Friday, March 28, 2025

HH told to Stop Abusing UTH Patients for Political Mileage


HH and his team at UTH visiting patients
HH and his team at UTH visiting patients

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has been told to stop abusing UTH Patients for his political Mileage. This is according to a statement issued to the media by PF’s Vice Chairperson, PF Media and Publicity Committee Sunday Chanda.

Mr Chanda, who labelled UPND as the Rich Men’s club accused the UPND leader and his entourage of taking patient’s pictures without their consent and using them to gain political capital.

“It was inhuman to see some patients literally covering their faces for fear of being captured on camera. The UPND leader must be told that it is immoral to assault these patient’s human dignity, all because he wants to become President. There must be ethics or even a semblance of it even for those who desperately seek power like the UPND rich club, ” read the statement.

Below is the full statement


Lusaka, Zambia, 27th July 2015 – We wish to remind the United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema that the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, founded in 1974, is with more than 1,613 beds the biggest hospital in Zambia and receives patients from the across the country. Against this background, Government has committed to investing in health infrastructure across the country, with the view to decongest UTH but to also bring quality health services closer to the people. It is investment in health, road and education infrastructure that Mr. Hichilema labels wastage and poor leadership on the part of the PF Government.

Mr. Hichilema would also be wise to know that in 2014, Government allocated K66.7 million has been put aside for the modernization of the UTH. Of this figure, K33 million kwacha had been put aside for the demolition of the Filter clinic, twenty two million kwacha for the rehabilitation of the road network within the institution while eleven point seven million is for the construction of a four hundred capacity car park. Further, Mr. Hichilema would be wise to know that in 2013, Government embarked on a K15 million infrastructure renovation and rehabilitation exercise of the hospital. The exercise was meant to give the hospital a facelift and improve on its image where most of the infrastructure had experienced high levels of dilapidation. In 2013, E-block ward was upgraded to standard level adding before the contractor moved to the G-block before proceeding to the main pharmacy, the corridor at the main foyer and the emergency theatre. Mr. Hichilema may wish to know that three elevators were also replaced for the medicine, surgery and mortuary departments.

Further, Mr. Hichilema would be wise to know that in 2013 alone, UTH had experienced an increase in the number of patients seen and admitted in the main wards from between 1,000 to 1,300 patients to about 1,500 patients every day. This is against the background that the hospital has a capacity of 1,613 beds in 51 wards adding that 80 per cent of these beds are occupied. The increase in the number of patients has been attributed to population increase and the rise in the disease burden which has a sounding impact on the provision of services. In that regard, Government is constructing 650 Health Centres across the country and ensuring that the health referral system becomes more effective by capacitating clinics in the country have to handle cases that can be handled at the clinic level before being referred to UTH.

More and more, Mr. Hichilema would be wise to know that PF Government is on course in the phase two of the Cancer Diseases Hospital (CDH) project at UTH. The hospital would have wards with a 269 bed-space capacity for in-patients. We want to assure Mr. Hichilema that while he seeks cheap political mileage, PF Government wants to ensure that specialised quality cancer care was availed to all citizens as currently people from outside Lusaka had to share the available space at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH). The general public would therefore be able to access high-tech radiotherapy and laboratory equipment. Further, PF Government is committed to work expeditiously on CDH phase three through the construction of nine more centres, located in different provinces of Zambia.

On this account, we ask Mr. Hichilema to quit the habit of using and abusing vulnerable patients all for purposes of window dressing in order that he gains a human face, as a mask to hide his bourgeoisie character. His latest visit to the UTH, in the company of his Vice President is one such attempt where the UPND leader should therefore be discarded as a failed political stint. This is because Mr. Hichilema and his fellow tycoons are too rich to act for the poor and only think of the poor when they want to exploit them. It is also an act of immorality that with the wealth these tycoons have, they failed to donate even one single mattress to an institution whose bed space is exhausted.

As one of the many beneficiaries of free education, Zambians would not be asking for too much if they reminded him of the then US President JFK’s famous words “ask not what the country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country”. Beyond the highest office that he seeks, Mr. Hichilema can become more sincere with his Hospital PR exercises.

