Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kasama Residents unhappy with non-functional ATMs


Kasama residents have appealed to financial institutions to work on their Automated Tailor Machines (ATM) which have stopped operating in the District.

Teddy Chanda told ZANIS in a walk-in interview yesterday that the ATMs were not operating in all the Banks in the District.

He said the situation made him to be in a state of panic as he had no other means of accessing his money from his Bank account.

And Charles Mambwe also said non- operation of ATMs caused him to be stranded in Kasama as he wanted to withdraw the money for transport to go for work in Luwingu but to no avail.

Steven Chewe explained that on weekends people rely on ATM to access their money but what happened yesterday was not pleasing.

Mr. Chewe said he was therefore urging all the financial institutions to work on the problem if they were to maintain confidence from their clients.

And a check by ZANIS found the machines still not working by 18:00 hours yesterday while people waited hopping that the problem would be solved in good time.

Some of the machines had even written notices saying ATM out of order, while others had messages scrolling on ATM screens saying services temporarily closed.

However, efforts to get comments from bank employees proved futile as all the Banks were closed over the weekend.


  1. Even in nakonde Finance bank, it is just the same.

    ATMs stop working when Civil servants are getting salaries.

    Insider sources disclose that it is deliberate by management inorder to make money out of the K30 bank deduction they effect once one withdraws from inside.

    • I don’t understand!! Why being charged for withdrawing your from the teller? What are the account service charges for then?

  2. In same vein, ZANACO the services are deteriorating! This month-end (June, 2015), a number of civil servants had their salaries reduced by K2,000 purporting that the account holders over withdrew in the past transactions, a situation which was not true. ZANACO can sort out your work force to do the right thing to stop inconveniencing innocent clients or else we leave your bank!

  3. Mununga your observation is true. I was also a victim of that deduction. One start wondering what is really happening to our banks when technology should help people to easy the way of doing business!!!!!!

  4. My heart bleeds when I read such deflating news about my beloved Zambia as an ATM expert that was forced out of the country because of lack of opportunity. In my many visits to Zambia especially hometown Kasama, it is evident our ATM industry is synonymous with stone age technology. The lack of expertise in the industry results in problems being experienced in Kasama and many parts of the country. First and fore almost , an ATM card should be useable on any ATM irrespective of the Bank a client belongs to,that is not the case in Zambia , clients are restricted to their Bank ATMs which most of the time fail them especially during high transaction volume times like month end. Zambian banks should learn to make their services available on other banks systems for everyone’s convenience.

  5. This is wat we mean wen we say things are not okey in zambia, this country need deliverance de devil is at work. Watch de space

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