Thursday, January 30, 2025

President Lungu places Rural Roads Unit under Zambia National Service


President Edgar Lungu has moved the department of the Rural Roads Unit (RRU) from the Ministry of Works and Supply to the Ministry of Defence, under the Zambia National Service (ZNS).

The President announced this when he launched the 4-hundred Million Kwacha heavy duty earth moving equipment for the Zambia National Service (ZNS) at Chamba valley in Lusaka on Tuesday.

President Lungu said the equipment will supplement the link Zambia 8-thousand and the Pave Zambia 2-thousand road projects.

The President who was clad in the ZNS uniform pointed out that there is no doubt that many areas have been opened up and many places that were Not accessible are now being reached.

President Lungu added that the equipment will boost the capacity of the ZNS Land Development Branch in carrying out its tasks.

The Head of State explained that government has bought a fleet of assorted earthmoving equipment which will see an improvement in efficiency and quality of the works.

President Lungu is confident that ZNS will operate effectively and efficiently

The equipment that includes excavators, concrete mixers, folk lifts and vacuum tankers will be distributed to all the Provincial centres to cater for the construction needs of the country.

And Defence Minister Richwell Siamunene reiterated that his Ministry will not tolerate abuse of the equipment that has been bought at a great cost.

Earlier, ZNS Commandant Lieutenant General Nathan Mulenga thanked government for making ZNS a vehicle in which to spearhead the rural development.

General Mulenga pointed out that ZNS operations had negatively been affected by the use of obsolete equipment.

He disclosed that the equipment was bought at a cost of 62. 3 Million US dollars.

And General Mulenga cautioned ZNS staff to ably apply themselves to duty or risk being fired from the service.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming said his country is pleased to partner with Zambia in infrastructure development.

Mr Yang said China and Zambia will continue to find areas of corporation in various areas.


  1. Good show LUNGU for the first time. Your openness will see Zambia to higher haights. However quotion is that, it should be realise that the government of Zambia should never at any time be biased and more so ZNS. I mean the voting parten of provinces should not be use as a weapon to suppress other provinces. The government has a duty to provide the best services regardless of the region. I say this because such tendencies have been observed by some undemocrtic leaders who led this country. For example, Under late SATA, North-western province has mountains of copper-owe and under KK Copperbelt province had mountains of Copper owe, but look at what developemt took place in Solwezi and Ndola rural- completely nothing. Universities are buildt in areas that own no mineral resources. What a…

    • Exceptionally strategic development move made. In peace times this is the most effective way of turning our servicemen and women into levers of national development. This will spike measurable development. It reminds us of President Dwight Eisenhower a US General that spiked development with his massive investment in highway and rural roads across America.

    • Ba lungu! The national economy is crushing please encourage barter system,,,,,, maybe the kwacha wil gain value,,,,,.and this is when you waking up, those rural roads are in General Miyanda’s village concept,,you can kopela since you have no vision of your own

    • Impressive move … this has the capacity to improve the entire road network to open up all the rural areas into productive sectors. The next move should be what KK did with ZNS and that is to turn the entire enterprise in a agricultural machine.

      Open up more government land for rural farming while incorporating co-operative systems by including local villagers in economic activities. While ZNS can focus on non-traditional products for export like flowers, grapes, apples, apricots, peaches, guavas, etc for the European export markets, the local can focus on maize, chicken, beef production, etc.

      With the road network in place, time-to-market would be greatly reduced. Last time I was in Switzerland, I was shocked to buy an apple for $2.00 and the entire northern part of Zambia as well…

    • Continued …

      With the road network in place, time-to-market would be greatly reduced. Last time I was in Switzerland, I was shocked to buy an apple for $2.00 and the entire northern part of Zambia as well as Kafue into Mazabuka are conducive for horticulture. Imagine how much forex we would earn.

      After new industries in canning would follow as some of these products have to be canned for export, then you have solar farms in all these areas connecting into the national grid. Large wind mill farms too across the entire nation and the rest would be history.

    • Impressive move … this has the capacity to improve the entire road network to open up all the rural areas into productive sectors. The next move should be what KK did with ZNS and that is to turn the entire enterprise in a agricultural machine.

      Open up more government land for rural farming while incorporating co-operative systems by including local villagers in economic activities. While ZNS can focus on non-traditional products for export like flowers, grapes, apples, apricots, peaches, guavas, etc for the European export markets, the local can focus on maize, chicken, beef production, etc.