Considering UPND is a rich-man’s club, they can do well to learn from others with explainable riches people like Bill and Melinda Gates. These do not only visit the vulnerable such as the patients, whose privacy the UPND violated by taking photos without their consent, all in the name of political mileage. It is therefore inconceivable for the rich-man’s club called UPND to “visit” UTH for political window dressing and followed by invasion and abusing of the patient’s privacy.

It was inhuman to see some patients literally covering their faces for fear of being captured on camera. The UPND leader must be told that it is immoral to assault these patient’s human dignity, all because he wants to become President. There must be ethics or even a semblance of it even for those who desperately seek power like the UPND rich club.

The UPND rich club must be told that a country cannot be run like a business. There are definitely institutions that can be run like a business but a country is about real people with real needs, challenges and aspirations. No wonder Bembas say “Ichalo Bantu, Ichalo temakwebo” (A country is about people, A country is not a business).

Zambians must also challenge the notion that being wealth means someone cannot steal. No wonder Mr. Hichilema must make up for his failed explanations with regard to his accumulated capital during an SABC interview. Zambians need to know this wealth metamorphosis so they can judge whether after Lima Bank’s Privatization, he can be trusted with the National Treasury.

It is our contention that Zambia cannot be liberated by mouthpieces of capital because to them, the rich must get richer while the poor should get poorer.

Lastly, PF can only wish the UPND’s leadership marriage of convenience the best of luck as the once vibrant Opposition party gravitates towards repeating its history going by its current reconfiguration.

UPND’s history says it old royal faithfuls such as Mr. Sakwiba Sikota, Mr. Patrick Chisanga and others were denied their democratic right to contest as late Mr. Anderson Mazoka’s successors when Mr. Hichilema appeared on stage. There unceremonial displacement is about to revisit UPND as new comers begin to take charge and take over. So to genuine and hardworking UPND members who were positioning themselves for leadership, we say cry our beloved friends.

Issued By: Sunday Chanda, Vice Chairperson, PF Media and Publicity Committee


    • Forgive Sunday, he is just panicking because the public gets to see how bad the situation is while they enjoy a life of luxury travelling abroad for medical review

    • Useless, this should be seen as bad when it’s HH, and very ethical when it’s Lungu, Silly people like Sunday Chanda, do not deserve leadership office. Resolve issues than wasting time writing about HH. It’s a sign of incompetency. PF lied to Zambians so why complain??

      Rich people’s club?? better than poor people like PF members who came to Power and steal from Zambians. They are now all rich from Corruption.

      Let PF MP’s and ministers be warned?? That come 2016? you will pay back what you have stolen from Zambians.

      PF leadership and unethical behavior is an embarrassment.

    • Stop allowing this HH into hospitals. After playing with cows and cadres without washing his hands and he wants to capitalize on suffering people. Mulechikanya ukwingila. Where are the relatives?

      HH is annoying mwe!

    • Very funny ka. Whats wrong for a politician like HH to visit patients? He is a very free person in Zambia to visit whoever he wants to visit even visiting Chagwa he can.

    • I listen to the Democrats talk about the famous Obamacare. They would mention the number of people accessing insurance, the number of women accessing reproductive health, etc.
      Now our PF is talking about how much has been spent on scanners & things. But is this infrastructure accessible by people.
      Tell us how real people’s lives are being uplifted by your health policy initiative not money you have been stealing through over priced contracts.

    • PF and ignorance. Yesterday, the newly appointed SG of UPND Hon Stephen Katutwa was involved in an accident on his way to the Muvi TV interview. HH and his team went to visit the SG and that is why there were cameras, and naturally after visiting the SG, HH went to greet other patients. Please see pictures of the injured UPND SG on the HH Facebook page. If Sunday was a civilized person he would have sent a goodwill message of quick recovery, but he is PF!

