Friday, March 7, 2025

Ukusefya pangwena Pictures



MMD president Nevers Mumba pays respect to Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyanta  Manga II
MMD president Nevers Mumba pays respect to Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyanta  Manga II during" Amashikulo"after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe in Mungwi District
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II during” Amashikulo”after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi District


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyanta  Manga II during" Amashikulo"after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe in Mungwi District
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II during” Amashikulo”after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi District


Ngoni warriors doing it in style at the installation ceremony of their bemba traditional cousin Chitumukulu Mwinelubemba Kanyata Manga II at Mwenda ngo'mbe
Ngoni warriors doing it in style at the installation ceremony of their bemba traditional cousin Chitumukulu Mwinelubemba Kanyata Manga II at Mwenda ngo’mbe


House of Chiefs Chairperson Chieftainess Mukamambo and Paramount chief Mupezeni following proceedings at the installation ceremony of Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyata  Manga II at Mwenda ng'ombe  in Mungwi district in Northern Province
House of Chiefs Chairperson Chieftainess Mukamambo and Paramount chief Mupezeni following proceedings at the installation ceremony of Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyata Manga II at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi district in Northern Province


President Edgar Lungu shares a light moment with the newly crowned Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyata  Manga II  at Mwenda ng'ombe shortly before departure to Lusaka . The ceremony was attended by several other chiefs from all the ten provinces in the country.
President Edgar Lungu shares a light moment with the newly crowned Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyata Manga II at Mwenda ng’ombe shortly before departure to Lusaka . The ceremony was attended by several other chiefs from all the ten provinces in the country.


President Edgar Lungu shares a light moment with the newly crowned Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyanta  Manga II  at Mwenda ng'ombe shortly before departure to Lusaka . The ceremony was attended by several other chiefs from all the ten provinces in the country.
President Edgar Lungu shares a light moment with the newly crowned Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II at Mwenda ng’ombe shortly before departure to Lusaka . The ceremony was attended by several other chiefs from all the ten provinces in the country.


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyanta  Manga II during" Amashikulo"after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe in Mungwi District
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II during” Amashikulo”after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi District


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyata  Manga II being presented with the bible by Mary Chanda during" amashikulo"after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe in Mungwi District
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II being presented with the bible by Mary Chanda during” amashikulo”after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi District


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyanta  Manga II during" Amashikulo"after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe in Mungwi District
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II during” Amashikulo”after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi District


Ba Shilubemba and the queen mothers with Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyata Manga II  and his wife after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe during the installation ceremony
Ba Shilubemba and the queen mothers with Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II and his wife after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe during the installation ceremony


Ngoni warriors doing it in style at the installation ceremony of their bemba traditional cousin Chitumukulu Mwinelubemba Kanyata Manga II at Mwenda ngo'mbe
Ngoni warriors doing it in style at the installation ceremony of their bemba traditional cousin Chitumukulu Mwinelubemba Kanyanta Manga II at Mwenda ngo’mbe


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyata  Manga II after being crowned at Mwenda ngombe during the installation ceremony . The ceremony was attended by president Edgar Lungu.
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II after being crowned at Mwenda ngombe during the installation ceremony . The ceremony was attended by president Edgar Lungu.


Ba Shilubemba and the queen mothers waiting for Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyata Manga II  after being crowned at Mwenda ngombe during the installation ceremony . The ceremony was attended by president Edgar Lungu
Ba Shilubemba and the queen mothers waiting for Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II after being crowned at Mwenda ngombe during the installation ceremony . The ceremony was attended by president Edgar Lungu


Bemba ngoni
A bemba Journalist Nkweto Mumba being crowned with a Ngoni head gear by her traditional cousin Mary Tembo at this year’s Ukusefya Pang’wena Traditional Ceremony for the Bemba speaking people in Mungwi district. The ceremony that has not taken place for the last fours was proceeded by the installation of Chitumukulu Mwinelubemba Kanyanta Manga II at Mwenda ng’ombe


House of Chiefs Chairperson Chieftainess Mukamambo and Paramount chief Mupezeni following proceedings at the installation ceremony of Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyata  Manga II at Mwenda ng'ombe  in Mungwi district in Northern Province
House of Chiefs Chairperson Chieftainess Mukamambo and Paramount chief Mupezeni following proceedings at the installation ceremony of Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi district in Northern Province


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyatna  Manga II receiving blessing from Arch diocese of Kasama Chama after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe in Mungwi District
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II receiving blessing from Arch diocese of Kasama Chama after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi District


Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu  Kanyanta  Manga II receiving blessing from Arch diocese of Kasama Chama after being crowned at Mwenda ng'ombe in Mungwi District
Mwinelubemba Chitumukulu Kanyanta Manga II receiving blessing from Arch diocese of Kasama Chama after being crowned at Mwenda ng’ombe in Mungwi District


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema and UPND vice president Geoffrey Malama
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema and UPND vice president Geoffrey Malama



  1. I almost threw up just watching such poor people
    silly country, silly subordinates

    The future is Scotland


    • Great picture & wonderful ceremony. Sad though that even such grand ceremonies appear so cheap, KK had a lot of respect for this kind of thing. These other politicians see the great chief as just a vote churning machine.

