Monday, January 27, 2025

Universty introduces driving course to help reduce road accidents


Accident Scene
Accident Scene

RUSANGU University of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church in Monze, has introduced a special course called ‘Driving Skills’ to equip its students with knowledge on the road safety.

The course would impart driving skills to students at the time of
graduation to enable them become more competent drivers to help reduce road traffic accidents.

Zambia has in the recent past recorded horrific road traffic accidents with some being attributed to lack of proper training on traffic and road safety among the drivers.

University public relations officer, Fitzgerald Muchindu said the course which was introduced in November 2013, hinged on Highway Code with the five-check point of motor vehicle safety.

“Rusangu University is therefore equipping its students with knowledge of road safety so that as they leave university study they are well versed with the importance of safe practices on the roads,” he said yesterday in response to a press query.

He said the course was aimed at imparting driving skills and basic knowledge of motor vehicle maintenance and was available to licensed drivers and those wanting to upgrade in motoring.

So far, about 70 students took the course in the second semester from February to June this year, while 30 out of the 70, who took practical driving lessons.

About 10 from the 30 students who were examined by the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), passed the course.

Through this course, students would have better understanding of vehicle’s communication systems, driving skills, basic motor vehicle knowledge, care and maintenance were also covered.

Mr Muchindu said the university management took this deliberate action to offer the course to its students to increase skills on motoring at the time of their school graduation.

He said the possession of a drivers’ license would put the Rusangu University students at an advantage from other students in learning institutions.


  1. Good job Rusangu. I hope all universities and colleges can adopt can introduce similar courses at the point of exit. We lost many fresh graduates.

    • Well Done Rusangu, though such initiatives should have been brought up by RTA?? Where are they?? sleeping and not thinking to Innovate? RTA should have made alot of Money including having their own well equipped Driving schools in all regions.

  2. This has to be in secondary schools as a serious course mwebantu, other countries are doing that and it has really helped shaping responsible and law obeying drivers!!

  3. Good work….And the system of giving licences needs to change. They must copy some of the systems from other countries..

  4. What a shame.
    When I saw the healrine, I thought I can sign up. At last, I was going to attend university! After reading, I noticed it was for their full-time students. AN UNFAIR WORLD!

  5. Comment:I’m a student at rusangu university.. the course is nt well taught due to lack of resources like learning materials. One vehicle is used for practice by more than 100 students in 26 days and evry student on top of course fee one has to pay K 500 fuel. The are bible criminals

    • Iwe, E.K., there is nothing for nothing! If you are not happy do not take it! At least this is a start and it is cheaper than going to a commercial driving school.

  6. Rusangu has scored a first. In 4 years of studying at least every student can learn good driving skills mewbantu. And you E.K. you are very funny. The course is not compulsory. The university just wants to help those who would like to be helped. if you are not interested. leave the course alone. Other institutions can learn from Rusangu and follow suit. RTSA please take this as an opportunity.

  7. Good business concept. But why offer it in the final year? People don’t have to wait for graduation to start driving.
    And moreover it would be a great initiative to introduce in secondary school. It would allow the kids to g into the world better equipped. Driving and road safety skills are a real need for young people starting out in life.

  8. I don’t mean to be the party-pooper here but this noble endeavor the the University has one significant weakness. Alcohol. Alcohol is totally immune to any such driving course no matter how good the course may be.

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