Wednesday, February 19, 2025

President Edgar Lungu spends time at Kasisi Children’s Home in Chongwe district


President Lungu at the Kasisi Orphanage
President Lungu at the Kasisi Orphanage

President Edgar Lungu yesterday spent time at Kasisi Children’s Home in Chongwe district about 30 kilometres from Lusaka familiarizing himself with the operation of the orphanage.

And President Lungu has commended the little servants of Maria Immaculate of Kasisi Orphanage for taking care of orphaned children whom they keep and educate from inception to tertiary level.

Justice Minister Ngosa Simbyakula and Home Affairs Minister Davies Mwila accompanied the Republican President as he spent time touring and interacting with children at the orphanage.

Mr. Lungu explained that his visit to the orphanage was an eye open for him to understand the challenges the orphanage was facing so that his government could decide what to help institution.

The Head of State and his entourage visited classrooms, health facilities, hostels, kitchen and dining hall and the garden among other things.

The President was impressed that the orphanage is keeping children in a loving and inspiring environment where they grow up health and well-educated better than most children in the country who have both parents.

He encouraged children to work hard in school so that they can pursue their various careers of choice after completing secondary education.

And Kasisi Children’s Home Sister-in-Charge Mariola Mierzegewska praised President Lungu for taking time off his busy schedule to visit the orphanage and learn of the challenges they face.

Sister Mierzegewska said the orphanage is currently keeping 230 children who are at different levels of education.

The Sister in Charge said the President’s visit is inspiring noting that it is not easy for a head of state to visit orphanages because of the demand of his office.

During the tour, the sister in charge told the president when he visited the drugs store room that the orphanage has enough stocks of medical drugs in their store room.

Kasisi Children’s Home was established in 1928 by Sisters of the Polish congregation ‘the little servants of Maria Immaculate’.

President Lungu at the Kasisi Orphanage
President Lungu at the Kasisi Orphanage


    • The children look well cared for but an orphanage is the worst place a child can grow up. Institutionalized children have alot of issues. Children are better placed with extended relatives and Government should pay foster fees to those relatives.


    • But walitumpa chhhhikala, Lesa ni malyotola. You can’t insult Jesus like that, by comparing him to Edgar the crook.

  2. If the lazy lazy boy Lungu wants a real eye opener why not simply just drive up Independence av. from State House turn left at second turn and you are at UTH…instead of flying 30 clicks to Chongwe. If you want to know our PR machinery works this is lesson one; chance every photo opportunity to get a an infant in a picture with you.
    Kasisi is well funded by International Sponsors…visit General Hospitals and you will see what state they are in; its no wonder you fly for treatment abroad spending money in RSA.

  3. This man has a lot of time on his hands.
    No wonder Sr Mariola noted how he could find time to visit them. To cap it all she tells him they are well stocked with drugs (unlike MSL which will run out of drugs soon).
    In short the sister was saying “thanks but go back to your office & sort out the myriad of problems the country is facing”.

    • The utterly lazy bum has no shame at all he is afraid of visiting a GRZ owned Hospital’s Childrens’ ward as the dull man wouldn’t have answers for Parents and nurses when he is confronted about lack of facilities and drugs when they are increasing their salaries and buying cars.

  4. “The President was impressed that the orphanage is keeping children in a loving and inspiring environment where they grow up health and well-educated better than most children in the country who have both parents.”
    A Lungu really said that?!? Ni ma jemason? Has he got a clue what an orphanage is?!?
    Children are not healthy because there are simply no medicines, machinery at our medical centers(the chosen few go to RSA for common colds, remember?). Kudos to the Zambian medical personnel who work under the most trying conditions.
    Parents cannot educate their children because there are no jobs.
    Every parent strives to bring up their offspring healthy and well-educated.

  5. The best place for any child is home. Lungu should be visiting the streets of Lusaka at night and see how many kids sleep there with cardboard coverings rather than Kasisi which is well cartered for by international organisations. I am at pains to understand what drives Lungu to such moves that make him look so clueless.

  6. I lie what President Lungu did by spending time at the orphanage. They criticized HH for spending time at UTH. I think they are both doing the same thing.

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