    • I hate picking on women but the wife to the Chitimukulu needs a lesson in public behaviour. Her posture and body language kwati ni na chisungu! Lady please straighten up and smile properly. And is that goat hair on top of her head?

    • Am not one to pick on women but ba Queen needs a lesson on how to conduct herself in public. Her posture and body language kwati ni na chisungu! Lady pick your head up and smile. And is that goat hair on top of her head?

    • Mushota
      Mushondo obe. We mbwa yacipuba
      You are a slave in Scotland and a very low class bitch who has nothing to do. I doubt you are even a girl. You must be a man. Twisted bored psychopath. You make me puke!!!!

    • The Ngonis are poachers, look so many animal skins/fur on them. With Bembas only Chitimukula has a crocodile kin.

    • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

      This comment is as funny as it is stupid!!

      I missed you Mushota,…

      Where has your sorry a$$ been?!

    • Truly Mushota you are a brainwashed cantankerous nicompoop!Even in Scotland they have tradition and culture.Respect is very important no matter who you are or what you have achieved in life.Get a life and stop being foolish!!

  2. Mwinelubemba must have been sweating in that attire mwa! Not very impressive pictures, kalibalika saana ninshi?

  3. At least Nkosi yama Koswe was also in attendance. Wonder why you guys didnt show Mukuni in his Limoousine. It was spectacular. But zoona how do You cover 1340kms in a limousine? Thought it was meant for plomb

  4. Come on fellow Bembas. You mean we cannot find an alternative to ifilundu? It is too hot to dress Mwine Lubemba in that attire. And what is that on the Queen’s head? Where is the attire for the Queen Mothers? Chansoni sana bane.

  5. Imikalile ububi chi GBM, kuiposafye teti bailingaye bwino sure??? !!!!!!. Chipuba ichi chimuntu mwee! Iyeeeeee mayo ati ba VP!!!!!!!

  6. Pic 13 & 20
    You Bemba chaps!!! Is that a crocodile’s skin The Chief is parading in? Lets hope he is not a poacher. Bamanga ka….

  7. but eeheee, pic 20, who was smelling ? i have seen someone with a torn jacket blocking his nose. Am bemba but i i have noticed serious poverty in the pictures . I take it this was a very important occasion and people were in their best attires but if that was the best,Mmmmm kaya

  8. Tumfwiti munapaya Sata imwe bakolwe. I have no doubt in my mind these fools are behind Sata’s death RIP Cobra. Mwinelubemba wachiyani!

  9. Why do people loook really sad? no one is smiling,. is it a sign of bad things in the inside, only president is smiling because he is definitely eating. This is an amazing ceremony, we need more funding for this, its magnitude seems to be shrinking yearly…GBM sit properly, ala!

  10. Never Mumba being a pastor is not showing a good exaple by bowing down to a human being. I thought we should only bow down to God

  11. It’s too late. I can never erase that sad image from my mind. I already saw picture no.1 where that reverend-politician Nevers Mumba is doing God-knows-what down on his belly. A grown man like that sure. I really wish I’d not seen that pitiful spectacle.

  12. ba LT, point of correction. In pic no.16 that man in a suit and over-sized tie wearing a funny hat, that’s not Mpezeni. Why are you crowning the wrong people with the ngoni chiefdom? Mpezeni is an idiót but he’s our idiót, so please show some respect

  13. Mushota has nailed it on the head.. the pictures depict nothing but poverty stricken people.. what a shame bane…. even the chief himself looks very under nourished…is this Zambia in the 21st century sure?????

  14. So the chief must be fat and overflowing like GBM? Nosense, the Paramount Chief is healthy and a great believer in eating paleo food. He is not just Chitimukulu, he is the king of the Bemba speaking people of Zambia. The colonialists didn’t want to call anybody king so they derived a derogatory term paramount chief, Litunga, Nkosi yama Nkhosi, etc. All these are just native names for their kings.
    Ukusefya Pa Ngw’ena was not as should have been due to lack of coordination by the new organising committee after missing the same for the last 2 years. The installation of Mwine Lubemba is done and the next ceremony will be better organised.
    Salibe kwisano!

  15. Sad to say but Mushota is actually right on this one, albeit she could have used a more civil language.

    As for thet traditional ceremony itself, sorry Bembas but this pales in comparison to what happens even yearly at my people’s Barotseland, the Kuomboka. Such a once in a generation ceremony, I expected to see a blast, if not in tradition only. Even my marriage ceremony to my Bemba wife appeared much more colourful and lively than this. Sorry but I can’t see tradition here. Go to Barotseland and see real tradition. Unless it’s just a matter of poorc camera photography.

    By the way was the Litunga in attendance? Then why wasn’t he shown in the pictures… that would have been a better propaganda theme for both sides to calm down often fraught relationship between Bembas…

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