President Edgar Lungu has expressed his sincere condolences over the death of about 200 Ghanaians who died at a filling station in Accra Ghana last week.Floods had shut down the capital of Ghana and caused a fire that killed more than 150 people, as Accra’s colonial-era sewers struggled to clear water from a city that has doubled in size over recent decades.
A moderate rain last Wednesday afternoon turned into a citywide disaster that evening, as roads, including the main boulevard that encircles the city of four million people, pooled with water, residents said.Dozens of people had sought shelter at the gas station and in nearby shops in central Accra to escape the torrential rains at the time of Wednesday night’s blast. Flooding swept fuel being stored at the station into a nearby fire, triggering the explosion that also set ablaze neighboring buildings, officials said. Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama said as many as 150 people are thought to have died.
In his message of condolence to Ghanaian President John Dlamani Mahama, President Lungu said Zambia joins the people of Ghana in mourning the death of many people in that peaceful country.
Mr. Lungu said this today when he signed a book of condolences at the Ghanaian Embassy in Lusaka.The head of state, who arrived at the Ghanaian Embassy at about 11:12 hours, said the people of Zambia received the death of over 200 Ghanaian citizens with shock and deep sorrow.
He stated that the people of Zambia and Ghana were one people and as such, the loss of many lives was saddening to Zambians as well.He said this was a trying moment for the people of Ghana and Zambia which need God’s guidance and strength during the period of national mourning.
And Ghana’s High Commissioner for Zambia and Malawi Elizabeth Afua Benneh thanked President Lungu for joining the people of Ghana in mourning the deceased.Ms. Benneh said this underscored the love the people of Zambia have to the people of Ghana.She added that this further consolidates the bilateral relations which have existed between the two countries for many years.She said this was the first time the incidence of that nature has happened in Ghana after many years of political independence.Ms. Benneh further said the President Mahama declared three days of national mourning following the death of over 200 people.The national mourning period ends today, Wednesday June 10, 2015.
She said currently, the people of Ghana are holding interdenominational prayers to seek God’s guidance and strength during the dark moment that has befallen the country.

Very Sad.
Learning points:-
1. Zambia need to be proactive and improve drainage systems.
2. Never take refuge at a filling station, it’s just not a safe place- high fire risks.
palya ponse ukwisa losha lelo..iyo kwena aeroplanes have done PF bad..kulapuluka fye lyonse mwalaba nabanenu ati balikwata icililo.
Edgar did you hear the guy Davies Chama shot is now missing from hospital? Mushauka is missing tate, lift your head, stop writing that Ghana case is way too late. It is 2 weeks ago, you too slow as usual.
Alungu Anabwela, what about Chama’s gunshot victim right there in Zambia?
We have not heard you comment or sympathize with him like you are doing with the Ghanaian victims
Condolences to Ghana.
Sad as it may be, Lungu is not the best person to empathise with our brothers in Ghana because he himself is killing and maiming people here in Zambia through his thug PF SG Chama.
If Lungu wants to regain the respect Sata regained just before he died, he should fire this good for nothing CHAMA the killer and replace it with some one sober minded to run the affairs of the party.
He needs to give this role to a sober woman. I think Inonge Wina can do a better job than Chama or Mad Phiri woman.
mushauka run to the neighbouring country zimbabwe but interpol has aporehended the buger
Iwe Ka Edgar Kalungula Chagwa Pansi Kubwalwa Kachasu
Where have have you hidden the UPND carder who was shot by Davies Chama Savimbi?
Give us the answer today?
When we told you that Edgar Lungu is a registered member of Boko Haram, many of you refused to accept our concern and instead called us names.
Look now what is happening in beloved country?
A injured man disappearing in full view of the police, doctors, nurses and relatives and party members on his bedside.
They will cheat the public that he was taken to the theater.
Edgar Lungu is the most dangerous criminal that this country has.
Who is this piglato with TONGISH english? Ati A INJURED MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! koma ndi pilato uyu ayi.
Hilda Malama is true that you are actually a man and that your father committed suicide because he found you on top of your mother and that you produced both your younger “brother” and “sister” with your mother.
That is a UPND thug. Who deserves what he got. Who cares if is missing. It means one useless cadre less. Only fellow thugs care. Your thug culture is taking your HH no where.
You should first accuse your leadership for putting this thug in this situation. He should have heeded the warning,”Never try this with BOMA” BOMA is BOMA. Even Pilato’s time is coming. It is HH who i causing all this. that is why he will never rule because the majority voters do not want such arrogant people. The problem is that you HH and UPND leadership are so dump that you do not realise this.
You will stay as useless opposition and die as a useless opposition. 2016 will confirm this.
Please ba UPND and concerned Zambians don’t be worried about the whereabouts of your badly injured man. The man is the safe hands of government. The PF’s Intelligence wing organized for his departure.
What they are trying to do is to ensure that they bribe him and give him alot of money for him to change the statement that he was shot by Davies Chama. They are planning to evacuate him to other countries or UTH, but i promise they will not harm him in any way.
I want to inform you that state house has been in constant panic after learning that the UPND carder was actually shot by Davies chama; hence the panic of labeling the UPND as violent party.
Davies Chama is failing to sleep over the same, his conscious is arrested already.
There is nothing good for President Lungu.
Mourn? Kachaso was in the head!!!! If he really mourns the dead, he could have reprimanded his murderous SG, who is turning the country into a tribal place
i heartly salute you Mr President! the debt of mourning ceases when one visit the bereaved earlier or later !
May God’s mercies be with the bereaved Ghanaians.
hilda malama always with a big mouth,am pretty sure you are a gal friend to hyena hyena ,every time you open your mouth ribbish comes out,what as the president to do with mashauka?ukatipwa iwe you have no respect for elderly people is edigar your agement?
It is age-mate not “agement” mwe bantu mwee!
My condolences to the people and leadership of Ghana. That great country that has been plundering the atlantic ocean for fish and a giant of Pan-Africanism in many ways has been deeply wounded. We stand and mourn with YOU, oooh Ghana! May Jehovah our Creator give you comfort and grace to pull through this trying moment! Rest In peace our brothers and sisters.