Monday, February 3, 2025

Chief Monze of Tonga Speaking people advises other chiefs to work with government of the Day


Senior Chief Monze ( middle in black hat) speaking during the official hand over of five computers worth K22,500 by the Zambia National Building Society(ZNBS) at Namuseba Primary School in Monze
Senior Chief Monze ( middle in black hat) speaking during the official hand over of five computers worth K22,500 by the Zambia National Building Society(ZNBS) at Namuseba Primary School in Monze

Senior Chief Monze of the Tonga speaking has urged his fellow traditional leaders in the country to recognise the government of the day and work closely with it to foster development across the country.

And Southern Province Permanent Secretary, Sibanze Simuchoba, says there was urgent need to promote unity, reconciliation and peace to sustain the spirit of the freedom fighters who liberated the country from the manacles of colonialism.

Speaking during the Independence Day celebrations held in Monze yesterday under the theme,” Laying the Foundation for a Smart Zambia, Finding Forgiveness, Repentance, Compassion and Love in God,” Chief Monze said it was important for every Zambian to always remember that there was only one government at a time which needed to be recognized and respected.

The traditional leader, who was thankful for the invitation to the occasion, urged traditional rulers in the country to work closely with the PF government to promote peace and reconciliation which he said are vital ingredients for economic development.

“As traditional leaders I think we should begin to digest the fact that there can only be one government at a time and for now it is cardinal that we work closely with the government to promote peace and reconciliation which are indispensable for economic development in the country,” said Chief Monze.

And Mr Simuchoba said in order for the country to attain the development, there was need to promote unity at all levels.

He said President Edgar Lungu’s desire was to see sustained peaceful, unity, and stability prevailing in the country as fertile grounds for any developmental agenda.

The PS, who officiated at the function, noted that tribal and land wrangles in some parts of the country were a major threat that can subvert the spirit of the country’s founding fathers and mothers.

“In order to transform Zambia into a developed country, we need to ensure that all of us promote unity at all levels. Tribal and land wrangles in some parts of the country are major threats to our unity.

We must, therefore, approach all misunderstandings be it political, religious and so forth in the spirit of building common grounds and promoting reconciliation,” said Mr Simuchoba.

“And if we fail to uphold Unity, peace and stability, we will betray the spirits of our founding fathers and mothers of our nation in their quest to promote freedom, justice and progress for our country,” he added.

Mr Simuchoba also pointed out that the PF government was committed to drive the country towards attaining upper middle income by 2030 through implementation of the transformation agenda adding that this would only be achieved with a collaborative spirit of hard work among all Zambians.

But Mr Simuchoba observed that the implementation of the transformation agenda requires that every Zambian changes the way they think, act and interact while ensuring that national interest is always at the heart of all activities.

“In his address to the National Assembly, President Lungu challenged the nation to embrace a transformational culture, which entails a complete change in our mind-set, meaning that each and every one of us is challenged to embrace this new culture and use it to get actively involved in nation building,” said Mr Simuchoba.

He further acknowledge efforts made by various traditional leaders in the country who he noted endeavoured to come up with strategic plans for their chiefdoms, adding that government was always encouraged by such moves aimed at accelerating broad based development starting at village level.

Mr Simuchoba advised other chiefs to emulate other traditional leaders who have developed strategic plans as anchor stones for development in rural areas.

The PS also commended people of Southern Province for responding positively to President Lungu’s proclamations of 18th October as a day of repentance, reconciliation, fasting, and prayer.


  1. if lungu will get 60% in earsten,nothern,lp,muchinga,then HH gets 90 in central,south,western,n western .then they share lsk and cb.who will win?

    • Stupid *****. ECL will get 100% in CB, Northern, Muchinga, Luapula, Eastern, 80% Lusaka, 70% central and 40% the rest. So do your maths.

    • South 90/10
      Western 50/50
      Lusaka 40/50
      Central 60/40
      Eastern 20/80
      Luapula 20/80
      Muchinga 20/80
      NW 70/30
      CB 50/50
      Northern 20/80 KOLOPA WAUNFWA

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