    • ” K33 million kwacha had been put aside for the demolition of the Filter clinic”?
      Nibukabolala fye.Why demolish?Build new specialist clinics from that K33 MILLION KWACHA

    • Sunday is right about one thing. If you really care about the country the way you say you do, donate something to UTH. Ask your powerful and rich friends to be donors to the hospital too rather than waiting to be president to do something.
      That picture says it all. He is in a suit with well polished shoes squating in front of a camera. The best picture would be HH in jeans, off loading some mealie-meal, blankets and medicines for the patients. That would get him a vote. Talk about misplaced priorities! You don’t have to be in government to make a change!

    • Why should people politicize every HH move? So HH can not have sick relatives and/or friends that he can visit in hospital? I was once admitted and experienced people who when they came to visit with their relatives in the ward they would even spare a minute to chat with other patients just to wish them well. Now HH should abandon the human nature in him and shun those that may even recognize him as a politician! Too much of being trivial in Zambia!

      New PF attack slogan “UPND a party for the rich!” can those in PF be said to be poor? Better those that have made their riches from hard work than using corruption and taking advantage of being in government!

    • Lungu is afraid to visit the hospitals because patients will ask him questions he will not manage to answer.

      Besides what kind of a president is Lungu who fails to visit the sick and reassure them that his government is doing all it can to better their situation.

      HH is doing a brilliant job by visiting the hospitals and schools so he can have full understanding of the problems those institutions are facing. The information he gathers will then inform strategic planning of how the situations in those institutions can be improved.

      Sunday Chanda is Lungu ‘s barking dog trying extremely hard to out do Kambili.

      Sunday Chanda must not be naive to think that UPND will just seat and look at opportunities where they are supposed to make political capital out of.

      Viva UPND and HH.

    • There is nothing wrong for HH to visit patients in health institutions. As future president, he is learning how these very important institutions are being run and what he can do best in futre to improve the quality of health currently being offered to Zambians and other nationalities.

    • “A book is the most effective weapon against intolerance and ignorance.” Lyndon Baines Johnson

      No one gives advice with more enthusiasm and less knowledge than an ignorant person and, too often, an educated person is someone who knows how to be ignorant “intelligently”. It’s all right to be ignorant about some things, but it’s ridiculous to make a career of it. John Rayoa

      “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper.” Robert Frost

      “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson

    • As a nation we have tried to be led by fellow poor people but they end up just concentrating on becoming rich and enjoying the new found richness in state house. We will now try already rich people who will not concentrate on making themselves rich. Kenya has progressed by all standards because Kenyatta was already a successful rich businessman. It is just logical that a poor person of these days can never enrich a nation.

  1. HH is seeking very cheap attention. This is cosmetic. All these years he never knew about UTH…why didnt he also inspect filter clinic under construction and the cancer hospital? I was at UTH and its sad why these guys come into hospital with cameras to paint a picture that they care.

    • Maybe you should tell Zambians about efforts put in improving the healthcare system in Zambia than worry about someone/anyone legitimately visiting patients.

    • This is how politics works the world over Mr. Kapusa. That is how politicians win votes. HH is not running a charity because if he did all these things without publicity, then he would be a very very dull politician. Those days he was not a politician, he was a businessman and being in business brings about activities commensurate with running businesses just like being a politician brings situations where hospitals and markets must be visited with cameras. Come on now, I know you are not that dull.

    • @James, we are where we are because Zambians like yourself have accepted the situation at UTH. If healthcare is your priority as PF, why are patients still sleeping on hospital floors.

      Such visits and exposure are key to challenging this corrupt government so that they get their priorities in order.

      As long as we remain docile, we will forever be a poor nation with its citizens dying like flies for no apparent reason

    • How is it comsmetic? You are the same f.ools who say HH is not friendly. He shows u the opposite ati he is offending. What is offence about this? He visits the markets ati no he wants attention. The people yapping against HH are the ones wanting attention and wasting our time.

    • Lol you are feeling the heat ka.make UTH a better place .HH has the freedom to visit UTH its a public place or you want him to get a police permit to visit UTH.PF kuwaya waya fye.2016 you are packing mark my words.we are fed up with your borrowing and load sheding.

