Saturday, March 8, 2025

Rainbow challenges Kambwili to prove corruption allegations


campaign posters were all over the conference ground during Rainbow's general conference.
campaign posters were all over the conference ground during Rainbow’s general conference.

The opposition Rainbow Party has challenged Chief Government Spokesperson Chishimba Kambwili to provide evidence of the corruption he alleges its president Wynter Kabimba has engaged in.

Rainbow Party Spokesperson Goodson Banda has dared Mr. Kambwili to be bold enough and report Mr. Kabimba to Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka today, Mr. Banda wondered why Mr. Kambwili can suggest that Mr. Kabimba’s acquisition of Ostrich farm involved an element of corruption.

He says Mr. Kambwili is only failing to distinguish between the hard work of Mr. Kabimba and the real corruption that is alleged to have taken root in the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

And Mr. Banda has called on the PF Secretary General Davies Chama to learn to forgive others.

Mr. Banda has particularly called on Mr. Chama to do away with his alleged personal hate of Mr. Kabimba especially that he is no longer a member of the ruling PF.


  1. What hard work, Kambwili obviously knows something we don’t. Kabimba was such a pompous individual during his PF days. We all remember how he stormed the ACC offices with cadres. Today he wants to portray that he has a heart for the people.

    • This Banda must have told his president first to prove when he said PF has corrupt individuals and report them to ACC come on guys stop fooling us.

  2. Of course Kambwili bungled his points on why feels Kabimba by bringing in an ostrich farm because owning such a farm does not automatically signify corruption. However, he had said it well that “Wynter was living in glass house” as those who live in such houses don’t through stones lest they broke theirs meaning Wynter is not qualified to call others corrupt bcoz he too is corrupt and can be exposed. So there is something interesting here and this Goodson Banda is capitalizing on the same fact that Kambwili and Wynter both live in glass houses hence Kambwili should dare through stones (report Wynter to ACC) at his own and others’ peril in PF!! So these politicians are not seriously there for our interests but theirs!

  3. Here is a chance for ACC to investigate Kabimba finally. This is a challenge, nay an invitation, from none other than a Rainbow official to investigate him. If the Post is run by decent citizens of sound morality, they will not accuse Edgar Lungu of harassing Kabimba, it’s his own official who has invited ACC, isn’t it? And this time, no cadres will be allowed to accompany him, they are not the ruling party are they?

    ACC, please start tomorrow before Goodison changes his mind or the Post concocts some weird story as per custom! The Post is really boring these days, they can only think Edgar Lungu for their headlines!

  4. Does holding an excellent convention amount to corruption?, does owning an ostrich farm amount to corruption?, does running a succesfull political party (Rainbow) amount to corruption?,.
    These are the points that dull kambwili raised as reasons of Winter being corrupt with his copperstone university degree.

  5. Just tired of reading comments that lack substance! Word of opinion can’t be discouraged if sense is applied to it.Those saying winter is & has always been corrupt,pompous and arrogant,please enlighten me on any wrong that kabimba did whilst in power.can anyone honestly tell me if lungu Edgar can ever have better leadership qualities that this man.cadrerism type of blogging is not only nauseating but sucks! One shudders to think of what sin kabimba has committed or it’s just baseless hatred towards this promising man.let’s once again adopt realism instead of faggotism when giving opinion! word up.

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