Cabinet this afternoon declined to approve a Ministry of Works and Supply memorandum proposing the construction of a new State House Main Administration Building for use by the Republican President and State House Staff and refurbishment and conversion of the old State House into a Museum.
This has come to light in the press statement released to the media by State house on the cabinet meeting held today, at Mulungushi International Conference Centre.
According to the statement, the Ministry of Works and Supply argued in the proposal that the current State House main administration building was built in the early 1930s and due to passage of time, the structure has continued to deteriorate posing potential health and safety risks. The Ministry further argued that the building has limited office space for State House staff.
Despite the advanced reasons, Cabinet decided not to approve the proposal in view of the limited resources and the prevailing economic situation in the country.
Below is the full statement on decisions made by cabinet in today’s meeting
LUSAKA (Monday, December 14, 2015) — At the 27th Cabinet Meeting held today, 14th December, 2015 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Cabinet discussed nine (9) substantive Agenda Items and the following were the decisions made:
(a) Phase out of Incandescent (Ordinary) Bulbs in Zambia
Under this Item Cabinet approved phasing out of incandescent (ordinary) bulbs in Zambia by banning importation of ordinary bulbs by 1st January, 2016. Incandescent bulbs are very energy inefficient converting only 5% of electrical energy into visible light while the remaining 95% is wasted as heat energy. It is important for Government to find means and ways of saving the little electricity generated by using energy saving methods, in any way possible as Government looks at further investment in the energy sector to cushion the current energy challenges the country and the region is passing through. This measure will result in the power utility Zesco saving more than 200 megawatts of power.
(b) Appointment of Members of ZESCO Board of Directors
Under this item, Cabinet has approved appointment of nine (9) Members of the ZESCO Board of Directors. It is necessary to appoint the Board of Directors for ZESCO Limited in order to ensure that ZESCO Limited is guided in the provision of sound generation, transmission and distribution of electricity supply. This is in line with good corporate governance practices.
(c) Development of Kasomeno-Mwenda 182-km Toll Road Project to connect Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo to Luapula Province of the Republic of Zambia under the Public Private Partnership
Under this item, Cabinet approved a Public Private Partnership to Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) 86Km of road from Chalwe to Mwenda between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and Groupe European de Development Congo (DRC) & Groupe European de Development Zambia (Zambia).
It is in the interest of Government to ensure that most future infrastructure projects should be undertaken through PPP mode, as this is a sure way of ensuring that the many planned infrastructure projects are implemented countrywide as has already been demonstrated by Government.
The project scope includes modernisation and expansion of 182 Km of road way; construction of two (2) one-stop border posts with parking and warehouse facilities; construction of a 345 metres cable-stayed bridge; construction of four (4) toll collection stations; and construction of an airstrip.
(d) Commitment of 15 Percent Advance Payment for Contracted and Negotiated Loans
Under this item, Cabinet approved that future project financing will be negotiated to cover 100 percent of the project cost and that the Ministry of Finance would be sourcing the 15 percent Advance Request on contracted and negotiated loans by way of bridge financing facilities. The decision has arisen because some loans contracted consist of concessional, non-concessional and bond financing. In particular, Concessional and non-concessional export credits from the Chinese Government typically finance only 85 percent of the total project cost with the remaining 15 percent to be funded by Government by means of an advance payment.
(e) Girls Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihood Project amounting to US$ 65,000,000
Under this Item, Cabinet approved contraction of a loan from the World Bank amounting to US$ 65,000,000 to support the implementation of girls’ education and women’s empowerment and livelihood project countrywide.
It is important for Government to stick to its promise of girls and women empowerment as stipulated in the National Gender Policy. The Government recognises the importance of girls and women’s empowerment in order to enable them to fully contribute to the development of this country. The loan is highly concessional and terms include 0 percent interest rate per annum and repayment period spread up to 32 years.