    • If was I was Telephone Muntu and am for the poor would have told Lungu to send some one else to Milpark who can’t afford the medical bill.Jesus was for the poor.
      Leave HH alone. UTH is filthy mani just goes in d pockets.

  2. I think it is okay for HH to visit patients at UTH and this should be encouraged for all leaders of the country to have a first hand look at what is going on .

    What am not sure though is him visiting patients with camera men following him all over the place. I stand to be corrected. I think there are ethical issues to consider. In this day and age some people do require privacy for their illness than have their faces splashed across the media while they were at the hospital. Patient privacy and consent is cardinal when it comes to health, I think.

    Am sure both sides, PF and UPND will tear me to pieces on this one. But I have made my point.

    • That is simply called politics. Same way Sata had cameras follow him to line up for fuel. I thought you were a seasoned person with regards politics and you would understand that this comes with the territory. Let us not pretend naivete. We are too old for that.

    • @MMD Chief Bootlicker, No one will tear you to pieces.

      People need to know the situation on the ground so that when casting their vote, they know why they are giving their candidate a mandate to uplift their lives from the shackles of suffering and mediocrity

    • Upnd supporters are naturally dull. You tel them its unethical to to take pictures of patients against their wish later on our them in public domain they respond by saying even sata used to invite cameras when buying petrol at filling station. Yaa kuti waseka. Sata is gone with his political gimmicks and no one will ride on Sara’s ideologies and expect to win an election.

    • You are right MCBL. HH can visit patients without any problems. The problem comes in when he wants to publish photos of patients without their consent. I would sue him if he took a picture of me and post on the internet.

    • Dudelove, Chills your brains need to be checked. How can you compare Sata going with 20l containers to the filling with cameras follwoing and your childish HH aka HULK taking photos of innocent people without their consent. I agree with Spongebob above that UPND has some of the dullest cadres as can be seen in Dudelove and Chills. These dudes can use the brains God gave them freely. What a waste of space and God’s generosity.

    • @ Ex-UPND Cadre

      By any chance you represent people in the picture?

      Issue in hand is not having or not having permission to take pictures.

      Instead, the issue is a TOTAL FAILURE of your PF to address lack of half-decent medical care in the Country whilst spending TEN’S OF MILLIONS on chosen few.

      It is shining light of your absolute lack of compassion for your fellow countrymen.

      You must be proud that in last for years PF has spend more money on overseas medical treatment of theirs “notables” than the Ministry of Health development budget.

    • Why going to visit the sick with your bare hands? I expect the rich like Hichilema and his friend GBM to donate whenever they are visiting the sick. Even some oranges can do ba HH please.

  3. PF Media, kindly get somebody to be in charge of your PR. Sunday is not buildings your image, to the contrary, he is damaging it. If you cannot initiate an activity, let the sleeping dogs lie.

    • I agree, Sunday Chanda is too amateurish in his statements. Just look at how he digressed and started talking about completely irrelevant points to the subject. He is all over the place. Just keep it simple and concise is my advice.

  4. Govt should thoroughly investigate this notorious Jorick man in Zambezi before he causes a serious tribal war.He has formed a tribal militia wing to kill people.Zambia is a christian nation and we demand that the Police and other security wings should work extra hard to have all the culprits arrested.

    • I wonder if Elder HH even knows how to pray. He always asks for prayer from others. What type of an elder is he. I hope he didn’t buy his way to Eldership. Kikiki

  5. Lol… Pf dullness never seize to amaze me. Actually Mr chanda this what your president lungu should have been doing to see how the people are suffering in these Zambian hospitals. Oh , I forgot lungu’s hospitals are in south Africa!

  6. Chanda is worse than a rabid mongrel. Do you have to go to such lengths to make an issue out of nothing?

    What has HH’s wealth got to do with his hospital visits?

  7. Of you have failed to employ those Doctors, on top that you owe Doctors millions of money in allaowances. We have seen Lungu take photos with patients in hospital most recently that Bischop Mpundu . HH has aright like any Zambian citizen to do any thing he wishes .

  8. Sunday Chanda ! Is it anofence for an opppstion political party leader in Zambia to vist a Hospital or you are just scared of the oppostion ?

