Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Critical Analysis of the Imperialist Driven Constitution by Chief Chitimukulu (Part 1)


This is article 1 of 6 in the series ‘ A Critical Analysis of the Imperialist Driven Constitution by Chief Chitimukulu ‘

    1. A Critical analysis of the Imperialist Driven Constitution Part 1- The Preamble
    2. A Critical analysis of the Imperialist Driven Constitution Part 2 – One Man,One Vote

By Henry Kanyanta Sosala-Chitimukulu

The Preamble

It has been said that the world is three days i.e., yesterday, today and tomorrow. And if you do not know yesterday, you won’t know what day today is and surely tomorrow will take you by surprise.

And General Ignatius Achempong of Ghana said: ‘’Anyone who has a quarrel with the past losses today and risks to lose the future as well.’’
The past, present and the future are entwined together such that one affects the other. We cannot make decisions or actions in life that are in one way or another that influence or affect the past, present or future. The future is something you mold with every move you make in the present. The future is very valuable to all of us because whatever we want to achieve in the future is usually defined by what happened in the past which dictates how we build our future that we dream of.

However, here is a warning: Those who fix their eyes on the past risk a severe collision with the future; those who only see the future can hit much too hard the speed bumps of today. Only those who fix their eyes on God can effectively negotiate the right pace of life.

A concerned citizen wrote some sticking words illustrating the truth that evil schemes cannot and will never succeed: ‘’There are few citizens in any given country of this universe whom God preserves to stand up to call a spade, a spade and sound the alarm when evil starts taking root and His people are taken for a ride.’’ (The Post 1st November 2002).

I had all along pushed the issue of the Constitution at the back of my mind, but I have finally decided to come in on the strength of Martin Luther King’s words, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

And indeed, the peasants who fought and died for this country’s independence cannot just be de-franchised by a gang of imperialist-stooges because during the struggle for independence, the African political wisdom was summarized in the slogan, ‘’one man, one vote.’’

Zambia has undoubtedly become one of the most unequal societies in the world. The so-called Zambian modern era is marked by the individual; his autonomous conscience; his psychology; his personal conflicts and interests. The type of ‘’homo oeconomious’’ emerges whose egotism and hedonism are the driving forces of society and whose individual gain becomes a measuring rod for what is regarded as socially acceptable. Consequently, those who have neither riches nor wealth are devalued, considered worthless and useless. Hence the 1991 political change is just a shadow of a failed revolution __ it’s a parody.

I am a free-thinker; a predator and not a victim to the whining and victim-type mentality and unlike the majority of intellectuals who are automated like machines or those who think with breaks on, which therefore puts me in total control of my thought-life or one determined to employ my mental faculties to the maximum. And I feel totally liberated because one of the tenets of being a free-thinker is the ability to tell people what they need to know, rather than what they want to hear. I believe in the biblical teaching that all men are equal and this has behooved me to understand that it means matching brain-power for brain-power with anybody.

On the face value, it seems a lot of Zambians are very highly educated and in fact 80% of educated Zambians of whatever level refer to themselves as intellectuals, geniuses, philosophers etc. However, to me it appears that the greatest amount of intelligence exists in that society where people are best able to defend their rights and their liberties as against those who are desirous of undermining them.

In fact, education has its main function that is the boosting up of knowledge of the people, but mere theorization and sermon devoid of practical base bears no fruit. The central motive behind education is to fulfill the needs of a particular society. And therefore any knowledge and especially at this critical period in Africa, which does not come down to try and break the vicious cycle in a peasant’s life, no matter how brilliant is an illusion. Education will only prove valuable when we grasp its essence and properly apply it to our daily realities. It is not the acquisition of knowledge, but the application of knowledge that counts.

