Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pilato pleads not guilty, released on bail



Controversial musician Pilato has pleaded not guilty on charges of conduct likely to cause the breach of peace. In his latest song ‘ALungu Anabwela’,Chama Fumba, popularly known as Pilato, mocks a man named Lungu ,whom the lyrics say has no ideas but carries a suitcase full of bottles of whisky.Police arrested the musician yesterday with the charge of conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

Appearing before Magistrate Aridah Chulu, Pilato denied the charge and was granted a K1, 000 bail with two working sureties.

[pullquote]How will you know that you have a listening government if the government doesn’t allow you to talk? – Pilato[/pullquote]

Trial commences on June 24th 2015.A handful of Pilato fans and some musicians gathered at the Magistrate Court to offer solidarity to the Copperbelt based musician.Meanwhile, renowned Reggae artist Maiko Zulu has donated K500 towards Pilato’s bail.

In reaction to his arrest MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale said Freedom of Expression is a fundamental right to be enjoyed by all citizens regardless of their background and political orientation as provided for under the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which Zambia ratified.


    • How do you know that you have a listening government,if the government doesn’t allow you to talk…..

    • Pilato is the man. This whole episode is very embarrassing for the govt to say the least. How do normal humans treat an innocent man like this. Pilato in the same cell as hardcore criminals for a song “A Lungu Anabwera”. Are we honestly this backward?

    • Even PF minions should condemn this move to incarcerate an innocent person and deny him police bond.

    • When we told u that Edgar Lungu is a Muslim, some of u refuted.
      But now see wat has happened.
      Voting for this man will really bring caosi in this country.
      We told u that Edgar is an Isamic Jihardist who spent 4 years training in Iraq during Sadam Husen. The man is not interested in Zambia’s peace but blood. He is a worse dictator than Idi Amin nand San Abacha.
      Records are there in Iraq to show.
      Be careful with some of these candidates u sapot. No well meaning Zambians would sapot Edgar Lungu an Islamic Fandamentalist.
      Very soon he will declare Zambia an Islamic Country and the same u pipo sapoting him will start crying wen he introduces Sharia Law.
      Watch the space, Zambia is headed for disaster.

    • Pilato’s hair! No wonder he was arrested! He can be haboring bugs and other unsavory species in that awful wig!

    • Good job Pilato!!!Stand your ground. You shouldn’t be intimidated for telling the truth.

      Zambia is a free country and we shouldnt fear to live in our own country


    • How does the song cause a disturbance of the Peace? Just because some cadres dont like it, doesnt excuse them to become a circus. If they break the law through violence and intimidation, they should be locked up, not the musician.

      If we all became violent because of something we did not like in society, that would lead to anarchy, and is inexcusable.

      As for ZAM, they should promote and defend musical creativity, and not pander to political cadres. Shame. #freepilato

    • @Nubian princess

      Your thinking is surely warped just like the real Nubian princesses who were sex slaves for the Egypians in them days.

      Your PF lies all the time. Last time PF lied that Sweden had unblocked funding to Zambia. But today, the truth came out that PF was just lying to minions like you.

      What ever PF says the opposite is the truth. In Rufunsa, Livingstone, Magongo, and Katuba, they lied and accused UPND of starting violence and when the truth came out, fingers pointed at PF.

      So even in Mulobezi, UPND will be vindicated when the truth comes out that it was Chama and his PF who instigated the violence and shot an innocent UPND supporter.

      All PF supporters ni ba chimbwi no plan.

    • Wow Turned on the TV here in Aussie and at 5am and just saw this Pilato Dancing with a big commentary about injustice him.

      They are making him really famous

  1. Alungu shuwa, instead of addresssing national issues of renovating UTH, Finishing the road project started by MCS or addressing Zambia’s failure to meet the MDG’s, we are busy stepping on an innocent citizen who is simply exercising hia freedom of expresion….. How much whisky did you bring to state house from Chawama?

  2. Pilato’s song is even sweater than Kazembe’s original version. Especially where Ukwa chips in to rap.
    (Ati Lesa malyotola fimo fimo) Its a hit here in South Africa’s Zambian clubs. Pilato has just made a name for himself especially that the song is now a contraband. You know how expensive any contraband is?

  3. Understand that it is not the President who has ordered his arrest. He has broken the law. You who are yapping if you really support him why don’t you swop places with him by sleeping in cells on his behalf. You are just yapping and yet you are not even fraction as brave as he is. Yapping from a safe place using a fake name.