    • No it’s not but it is an offence to take photos of patieints without them allowing you to. How thick can your head be for you not to understand this simple thing.

    • @ Operation: Kazizi

      Your “thickness” is to presume and therefore it becomes fact.
      Who said that he did not have permit? You? Sunday?

      By the way, the squalor and lack of care are the issue. PERMANENT FAILURES cannot even provide minimum medical care for People of Zambia and and the same time spend TRILLIONS of borrowed money on self enriching “development”.

  9. Sunday Chanda is doing a good job and that is what HH does not like…Sunday is providing checkmate…why should HH be taking camera men in this day of privacy? Those patients deserve privacy and HH can be sued for slashing their images.

    • I have never heard HH respond to this dull Sunday Chanda so I have no idea how you think HH does not like this. Has he ever said anything? No. Do you know why? It is because Sunday Chanda is irrelevant and bene HH have better things to do. He is like an irritating fly.

    • @ KOMBONI

      “…Sunday is providing checkmate…”

      Are you sure that the 1diot has enough functional gray matter to understand how game of the chess is played?

      Neither do you!!!

  10. HH is playing cheap politics and playing with people’s illnesses. He can politic but let him not bring his politics to the suffering in the hospitals. He is educated enuf to know about invading people’s privacy….shaa!!

    • You faggot, even Sata took pictures visiting Mpezeni and EL’s new partner cried like a Chipata baby. This Monday or is it Tuesday Chanda should start thinking what he will be doing next year. Thief Hapunda was miles better than this Jarabo

  11., ndiwe galu….so why are you responding and telling us what HH told you about Sunday Chanda? Tell your ka president not to abuse the sick

  12. “HH told to Stop Abusing UTH Patients for Political Mileage”

    ha! Dear LT, thank you for the laughs. You sure know how to formulate funny headlines.

    If I’m still sober enough to remember, I’ll use that line at the peak of my drinking spree next weekend. I’m sure my drinking buddies will appreciate the humor.

  13. @ Mutale, so you want to ponona Sunday Chanda because he keeps pricking you president? kekekekekeke….I just love Sunday Chanda…One Sunday, One PF…Zondani muzalema bamambala…You want to beat him, nimwana wanyoko iwe mambala?

    • @ zulu

      and one shameless thieving 1diot supported by equally shameless 1mbecile.

      50 years of “achievements” that only 1mbeciles can be proud of it.


  14., so your ba President is a Michael Sata wanna be? Lol! Funny! Tell him to be original, otherwise he’ll hurt himself…He visits and cannot even donate a mattress to the patients. He is just a selfish chap!

  15. Sometimes I wonder if HH is intelligent…he is educated for crying out loud but like they say, you can take a man out of a village but can’t take the vilage out of him. He is playing cheap and low and this PF media guy is correct. Who does that with patients? There is privacy to be respected. Those people may be poor but they are not stupid and they surely have their human dignity and privacy to be protected. I am not PF or UPND, but on this one, HH missed the mark!Case of poor advisors? Maybe

  16. Politicians must learn to respect the sick , I don’t think every one in hospital would like their faces, on social media on face book, internet for the benefit of greedy politicians.
    HH stop it , it is wrong you must respect those people in pain , even some of us their relatives we wouldn’t want them to be abused in such away .

  17. Ba PF, just provide good health cares services in our hospitals, and you were render HH’s visits worthless. As long as the quality of health care provision is poor, we all have a reason to condemn government!

  18. This is an imitation of an Obama of Zambia…His sense of judgment is terrible…how does that to patients? Respect their privacy Mr. HH, they are poor but they have their rights.

  19. PF in panick mode. Why dont you tell JAMESON to also visit not only important patients but ordinary Zambians instead of gallivanting and getting his treatment in RSA. PF are such sole losers. Muli muchibe, tiye nazo HH. Sunday should learn from chimba what happened to him after elections!

  20. Pf chaps are worried and dead scared of their own shadows.HH is giving them sleepless nights, now with the coming of GBM awe kwena sivinthu.whats wrong with visiting the sick at the hospital?