And having gone through the mill at the hands of President Michael Chilufya Sata and Professor Nkandu Luo, I am now fully aware of the famous Japanese proverb that says, ‘’The nail that sticks up gets pounded down.’’ However, the American President Theodore Roosevelt once said: ‘’Patriotic men do not shrink from danger when conscience points the path.’’ Che Guevara said: ‘’It is better to die standing than on your knees.’’ And after his death Che has become an icon of worldwide socialist revolutionary movements.

I believe that it is just because socio-political life is more valuable to man than physical life that is why people find it more honourable to die for freedom than to keep themselves alive in slavery. This is why I admire the dignity of Sam Sharpe, who uttered these noble and revolutionary words just before he was hanged: ‘’I would rather die in yonder gallows, than live for a minute more in slavery.’’ And indeed Malcolm X, the Black American civil rights activist expressed this unavoidable truth before an assassin’s bullet ended his life: ‘’The prize of freedom is death.’’

It is only from the position of a traditional ruler that a person can have the opportunity to see how a rural villager, being on the lowest rung of society is cruelly exploited in every area of his poor miserable life and of how his welfare is of no consequence to those on higher rungs. The silence of the rural communities always stays with me. Their vulnerability is the measure of their disadvantaged position. They seem to have no public identity. And in what free-thinker radicals refer to as ‘’militant philosophy,’’ it is said that in algebra, one does not work out X, but operates with it as if he knows it. In politics of exploitation, X stands for the anonymous poor masses and this accordingly means operating using X without worrying about its actual nature. Here are people who are unable to defend their interests; to somewhat unionize; to petition; to speak out; to challenge and demand. I would rather die fighting along-side the suffering poor masses than make a butchery of my conscience.

In fact, it was the great Greek philosopher, Socrates, who felt that it was necessary to create mental tensions, so that individuals could rise from bondage of political myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative and objective analysis.

And therefore the poor masses living in the remotest parts of the rural areas should not perpetually be subjected to perverted blinding politics where rhetoric takes precedence over reality.

The authenticity of one’s understanding of the political system must be promoted by his ability to understand, at least, the falseness of the conditions under which political games are played so that he can rise from the bondage of falsehood to the majestic heights of understanding.

Professor P.B. Harris in Studies in African Politics wrote: ‘’ …The word ’imperialism’ stands for ’domination.’ In one sense if one discounts the simple fact that ’whiteness’ constitutes imperialism, it could be reasonably argued that the problem is simply one of domination by a group of white skinned individuals, whereas, in fact in Africa today, such domination is found, though the case now is obviously that of domination by women and men with black skins.’’ I have usually asked people, which one is more painful: to be mistreated by a white man or your fellow African? And class colonialism which is far worse than tribalism has emerged on the African continent.

In the first place: how can one define an imperialist? Irvin Babbitt in his book Democracy and Leadership wrote: “…..the man who stands for nothing higher than the law of cunning and the law of force, and so is, in the sense I have sought to define imperialistic.”

Cecil John Rhodes the man who had our countries named after Rhodesia, but renamed Zambia and Zimbabwe in 1895 wrote: ‘’I was in the East End of London yesterday and attended a meeting of the unemployed. I listened to wild speeches, which were just a cry for ‘bread, bread,’ and on my way home, I pondered over the scene and I became more than convinced of the importance of imperialism…the Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists.’’
The philosophy of white ‘’imperialism’’ stands for white domination and racism. Basil Williams in Life of Cecil Rhodes wrote: “God was obviously trying to produce a type of humanity most fitted to bring peace, liberty and justice to the world and to make that type predominant. Only one race, so it seemed to John Cecil Rhodes, approached God’s ideal type, his own Anglo-Saxon race; God’s purpose then was to make the Anglo-Saxon race predominant, and the best way to help on God’s work and fulfill His purpose in the world was to contribute to the predominance of the Anglo-Saxon race so bring nearer the reign of justice and peace.”