    • @ Ndanje,
      I wish you knew the legal definition and the elements of the offence ‘Conduct likely to breach peace’
      Even the person arresting him, including the one charging him knows that he hasn’t broken any law and the case will be thrown away.
      Mark my words, Pilato will be acquitted in this case.

    • Its the court to say he has broken the law. Not You. Innocent until proven guilty, ever heard of such basics.

    • *****, where on this planet are you allowed to swop prison time. Can you imagine a person sentenced to 20 years and 20 people that love him volunteer to save 1 year each on his behalf !!!!!

    • in my opinion it is a very educative song, i jst pray that president Lungu has learnt something from this hit. Dislodging RB and Dora was no easy feat for the late president Micheal Sata and we are not happy that today the current president is dinning with these alleged crooks whose cases are before the courts. Thanks Pilato, let those with ears hear and those with eyes see! God bless it will come to pass my man

    • i charge the president with a case of conduct likely to cause a breach of peace should he stand in 2016. Pantu a lot of people will be angry and the end result is that some people will fight in the streets causing serious damage. buti if he doesnt stand, there is no likelihood of any two kaponyas to fight over the election.
      THis law is primitive, we are all gulity of it technically speaking.

  4. Edgar lungu should just resign. He lost contact with his brain and action. One day we will wake up to a rude shock that the president has undressed himself in public.

    His mental dealings are retarded. How do you arrest a musician just because he has composed a song of the year which is sweater than Kachasu Man or Chibuku.

    Let Edgar Lungu just resign if he has failed to run the country. we refuse to be ruled by embaciles.

    ‘Alungu Anabwela” is a wonderful song and anyone who does not want to hear it is free to commit suicide.

    But pliz dont forget to share it the kachasu man.

    • You are very bitter that your man/woman lost to ECL right? I never read anything else from you except that Lungu should resign!

      Ha, life is so sweet! Some people see opportunities even where it is difficulty to find good opportunities while others will keep blaming someone for lack of opportunities even in the abundance of such! If you are one who always see dark side of things, tomorrow your favorite candidate will be in charge but you will still be the first one to condemn him/her for lack of opportunities. Try to see other side of life it might help you live a bit longer even by a minute or so!

    • Hilda Malama is true that your father committed suicide because he found you on top of your mother and that you produced both your younger “brother” and “sister” with your mother.

  5. So the UPND in their hatefully bitter minds think this is over? Wait until the Panga Family reacts and then their under 5 will be rushing to the UN. Up to now the cases the under 5 has taken to the UN have been ignored as childish.

    • @kci what do you mean by reacting and how does UN come in?This back ward thinking should shoved in the achieves.Its not Zambia under KK chacha its new Zambia my friend.

    • well, from what transpired in court, Pilato even failed to raise 1,000. Looking at how much support is getting on social media’s UPND one would have thought this will be easy. Michael chamba zulu contributed 500 while it several phone calls to raise another 500. This is supposed to be pocket change.

  6. Information has emerged that majority of PF Members are not happy with President Lungu’s move to arrest Pilato because what he said in the song is nothing but the truth.

    Edgar Lungu has sold PF to MMD/Rupiah Banda.

    Edgar Lungu will suffer more torment when he leaves office next year than he is doing to opponents.

    • Hilda Malama is true that your father committed suicide because he found you on top of your mother and that you produced both your younger “brother” and “sister” with your mother.

  7. Alungu anabwela kuchokela kukachasu ndalama zaziko anasiliza kudala………………anaganiza niza kongola ku china……….

    • Boss you will soon be found by the police and will equally be charged with conduct likely to breach “internet social media” peace.

      Hahahaha…. Ifintu ni Lungu but nafilungula

  8. This morning hotfm played a clip of President Lungu promising and assuring the nation that he wont interfere with freedom of speech and expression. Now that he is in state house things have changed.

  9. “Conduct likely to cause breach of peace”??? So since the song has been in public domain for some time now, has it breached peace? or it will breach peace when? Will people start fighting randomly upon listening to the song?

  10. There you go folks congratulations to all who put the government in check. We can’t be silenced and demand a better Zambia for ourselves the present and future generations. These people will get away with murder if you keep quiet or don’t say a word due to fear. Resources should be for all Zambians and not just the select few who are pocketing the economies money instead of putting it to building infrastructure. In 2015 we still have thatched house schools? This is pathetic! In 2015 corruption has quadrupled and they expect us to keep quiet? Children in schools have no chairs nor desks, is that normal? Youth are fighting for employment and university students have no jobs. The Mulenga Sata’s spend tax payers money on luxury homes, Davis Chama shoots bystanders. Pilato told the truth.

