Wednesday, March 12, 2025

General Kanene remanded in prison


General Kanene in Orange
General Kanene in Orange

Controversial artist Clifford Dimba also known as General Kanene has been remanded at Kamwala Remand Prison after being put on his defence in the assault case against a 38 year-old woman of Lusaka.

Kanene is charged with assaulting Modrine Chisenga after a dispute at a tavern in Chawama last week.

Principal Resident Kenneth Mulife found General Kanene with a case to answer with the prosecution having objected to the defendant’s application for bail.

General Kanene will have to wait until November 10 for bail hearing and will be remanded in custody.

General Kanene was four months ago pardoned by President Edgar Lungu after being convicted of defilement.

He was also appointed by President Lungu as Ambassador against Gender Based Violence.


    • This Kanene thing needs to hang. Then you’re assured that he will never hurt anyone again. I wouldn’t want my tax money to be spent on feeding, housing him, providing him security or meeting his medical bill while he’s in prison. I wonder why he always picks on women. Why not try fellow men for a fight?

    • Kanene should be locked up in jail and the key to his cell thrown into a sewage pond. Let Lungu take a swim and a dive if he wants to release him again.

    • Kanene has just exposed our President for nothing. Who is advising our President? He/she must be fired. This says volumes and volumes on the issue of fighting gender based violence.

  1. Ba LT, the alleged General Kanene in the picture with the president really looks like Mathews Mohan. He must have changed his outward looks drastically since leaving jail aini!

  2. This bufffooon must be caged, I urge NgO’s to fund the lady who was assaulted and soldier on with justice. He was found at a tavern? What a celebrity?

  3. So when is the Nolle Prosequi??
    Kaminamisanomics @ work here
    What Next??

  4. What a joke and shame on president Edgar Lungu for a lack of better judgement. You’d think a person who practiced law would know what they are doing. It’s like having a parent co-sign a child’s loan for a car or a house. If the child defaults the bank goes after the parents. Same case, the two women need to be compensated by the president. He should have known Kanene did not have sufficient time to reform and a danger to the public. This is what happens when you release a rabid dog.

  5. leave edgar alone ichipuba ni kanene edgar did wat he can then it was upto kanene to lead peaceful life nw its like he dont want hence jail him

  6. This boy must serve his full term in prison. No more pardons for such a beast! Maybe he is thinking of singing another song for pardon. NO! Jail him!

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