Friday, July 5, 2024

Chama’s Response To MMD Is Typical Of PF Failure – Mbulakulima


Dr Mumba chats with marketeers at Chilenje Market flanked  by supporters and MMD Acting National Secretary Mwansa Mbulakulima
Dr Mumba chats with marketeers at Chilenje Market flanked by supporters and MMD Acting National Secretary Mwansa Mbulakulima

The Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General’s response to the issues our party president Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba raised at a media briefing in Lusaka is not surprising to us. Mr. Chama has accused our president of hallucinating and that he is an empty tin just making noise which is most unfortunate. We advise Mr. Chama and the PF that they desperately need to pay attention to the cries of the Zambian people and respect those giving proper advice.

Their usual response is ‘Nevers is not a politician,’ ‘Nevers should go back to the pulpit,’ MMD is dead’, ‘ They are bitter,’ and so on. Last month Dr. Nevers Mumba advised the PF to stop ubukopo (dullness) in their responces to serious national issues being raised by the opposition. The counsel coming from our president was timely and friendly. It was not meant to insult or demean the intelligence of the current government but to deal with the challenges facing the people of Zambia.

Mr. Chama’s response however, lacks intelligence and is totally misguided. The PF are good at dodging the real issue. They will not accept that things are wrong but time will come when the PF will have to face the music in 2016. The people of Zambia are seeing and can judge who is being wise and genuinely concerned about their welfare and those who are just interested in making a living for themselves and their families.

Our party President Dr. Mumba raised very important issues and offered some workable solutions. IF PF were a responsible government, they should have accepted that things are not right in the country and utilise the advice given to them. The response from Mr. Chama however, vindicates what his own PF members think of him. No wonder they feel empowered to call him all sorts of names in public. To call the free advice given to the PF as mere hallucinations demonstrates lack of seriousness in the PF when the Zambian people are going through the worst kind of hardships since the introduction of Multi-Party politics in 1991.

Just because Mr. Chama lives in an area that is not load-shedded and is comfortable, he thinks when we highlight the challenges people are going through due to the power deficit in this country then we are simply dreaming. We warn the PF once again that they are at risk of being unceremoniously booted out of power in 2016 faster than they came in on a platform of lies and deceit.

I want to remind the Zambian people that the PF government has failed to run the affairs of this country and keeping them in power means the end of Zambia. It is time to use “donchi kubeba” on the PF in 2016.

Mwansa Mbulakulima
MMD Secretary General


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