    • And Pilato is paying for the so called “truth” as u hide behind ur keyboard doing absolutely nothing to help the f00l. If every person who praising the song had paid even a 50ngwee for it, the dirty f00l wuld ve easily raised his bail money

  11. @5.1 Hope 4 Better Don’t share your ignorance here. Our laws are very clear on the issue of defamation. If your words are perceived as to bring the name into disrepute and odium you will be committing an offence. The President doesn’t direct any to arrest you, the agents responsible will do that part on their own. Your aim is to mislead the public that Lungu is harassing little Pilato. It wont work. Even if HH was President I wouldn’t support anyone who is insulting him. I don’t need to be a lawyer to understand such simple things. Don’t use this as your means to discredit the government because it wont work.

    • Who insulted the president here, Why are you sticking to the case which even the courts have not recognised? PILATO DID NOT INSULT THE PRESIDENT. Its only you who think Pilato insulted Lungu due to your plain ignorance. Hehehehehehehe

    • Ndanje Kakhs @ 14. Even the Police know that it is not defamation. That is why they have charged him with “conduct likely to cause breach of peace..”. We all know that there is no defamation. Even the charge is a FALSE one!
      Lungu has no shame.

    • My brother, don’t worship politicians, worship only God. Even in North Korea there are brainwashed cadres who agree that Kim Jong-un was right to execute the Defence Minister for dozing while the supreme leader made a speech.

  12. The song has been restricted to be played on radios so where do you expect people to listen to it to breach peace?
    But somebody who shot somebody in Mulobezi is moving freely in streets.Zambia my country where are you taking us with this type of Policing?

  13. When we told u that Edgar Lungu is a Muslim, some of u refuted.
    But now see wat has happened.
    Voting for this man will really bring caosi in this country.
    We told u that Edgar is an Isamic Jihardist who spent 4 years training in Iraq during Sadam Husen. The man is not interested in Zambia’s peace but blood. He is a worse dictator than Idi Amin nand San Abacha.
    Records are there in Iraq to show.
    Be careful with some of these candidates u sapot. No well meaning Zambians would sapot Edgar Lungu an Islamic Fandamentalist.
    Very soon he will declare Zambia an Islamic Country and the same u pipo sapoting him will start crying wen he introduces Sharia Law.
    Watch the space, Zambia is headed for disaster.

    • Hilda Malama is true that your father committed suicide because he found you on top of your mother and that you produced both your younger “brother” and “sister” with your mother.

  14. hilda malama a lady without brains bring real issues on the social media not personalising issue,dont behave like a public toilet i end here for now.

  15. Iwe chi Edgar Kachasu and iwe kalihule ka stela chilibonani; can you also arrest Davies Chama for attempted murder instead of troubling Pilato.

    Davies Chama is the son who was born from an Angolan refugees who was impregnanted by Jonas savimbi, UNITA Rebel Leader of Angola nowonder he is ruthless shooting at unarmed citizens.

    Davies Chama belongs to prison. We will put pressure until Davies Chama is arrested.

  16. concerned citizen you are provingto the nation that you are very dull or very young,you dont know what you are talking about.president edigar lungu is lawer by profession,and what qualification do you have ?cabbage collector?yes thats what you are

  17. @5.1 Hope 4 Better Don’t share your ignorance here. Our laws are very clear on the issue of defamation. If your words are perceived as to bring the name into disrepute and odium you will be committing an offence. The President doesn’t direct any to arrest you, the agents responsible will do that part on their own. Your aim is to mislead the public that Lungu is harassing little Pilato. It wont work. Even if HH was President I wouldn’t support anyone who is insulting him. I don’t need to be a lawyer to understand such simple things. Don’t use this as your means to discredit the government because it wont work. Use your brains

  18. When Lungu said “I’m learning alot from Mugabe”, this is what he meant!!

    A whole lot of a president harassing small boys. First it was jobless UNZA graguates. Now this is sinking so low for the office of Head of State. Even the charge tells the whole story. Police couldn’t charge him for defamation coz Lungu was not defamed in the song in any way. The Judge will ask simple questions like:

    1) How many people are named Lungu in Zambia & what makes you think he was singing about you specifically?
    2) Describe in what way a song can disrupt peace?

    Lets not make our country look backwards by draconian laws copied from North Korea.

  19. The president’s daughter is my girl. She tells me little state secrets. Does anyone remember this song by the Maiko Zulu? Oh how I miss the days of Muwelewele, Kafupi, Cabbage and King Cobra.

  20. 14.2 Hunter: Know that his song can cause exactly that. Some cadres may decide to take the law in their hands.