    • Nothing wrong in visiting patients just like everyone else is talking about but there is everything wrong about posting their pictures on Facebook online media and the like just because of fame and this is what we’re condemning under five for. You get it…

    • but you and your lot are not condemning lack of medical care?
      After all, you get used to “50 years of achievements”?

      I have seen better medical facilities in Somalia than UTH!!!

  21. i couldnt help but laugh at this useless article.. Chanda really tried to find a reason to condemn HH but ended up messing himself.. If you are not happy by HH’s visit to UTH, why dont you yourself go there??


  22. please sunday chanda or chanda suday or whatever you call yourself we want policy issues,for lack of better terms, that will bring solutions to our ever melting economy. tired of cheap polictics! enough of it.people are suffering alot. all you do is bringing issues that do not add value to our lives. look at the ever-increasing poverty levels. my worry is the borrowing which is seemingly rampant, ever rising cost of living, ever rising unemployment levels,load shedding,lawlessness perpetuated by pf cadres, the list goes on. im worried of tomorrow-the future of my children .

  23. The best part of it is that PF found those problems and they are working hard to end them. A normal person should say thanks to PF and lungu

    • Are you gone mad? Which “normal” person will say thanks to the TOTAL COLLAPSE.
      Be serious if you cannot be “normal”.

  24. I fail to understand HH and his UPND!!who in Zambia do not know the status of our hospitals,schools,universities,roads,public buildings,etc?MMD wasted 20yrs.if PF ruled for 20 yrs which were wasted by MMD Zambia would have been nicer than it is today.SO LET HH CHEAT HIS FELLOW BANTUSTAN PEOPLE AND NOT US WISE MEN!!HH IS THE LAST OPTION ON THE VOTING DAY.LET PF AND PRESIDENT ECL WORRY ABOUT SOME OF THESE UP FOR NO GOOD OPPOSITION LEADERS.PLUS I DOUBT IF HH IS RICH BCOZ THIS GUY IS VERY DESPERATE FOR OUR VOTES IN ORDER TO GET A JOB!!

  25. @ ISO, you are a mangwam. If ours is Jameson, then yours ni SATANA ushakatekepo Ichalo! You have an under 5 President who fails to commend Government when it does right

  26. @ Kashelac, muli mbwa pabwinga bwambwa…What policy do you want Sunday Chanda to talk about when he has told you what Government has done with regard to UTH?

  27. With Gbm joining HH, Pf will remain sleepless untill its defeat in 2016. Pf must be reminded that they rigged the jan ’15 election.

    • That rigging story is boring. Tell us something else. Otherwise even next year you will be saying the same until 2050

  28. Where is the president to prevail over his cadres who go about insulting Zambians who are sick at UTH?. Hope E C Lungu is in Adiss Ababa Ethiopia where more than 120 head of states together with Obama at a conference discussing African matters. Media seem to suggest Lungu has opted not to meet Obama and go visit villages to sip some jameson.
    HH is just a real pain to PF regime reminding them of their responsibilities.

    • Muna, which majority?Give is the evidence of majority otherwise the same people will shock when the vote for PF again

    • @ No wonder

      Really no wonder that you are interested in evidence of “majority” but accepting comment on ransacking of the country’s economy.

      No wonder that people are sleeping on the floor!!!

  29. PF and ignorance. Yesterday, the newly appointed SG of UPND Hon Stephen Katutwa was involved in an accident on his way to the Muvi TV interview. HH and his team went to visit the SG and that is why there were cameras, and naturally after visiting the SG, HH went to greet other patients. Please see pictures of the injured UPND SG on the HH Facebook page. If Sunday was a civilized person he would have sent a goodwill message of quick recovery, but he is PF!

  30. Sunday Chanda should tell us why patients at UTH are sleeping on the floor when the country has held the highest number of PF induced by-elections in the history of Zambia.If the PF govt was caring as he is trying to portray,they should have spent the money they have been borrowing is allocated to expenditures like increasing patients bed space at UTH

  31. Big up to HH,why should patients be sleeping on the floor in the first place.Do those Ministers and government officials evacuated to South Africa,India sleep on the floor,no.
    So Pf should not take all criticism as political mileage or abuse to the affected minorities,the should accept as the government in power and address the problems facing the people.

