UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has bemoaned the severe restrictions placed on the UPND by the Public Order Act.
Mr.Hichilema said he would have been in another province this week to meet supporters and colleagues but has been prevented from doing so.All notifications for UPND meetings have been canceled by the Police.
Mr.Hichilema was however grateful to those praying for God’s guidance and those of his supporters that are sacrificing their time and energy to mobilise people and spread UPND’s great messages.
He assured his supporters that the UPND legal department with the Office of the Secretary General is addressing this issue critically.
President HH, no matter what they do to you these are cursed people whose god has turned against them. God of heaven has forsaken PF and whatever effort they do God has decided that you are President in 2016 general elections. They are scared of you but God has spoken against them. They are behaving like King Solomon of the Bible who thought God was still with him when he was fighting alone. Stay safe mr President.
On any given day, with a level playing ground HH beats Lungu by far in everything…Zambians should never stop to interrogate why Lungu was debarred by the Law Association of Zambia. Would any of you go to get treatment from a doctor who was at one time suspended for professional misconduct? Why have we Zambians lowered our standards?
Comment:no matter what the pf police do hh & zambians resolved to remove pf from power. Pf have messed up the kwacha due to reckless management of the country. Time up for pf to account for there theft. Pf must be taken to court not for vengence but to get back what they have stolen in 4yrs in power
Don’t be too confident. The masses still prefer the PF to the UPND.
Engaging in assaults, destruction of property by pastoralists is not how to ‘meet supporters and colleagues’, surely?
These restrictions are the last kicks of a PF regime.
Zambia will be free, one day
UPND supporters are naive about politics to them when ichilema becomes a president all the suffering will end & he is their savior. am warning you to stop saying Zambians have decided , which Zambians are you referring to? maybe people from the south who have a mentality of only our own. lastly Zambia is not a laboratory of experimenting presidents each every five years. who can develop a country in five years?
OK – We know things won’t change immediately when HH becomes president. But the guy is a thinker and has got brains compared to your dull president Lungu. No direction, no vision, no plan. Useless.
Retrogressive comments from cadres upholding Stone Age mentality of governance, claiming to be popular yet trying to do everything possible to block other for fear of defeat. God is watching and time shall soon draw nigh and such cadres will wake up to a rude shock of defeat despite the stumbling blocks they are putting on the way for others.
They seem not to ever learn from past lessons. The boars in SA at one time with every means of government machinery never dreamt that one day they would be out of power. Time will tell, and God has a special way of defending the defenseless and uplifting the down trodden.
President HH Zambians are behind you.Its not a sin to be born Tonga you are human being like myself even my father is Ngoni and my mother is Mambwe.I believe we need a fresh start.Most of these politicians have been in MMD and they failed and others are in Pf and they have failed its only and Chipimo who are clean from political aldultery.We shall keep praying for you and soon will expose those who raping the electoral system.We need a pragmatic economic manager.we eat money not roads.
we shall keep praying for you.2016 is yours.Only and chipimo are clean from political adultery .we need a fresh start.
prepare your voters cards just stop complaining me nakatala kwambaula maningi junza tu yo bonana
If god has chosen HH to be president he will be
Bad leaders force themselves on people. Pf is alive to the fact that it is no longer a party of choice and is trying to frustrate zambias most loved,humble opposition leader. HH is the only hope for zambia.
People here, I mean PF cadres even supporting clearly wrong measures such as this. When the real PF president (Sata) was campaigning during the time of MMD he had all the freedom to move, night and day wherever he wanted. But once these characters (PF) took over power they became worse than MMD, SHAME!!!! The country was definitely better off under MMD.
three weeks ago he went to the same place they chased him,he is just trying to provoke the situation,is he telling us that he has no any other place he can go to,if he has been blocked let him refrain from going there and maintain the peace he is popular pipo are aware that he is popular,the next thing we will hear is that pf and upnd cadres clashed on the copperbelt.hh your campaign strategist will make you look you have no plan,if blood is going to be shed in that area who are you going to hold responsible please just away ,mwikala patalala mwine apatalalika,amenso ya bantu yalaponwesha,right now the mood of the pipo is not condusive please humble yourself,GBM will make you an unpopular
@ juba jansomo
Now that is an intelligent comment!!!
