Friday, January 10, 2025

Evelyn Hone College to open campus in Isoka


Evelyn Hone College
Evelyn Hone College

Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Commerce set to open campus in Isoka district
Ndola, Sunday, July 05, 2015, ZANIS – Evelyn Hone College Principal Daniel Fwambo says his institute will open its first ever campus in Isoka District of Northern province early next year, 2016 .

Mr. Fwambo says the new Isoka campus is set to be fully operational next year beginning with the economically viable programme called Environmental Health which has been offered at its main campus in Lusaka’s main business district.

ZANIS reports from Ndola that the Evelyn Hone College Principal disclosed this at the Ministry of Education, Science Technology and Vocation training Stand at this year’s 51 Zambia international Trade Fair, yesterday.

The Principal said the Lusaka Campus was designed to accommodate only 3,000 students but the demand has swelled to 7,000 which has create pressure for accommodation for students, lecture theatre facilities and training materials.

Mr. Fwambo further indicated that the Isoka Campus will absorb the extra numbers of students so that similar training facilities provided at the Lusaka Campus will be replicated at the Isoka Campus.

“ The opening of the EHC Isoka Campus will reduce the cultural shock of students coming from rural areas into the city and unnecessary exposure to a totally different style of life which puts most rural female students at risk for economic abuse by those who are economically privileged, “ he said.

The Principal added that the setting up of the Campus in Isoka will also reduce on transport costs for the rural students desiring to pursue courses that the college .

Mr. Fwambo explained that the 2016 environmental health courses are tailored to kick start the operationalization of the programmes as others will be introduced as the infrastructure at the new campus expands.

And a School leaver from Muchinga Province found within the Trade Fair grounds Edgar Kabwita said he looks forward to enroll in the said programme closer to his home town.

Mr. Kabwita said the environmental health courses were relevant on the labour market because the demand is high in rural areas.

He said it will also help the rural school leavers to access training within the rural set up and after training to be deployed to rural areas without serious mental adjustments for rural challenges of life.


  1. who can speak for luapula? Luapula university is slowly becoming dead log. i miss pipo like katele kalumba. pipo of chienge for the sake of the province katele shud go back to parliament. He can work well with kalaba

    • Please come back to reality, Katele is thereas a cadre showering praises for pf. What can kaka do that he never did when he was an MP? Please let him remain as a cadre he must be brought back, he is a thief and a failure.


    This outrageously disgusting video shows students believed to be from a Kenyan school filming themselves bonking on campus.

  3. “The Principal added that the setting up of the Campus in Isoka will also reduce on transport costs for the rural students desiring to pursue courses that the college”. This statement is a lie for other rural students from other provinces who would life to purse such studies. Will it be cheaper for someone from Mongu or Zambezi to travel to Isoka. At this stage, this compass would have been better built in Ndola or Kitwe than Isoka. Kids from rural areas need to be exposed to city life. So the reasons given by the principal for putting this college in Isoka don’t add up. But then PF always wants such facilities in Muchinga or lands where most of the PF leaders come from. Soon Even Hone will be a university & Isoka will automatically have a good university

  4. KK Airport Cabinet: just as I thought the reasoning by Mr Fwambo is disjointed. How does setting up a campus in isolation mitigate transport costs for students coming from Southern western northwestern including luapula. Maybe he hails from there

  5. KK Airport Cabinet: just as I thought the reasoning by Mr Fwambo is disjointed. How does setting up a campus in isoka mitigate transport costs for students coming from Southern western northwestern including luapula. Maybe he hails from there

  6. Good to hear of that development taking place in my home village, but where exctry in Isoka? I hope this is not political,pantu mukaponoka us we need development.

  7. what is so special with Muchinga ? Universities, colleges all piled up in Muchinga. Indeed Sata’s spirit is alive and realy working hard.

  8. If you cant properly manage Lusaka campus how do you think of opening another campus.What has gone wrong with Zambians kanshi

  9. Are the facilities already available in Isoka or you are relying on a promised loan from China? It’s illogical to reason that establishing Hone College in Isoka will reduce transport costs for rural students, unless 90% of your rural students at Hone college in Lusaka come from Isoka.

  10. please lets not pile all the developments in urban areas. If this EHC was to be set in southern province or any other province, the comments would have been the same. Multiparty system is good coz the other person will come and look at other places hence the whole country will benefit not only Lusaka and C/belt.

  11. What industry is in Isoka? After graduating, the graduates will all flock to Lusaka & other towns to seek employment.

    Govt should rather invest in mining related college/varsity in N/Western Province to provide more skilled manpower to Lumwana, Kansanshi etc.

  12. This is a good development. Nomatter what someone does,human beings will always be the same,always thinking and reacting negatively,muletashako (appreciate) fimo,even God knows pleasing human beings is impossible,always finding a fault in everything. Flocking to Lusaka for employment won’t be that of an issue because that campus will mainly(if not only) occupy health courses,hence they’ll be posted just there in villages.

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