idea is to encourage multipatism, then those appearing potential opponents should be let alone to continue so that the democracy is cemented. I feel very strongly that the idea of elevating people for the sake of appeasing is also not good. There are some civil servants who have progresses through rank and file and have been very pationate about the progression in the service, only to be sidelined, may not auger well to the rest of young civil servants. Let Mr. Lungu be serious with his leadership. Leadership is earned and not just given by word of mouth. I know PS are appointed to consolidate the party in power, b

  9. Lazy Bum Lungu never ceases to amaze me and you wonder why we don’t develop and why civil servants are working in tents…Mulusa are you watching?
    What does he mean by “While he is still studying….??”

  10. Appointments to please people is what has accelerated Zambia to be in deep poverty. The fact that one has academic papers does not signal that one is productive and experienced. This is the fact that draws the line between developed nations and undeveloped nations, and between rich countries and poor countries. Misplacement of manpower has made Zambia poor. If Patrick was appointed as a deputy High commissioner or deputy ambassador I wouldn’t care much, but for a deputy permanent secretary that’s a misplacement of manpower. Does it mean Zambia has no Civil Servants with at least 20 years experience at senior level to be appointed as deputy PS? Because of such appointments Zambia will remain in poverty despite borrowing money. Zambia has not learned a lesson from Zambia Railways.

  11. Yes, while studying… is he the best student to be scooped while still studying, like in the good old days? Where has he worked before, for him to earn such – CV??????? This is retrogressive indeed; those Govt projects bwana Kasolo will never move, it will be another mirage! Ypu will spend the whole remaining 1 year of PF teaching Patrick the job.

  12. Well done Mr. President, this is as it should be. Levy’s children have been supporting PF from the time their father died. I hope even Mirriam can be given something to do. President Sata tried to have Patrick elected as MP for Kafulafuta, but he lost to James Chishiba.

    • Uletontonkanya cimbwi iwe. On what basis do you make such recommendations??? Ex Presidents children be rewarded ??/ my foot. I wish i could see you and puke into your face !!

  13. I’ve absolutely no grudge against Patrick!
    however Zambians must wake up, why should this practice continnue? Same names in the corridos of power! When are others going to ‘enjoy’?

  14. OMG! This can only happen in Zambia and the dull Zambians will be there appreciating.. How can an undergraduate student be given a top job in the civil service[At Provincial level] to be in-charge of probably some Masters and Phd holders??

    This Levy boy failed in when he was studying in London and I even wonder if indeed he’s studying something…. That’s the politics of appeasement Zambians are supposed to start rejecting…

    Lungu is a complete fake and a big disappointment…. The little tall man has no clue on how to rule Zambia.. No wonder he can’t even provide proper policy direction but keep appointing his friends.. Anyway, I blame the Zambians who voted for him for not thinking when deciding..

  15. This appointment has no scoope, backing only based on inheritance, pay back time and mediocrity.

  16. Robinson and Acemoglu put out very good work on why nations fail (Why Nations Fail). It appears Zambia and its political setup is using that as a handbook on how to fail structurally instead of learning from it. Very surprising how mediocrity is embraced so glaringly.

  17. Either the President has too many powers or he is overburdened with work. Even a deputy PS has to be appointed by the President? In a normal environment, PSs are supposed to rise through the ranks of civil service like in the UNIP era. The civil service has been “cadrerised” and not professionalized which is bad for the country. Cadre DCs make the situation worse. Civil servants lose hope of promotion.

  18. This makes a sad reading, this chap is a failure, he failed to complete a degree program at UCT. what criteria has been used for his appointment? zambia will never develop as long as we continue to practice politics of appeasement. there are so many deserving people in this country that can deliver instead of this good for nothing play boy.

  19. UPND cadres will keep on crying while those who support PF enjoy!!!a party like PF which defeated the ruling party MMD cannot rule for 1 term mostly here in Africa-never!!SO JUST JOIN THE WINNING TEAM IF YOU WANT TO BE GIVEN A JOB TOO.PATRICK MWANAWASA HAS BEEN PF SINCE HIS DAD DIED,SO WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?HIS FATHER MADE A NAME SO GOVNT HAS TO REWARD HIM!!BELIEVE U ME,TRIBAL HH WILL LOSE 2016 ELECTIONS 100%!!!

  20. In all fairness Patrick doesn’t deserve that position.Those positions are meant for technocrates in the system ie Directors graduate to those position.This country will continue to be poor as long as we continue overlooking the value of education.

  21. Mwanawasa Jr. I really thought you were like your Dad. I respected Mwanawasa Sr. because he stood for what he thought was right even if it meant losing friends and opportunity for ill-wealth. To be honest, I would never join a group of kaponyas and thieves that are only interested in looting from the poor and even have the nerve say “we can’t tell about all the loans we are borrowing on your behalf” but we expect you to pay them in full with interest. I hope Madam Maureen will talk to her son about this appointment. Additionally, from being a potential MP to deputy PS??not sure here what you are thinking. You could followed what George Kunda Jr. (Howard has done). He actually has shown more Mwanawasa caliber than you have. Please reflect on this and think about your father’s legacy.