However, Mr. Russell mockingly said: “Rhodes proceeded to help on God’s purpose of bringing ‘peace, liberty and justice’ through Matabele wars, the Jameson Raid, the Boer war, the subjection, first of the northern Negroes and then the Boers to British domination and the creation of a vast system of political corruption both in England and in South Africa. Throughout, quite sincerely he regarded himself as the agent of God.”

On the other hand, we have black imperialism and class colonialism. The Zambian society is split into the minority class of economic winners who inhabit a cosmopolitan world of affluence and a growing underclass with little or no hope of economic ascent.

John Hatch who like former FDD Chairman, Mr. Simon Zukas and Mr. Andrew Sardanis fought for African independence along-side the nationalists and this is what he wrote: ‘’….nevertheless, like others who participated in African campaigns against colonialism, I cannot shed my urge for a just African society is at stake. And those who fought colonialism did so, not only because they preferred to see black rather than white faces behind ministerial desks. We all fought because we hated the indignities and inequalities of colonial rule, because it stems from the principle of innate inequality between human beings. But the fight was concerned with African people not simply with constitutional changes or the replacement of arbitrary colonial administration by equally arbitrary African oligarchies.

The aim has always been to help create healthy, just and democratic societies. And the most profound evidence that Africa has indeed made a false start is that in virtually every African state, the social-economic gulf between the peasant masses and the urban elites is even greater than the gap between those elites and the European and North American norms.’’ (False Start in Africa by Professor Rene Dumont) (emphasis mine).

Immediately after we attained our independence in 1964, the Bemba political hero and Zambia’s ‘’Aristotle,’’ the late Mr. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe taught the Bemba people three unforgettable and immortal lessons:

‘’You must love your land dearly, because if you lose it, you will not find another. God has stopped creating countries.’’

He reminded us that we should ponder about the past i.e., how we suffered through the struggle for independence. He went on to say,

‘’should you mismanage the affairs of this country, the colonialists will creep in under a new name.’’ (The Kapwepwe Diaries by Gideon Bwalya Mwangilwa ).

And seven years later when he resigned from UNIP in 1971, Mr. Kapwepwe said: ‘’….the revolutionary spirit adopted before independence has gone. Independence is good, but it is meaningless and useless if it does not bring fruits to the masses. Most of the leaders have turned opportunists. We have lost love for the people and political direction. We have fallen victims to the flattery from imperialists. We no longer mind what happens to the people of Zambia or to their children’s future. We have lost the revolution, it may be there in name, but it has no spirit and no strength. Revolution demands sincerity, dedication, selflessness, devotion and pure sacrifice.’’


Zambia is indeed your country, but this country’s wealth belongs to the whites.



A white South African miner on the copper-belt seemed to have given us the clue to what Mr. Kapwepwe had said when he sarcastically told Zambian mine workers who were celebrating their independence: ‘’Zambia ena kawena, mali ena katina.’’ Meaning: ‘’Zambia is indeed your country, but this country’s wealth belongs to the whites.’’ And he was deported.

And indeed, the colonialist has bounced back and has been ‘’born-again, baptized’’ and has given himself a new name of ‘’investor.’’ Mr. Kapwepwe was merely stating the fact which we at the tail-end of history are actually witnessing today that the colonialist leaves by the front-door, but re-enters by the back-door. Professor Ferdinand Akuffo whom I understand comes from Ghana wrote: ‘’… 1964, Dr. Kaunda and many other great heroes fought so hard for Zambia to be independent. They had visions and it’s unfortunate that forty-three years later, a more subtle form of colonialism is taking place.

Foreigners are disguising themselves and making Zambians believe that they have their best interests and yet they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are slowly taking control of Zambia by taking what gives Zambians power. Most of the companies, shops etc., are being run by them. All this is being done while Zambians sit down and follow blindly.

For how long will Zambians continue to labour under the shadows of others?’’ (The Post 24th September 2007). Dr. Kaunda wrote: ‘’It appeared that the colonialist had freed Africans in order to make them servants.’’ (A Humanist in Africa ).

