Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambia Daily Mail Issues Apology to Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany


Bwalya Stanley Kasonde Chiti, the Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia
Bwalya Stanley Kasonde Chiti, the Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia

In our Zambia Daily Mail edition of Saturday July 4, 2015 under a story headlined: “Ambassador Chiti injured in ‘attempted murder’,” we reported that Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany Bwalya Chiti’s wife Rosaria Vosa knocked down the diplomat with a vehicle in an attempt to murder him after a marital dispute.

It has come to our attention that the story is erroneous and a misrepresentation as Ambassador Chiti is not and has never been married to Ms Vosa. Ambassador Chiti is in Berlin and nowhere near Lusaka as alleged in the story. At no stage has Ambassador Chiti had a confrontation with Mrs Vosa.

It has also come to our attention that the man who was allegedly knocked down by Ms Vosa, who Lusaka Province commissioner of police Charity Katanga was referring to, is Bwalya Chilufya, 41, of house number 5768, Kabompo Street in Kalundu.

We unreservedly retract the story and apologise for the dismay and stress caused to Ambassador Chiti, his family and the Zambian mission in Germany

We also unreservedly apologise to Ms Katanga for this misrepresentation. – EDITOR

[Zambia Daily mail]


  1. Nomba naimwe bene mwe ma Internet media who copied and pasted this story don’t you need to do your separate apology? Kabili you disseminated the news as if it was the truth thereby gaining your own mileage from it

    • This is the problem with the media in Zambia. Too much copy and paste pa internet. You get a story without attributing the source and this is what happens to you. Aside from being unethical you end up looking foolish together with all your bloggers who commented harshly on the posting as if they had their own facts. This should serve as a lesson. Attribute your stories to the rightful sources. Ngati ni nkani yaba ZANIS, ZNBC, POST, ZWD, etc simply say so and you absolve yourself from blame.

    • Ba LT tell us what arrangement you have with Daily Mail and even all the other papers. Why do you lift their stories and publish them on your site? Why don’t you send your own reporters (or dont you have any?) to cover your own stories? If not why dont you start your own news agency to feed you with stories. It is shameful to carry stories doen by other media because we the readers can easily access these stories on their original site. It shows that you are amateurs or scroungers Chimbwi no plans

  2. ***** reporting in the first place.

    Do you know how many foreign diplomats read the original story?

    I truly hope you get sued by the diplomat.

    And to all those that claimed to know the diplomat and his “immoral” behaviour, shame on you. You are the lowest of low making up sordid stories to even embarrass this man further.

  3. Ma rubbish this is cheap who cooked this story and I thought this is for zwd and tumfweko with cheap and emotional tribal comments from pf and upnd caders exchanging insult and fantasy

  4. Just one phone call to the embassy in Berlin would have saved the newspaper from this embarrassing situation. But alas, our journalists are lazy to verify stories before publication!!!!

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