(f) Design and Construction of 2,350 Housing Units for the Security Wings Project Amounting to US$ 275 Million
Under this item Cabinet approved the contraction of a loan from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China amounting to US$ 275 million to support the implementation of the Design and Construction of 2,350 housing units project for the security wings to be undertaken by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The loan is intended to provide financial resources required for the full implementation of the project to ease and mitigate the housing shortage within the security wings. Improved housing conditions and general living conditions for security personnel will consequently lead to enhanced security and job opportunities for local residents during the construction period.
(g) Proposal to build new State House Main Administration Building
Under this Item, Cabinet declined to approve a Ministry of Works and Supply memorandum proposing the construction of a new State House Main Administration Building for use by the Republican President and State House Staff and refurbishment and conversion of the old State House into a Museum. The proposal stated that the current State House main administration building was built in the early 1930s and due to passage of time, the structure has continued to deteriorate posing potential health and safety risks. Further, the building has limited office space for State House staff. Despite this situation, Cabinet decided not to approve the proposal in view of the limited resources and the prevailing economic situation in the country.
(i) Calendar for Cabinet/Cabinet Committees for the Year 2016
Under this item, Cabinet took note of the Calendars for Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Meetings for the Year 2016. This is important, as Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Business should be conducted in a systematic manner.
(j) Migration of Immigration Department from Public Service Commission to Police and Prisons Service Commission
Under this item, Cabinet took note of the information that the Department of Immigration has been moved from Public Service Commission to the Police and Prisons Service Commission.
It was necessary to migrate the Department of Immigration from the Public Service Commission to the Police and Prisons Service Commission in order to enhance operational efficiency as matters relating to staff appointments, confirmations, promotions and retirements would be expedited.
Issued by
Amos Chanda
Imwe imwe BA fik…….,, who even thought about building a new state house, when the country has NO money and power. Stop drinking your heards off and promising prostitutes
@Ndobo, can you imagine??? What is this Edgar thinking? He rejected the Cathedral of Holly Cross, he wants his own PF chapel of all Parties.
Now he wants a new State House, what will happen with the current, turn it into a bar & brothel?
That old thing works just fine. New State House for what?
This is Chagwa faking to prove that he is controlling govt expenditure. Sata in 2011 made a big fuss over some diagrams he found, blaming RB of wanting to build a new State House. So these id¡ots have been working on that project all these years themselves, too. PF are a disgrace, a bunch of liars. This is the approach they took for the Kafue Gorge Lower and the new KKIA terminal and we are now worse for their lack of leadership.
Typical African mentality. To them, old equals bad. It’s the reason they kill innocent old men and women on suspicion of witchcraft!
I think a new and big state of the art State House is a brilliant idea. However, the timing is wrong. When the economy has stabilized, then go for it. It will bring honour to our leaders.
I agree aba ba fik$&@ … what the hell is wrong with this country of ours? Jesus!
The question to ask is: how much money has already been wasted on these cancelled projects? I’m thinking about all those exploratory trips abroad, feasibility study fees, sitting allowances etc. That money could have bought all the beds needed and fixed all the toilets at all the hospitals around the country. And yet we believe we are the party for the poor!
I think ministry of Works n Supply is right. The buildings of 1930 cannot continue to be used without putting lives in danger. Deferring the project is the right way forward. A new state house is inevitable otherwise President umbi aka rentin’ga kwa misisi!
Government building over 100 yrs old are still in use the world over…
Noted well Patrick! We should just admit that Zambia has no structural engineers able to maintain and restore old structures! Even the new constructions being clamored for will only result in substandard structures whose pass certificates can only be valid in Zambia!
Ket out! Ni finshi mu le landa? Mu le bepa na abantu!?!?
The white house was built between 1792 and 1800 and is still in use. The current state house can be refurbished at minimal cost. No need to build a new one. Let’s be practical people.
Comment: U make a proposal as cabinet today to build a new state house, tomoro u hav another meeting and resolve to throw away yo own initial proposal.This is a sign or symptom of mental illness.
Kudos to cabinet on this decision. Now scrap that Tabernacle thing and lets go secular. We have hunger and poverty to fight,
There are buildings in Europe that are 600 years old still being used TODAY for practical purposes.