Hasham Nazor in Power of Third Kind: Western Attempt to Colonize the Global Village wrote: ‘’If the developing countries’ intellectuals do not soon wake up and challenge the colonizing operation, it will be too late. The process has been activated by the western powers using vast amounts of money, time and planning. Meanwhile, most people in developing nations might not even be aware of its complexity and magnitude. They certainly are not ready for a serious confrontation. Beneath the overwhelming western charm and the power to assimilate, some of the developing nations are already submitting too much….the power to target, penetrate, manipulate and consequently to alter human consciousness through the modern global communications, especially television and the internet is the power of the third kind…..this stimulation of consciousness is the most effective means of global brainwashing.’’ (emphasis mine).

A Catholic priest, Father Peter Henriot warned of ‘’Zambia moving towards economic apartheid ……poverty is not just a political and economic issue, but also a moral problem which can segregate citizens on lines of the apartheid regime of South Africa…..We are moving towards economic apartheid in Zambia which can divide us on poverty lines..(The Post 31st October 2004).
Wynter Kabimba at the formation of the Rainbow Party said: ‘’The levels of inequality in Zambia are equally alarming and you may be surprised to learn these statistics today that the lowest 10% social economic group consumes a bare 1.5% of our GDP whereas the 10% of the elite take up 47.4%. This is a scandal for any country of human beings. These disparities are unacceptable as they pose a political risk to our country..’’ (The Post 16th December 2014)…The political elite of this country has become the worst enemy of the people and survives for the sole purpose of enriching itself.

…………To be continued


  1. Very deep article. Unfortunately the villagers who are supposed to be the beneficiaries will not have access to it let alone understand it. Perhaps His Royal Highness could write it in local languages.



  2. This definitely i will place it at a post conventional level of Kohlbergs’ Cognitive moral development stage 6, i.e free from external influences but just what is right!. I am not too sure whether any country can ever reach this stage, however, there is a lot of wisdom from this article.

  3. Its good that Papa Sosala is back to his column on sustainable development with a human face! I personally missed your radical & rational fundamentals on human development aspects amidst majority poor voters! We know how these political elites are corruptly amassing weath using gullible rural & street marketeers,mostly woman & illiterate kaponyas, to perpetually stay in power.They diabolically use poor zambians as collateral to contract & access huge loans in these guise name of development!They MUST pay these loan themselves as ODIOUS LOANS!

  4. The so called elite are merely people who have realized that Africans are a docile creation. The foreigners realized who africans are centuries ago and hence their drive to rip this continent. We allow our kind to rule over us like we’re animals and we expect to resist the foreigners. How? It explains why we give power to one moron after another and expect them to come up with policies that promote equality in the dispensation of resources. How do you explain the allocation of funds to build two universities in an area that has no economic contribution to the nation as a whole? How much tax revenue is collected in muchinga to warrant such careless allocations? Why not strengthen or improve existing schools eg Unza. Anyway which Zambian is complaining? Can’t be bothered right ? Docile…

  5. this is insightful n powerful. and we say we can not develop with such brilliant minds. I’m humbled to learn that we still have the powerful n visionary leaders in Zambia.

  6. I admire the enlightenment of this Chief among other Chiefs in this country. However, i dont agree with his article where he goes to town praising the virtues of a dead ideology ! Socialism is a dead ideology Your Royal Highness. In fact, free enterprise is so far the only innovation by mankind that has contributed greatly to modern socio-economic progress never seen before. Inequalities and poverty deeply characterize socialist societies…..

    • Socialism can co-exist with free enterprise. Just check how many EU Countries are led by socialist governments.
      Let us wait for next part to clarify if he is talking about Socialism within democratic environment, or Socialism according to Castro and Co.

