Friday, March 21, 2025

President Lungu launches marine unit Nchelenge district


PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has launched the 48 special forces marine unit in Nchelenge District of Luapula Province. Here, arriving for the launch.
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has launched the 48 special forces marine unit
in Nchelenge District of Luapula Province. Here, arriving for the

President Edgar Lungu has officially launched the country’s 48 Marine unit in Nchelenge District of the Luapula Province.

The Marine Unit to be manned by special forces would not only provide security in the area but curb illegal border crossing as well as ensure the enforcement of the seasonal fish ban.

President Lungu said in a speech obtained by ZANIS this evening, thanked the Chinese government and its people for the donation of some boats which make up the new unit.

“My Government shall forever remain indebted to the People of China who have remained all weather friends.

“ I also wish to thank the traditional leadership for allocating land to our special forces for the construction of Marine Bases, “ he said.

The Republican President also thanked the people in the province for the support they have continued to render to troops since occupation of Kala Baracks.

He urged the people in the province to continue supporting the troops so that they can serve them effectively for national development .

‘It is through your support that government shall be able to deliver on its promises of One Zambia , One nation, ‘he said .

The President also revealed during the launch that he is leading negotiations with potential suppliers of High-tech modern equipment benefiting the operations of special unites.

He advised that it was the responsibility of the special unit to go beyond military operations but include critical civilian operations such as institutions such as the Immigration and Tax authorities.

Mr Lungu said this would entail that military assets have be prudently and optimally used to increase revenue collection.

The establishment of the Unit however comes with a lot of challenges adding that his administration will endeavor to deal with them in order to improve the well-being of women and men in uniform.

Mr Lungu has in this vain urged the defence personal to continue delivering their service with the existing infrastructure and equipment while government continues to mobilize resources.

The Republican President , who is at the same time the Defenhce and Security chief , said he was aware that troops faced serious accommodation challenges, which he said his administration has already started alleviating.

“ Government has started work towards the construction of housing units and offices for the newly established Marine Barracks in Kawambwa and the Squadron in Nchelenge, “ he said.

Mr Lungu added that it was his wish that government continued with the country wide recruitment of Officers and soldiers to replace the human resources that has depleted by deaths, retirements, and discharges.

Even as the recruitment was being done , the President encouraged all the serving military personal to continue with the training programmes in anticipation of deployment in both local and international operations.

He cautioned the military personal not to engage in politics but continue to remain forcused and responsible to their duties.

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has launched the 48 special forces marine unit in Nchelenge District of Luapula Province. Here, the President reads the inscription on the marine boat after the launch.
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has launched the 48 special forces marine unit
in Nchelenge District of Luapula Province. Here, the President reads
the inscription on the marine boat after the launch.


  1. Great work. We also need this initiative to spread to Tanganyika, Kariba and the whole Zambezi stretch

    • Kariba has it but boats cannot be used due to the fact that the engines are too big and they require to much fuel to operate……the boat just sits in the harbour…..

  2. What is that Chagwa writing in the picture at the end of the article all about? Already naming the boats as Chagwas? Africans and their god presidents! Hope they don’t capsise also one of these days!

    • You have got a point. I am surprised some people don’t see anything wrong.

      Much as I like President Lungu, and am an acquaintance of his, people are pushing this idol worship too far.

      I hope the President did not approve to have these transient vessels named after him.

  3. You call the boat Chagwa and expect it not to capsize? Why do we always have to appease the President even when its not necessary.

  4. #KBM, my point to. Everything in Zambia is after their idol god presidents. Did Chagwa provide his own money for the maritine unit? What is wrong from from writing Zambia or Zam instead of Chagwa. Where are safety equipment?

  5. Eddy looks cool in a military uniform. I was actually looking for him in the first picture not until I changed focus and bingo….ECL in a military uniform back to his initial employers. He actually looks better in a Military Uniform than formal suits. Little wonder he has held on to the defense portfolio.

  6. You people shock me. I think you suffer from inferiority complex. Why can’t we do our own thing. Why you always compare your country with other. If we want to name our places or things after our leaders we do it. If others don’t they don’t.

    Ati Africans. LOL. If you want to be from another continent go for it mate.

  7. Sata and GBM’s initiative has finally paid off. But it would be interesting to see how comandos will be in involved in tax matters.

  8. i always worry with designs of government facilities,those 2 houses in the background dont look like a base fopr soldiers

  9. As you were!

    How do you give the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces chipewa without a budge?

    Next time you must Watch it, watch it…

  10. Maybe ka Lungu just heard that the US has a Marine corps so he figured he should kopela ka.

    I wonder when this boy will learn to take care of meaningful business instead of these made-for-the-camera events.

  11. Soon we shall opt for a navy with all works……ss Chagwa aircraft carrier, submarines, gun boats etc to patrol these tropical Rivers and still water bodies

  12. Really we treat president’s like Demi gods! Why name a boat after EL. That is public property not personal. So when he leaves the presidency someone will come along and change the name and repaint. It is different with renaming buildings.

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