Zambia and the rest of Africa celebrate the Africa Freedom Day today. This day reminds us of the sacrifices made by our founding fathers that led to the liberation of Africa. For Zambia, we must consider the high price paid by freedom fighters and find a meaningful way to say thank you to them.
The MMD proposes that the honoring of those who contributed to our independence be holistic. Zambia has failed to honor its freedom fighters in a manner that befits them. Most freedom fighters are dying in abject poverty with no cushioning for them. Our freedom fighters must be honored both in life and in death.
It is heartwarming to see how ANC of South Africa celebrates its Freedom Fighters with passion. Their funerals are always a spectacle and a platform to eulogize the anti-apartheid struggle. This is important for the younger generation to know their national history. We urge government to honor both our fallen and living heroes.
As we strive to see the total freedom for our country, this day should remind us of how difficult life has become for the ordinary Zambian. The ordinary Zambian struggles month after month to pay his basic bills like, rent, electricity, water, food and clothing. These should never be viewed as luxuries but basic necessities. We remain a poor country as long as Zambians live their lives struggling to pay for these basics.
We need to bring our country to a place where these basics no longer crowd our minds, but innovation and fulfilling individual dreams. Nations in the Western Hemisphere have reached a place where bare necessities are not the reasons for their existence, but their energies are expended on exploring space, inventing new things and improving their environment.
May this Africa Freedom Day help us reduce politicking and for once look at how we can together leave the basic platform of life and embrace a life of fulfilling long held personal dreams.
Congratulations Zambia on this great day.
Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba
MMD President
Nevers Mumba was VP at one time. Why did he not address this matter?
@ Yebo, it will good to acknowledge that’s the way our government structures operate is unhealthy. As vice-president you work to honor your boss. You have pack your intellegience, otherwise it will be insubordination and you are a risk to the head I state. That’s why I support the amendment of the running mate clause.
Pp, I too have always supported the idea of a running mate. It ensures that we have leaders of high caliber at that level. This helps also in the event that the Head of State dies or is for some other reasons incapable of performing his duties. You then have a VP take over, who was popularly elected by the people.
Good observation ba Sekwila
The reform must be extended to retirees . Most pensioners live in poverty despite making invaluable contributions to the welbeing of the country.
Its doesnt make sense to give a plough or a bicycle to a retiree. farming is not an occupation for retirees. Its supposed to be a full time job.
Retirees are left to fend for themselves instead of enjoying their pension, the reason the quickly die.
I expected nothing less from Dr Mumba.What an excellent speech befitting the occasion! All things equal, this guy should’ve been leading the country. Just a thought!
What are you saying Dr?. You are/were part and parcel of this suffering we are going through. Things must change and it should always start with the rich empowering the poor. Narrowing the gap! But politicians are greedy and because of this we are always at the bottom of the food chain.
Great speech sir. That’s a progressive mind there.
But who made them poor? It is what they chose to do or not do that contributed to their lives. To think govt should help them is being unrealistic.
Everyone will claim they need help. Even orphans need help. Children born now also need help. Govt can only create an environment in which we can work. That far they have managed to do so.
Is this chap around or still fearing that RB will be back?
What do Zambians expect? You elected BAKATEKA who believe in “BB” BAKUDYA BEKA. NGWA-NGWAZI NJALA YAPAYA. Meanwhile Lungu and company. SHHHH DONCHI KUBEBA” BB” BAKUDYA BEKA!
Instead of concerns for Freedom fighters this day is focussed on politicking politicians and pardon of prisoners with those whose day it is supposed to be exhibiting a display of poverty surrounding them! Just look at the picture depicting Mr. Abel Mulenga above and reflect on it a while…..I just wonder how he has managed his life all this while, I’d have loved seeing a picture of his homestead and an interview about what he thinks his gains amount to considering that the current breed of politicians become instant millionaires once elected! What a thankless country!
The word is commemoration. This day is being held worldwide by different terms. If you took time to listen, you will find everywhere leaders are making speeches that remind their nations about freedom. this is time for the countries to reflect on those days and its implications for today. Politicians give their policy outlines on these matters of national heritage on this day. Anyone will have done and said similar things.
Even if leaders spoke against poverty eradication today, it will not just disappear on African freedom Day. We need sustainable policies to address poverty. Not mere politicking.
However, I agree with you, much needs to be done to see that our Freedom Fighters are adequately rewarded.
No country on earth can afford to pay original freedom fighters. When people came back from war they trained to become, engineers, mechanics, tailors, nurses, and so forth. Life after the end of war requires learning new skills to operate different equipment rather than the gun. If a soldier stays in the army it becomes their new job too. At the end of every job there are pensions to cater for life after work. That is it. There cannot be any money left to pay the fighters without having worked to get some kind of pension. Remember it is 50 years ago and the country is poorer now than it was then. These freedom fighter should also take responsibility for not enhancing their lives with new skills. I am sure this will never change.
Uh, kanshi this man is still around!?