  21. Pilato’s defaming remarks lie in innuendo. Defination: An innuendo is an insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one’s words, taken literally, are innocent. The Jameson part is an issue for the court to determine on the argument of the case.

  22. as I stated earlier, the guilty are always afraid. Lungu has got a lot to learn and to know about leadership. Definitely the case of pilato is a non-issue for a serious leader. You can not start folding sleeves for your shirt to fight a young man who is just trying to tell you how your leadership is impacting on the youths. There is a lot of literature where young men and women have written and sung about the wiered leadership of their leaders in various countries and these leaders as a matter of intelligence had to check on themselves as to how they were conducting themselves. We always say young people tell you the true picture of who you are, you are better off listen than getting annoyed with them. The ALMIGHTY stopped the disciples from stopping young ones approach him, because…….

  23. Fi PF fipuba sana, they couldn’t get him on defamation charges so they are trying to pin the charge of “conduct likely to cause breach of peace”. Educate me you PF maggots, does that charge only apply if you mock the president or any public figure with a large following who are likely to get incensed if their leader is mocked and cause a breach of peace? If the song was sang about HH, could Pilato also get the same charge seeing that UPND supporters are likely to be upset? Stupidity in Zambia never seems to amaze me.

  24. chanda joe. at president lungu is lawer by profession. what is that this must be pf standard of education. so learn to listern to people who knows what they are talking about . its chama who is supposed to be arrested and not pilato or hon siyauya or mushaukwa. no

  25. Please people get it right,freedom of expression does not amount to defamation of character. This Pilato guy is dull he should have changed a few characters in the song not calling them by their actual names. Remember how kalaki used to do it? Now all of you that are in support of this madness can’t even raise a 1000 kwacha for his bail not even the UPND after using him. Musicians should learn that politicians will just use them and leave them to suffer in prison on their own.

    • Casper are you behind, the man has not been charged with defamation because he did not defame anyone. Please pay attention to the news.

  26. Pilato has fly above the president,so i guide him to contest as parliamentarian candidate.he wil win and Spoke for the voiceless.

  27. honestly the up and down part prefect tycoon could not even pay for his bail yet this afro chap is using pilato to spread his noncense !!!! shame on you all upnd stupid blind followers. your under five afro prefect will never be president.

  28. in venenzuela, the president was hit with an orange by one woman in protest for not having a house. she was never arrested but the president responded by bulding her a house. this is hat great men does. this is what the bible teaches. imagine pilato did that to mr Lungu, i would have been short dead and proclaimed bandit who wanted to kill the president. i am a die hard pf member, to be honest i am not happy with Dora Siliya and RB. for sure i never wanted the people in mmd and its not the name mmd i voted for change.

  29. How has the ‘satanist’ case gone? Didn’t someone cry foul by being called that? Songs like ‘mukamfwilwa’, ‘don’t kubeba’ did not mention anyone’s name. Once you mention one’s name, you are causing problems for the other camp. No wonder the one who was called ‘Satanist’ was angry!!! Stop name-calling people. Even insulting others, is it worth it?

  30. “Likely to cause a breach of…” Wait! How did we get to this? How is this likelihood arrived at? It is the so-called contravening laws because your perfectly manufactured BMW X6 does not have an Autoworld reflective sticker! No policeman will even give you quantitative, let alone qualitative definitions of most of these laws in their operational states. It is all colonial fuzziness that has been allowed beyond its sell-by date. Leave that young man alone. Oh and let him wear that hair; tired of seeing everyone looking like they are in a barrack.

  31. Most of you are writing from outside countries. You don’t know or have forgotten what being a Zambian is. Respect to elders or those in authority is cardinal, but looks like most of you think because you are in Europe or America, you can copy the so called freedom of expression? no no no, respect those in authority and not speak with hatred. Just come back and support your preferred candidate, otherwise 2016 will be a year to reckon with.

  32. Lungu and his henchmen have got no shame! This man used Sata’s own words and which *****s would think that as an insult?

    They say if you want to test a man’s character, give him power! The people can see through the character of this failed lawyer masquerading as a leader. Rupiah Banda is a shameless old fool that is giving very bad advise to Chagwa!

  33. I don’t mean to take a dump on my own country but truth be told, Zambia does not have that much to brag about. Now this just helps to drop Zambia’s reputation deeper in the pit latrine.