  32. Sunday chanda you pipo is a dog with rabies. Dont waste your time with him. These are the pipo who are just shot by boko haram without regret.


    • Who told you that lungu was poor before he became president. Lungu never stayed in chawama but was just an mp there. You under is the one with questionable wealth because his riches has no track record. He just like abracadabra became rich and even himself doesn’t know how.

  34. What are you on about Sunday Chanda? What else can HH Do? Have you forgotten that HH is a student of Sata? HH’s political style and vision are both an exact replica of Sata’s, one even wonders when his cadres claim that HH has a vision for this country. In fact if you look at the accusation by UPND cadres that Edgar has no vision, they actually mean that HH was the best person to have taken over from Sata and advance Sata’s vision for Zambia. In short, there is no difference between Sata and HH.
    Unfortunately, one Sata was real but the other one is fake, in short the real Sata could win the election to State House but the fake pretender will not enter State House anytime soon, if ever at all.

  35. It is a criminal cas in uk to take some ones picture without owners athourity, so Mr k hh. Lean to be civaliesed

    • And in UK Prime Minister will resign in absolute disgrace with all his Cabinet members if there was a single hospital like UTH.

      Please, do not compare NHS with UTH. You sound ridiculous!!!

  36. Zambia a Christian nation? What are you on about? The hate you express clearly shows that you’re living a lie.

  37. The comment by Sunday is very stupid comment. Sunday for sure has rabbies and needs to go for vacations. Who told him, HH owns those cameras? Where in the world does someone get permission to take pictures in a public place like a hospital that is open to the public? The hospital staff would have told the camera man not to enter if was against UTH policy. The truth is the picture show what incompetent and uncaring these proven failures (PF) are performing. LEAVE HH ALONE. LUNGU MUST GO IN 2016.

  38. “K33 million kwacha had been put aside for the demolition of the Filter clinic” But zoona, The biggest amount is set aside for demolishing.

  39. K33 million for the demolition of the filter clinic.. nomba ba Chanda how much will it cost to construct? mwamona ati mwalifulunga ba Chanda.. Pa buFi

  40. Sunday Chanda, let us not attack HH even when he has done nothing wrong. Have you noticed that the patient is on the floor? That is what you shud be worried about and correcting. Talking about “a rich man’s club” – there is nothing wrong with being rich. Obama is a dollar millionaire, but he has worked for the people, not with his own money, but govt money. Obama has a lean govt (a cabinet of 17) while ECL has 30 ministers, 31 deputies & 10 provincial ministers. All these have allowances which amount to about K1,500,000 per month. That is wastage. ECL has already made 15 trips abroad in 6 months! That is a waste of tax payers money. He is following RB too much. PF must address these issues, not the non-issues you are bringing. HH seems a more responsible person who will lead us…

  41. Sunday Chanda ubupuba. Who told you that visiting patients is abuse of patients. Mind you Copperbelt we have changed we are supporting HH.
    PF party yabawelewele.

  42. why are u comparing Lungu to HH?? Ask HH to wear the Army uniform. He will be arrested because his is not the President but a president of a political party. Therefore, such comparisons must be avoided.

  43. @ 3.3 Sponge bob

    Pictures we see of HH visit at UTH is sponsored by LT.
    To assume that pictures were displayed by UNPD in the media is ‘hokoyo’, unless LT is playing ‘Donchi Kubeba’ game.

  44. Hospitals, schools, prisons and other strategic institutions must have codes of conduct for all visitors to adhere to.

  45. Nothing wrong with this but why now when he has been around for +50 years? Run out of campaign ideas?

  46. my memory is still fresh when Sata visited Paramount Chief Mpezeni in UTH, with cameras all over.That is why even on the election day these pamafi people leave their respective home on an empty stomach and asher in the fallen heroes or sorry Changwa Heroes cos you are too forgetful. Poverty stricken hyenas.You will never learn.

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