  7. He forgot to tell us that Lungu chased him out of the palace and made him sleep outside!!! He forgot to tell us that the goal of PF is to give the Land in Serenje all the way to Mpika to the Chinese under the secret loans the PF is getting for its elections. He forgot to say Mungoni liso and Nkumbula also opposed black imperialism!

    He is right, the rich are getting richer, appointed ambassador BUT never taking those positions in foreign missions but left in the country fully salaried and just sponsor choirs and football for political expedience at the expense of development. Well, waiting for the next round. The chief is truly informed!

  8. Very good writting with insight, however Happening now chief Zumwanda is selling land to the so called investors after grabing from his subjects and govt is watching.

  9. Clearly Mr Sosala is well read but like most Bembas, to him the only local wise Zambians are Bembas – like Kapwepwe. It is not right to continue blaming colonialists over 50 years after independence. We have screwed up our own country. In fact local culture that has no morals and ethics, that encourage thieving like in Bemba culture, is the real cause of our misery and the continued connivance with foreigners to rape Zambia and dehumanise our own people.

    • From your name to your posting you clearly show how shallow you are. No wonder we are still wallowing in poverty. Some of you who civil servants even undermine the government so that it fails and gives a chance to HH to get votes. You forget that it is not Lungu who will failed but Zambia. If you destroy your HH will have problems to rebuild if he became president. And you continue blaming the former government.

    • He is NOT blaming the colonists! He is talking ABOUT that COLONY ABOUNDING INSIDE THE AFRICAN HEAD ! For so Long as the afrikan does not respect himself as a human being, so long as his mind is FULL of WAR AGAINST his self, so long as he finds the the “House Nigger” role appropriate, we ARE DOOMED as a People. Africa had great nations before the White-plague ensued, nations led by Kings de facto dictatorships, the colonial times were dictatorship and today we have the dictatorship of elites – yeah man! icaako n’cesu, icaangu ncicaangu: yours is ours, mine is mine!
      I so much admire Chiti for being a clear-thinker but please go the House of Chiefs and give that sleeping Baobab a real shake !!…
      Hoodwink: “France is at home in Algeria, for Algeria
      is France’s achievement…” de…

    • @13 Buck Teeth Lungu. I am not convinced that you are our Mbuya but our hater. Anyway, you are entitled to your opinion but I take exception to your statement about “thieving like in Bemba culture”. Such thinking is shallow and unfortunate. Also,you don’t seem to understand the difference between Bembas and Bemba speaking people. Chitimukulu is a Paramount Chief for Bembas who are by and large honourable people. If you want to call all Bemba speaking people as Bembas then you should also say there are 60 or so tribes not 73.

  10. Africa has let itself open to abuse by the West. Like it or not it will take nothing less than a miracle for us to achieve our goals. Production costs are very high due to factors that you are forced to import raw material at a very high cost. This pushes the price food high which in turn pushes labour costs up. Even growing the so called staple food – maize is not that cheap here in Zambia- resulting in government wasting money on trying to push the price – of course without success. KK tried to localise the production of inputs but failed- not his fault though. So where does the solution lie? Definitely not in the Chief’s length discourse?

  11. Well there we have it and those that have the patience to read and understand, they will appreciate this peace of article. Indeed we are on the losing side with our so called investors and unfortunately there is no political will to correct the mess. Individualism has crippled us and are too comfortable to sit back and watch the country being reaped off.

  12. Very Captivating, it didn’t even realize it was this long, , my comments will spoil what has been said. Looking Forward to the second part


  13. Very well written article.

    I’m sure this article will undoubtedly offend some UPND cadres somehow. Most things seem to.

  14. @illsaywhatiwant-Remove that illiteracy & poverty of your grey matter & critically conceptualize the literature in the whole article! No where near does the author either insidiously or conspicuously insinuated anything anathema to UPND stance on the poor & the constitution making process! If anything,any normal adult would conclude that in the next episode Sosala will side with the Grand Coalition(in which UPND is part) on the constitution making process as the best rational method!Go to school mwana & stop patronise( as well as chalarising buchalas/jameson ) bars or hire someone to interplate the whole article for you! This article is basically on ubuntu government with plans as well as protecting our finite natural resources-which is not the case with your jameson lungu lead…

    • It didn’t take you long did it?