    • Common bloggers what short memories you have! This was done before, I remember some equipment hitting under the great east fly-over bridge on its way to the Copperbelt las time around. The equipment was used for a short period (no care and maintenance) and eventually broken down now lying on stones. No assessment of the viability of this method. History just keeps repeating itself. Lets have some new ideas please!

    • Where does meat, maize, kapenta, beans etc. consumed on the Copperbelt come from? If I may say so, Solwezi is the fastest growing town (city) in Zambia so it take it easy bro. Lusaka rural is also underdeveloped anyway.

    • @Ndobo, sometimes it is good to give due and clap for Edgar when he does something OK.
      ZNS is to do roads is good idea, if they will accept. So many workers are refusing any PF suggestions.

  2. Good political move. . . . grade all the feeder roads so that the voters who matter – ie rural folks will vote for you…

    • Road building is not just a question of graders. People doing so need to trained and qualified in road construction otherwise it will be a waste of resources. Have we trained personnel to maintain the equipment? Do we have the spares and capacity to order spares in time. This Lungu is going back to Kaunda days which have been discarded.

  3. Very good! Now we can have roads built to every Ministers and deputy Ministers farm at huge cost and it can all be hidden away in the Defence budget!

    Another $63 million out of the Eurobond gone!

    What about the load shedding Mr president? Could this money not have been used to fix this problem that is affecting the productivity of the whole Nation?

  4. What good move? ZNS is not found in every rural district. All he needed to do was to allow the Roads Department get the funding and the mazembes. they have road experts. What will happen to all those tuma Roads Camps dotted throughout the country by the visionary KK?

    • @Jay jay
      Take a trip to China and am sure you will defect to PF instantly. Can it be true if I said that the Bemba proverb that says “Umwana Ashenda Atasha Nyina Ukunaya Ubwali?” Cause this description really suits you. China is the second largest world economy today just incase you have been brain washed and they are the ones constructing the most difficult road in Africa here in Zambia and its name is Mongu Kalabo Road which the so called advanced nations have failed to construct! So before you embarrass yourself tell us that shirt or Trouser you wearing where it came from, am very certain its China, what have you produced yourself to even condemn China?

    • Obviously Lungu and his PF have not learned a lesson from the Chinese turbines installed in Kariba that have finished the water and caused all the load shedding!

      How many of these machines will still be working in six months time?

      Or will it again be time to get another kaloba to replace “obsolete” machines?????

    • @Ichikwakwa – In China we all know you can get what you want if you want designer Grade A products they will deliver yet if you want substandard knockoffs they will also deliver hence the reason why corrupt govts prefer them its very easy to falsify these orders as China is closed. You go to TAZARA and ask Engineers which locomotives the prefer…they will tell you anything but the Chinese ones.

  5. Now lets hear what the Under 5 will have to say here, its a technical knockout and more is yet to be done before 2016, batini? Open up all those feeder roads and let our farmers start smiling as we embark on the vigorous campaign to diversify our economy. The difference between ECL and PF and others is that PF is president Lungu in particular is action oriented man! I believe the someone somewhere has real Diarrhoea now.
    Next are solar power hammer mills that will ensure mealie meal is affordable countrywide just as is happening on cement. Cheap oil on its way from Angola, this is VERY GOOD FOR ZAMBIA. Thank you President Lungu and the PF apa apashili ukuleka!!!

    Viva Edgar Chagwa Lungu viva Pamaka, pabwatoooo PF all the way………………..


    • Mamazam young lady, please not everything is political. If the opposition want to win, let them invest in the nation and convince people with real deeply entrenched development investments. In short let GBM make a company in livingstone for the local populace; it really is easy.

    • @ichikwakwa

      You are one of those people that easily get excited just at the whiff of flatulence. Certain units or departments have been transferred from one ministry to the next in the past with no tangible results. These are mere pronouncements and populist in nature just to excite those with no thinking capacities

  6. This is a very welcome arising situation. Those that live in the U.S., UK and China, even Russia know the true developmental value of Highways and freeways. They can also be used as runways for planes if airstrips are bombed. Just do not comment for the sake of HH, or PF if you do not know a wise move when one is made.

    Chinese proverb : ” Build roads and development follows.”

    On this one Viva president Lungu, Viva president Inonge and Viva president Nawakwi.

  7. Now, the Northern Circuit which is the potential bread basket for the entire Southern Africa must really be opened up so that fwebene twise and invest in our local economy. I see North Western, Northern, Luapula, Muchinga, Central, Copperbelt, Lusaka, Western and Eastern Provinces really claiming their true contribution to our emerging economy. Is this the beginning of the reality of the 500,000 plus job creation? This is indeed good news for our innovative youths, pack your bags seize the opportunity and get on board, Mr. Lungu and PF is really a force to reckon with.
    Tatulunmbila umwenso chachine Mr. Lungu is the man!