  34. I have a question. Didn’t Lungu insult Sylvia Masebo in public and it was ok? Didn’t Lungu let Davis Chama go free for the unlawful firing of a firearm which is negligence in front of people? Davis Chama should be sued by the person he hurt and the case should go on trial. Unlawful discharge laws prohibit firing any weapon in certain areas or under specific circumstances, such as firing from a moving vehicle, firing into people, or firing into or at an occupied building. This was not an accident, Davis Chama intentionally fired the weapon, and did so maliciously with the intention to hurt someone. We have a victim laying on a hospital bed. The shooter is walking free probably with the same gun he used. So Pilato hurt Edgar Lungu’s feelings and they want to crucify the guy. Cowards!!

  35. Ati fact man, surely you do not expect HH to pay K1,000 for the bail condition? First and foremost, Pilato publicly denied being associated with UPND. Second, Pilato’s dealings with UPND are purely business as everyone gets value for whatever transaction entered into[not being used]. Thirdly, if Pilato wants help, he will shout. Fourthly [and for gods sake], the PF machinery will jump at this. HH paying for Pilato? He is the one who sent him. Lastly but not the least, surely if UPND have to pay for Pilato, it should not be HH to fork out the money. May be the maid to his driver. It is just too little!

  36. Congratulations to Pilato you are a real man those tormenting you are just sises. How can someone go to the police and say you have defamed the president and then you are charged with conduct likely to breach peace.

    Ba PF you are embarassing us. Even the BBC and reuters and the rest of the world are thinking we are just another miserable african country full of savages. Please grow up and if you don’t like a song switch and save you imbeciles.

  37. The sad thing is all the big influencial people in the country are quiet when citizens like pilato are being harrassed. Where is Miyanda, Nevers Mumba , nawakwi etc

  38. Its a big story now on BBC news.I didnt know there was such a song untill PIlato was arrested.Am sure it will be followed up on international media nce he starts appearing in court for the fact that detaining and charging Pilato means alot as far as freedom of speech is concerned.He shouldnt have been charged for such.

  39. I miss Guy Scott. At least he had respect for the rule of law. PF has totally lost direction. Kekekekekeke . Even Kambwili is ashamed of this. It appears as tho Lungu is governing by trial and error. First Nchito issue then royalty tax blunder and now this? Kekekekekeke!

  40. Section 69 of the Penal Code, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia. Section 69 of the Penal Code, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia stipulates that ” Any person who, with intent to bring the President into hatred, ridicule or contempt, publishes any defamatory or insulting matter, whether by writing, print, word of mouth or in any other manner, is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 YEARS.


    • @ james phiri, along with the POA that is an example of laws that must be repealed and new, progressive ones replaced in their stead. When we advocate for wholesale constitution replacement you do not understand. There are a lot of other laws like the one you have quoted that have no place either in a modern society, or in a representative democracy.

  41. loadist ,only a young man like dont understand colonialism,go to UK and see what happens,if a black man gets into an elevator were there are white men,no white man will join him they will wait for another the world then you understand what am talking about,praise a white man ?you are a chipuba

  42. the chap pilato is not acquitted but pleaty not guilty ,meaning he dinys an offence,therefor trial will commerce on 24th june so small brains wait until the cpurt case is disposed the best of my knowledge the chap might go inside for 2 years and be an example to the others.twice had to apologise to frederick chiluba young ones ,i know you were very young that time

    • @ chanda joe. Why are you celebrating muzzling? Are you normal? Consider: When does truth become an insult? Is Chawama a model constituency that warrants that song to be insulting? Isn’t your president a clear (or perhaps recovering) alcoholic with a clear history!? What is it about INSULT? Drama, cartoons, songs, and other forms of art have been used for ages to portray exactly the facts that Pilato is trying to share with you hapless electorate! Is it that the revelation has hit a chord and you have all realized you elected someone you will have to consistently defend (a la Zuma)? What is wrong with you Africans!?

  43. maiko zulu from your katemba which is short of stocks you get K500 are you sure?you havent even paid your employee at your katemba.may be hyena hyena gave you the money to pay.even acuse your president of association of musician of not supporting the dirty do you support some one insulting the President?maiko you are old to advice the young musician ,and not giving them wrong have dissappointed a lot of people.we know that you are a member of the UP and DOWN party,time will tell

  44. Pilato is right to sung that song coz. Coz chimbuya calebomba , coz pilato is a Bemba by tribe and MR EC Lungu came from Eastern power. So me as bemba , nothing is wrong.

  45. kalok you are coming out nicely like a man from the pity latrine who has not cleaned his in between buttocks,what has your hyena hyena done?winning election on opinion polls on muvi tv,.come 2016 you will shocked together with your post newspaper

  46. UP and DOWN are like Pilato because they smoke cow dung and their thinking is the same.They will never form govt no matter how many negative songs they compose on EL.

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