Wednesday, March 19, 2025

CBU students demonstrate over continued closure


A student at the Copperbelt University sadly walks away after the PF Government shut down one of Zambia's highest learning Institutions
A student at the Copperbelt University sadly walks away after the PF Government shut down one of Zambia’s highest learning Institutions

Copperbelt University (CBU) students have called on government to re-open the learning institution immediately to avoid further disruption in the academic calendar.

The students who staged a protest at the BOMA Building which houses the office of the District Commissioner demanded that government re-opens the institution immediately.

Police officers in riot gear were quickly deployed at the scene to disperse the protesting students.

This is the second time that the students are staging a protest to pressure government to re-open the institution which was prematurely closed last month.

And speaking in an interview with ZANIS, Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) president Humphrey Mwenya appealed to government to quickly address the wrangle between the lecturers and management to ensure that the institution is re-opened.

Mr Mwenya urged government to take the education sector as one of its priorities as the trained labour force was cardinal to national development.

He also urged Kitwe District Commissioner Chanda Kabwe to act as a link between the students and Presidents Edgar Lungu so that their problem can be solved.

Government last month closed the CBU following protests by the students sparked by the continued strike by the lecturers who are calling for the resignation of the University Vice Chancellor Professor Naison Ngoma and the entire management.


  1. I have just read that government will meet the Union tomorrow. Men and women of faith (lecturers) this the time to score your point. Its about Naison Ngoma going or no opening . Just know that you have gunned enough support on this one and government is already panicking. Don’t give chance to fat Albert to intimidate you again. The guy has never seen a lecturer theater. Zambia is waiting.

    • Permalink, yes the meeting is on. There will be a bomb shell in that meeting. That first to jump out of his skin will be PS Nkanza because things and scams will be unearthed which people have been sweeping under the carpet. The CBUAA up and against a well organised syndicate involving some key political figures. Let us wait and see how the cookie crumbles….. perhaps not.

  2. HE Edgar lungu, you seem to be too good for this country. All the former presidents if you happened to talk to them will tell you that they trusted wrong pipo. You cant and you will never please everyone. Your enemy is your enemy nomata how good you do to them. Pray so that God can give you eyes to see who mean well for this country.

  3. CBU students just go home. This is your government at work. Forget about graduating next year as that wont happen. Again your government hard at work. Even if you graduate where will you work, there is no electricity and companies are relocating.

    Next time vote wisely.

  4. EL is proving to be a wrong footed leader…he’s leading Zambia unto closure of CBU,closure of mines and very serious load shedding.

    One short term presidency is what EL has sowed and its what he’ll eventually reap.

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