These bootlickers just want more money to play with. When the Nation is broke!
Lungu should just be moved to a kantemba on Lumumba road which will suit his style and mentality perfectly.
What new state house? ifipuba fweka fweka, the buggers just want to steal. If this bum on top on here understood anything about construction, he would not utter those ignorant words. What these ignorant thieving buggers need to be told is that if there’s any concern about the stability of the structure an analysis should be carried out and if defects are found and there’s the likelihood of the building collapsing. Strengthing repair work then should be under taken and this is not rocket science. Ati its old. How long has Buckingham place been standing for? Mwe fi kabwalala.
How did such a crazy idea even end up in a cabinet meeting?
What new state house? ifipuba fweka fweka, the buggers just want to steal. If this bum on top on here understood anything about construction, he would not utter those ignorant words. What these ignorant thieving buggers need to be told is that if there’s any concern about the stability of the structure an analysis should be carried out and if defects are found and there’s the likelihood of the building collapsing. Strengthing repair work then should be under taken and this is not rocket science. Ati its old. How long has Buckingham place been standing for? Mwe fi kabwalala!!!
Lusaka times publish my comment
this Lungu is a joker. First he sees nothing wrong with the costs of holding cabinet meetings at mulungushi conférence centre. Every meetings its new loans, cant we provide girl education within the budget. Houses costing $275 million contract to be given chinese company. Now they want to lie abt being concerned abt spending money on buildingna new state house. The truth no one was willing to give them a loan. White house was built in 1837, has it collapsed wat dull engineers do we have at Ministry of Works.
What new state house? ifi….. fweka fweka, the buggers just want to steal. If this dullard on top on here understood anything about construction, he would not utter those ignorant words. What these ignorant thieving bugg… need to be told is that if there’s any concern about the stability of the structure an analysis should be carried out and if defects are found and there’s the likelihood of the building collapsing. Strengthing repair work then should be under taken and this is not rocket science. Ati its old. How long has Buckingham place been standing for? Mwe fi kabw….
I agree with you. If these PFoolish Zambians were the ones responsible for overseeing the leaning Tower of Piza they would have abandoned it 400 years ago, saying that it was a dangerous structure. All the billions earned since would have been lost. No wonder we are poor.
They just want to steal now that the money for building the most expensive roads is finished. Does GRZ need to borrow more money for everything they do ???
That house just needs proper professional interior decorators and Lighting engineers; removal of all those stuffed animals in the property.
Reading closely at what these empty tins were discussing one will notice that anything to do with figures in that article is a loan or debt …there is utterly nothing progressive these tins talk about this why it would have been paramount for Parliament to oversee these loans they are getting in our children’s names.
What do they smoke in PF?
This project is not new, it was there in RBs time including new Lusaka airport.
Sata even wanked over the plans and trashed them. Lungu is now trying to resuscitate them. Have they run out of projects to steal from?
You are right, Sata even wanked over the plans and trashed them. Lungu is now trying to resuscitate them. Have they run out of projects to steal from?
PF losers we have kids learning without roofs,desks and no beds in hospitals.GRZ should be building labs,classes and health wards.Damn* we even have public markets with sickening toilets.
If you gonna fund anything “fancy” let it be Zambian start-ups that can grow the economy we don’t need white elephants.This state house project is just style over substance.
How old is the white House and Buckingham Palace and Union Buildings in South Africa?
To spend $260m on housing for police and other security wings is a waste .No where in the developed does policemen get housing . It’s only under communism where the state provides but in a capitalist economy everyone goes to the bond market and by doing that the government saves money on maintenance of housing units .
So money supposed to be for hospitals and schools is going to be spent on prefab housing which can’t last a life time .
Where is Zambia Heading to ?
Comment: I don’t understand the comments here,they have rejected the project,but pipo are talking like its been approved.
Self acclaimed intelligent people can’t even understand basic English!
