Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Kasama GBV survivors get training


A Gender Based Violence (GBV) activist in Northern Province has announced plans to improve the welfare of GBV survivors in the area.Kasama One Stop Centre coordinator, Bernard Mulenga, says Gender Based Violence survivors will undergo entrepreneurship training in the district.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Kasama today Mr Mulenga said it is important that the survivors are trained in financial literacy to make then self-sustainable economically.

Mr Mulenga further attributed the high prevalence rate of GBV cases in the area to high dependence on men by women. He disclosed that UNICEF has also partnered with government to empower GBV survivors in skills that will improve their livelihood.

Mr Mulenga said the empowerment programme is being implemented in rural parts of the Muchinga and Northern provinces.  Mr Mulenga said survivors are taught how to save money so that they are not subjected to torture by their spouses.


  1. Teach them how to make money before you teach them how to save it and stop this enslaving system of handing out of money to people.

  2. This is a good initiative but wait a minute: this, I hope, is been done to those who have suffered GBV, their spouses have not changed and thus are now on their own. It is worthy because it will help the victims hitherto dependent on their violent spouses to fend for themselves.
    Now commendable as this effort is it must be once off. Personally I would like NGO’s and concerned line Ministries concentrate on prevention and much less on cure. As they say why not close the tap altogether than having to mop the floor all the time?

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