      I have clearly read and understood the article, perhaps more than you. All I said is some group of cadres will find something wrong with it as they usually do with most things. And in true UPND fashion, if you have nothing to say, resort to insults!

  15. Go to school mwana & stop patronise( as well as chalarising buchalas/jameson ) bars or hire someone to interplate the whole article for you! This article is basically on ubuntu government with plans as well as protecting our finite natural resources-which is not the case with your jameson lungu lead government- you chimbwi!We know the literature used is abit complex to you PF cadres,but we can’t help it! Consider grey matter upgrade!

  16. It’s a very enlightening article. I can’t wait to read part two
    Would also like to read one such article written by Chief Mpezeni.

    • Iwe he does except mpezeni thinks in nyanja! And all he knows are handouts from political candidates and small girls

  17. We need educate chiefs like this chief and his counterpart chief Inshindi and not chiefs who are bought by uneducated politicians.

  18. Many people have criticized the Barotses for not selling the land to investors in order to develop the area. listen to what Sosala is saying now. some of you will be left with nothing and another fight for liberation will start. Quote from Sosala”I would rather die fighting along-side the suffering poor masses than make a butchery of my conscience”.

  19. Kanabesa. i wish these are the people in corridors of power. Not the current ones in PF, UPND, MMD, and even the so called socialist party Rainbow. all of them have the same mother – inequality.

  20. well articulated article especially were he said most zambians claim to be educated or intellectures and yet they lack the practical aspect of it.some bloggers above who mentioned HH and Lungu are a good example how the so called intellecturals are misplaced.

  21. typical zambian intellectuals when asked if factory unlocked phone and unlocked phone,are the same.95% will say yes.only 5%will say NO .with this kind of education claim,can zambia develop?my assumption is yes and no.yes in the sense that if the 5% educated take up the leadership and no if we continue with the 95% as it is now.

  22. I can see we will have problems with this chief. Too talkative. I understand why Nkandu Luo and Sata did not want him to be Chief. He thinks too highly of himself. Let him know that he is not the only Educated Chief. The Litunga has a line of degrees, Gawa Undi is an Engineer by profession. Only his cousin Mpezeni is standard 4, thats why Sata loved him so much. Ba Chitimukulu, understand this. You have your forum known as house of Chiefs where you can say what you want. You are not a commoner to appeal to the gallery. You can see President Lungu anytime and bring out your concerns about the constitution. Or better still you can use your MP in parliament to raise all the issues of concern to you. I am sure you have several MPs who come from your province. You will soon clash with Boma.

    • This is what happens when greed and love for money takes root even within the cheifdoms. I wonder who the highest bidder is? All shall be revealed soon

  23. Well written; thoughtful and powerfully enlightening! However, as someone has already remarked, the chief has recourse to the corridors of power and render advice to the powers-that-be any time! Writing from the gallery might not render due diligence to the poverty of counsel that this country so desperately exhibits. Looking forward to part 2 though!

  24. Let me break ranks and stick out like the proverbial nail in the Japanese coffin. I found the article rather tedious and a bit of a ramble. Maybe its the writing style. So may citations and quotations are provided but I find it difficult to put together what Rre Sosala thinking on the subject matter really is. Footnotes are taking precedence over original ideas and I’m surprised that so many are willingly having the wool pulled over their eyes. We are such a gullible lot. I’ll do better by finishing of my whisky.

  25. he political elite of this country has become the worst enemy of the people and survives for the sole purpose of enriching itself.

    Welcome to the world of neoliberal econonomics, where ‘the market will provide’ while politicians become part of that market.

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