Saturday, January 4, 2025

Post Newspaper shooting fake but Kambwili behind the trigger


File picture:Lusaka dustrict police commanding officer Greenwell Nguni with firearms that were recovered from criminals at the weekend
File picture:Lusaka dustrict police commanding officer Greenwell Nguni with firearms that were recovered from criminals at the weekend

Most crime scene investigators will quickly brush off the shooting at the Post Newspaper as a stage managed act with a possible motive to gain the much needed popularity they seem to have lost.

Firstly the location of the Post Newsroom makes it impossible for a gun to be fired from outside the newspaper premises.The angle is too tight for a bullet to get over the wall fence, and dip enough to hit the ceiling. The shot must be fired from inside the premises.

Secondly, the entry hole seems much too large for a bullet entry point, so large infact, its larger than the exit point, a mere impossibly. The floor too, seems to have a hole from a “falling bullet”. Puzzling. All in all ,it seems like a very poorly edited Nigerian movie.

Well whatever the truth may be, we need to ask questions,how then did we get here to a point were we paint Lusaka like it is a part of war torn Syria.The independent media has been chocked nearly to suffocation by the very person appointed to safeguard the interest of media freedom. We have heard the Honourable Minister of information promise to close the Post newspaper and other media houses that have different views from that of which he regards as pro government.

May I remind the Honourable that a few years ago , whilst in opposition the Honourable did bitterly complain about media bias against the PF, but today he is U-turning and promising to shut down down these media houses. Surely if the government media houses were fair and unbiased, the General public would not have been keen on independent media. Whilst in opposition, the PF did promise us that Media reform would be a top priority, but today ,4 years on we still have constant threats on the media.

We are still fighting for the freedom of information bill.A free media is cardinal because it highlights areas where Government can do better, a free media inspires investor confidence , a free media builds democracy and so on. Whatever the truth is behind the Post newspaper shooting, it stems from a crack down on the Post and constant threats on the newspaper and its editor in chief.

We want media freedom as a people, and we want it now. A democratic dispensation like this country, after 24 years of multi-party democracy and the government is still fighting with the media. Government should instead focus on the real issues brought out by these media houses instead of constantly threatening the media and opposition leaders for bringing to light certain issues. We ask Hon Kambwili to stick to issue based politics as opposed to warnings and threats and the occasional “beauty of madam Nalumango”. If the independent media has published falsehoods, the court doors are always open for the aggrieved parties to sue for defamation. Media freedom is key to national development and hence they shouldn’t live in fear, regardless of how unpleasant their story may be. Even as we head to our 51st independence day celebration, the freedom of information bill must be a key priority in building a truly free and democratic state, as the PF itself promised us during the campaigns.

By Niza Phiri
(Munali aspirant)


  1. Um… who is the author of this article? As you are heading CSI Political Division Zed, would it be unfair to also send you over to Dallas to look at magic bullets…

    • These are the people Edgar calling for national players, not FDD, not UPND, not Rainbow party, not Poor People’s party.
      Reconciliation prayers for Mmembe, Chama, Kaizer, etc. criminals at Cathedral of Holy Cross.

    • Ah. Well you know Catholicism. Sit in a box with a shielded guy then do your penance. Hope they have metal detectors at the entrance.

    • Useless government, we can see what’s happening with the economy. Your corruption won’t last forever, violence PF dull supports will be jailed soon . Defence forces has not been paid yet even the untied nations pays have been taken , why tax army for peace keeping missions ? To dull government.

  2. Ati, all in all, it seems like a very poorly edited Nigerian movie. You can really make fun of other people film production. lol. The way you describe the crime scene, aside from the nigerian film production comparisons, is worrying more than confusing. I doubt we will ever find out the truth.

  3. Niza, this gun and missile/bullet was very sophisticated you need to learn about it. The Israelis are the only ones who can manufacture such a gun. It shoots a heat seeking missile into a wall-thus the big entry point- then while it is inside the wall it changes into a bullet and this comes out the other side. It will then recharge itself and look for a roof after hitting this roof it will drop on the floor with such force that the floor will also crack. Which Nigerian movie can contrive such movement? Ba Charity Katanga what can she do to find the suspect with her useless investigation qualifications. I suspect Lungu got the gun as a present when he re-established diplomatic relations with Israel

    • Ukusabaila takwawama. Mossad is not something that small boys like you Ninkoko Yamwilungu should play with, while hiding your small behind in cyber-space. They can easily locate you and sort you out. Leave them out of Fred’s sympathy seeking CIA gymanstics!

    • Iwe Mundetelele I have noticed that Zambians usually have no wit. They want everything to be explained to them and handed on a silver platter. Ninkoko ya Mwilungu is using humour to deliver a message. In other words he or she is satirising. Cant you see that what he is saying are impossible things but they have been reported as having happened?

    • Mundetele kuti waloloko na Mossad yobe. Some of you creeps specialise in intimidating others with the spectres you have imagined in those whom you idolise. Go tell Mossad to find me if you want to be their agent I can even give you the street a dress Iam posting from to help you since I see you really are desperate for a job as a snoop for Mossad

  4. Niza raises an important point. What is turning Zambia into war-torn Syria? It is Kambwili’s language, Edgar’s language. If you tell some one you will fall on them like a ton of bricks, & those people get hurt, you will be the first suspect.
    If Katanga tells UPND she will wipe them out of Lusaka, some one will think she has her commander’s blessings. That’s why when one calls for prayers for reconciliation, you think is it a ploy to go and wipe people out.

  5. Poor written article. The author is just insinuating rather than providing the facts. we all know that this shooting was stage managed and nothing else.

  6. Chiwama ngati chili pali munzako. Is this Niza Phiri therefore, accusing the police of lying that they recovered the bullets from the scene?

  7. Welcome to Zambia where when you are having different opinions on something, you are great enemies. A country where people profess to be humble and Christians but in the secret world they are a complete and total piece of demons. A country where they call for prayer and fasting but decline to forgive and unite with their so-called rivals. What a world!

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