The opposition FDD has charged that Education, Science and Technology Minister Dr Michael Kaingu has lamentably failed to run the education sector because he is incompetent.
FDD Spokesman Antonio Mwanza said in an interview that the education sector has been in disarray since Dr Kaingu was appointed as Minister.
Mr Mwanza has since appealed to President Edgar Lungu to fire Dr Kaingu if he is serious about managing the affairs at the Ministry of Education.
He said there has never been a single week in which the three public universities have run smoothly with Dr Kaingu at the helm.
“This proves that the man is a failure, he has lamentably failed to provide leadership and the sector is now in disarray. Almost every week, there is a new crisis emerging either at UNZA, CBU or Mulungushi Universities,” Mr Mwanza said.
He said Zambians should never expect any efficiency in the education sector as long as Dr Kaingu remains Minister.
“This Minister has been a total failure with handling of education matters, there has not been any single week where universities have run smoothly, everything has collapsed,” Mr Mwanza said.
He said Dr Kaingu has been ineffective, incompetent and lacks seriousness to run the education sector and must be fired immediately.
Kaingu was a lousy choice for MoE, let alone any cabinet position. His contributions in parliament even in opposition or as minister under MMD left a lot to be desired. How he manages his two homes is beyond me.
So has the President for missing *balls* of changing his malfunctioning Government
I wont dwell on Dr kaingus competences or failures but to wholesomely say that universities are failing is because of him i think that is unfair to the man. like anything else in life challenges come and its wat happens after that makes us stronger. University problems have been there for longer than kaingu . He intervened in the CBU issue and students are back in class. was that not something to praise. Mr mwanza should have outlined problems and then give solutions. for now its FDD that is incompetent as its leader has overstayed her mandate
We are tired of politics of insults and we will vote for whom we want.
FDD says everything we need to hear. They have spoken up on the economy, energy and education. UPND, a whole party only talks about eating and the economy. In an industrialized nation President Edith Nawakwi and General Miyanda would be ruling and steering the nation. In Zambia, people seem to want to elect the rowdiest and most bombastic representative to parliament.
Dr Kaingu was better at the Ministry of Community Development, mother and child health.
You mwanza who told you the education ministry is only made up of universities????? How are secondary and primary schools doing. How are teachers doing???
They have equally failed. New curriculum without books.
ITC exams for all classes this year, when schools have no computers let alone trained teachers in ITC. What does that say about kaingu? Mediocrity of the worst kind.
Mr. Mwanza and his boss madam Nawakwi are the ones that are very incompetent for reducing FDD from such a strong force under Christon Tembo to below average party. FDD was born in the same year as PF but look at the difference now because of Nawakwi’s incompetence. FDD was suppose to take over after MMD if it was competently run
abanenu nanomba tabalaleta candidate kuno ku Solwezi west, the so called bedroom yabo. mmd have dropped from the race and upnd upto lelo kulibe candidate. lam at mutanda right now. wapya munzi
Who supervises these guys. These people are only answerable to the President. The more reason they shouldn’t be MPs. Parley should provide oversight. These men & women can sleep all they want as long as they are on drinking terms with the President they will literary escape with murder.
Enlighten me, where did Mr Kaingu gain his doctorate degree from? I have tried hard to google him and his credentials to no avail. It is ridiculous for our country to abuse terms without proper verification of qualifications. It is from that point of view I do not think that he is an appropriate fellow to even be a minister of education. The ministry needs people with proper credentials and records of achievement in that field, so that there is respect for their opinions and they can decisions on proper evidence bases. Our educational qualifications have become devalued because of the calibre of the fellows being given responsibility to guide the institutions.