Well said.
Did your thoughts come from your dead brain or wide backside hole?
HH and GBM wants to go back to the Copperbelt to dance and mock the Miners
After Liquadating the Mines.
What a jock ! Meeting and mediating with supporters.
Eventually you will payback all the wealthy you acquired through dubously valuating our mines.
HH is the next commander not only of the police and other armed forces but the ECONOMY as well!!!
Zambians have already decided that you are the next president, just waiting to vote out panga fighters(pf). Under pf rule, zambia is worse off.
“…..Mr.Hichilema was however grateful to those praying for God’s guidance….”. What!? You have remembered God today?
Stop troubling the man you useless incompetent government that doesn’t understand democracy. democracy is freedom of speech freedom of movement and no state interference in individual’s life
ECL knows that he is a loser and the only thing he thinks could help him is to frustrate the opposition and especially the UPND. But little does he know that we as a Zambian people do not want him and come 2016, he is out and back to Chawama.
U are violent…! Block him…! They are busy beating up innocent people all in the name of democracy…! My vote not for violent hh…come 2016..kolopa.com nafutinafuti…!
Retrogressive comments from cadres upholding Stone Age mentality of governance, claiming to be popular yet trying to do everything possible to block other for fear of defeat. God is watching and time shall soon draw nigh and such cadres will wake up to a rude shock of defeat despite the stumbling blocks they are putting on the way for others.
They seem not to ever learn from past lessons. The boars in SA at one time with every means of government machinery never dreamt that one day they would be out of power. Time will tell, and God has a special way of defending the defenseless and uplifting the down trodden.
Sad indeed to read some of the Retrogressive comments in support of Policy brutality and ruling Party’s abuse of power, from cadres upholding Stone Age mentality of governance, claiming to be popular yet trying to do everything possible to block other for fear of defeat. God is watching and time shall soon draw nigh and such cadres will wake up to a rude shock of defeat despite the stumbling blocks they are putting on the way for others.
They seem not to ever learn from past lessons. The boars in SA at one time with every means of government machinery never dreamt that one day they would be out of power. Time will tell, and God has a special way of defending the defenseless and uplifting the down trodden.
When God saw the stupidity of the children of israel he gave them king Nebuchadinnezza who brused them.Am afraid this is likely to happen to mother zambia bcoz pipo do not hav eyes to see that therez no future in this gvt.why is everything happening at once?strikes in civil service,protests in education institutions,retrenchments in mines,violence between political parties,prices of commodities hav gone high,the kwacha is depreciating,loadshading everyday,politics of insults.honestly speaking if your prayers u held on 18th october were genuin as u claim why is this happening?where u talking to a deaf god?Dear brethren,zambia has been cursed bcos this gvt has totally used the name of the lord in vain.Zambians were told that the day of prayer which was held was for fasting nd…
This is really stupid. What is the real fear for HH to move freely in this country, can the government spokesman voice it out? Has this country been divided into no go areas? What is happening on the political scene now has not been experienced in this country before, even under Kaunda rule of one party dictatorship. What are the stakes now, what has changed? How can Nevers of MMD be allowed to go to the copperbelt but HH and his group are being barred? How do you even boast with a straight face that PF will win the next elections when others are not allowed to be heard by the electorate both physically and through government print and electronic media which are being funded by tax payers? Zambians, how come we have accepted this state of affairs?
Comment:dont worry we ve sent gbm into the kraal wait and see our results all the fake claims will be quiet come march 2016
Comment:Kaya zanu izo ife kuno ku Malawi tikudya Mbewa ndi Baba Dr Kenneth Kaunda omwe angofika kumene kuno ku mudzi kudzationa.