Monday, January 27, 2025

Investors still finding value in Zambian mines



  1. Hahahaha i wish them luck. So many companies have bought those mines and lost so much money without any gold produced… its just a way of raising money from the stock exchange and enjoying life.

  2. Even if you want your party to come into power, should you always wish everything good coming up to fail. What kind of a heart is this. If your party’s purported concern over the looming job loses at Mopani mine were genuine, you should have been excited about this news because those who may lose jobs at mopani may find themselves with Alecto Minerals , whether 5 or 10 people it will still be something. Only the devil and his agents rejoices when people are suffering. God loves Zambia and no person no matter how much they have will rule this nation if they don’t genuinely love us. I pray that this project succeeds and is protected from evil echantments like the engineers.

  3. @Dominion why do you want to politicise everything. This is an economic argument and there is no need for emotions. Stop this idiocy of thinking god will do everything for us even when leaders are busy stealing. Haven’t some zambians learnt from the chiluba era which blindfolded people with born again Christianity while they stole? What a docile nation.

    • @Paul. What do you mean its not political? You really think you and @Engineer are more intelligent than the investor? You and your friend are the *****s, is it your mothers money the investor will be using?

  4. Zed cursed unto eternal poverty: don’t we have any Zambians with the right expertise and financial prowess to invest in our mines?

    I guess we only know how to run rental housing units and kantembas.

  5. Good stuff, wish them all the best and I’m sure the new prospects (Chosa and Shadreck) will definitely give them good grades and increase the resource that already exists.

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