President Edgar Lungu has condemned the violence that took place in Chawama recently during campaigns in a ward by-election where a ruling Patriotic Front-PF cadre was allegedly attacked by UPND cadres.
President Lungu pointed out that Zambia was a peaceful country hence the need for Zambians to campaign freely.
Speaking on arrival from Mulobezi where he had gone to drum up support for the PF candidate Patricia Mulasikwanda, President Lungu however thanked the people in Mulobezi, Malambo and Petauke central for holding peaceful campaigns.
President Lungu who visited the three constituencies to drum up support for the PF candidates said he is confident that the PF will take all the three seats.
He noted that going by the given assessment made so far the ruling PF will emerge victorious in all the three constituencies.
And President Edgar Lungu says there is need for crop diversification in order to curb hunger as the rainfall pattern keeps on changing.
President Lungu said people should identify the type of crops that suits the land terrain in the area where they live in the effort to reduce hunger situation in the country.
The President was speaking during a rally at Sichili Primary Shool in Mulobezi Districts of Western Province.
Mr Lungu encouraged Mulobezi residents to cultivate crops such as cassava and not to depend on growing maize alone.
The President disclosed that about 2500 by 50 bags of relief maize has been allocated for distribution in Sesheke and Mulobezi Districts.
President Lungu further added that government has released a huge sum of money amounting to $38.23 million in the quest to improve water reticulation in the province.
And in another development the President has cautioned residents in Mulobezi resident to desist from vandalising the railway line adding that the railway line is there to benefit them.
Also condemn Chama for attempt murder
How come violence by UPND has now shifted to pf “stronghold”? And it is great to see and hear his HE condemning violence in kyawama but conspicuously. Quite about ba Chama’s trigger happy index finger. Now Mwaona Alungu a Chama want ni number one pa ma violent cadres pa ma party yoonse! Anyway, maybe I am just a fool as defined by my brother/sister PM and our cousin dindi because I don’t listen(sinimvera) and don’t understand these political violences.
No wonder u a an house fly
UPnDN Party have always been a violent party and their strategy is be violent and then blame the PF and call them panga family. But of course those of us who follow these issues can see through their cheap scheme
@ Nandine. But even us who DON’T follow these things can see that PF is not that clean as well. Wish politics could be fought using brains.
@ careless whisper
Do you really believe that 1mbeciles like Nandime can use theirs brain?
Instead of making cosmetic condemnations ECL should tame his own violent language.
For as long as he sees people who disagree with him as enemies his cadres will always be violent.
How does a whole lot of a President talk of whitewashing enemies as he did in Mozambique. It is not by his skills or training that he can be reelected but by convincing us voters by running the country in a way that make us a better nation.
This man is mentally unstable, he ignore violence by guns and abhors violence by knives? n I have never seen this type of leadership before. Very inadequate for unit and preservation of peace.
Stop insulting another becouse of cheap things like politics where in the world has politics solved all the problems politics is just jobs for some people and some people enters politics becouse of lack of things
PF is harsh just like late Sata and now they have transformed themselves into brutal killers using guns and pangas. They also know that the police are heavily compromised