Thursday, March 13, 2025

Malawian President Mutharika to grace Commercial Show



The President of Malawi Peter Mutharika is expected in Zambia on July 31, 2015 to grace this year’s Agriculture and Commercial show which starts tomorrow.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Public Relations Officer Dorcas Chileshe said Professor Mutharika will arrive in Zambia on Friday for a two day official visit.

Mrs. Chileshe revealed that during the visit, Prof. Mutharika will also hold bilateral talks with his Zambian counterpart Edgar Lungu.

Later President Lungu will host a state banquet in honour of the visiting Malawian President.

Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba said the visit by the Malawian President is significant as both country share history and similar interests.

Mr. Kalaba further noted that Prof. Mutharika’s two days visit will strengthen the existing bilateral relations in various economic and social sectors between the two countries.

This year’s Zambia Agriculture and Commercial show is being held under the theme “Innovation beyond golden jubilee”.


    • I’m would care less about him, I am glad to hear UPND are making inroads to oust the worst president we have ever had.

      1. Michael Sata

      2. Kaunda

      3. Chiluba

      4. Banda

      5. Lungu


    • @Ndobo, I didn’t know that is Edgar’s goal to prove that he can be better than Sata.
      but remind his not to match their wives.

    • @Mushota, you be sued…. why the hell is MWANAWASA?
      Same as listing best LT contributors and you forget the Presd. Nostradamus

    • @Mushota, how could you omit the BEST President Zambia has ever had? Even after they disabled him in a failed assassination attempt disguised as a car accident he still made a better a president than all the other 5 COMBINED!

    • I have to agree with you ladies and gentlemen about Levy. In my own humble opinion, here is how I rank them. I will place the ranks to the left in form of a numeral. 1 is obviously the top rank.

      1. Levy
      6. Kaunda
      6. Bwezani
      6. Kafupi
      6. Psycho Sata
      6. ka Lungu

    • Order from best to worst…
      1. KK
      2. Chiluba
      3. Levy
      4. Sata
      5. Lungu
      6. RB… was ever a president of Zambia? And why? Who is/was his wife???? I thought he lost to Mumba, then moved to control Edgar?
      … Zambian presidency is deteriorating.

      Start a new list: (me and HH we don’t get along, but I have no option)
      1. Nawakwi
      2. Maureen
      3. Namugala
      6. Then Jesus will back!!

  1. And what economic value will the visit add? I thought the foreign policy was changed to be economically inclined i.e. economic diplomacy as opposed to political diplomacy which is beneficial in this era when Africa is experiencing unprecedented growth.

  2. I think it was yesterday I read something about ka Lungu gracing something. Today it is this Mutharika bozo. He also wants to grace something. This gracing of things is starting to get irritating ka.


  3. I have a two proverbs to share with President Lungu because he has taken a tough stance against the cartel. If President Banda implemented this advice, he would not have lost his presidential immunity:

    1. “Never wound a snake; kill it.” ~Harriet Tubman

    2. “If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.” ~Harriet Tubman

  4. Mr. Not my friend,
    that’s great advice. If you allow me I can add one more piece of advice especially for ka Lungu.

    3. If the dog bites your pants, don’t try to free them from the dog’s mouth. Take the pants off and run naked as fast as you can.

  5. He will come and go back to Malawi but the price of mealie meal will still remain very high. Wether he opens the show or closes it, same difference to our economy

  6. Peter should meet HH so that he gives him tips on how he managed to kick that woman relative to Lungu. We also need our fuel back; Sata gave fuel to these Nyasaland guys. This time around we should give them contaminated one.

    FORMER commerce minister Felix Mutati says the PF government’s addiction to debt is fast making Zambia very attractive to international ‘shylocks’.
    And Mutati says the contraction of the latest US$1.25 billion Eurobond last week should be a cause for worry to the country rather a moment of celebration.
    “We have become like someone who is endlessly surviving on kaloba. At an individual level, at kaloba level, the more you borrow, the higher the cost because the perception of the lender is that you are a high risk borrower,” Mutati said.
    “The interest rates are everyday going up with each bond we contract and these are not bilateral sources of funding from your donors; these are hardcore markets that our people are being exposed to. Even at company…

  8. level, any high risk borrower, you get expensive money.”
    Mutati observed that the expenditure of the previous two Eurobonds still remained shrouded in mismanagement.
    He said while the Eurobonds were being contracted on the premise of making an investment on the huge infrastructure bottlenecks in the country, reality check at some of the recipient parastatals like Zesco, Zambia Railways and Development Bank of Zambia revealed misapplication of funds.
    This contraction of fresh debts is worrying. We are not against borrowing, what we are against is imprudent borrowing. We are seeing greater propensity for debt addiction. We are also going to be seized by the high cost of the debt that we have just procured at over nine per cent which is five per cent higher than what Greece is borrowing…

  9. at. So, we are paying more for debt than Greece,” Mutati said.
    He said international lenders were increasing interest rates with each Eurobond Zambia contracted because there was growing belief that the country would not make repayment once the loans fall due between 2022 and 2027.
    “It means their confidence in our economic management is questionable because when you have doubt, your own comfort comes in, increasing the cost so that ultimately, they will be able to claw back something.
    And that should be a source of concern to us as a country,” Mutati said.
    He said the government was not fully explaining to the Zambians the consequences and the debt burden that was accruing to the country by the contraction of Eurobonds.

  10. When you compute just this US$1.25 billion bond, the total burden that will be attributable to the Zambian people for borrowing this amount will be in excess of US $3 billion in interests plus capital. Would this be the correct decision we should take as a country?” Mutati aksed.
    “All the hawks that deal in secondary markets are just watching. They are seeing an opportunity, and you know those guys [vulture funds] are aggressive on how they collect money. The banks are polite, you can do a rollover, restructuring whatever…but you can’t do all the rollovers and restructuring if the lenders are not confident.”
    He said with the latest Eurobond, it meant that government’s debt level which the World Bank, prior to last week, had estimated at over 39 per cent, is now way above the…

  11. internationally accepted sustainable levels of not more than 40 per cent of the GDP.
    “With this addition, it means we are getting into the space of unsustainability and we are just eroding our capacity to meet the debt obligation when it falls due,” said Mutati.
    Last week, the government issued a US$1.25 billion Eurobond at a coupon rate of 9.375 per cent, the highest a country has ever had to pay in modern times.
    In 2012, Zambia paid a coupon of 5.375 per cent for its US$750 million debut bond and 8.625 per cent for the US$1 billion in 2014

    • ha! ba Enka, remember GW Bush and his wife? After that encounter with psycho Sata they must have gone back home to Texas and told all their friends, forget the so-called African hospitality, there is none. That Zambian president is a nut case!

  12. I can’t believe it.We’re suddenly getting presidential visits again after all that drought and being a regional laughing stock?

    Now its only Bob that is the odd man of the region.

  13. Then at the end of it all we’ll declare Mutharika “Freeman of Petauke!” And life continues………..


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