  8. President Lungu I have always stated is a wise leader. He is only held back by Roan MP, Nchanga MP, Miles Sampa, those duanzy UPND MPs that do not bring up pertinent issues, the MMD MPs that abandoned Nervous and none performing DCs ( which is all of them ).

    Viva president Nawakwi.


  10. The most wise move president Lung .
    This will do more good to the nation at large and will give you a vote . Jobs are already at hand with people in rural areas , more development indeed and let all the Eurobond remain with in Zambia.
    What can be better than this decision , no not even one well done his excellency .

  11. The source of funding not established. The only fear is the abuse of the equipment at the height of the commanders. Military vs civil works ! Kaya! Army has more authority and workforce.

    Zambia lacks monitoring efficiency and corrective measures.
    I suggest you bring the Chinese to work under ZNS. Massive change will be seen otherwise a lot of money will be mi-schanneled to fuels and allowances.

    Well done Mr. President all the same!!

  12. I don’t know the reason for this excitement, we have been here before. ZNS has had equipment before, where are the results? Give it 3-6 months the equipment will be packed, the few still working will be working on the properties and farms of government officials and their political masters.

    • Why so pessimsistic? It has become boring to keep on blaming government officials and politicians – they work day and night for the nation. And you? Who do you work for?

  13. ZNS has always had the land clearing unit and all provincial centers have had this. Edgar went to ZNS in the 1970s and he is a student of this concept. The problem is that this equipment needs special attention and the attitude of our men in uniform is very negative at times.
    What has happened to Kambwilis so much talked about youth camps? The problem is that we are always inventing a wheel. With the current ZNS setup, this will be graveyard for the equipment.

  14. Are the Zambians who are applauding Lungu really craps & understand the gravity of what is happening to the Zambian Economy? ECL should have been meeting executives from Mopani, BOZ management, Finance Minsters & their Technocrats etc to save this collapsed economy. Read **** see how Zuma has reacted to the Mining Crisis in SA. This country is certainly not going anyway, especially with the kind of citizenry we have. ECL is supposed to be spending most of his time in the intensive care unit & the dying patient is mother Zambia.

  15. I love this move! I love ZNS, God bless you guys. You can do do anything. You can feed Zambia, you can make shoes (ZNS Kitwe) and much more! Go make ’em roads!

  16. Waite a minute. What are you excited about? This Lungu still does not fathom what is happening to the economy. You are jumping as if he has unlocked the most difficult problem. He is missing the crust of the matter by dealing with long term issues while facing a crisis. The longer he tries to circumvent the problem the sooner he would be plunging the country into an abyss. It is really simple. All he needs to do is CUT GOVERNMENT SPENDING. Nothing more. Not this rubbish about ZNS -Cabbages, and all of you Lungu’s supporters have gone berserk with this stupid move.

  17. Really? What will this move mean in practice? Zambia’s history is replete with such populist maneuvers that have still not seen any ‘trickle down’ economic benefits for most rural folk in 50 years. I wouldn’t get excited – not especially with the current regime. Some of you are suddenly behaving as if the invention of sliced bread has just been announced!

  18. North Korea uses its military for these kinds of projects. If we want a role model, there we have it. Not the US, not even China.

  19. Twatotela sana ba boss. Mwabombeni…
    Efilya nanda nati Sata had a great vision for the nation Zambia. No wonder he had to include KK in his initial plans for national development. He also had a critical analytical vision as to who to trust and be his successor. He tried very much…to the extent that he called most of his ministers “Useless”. However, he had seen the potential in one unique ministry. The defence Ministry. was the only ministry that he hoped would deliver development specially the rural road infrastructure…& he put somebody he saw had great potential as Minister. He removed GBM from the ministry as he had proved useless. AND no wonder the Defence ministry has had no minister …it had to wait for a trusted somebody. Now that the defence Minister is appointed, the…

  20. process of realising the great dream of late President Sata starts.
    Thank you Jesus for this wisdom transfer from Sata to ECL….Thank you for all the blessings being poured into Zambia….Amen

  21. This is good, Sata’s idea is coming to pass. Sat told these service men to make themselves and started the process of empowering them with equipment.

  22. This move is really good! Men and Women in uniform really work hard unlike those lazy bums at most RRU offices, just moving about aimlessly,making tea and playing ”draft” under a Mango tree! On this one, well done bakateka!

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