  22. Haters will hate. That’s why we also say that HH doesn’t qualify to be president because he has never been in the system at grass root level of leadership. If you continue barking that Patrick doesn’t qualify then even HH U5 doesn’t qualify too.

    • On this one No. Pls dont compare HH to this child. HH has a degree with lots of post qualification experience , apart from his somewhat dubious business prowless.

  23. Blog blog blog till you drop dead with envy.

    If you want to be part of the system please avail yourself and challenge the system. Problem with many of us we just complain without trying to defeat the system.

    • The sh!t in Zambia has already hit the fan and it’s no point fighting it. Only those interested in the loot are joining to partake of the chaotic situation.

  24. This appointment is wrongly done ba Lungu. I had respect for you and your leadership but I don’t agree with this. People with education and the necessary experience should merit for such appointments not because one is a son of a former President. Totally inappropriate. I don’t know how you will fix this bwana, you will slowly start losing people that had faith in you, and I am one of those who is not sure of who you Mr. President are. This is a mistake.

  25. Cadres in the civil services,even here in COPPERBELT,former kitwe DC Elias Kamanga is the new deputy permanent Secretary. ALL higher positions now in the civil service are for cadres. President Lungu is destroying the civil service in this country.

  26. wat are the qualifications of PS pipo remember a DC,PS and his deputy,ambassadors wil never be appointed these are political appointes bro.

  27. Eyee Imwe how can this happen and what do the MSc, MA and PhD guys with 10 to 20 years experience who this Patrick is expected to supervise feel about this


    • You are talking about Kim in South Korea. You are lost and I end here because you don’t deserve to be responded to

  29. Ati a ma degree! Why should aperson with a proper degree aspire to work in government? Unless he just wants to go there to do deals.

  30. Bloating further an already bloated civil service and then one hypocritical charlatan goes to Kabwe rural to shed crocodile tears about civil servants working under tents and trees.

  31. I think the reason for the “poor work culture” in the Civil Service lies in the appointment of party cadres to senior positions in the service .I thought by now we should have had a really professional civil service ( but when led by cadres of “Chikwakwa’s” caliber this is far fetched).

    • you are asking for the qualifications of this job. here you are:
      1. Superior knowledge in strategic and operational planning
      2. Experience in monitoring and evaluation of government projetcs
      3. Resource mobilisation skills
      4. Quantitative and qualitative research
      5. Ability to coordinate GRZ and NGO stakeholders
      6. Strong technical leadership skills
      7. Proven record of professional writing skills
      8. Confirmed civil servant with at least 15 years service, 5 of which must have been at reasonably senior level e.g. Executive Officer
      9. Sobre character and motivating to civil servants
      10. Ideally should qualify to work as PS because he acts in the absence of the incumbent
      11. As the job is too technical one must be a graduate with a degree in a relevant field

  32. The Children of the Mailoni brothers must also be rewarded like we are seeing son of executed rebel is PS.

  33. I respected LPM Snr. But I am not so sure about the Junior. On what basis has this appt been made? EL you are asking for trouble. These are politics of appeasement.
    This is so interesting because EL is doing away with party cadres and going with another class of people. I would applaud his move because Zambia has been ruled by cadres hence the state of the country. However, EL needs to put qualified people in place. He is now creating hatred in the civil service which is well known for mandalas who are jealous and insecure.
    Watch the space!

  34. congrats.
    you jealous pigs,Patrick is a young budding politician who can be appointed to any position to help him grow as a politician. You ignorant UPND chickens, you are busy saying Mwanawasa was a good president but when his son is gaining experience so as to position himself for the top job, you cry foul, what do you want kanshi? have you ever heard Patrick Maingaling around? or castrolling around.

    He is from a good household and he has a lot of potential to become like his father and we as Zambians can benefit from his work output.
    at least you need to support him even if you hate EDGAR LUNGU.
    separate your hatred for EL and the appointees, judge them after you see their work.who says Maureen Mwanawasa is mother to Patrick, for your own info they do not share political opinions…

  35. What is wrong is wrong, government made simple! Lungu is simply creating family dynasties for Zambia! In all honesty this appointment ridicules governance and is inappropriate! Mr Patrick Mwanawasa youthful as he is, is not qualified for this position and neither does he have the necessary skills nor qualities for such office. Nepotistic appeasement at best by President Lungu meant for looting of resources by a few already privileged families while trying to build an aggregate of the Banda, Mwanawasa and, Sata families before the Lungu one comes on board! Where to Zambia that such nonsense is being tolerated?

  36. @ulubunda,you are dull.Try to research before you comment.Kim is the leader of north korea and not south korea as you were wrongly taught .Your reading culture is so poor.i even wonder if you can easily tell who the vice president of our neighbouring zimbabwe is.learn to follow curent affairs .MULETUSEBANYA UBUKOPO BWACHILA.

    • We cikopo niwe Pungwa. Because of the slip of the hand which typed South instead of North you are calling me ukuba icikopo. Ok I have corrected myself now Kim is the leader of North Korea. Pungwa you owe mwe an apology for calling me dull especially that you don’t know me. I could be your brother, uncle or even your own father. Please apologise and we move on. Insulting people is not good.

  37. Congratulations Patric, may God give you wisdom and knowledge so that you can be alble to make the difference in your country…

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