Monday, March 10, 2025

Audit Should take Place before Debt Ceiling is Raised-Elias Chipimo Jr


Elias Chipimo speaking at the press briefing at the NAREP Secretariat
Elias Chipimo speaking at the press briefing at the NAREP Secretariat

The National Restoration Party has demanded that an audit of the Patriotic Front showing precisely what the two previous Eurobond amounts have been spent on should take place before the country’s debt ceiling is raised.

NAREP President Elias Chipimo jnr has lamented the level of debt that Zambia is incurring under the Patriotic Front’s governance.

Speaking on behalf of the National Restoration Party, fresh from his tour of duty to the Northern, Copperbelt and Luapula Provinces; Mr. Chipimo registered shock and disbelief at the rising debt and highlighted how under the PF, the country had already spent K208m on bye-elections alone and had not focused on development matters. He further underscored the lack of quality leadership to drive innovation that could benefit the various provinces of Zambia by producing capital produce suited to specific environments.

By example, Mr. Chipimo observed that Mongu was fertile territory for production of the highly priced Cashew nut which Zambia continues to import. Tables could be turned and Zambia, through Mongu, could become a Cashew nut export haven competing at a global level.


    • All we want is to kongola big this time ($2 billion); use $500m on Sata’s/MMD projects; share $1 billion; use $250m for govt operations and $250m for bribing voters next year. If voted out next year; we disappear from the political scene with a ka $1 billion for our children as your children pay back the debt through their big and hard noses for many years to come.

    • Yes, please. No audit by independent auditors like EY or Delloite that cannot be bribed, no debt ceiling waiver. The audit should be test all government expenses above 5,000zmk and findings to be published directly to the public. The audit should include pictures of the so called work that is claimed to be done. About 90% of all high risk areas are to have pictures and findings such as construction. Professional independent engineers must be involved in the audit for all the so called infrastructure projects and their findings to be published to the public. Donors and all Zambians need to know how these sudden riches for some of these politicians has come.

    • Rejected by PF just like Nevers Mumba and Edith Nawakwi, they are now starting to think correctly. You are welcome anyway to the world of true rationality.

  1. This is what we are calling them to do but who is going to do this audit my brother?
    wage freeze in place,no subsidies,foreign reserves swept where has money gone my country men and women?
    Can our mps do us a servise by bloking this move until clearance on this issue.Thanks Chipimo

  2. The choice lies between support for new Eurobond and its rejection. It seems to me that audits need to pass through the Auditor General. That is not a policy issue but an administrative measure. Perhaps the AG could address a direct response to NAREP. A new Eurobond will create more space for debt servicing and further investments for economic development generally and completion of on going infrastructure development projects. The credit goes to PF for breaking the cycle of petty budgeting. The national scale ought to be as big as can be but individual budget ought to personal.

    • Dr Makasa what a Dr.You are such a useless educated fool.Even in the bible it is written blessed the hand that is giving than the one that is getting.Anyway I cant be surprised he is pure Bemba who is ready to die defending PF even when it is clear they have failed.

    • Ba Makasa, are you telling me Greece did not have the same shallow hypothesis you are giving us? Where has it gotten them? If we had a government that had brains, Greece would be a case study on HOW not to borrow for consumption and infrastructure projects that have nil return in the short-term. Instead of building universities in Northern and stadiums in Mongu, why not identify a manufacturing sector especially agricultural based and pump in money in that? Is thinking in PF that painful shuwa??

  3. Yes, please. No audit by independent auditors like EY or Delloite that cannot be bribed, no debt ceiling waiver. The audit should be test all government expenses above 5,000zmk and findings to be published directly to the public. The audit should include pictures of the so called work that is claimed to be done. About 90% of all high risk areas are to have pictures and findings such as construction. Professional independent engineers must be involved in the audit for all the so called infrastructure projects and their findings to be published to the public. Donors and all Zambians need to know how these sudden riches for some of these politicians has come.

  4. I lost interest in chipimo because he behaves like a snake with two heads.he is PF sometimes,sometimes opposition leader,sometimes NGO,sometimes Pastor,sometimes a motivation speaker. Etc what a f00l!sh young but old looking man.

  5. Elias, just remember that Zambian voters don’t like what is logical, makes sense or is rational! It is said thus “that is why we are where we are”.

    On a personal note, why are you still called Chipimo Junior when the Senior is no more (MHSRIP)? I think you should upgrade to senior as you now rightly bear the torch for the clan!

  6. Does the name Eric Chanda ring a bell? Yes, Elias, this man amassed more votes than you did in the just ended presidential by-election!

    • So you are saying that you don’t want to know how the money has been spent and what the net results have been?

      From a statement released by Chileshe Kandeta, PR Officer at the Ministry of Finance on 28th April 2014, relating to how the US$750m had been allocated.

      ‘…The balance of US$165 Million is for on-going various road maintenance and upgrading works; the Kitwe-Chingola dual carriage way project; and the link Zambia 8000 programme. Different projects are at different levels of positive progress.’

      14 months later the 62km road from Kitwe to Chingola has stalled. Where has the money gone??

  7. Chipimo is naive; a corrupt regime can not agree for such an audit to be done.Sata taught his PF followers to hide corrupt activities.

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