Sunday, March 23, 2025

PF cadres interrupt operations at Mkushi Community Radio Station


Mkushi DC Luka Mwamba
Mkushi DC Luka Mwamba

Cadres belonging to the ruling PF(Patriotic Front) party briefly interrupted operations at Mkushi Community Radio Station on Tuesday afternoon in protest against alleged political inclination of a Board Member of that Station.

Mkushi Radio Board Chairperson Gershom Musonda told ZANIS that the incidence is worrisome, saying that the action of the cadres amounted to intimidation.

Mr.Musonda disclosed that the motive of the Cadres was in protest against a named Mkushi Radio Board Member who is said to be linked to opposition UPND(United Party for National Development).

Mkushi District Commissioner(DC) Luka Mwamba said that he intervened into the matter in order to ensure that the issue is handled amicably.

Mr. Mwamba explained that the cadres had cited a Board Member who found to be a District Official in the UPND, saying that the Mkushi Radio’s Constitution insisted on non-partisan Board Membership.

He assured that peace and harmony is now prevailing at this Station as this Board Member had resigned from this position with immediate effect.

He however implored cadres to refrain from interfering with operations at this Station, and urged the Radio Station Management to scale up in improving the welfare of Staff members of that institution.

Mr. Mwamba said that there is need for management to scale up in addressing transport challenges as Reporters are unable to go to far parts of Mkushi to gather news.


  1. PF u should also sort all pf cadres working at times of lungu, daily lungu and lungu znbc institutions that are supposed to be public medias. For heaven’s sake mkushi community radio does not belong to back wards pf government. PF should stop it foolish way of poking their putrid noises in issues that doesn’t belong to them.
    Instead of channeling their efforts towards fighting the abject poverty that zambians are wallowing in their are fighting battles that are non befitting any one.

  2. We don’t hate upnd, but the watchdogs dilutes it. please real leaders they don’t insult, just campaign nicely and the chosen one images the winner.

  3. One day the tables will turn, there is a saying that the sun also shines on dog P.0.0 what you sow you shall reap.

  4. Just wait, you will hear that criminals or opposition members are to blame for wearing regalia. I think I am starting to understand these guys thought process.

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