You are right, Sata even wanked over the plans and trashed them. Lungu is now trying to resuscitate them. Have they run out of projects to steal from?
Mooya, we are talking about it because it is unbelievable that these F00LS can even think about discussing it in Cabinet!
What are these ID!0TS thinking?
Zambia has massive problems with water supply, load shedding, job losses, skyrocketing prices, collapsing Kwacha and huge debt that will never be repaid in our lifetimes and Cabinet is thinking about building a new State House?????
What kind of mental deficiency are these Chinama cases suffering from?
Their job is to fix the Nations problems, not build more fancy houses for themselves with kaloba that we have to pay back!
English language…..
Any way it came by boat or ship
This is why i say that this sight has been hijacked by some frustrated chaps from zwd to whom,anything that involves the mention of pf or EL,they dont even care to read and understand,but go straight into condemning.Does this news really deserve all the condemnation its getting,if people could be objective?
You are wrong the site has not been hijacked what has changed is that pipo now realise that PF has failed.This site and Tumfweko was all pro PF till we saw the failures.
The opposition has been put to shame for wanting a new state house. PF is working to save costs for the zambian people.
exactly upnd have been put to shame coz they wont get a new state house in 2099. the opposition is so blinded by their negativity on lungu and on every decision made by govt. its shameful wen u dont appreciate anything done by govt and all u want criticise and not even offer solutions rushing to comment rubish. this govt is working under difficult conditions both internal and external…… fikala muletasha tamwakatekepo trust
We need a new building to reflect our:
1) Independence
2) Our progress
3) Our self esteem, and
4) Our ability to rise above adversity…As President Lungu is daily demonstrating, so is Bana Talisa
The White House was built by slaves but look who resides there. Wasting money on new building for sense of pride when we can’t even maintain the buildings built on the sweat of our ancestors… Most European cities were built on slavery and other evils. What are we going to waste money building? A monument to fifty years of failure to progress?
The historical building that today houses the President can make the perfect museum. Museum is not a luxury. As a teaching tool, it is essential for educational visits by school children. It is also essential for tourism promotion. When tourists arrive, then they also need a wide choice of historical sights and monuments to discover and talk about. One of the possible reasons for the negative response must be the origination of the project. Such a project ought to originate from Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Commerce. The mutual consultation and lobbying necessary for such a great project to succeed did not take place.
I still love the buildings built in 1700 as well as graveyards. they still srtong. what about farm houses under Bruce millers another others
@”…the structure has continued to deteriorate posing potential health and safety risks”. I am surprised by this statement. RB started the game. Sata had done refurbishments before he got into state house. These guys are just afraid of witchcraft and that is why they bring sangomas at night to cleanse the place. When the economy is right, yes build a new one and turn the whole state house and police camp including the tunnels into a museum and a park since we have no park in Lusaka
Awe mwandi na maka finished!
Its always nice to analyse things. Do people realize that the USD275 million to build the 2350 house entails that each house will cost USD 117,000 or about ZMW1,287,234 each!!
And so, when do we ban the incandescent administration?
Lusaka Times used to be great before it was hijacked by PF and UPND cadres. The most annoying and vile characters ever. I used to think the MMD supporters were bad, was I wrong. They at the least argued with facts and points, no matter how skewed the were.
I have always regarded people behind the pseudonyms of Ndobo, Nostradamus, Nubian Princess, Mailon, etc as learned and civilized people but their comments to this article and other articles that mention PF and Lungu exposes them to proper lumpen behavior and extreme hatred. Nowhere in this article do they mention Lungu approving anything. Who do these guys think they are impressing? Go back to your defunct watchdog. I do not support PF but the cabinet must be commended for rejecting this proposal for the mere reason that the country has no money for such a project.
State House is a solid building. I know of buildings that are older in the UK. The problem here is there is no proper maintenance. All they are interested in is buying expensive cars. State House just needs maintenance. How the Ministry of Works can recommend the building of a new state house is unbelievable and beyond me truly. There are people starving, hospitals have no drugs and the government has no money yet they can make such a call!